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Beeman P17 2004 Single Stroke .177 Caliber Pellet Pistol Field Test Review

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In this Field Test Shooting Video for the Beeman P17 2004 Single Stroke .177 Caliber Pellet Pistol I perform two main tests to find out what the velocity and accuracy capabilities are for it first using my Chronograph and shooting several rounds through it averaging out the fps. For the second test I shoot 7 rounds into a fresh paper target 30 feet down range to see how tight of a grouping I can get.

For my Velocity test Beeman claims the P17 2004 Single Stroke .177 Caliber Pellet Pistol is capable of around 410 fps using standard lead pellets which I found to be a very close estimate as my results using 6.9 grain lead pellets achieved a 4 shot average of 404 fps so only 6 fps off the claim. There are lighter lead pellets out there and even lighter alloy pellets so higher velocities are possible using less grain pellets but a decent grain pellet hitting 400+ fps is not bad considering only one pump is required to get max velocity from the Beeman P17 2004 Single Stroke .177 Caliber Pellet Pistol.

Moving on to the accuracy portion of the test I setup a fresh paper target 30 feet away and proceeded to put 7 rounds into it shooting from a seated and rested shooting position (sand bag up front, seated in the back). I was a bit surprised to only get a 1.5 inch grouping but it seemed like there where three separate sub groups that each overlapped within themselves? I think perhaps when I pumped the gun I may have been disrupting the rear sight a bit as it does have some play in it for adjustments so you want to be careful not to place your hands on the rear sight when cooking the Beeman P17 2004 Single Stroke .177 Caliber Pellet Pistol. Out of the box the shot placement was fairly well centered with two of the rounds right dead center of the bulls-eye.

I kind of want to do a retest at some point maybe with a different pellet and also making sure not place my hands over the rear sight when cocking the Beeman P17 2004 Single Stroke .177 Caliber Pellet Pistol as I feel this Target Pellet Pistol is capable of .5 inch groupings. The trigger is really nice and the rifled barrel is a decent length with easy to use sights so this Air Pistol should do a bit better than I was able to get shooting it on this day. Either way it is a really fun gun to shoot and with a bit of time figuring it out I am confident you can get better results than I did.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Field Test, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Single Shot, Vimeo Video Tags: Beeman, P17, 2004