Entries in Airsoft News,Real Gun

SHOT Show Las Vegas 2025 Replica Airguns Crosman Daisy Interview

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This will be my final Interview Video for SHOT Show 2025. I did get to talk with someone from Crosman but the Daisy rep was not around totally with so I did my best to talk about a couple of the Daisy products that I felt were interesting. If you are not aware, Crosman and Daisy have now joined forces together along with Gamo, Benjamin and SPLATRBALL so all of these product were on display at the Crosman Daisy Booth. I focussed on the Crosman M1 Full Auto Carbine and their updated all black ST1 Full Auto BB Rifle. We then took a look at some of the Game Face Airsoft Products and then I performed my own Interview/Review for Daisy talking about the Woodland Trail Model 1911 and Model 25 Lever and Pump Action BB Rifles.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Airgun News, Airsoft News, BB, CO2, Blowback, Full Auto, Pump, Repeater, Rifle, Semi Auto, Spring Piston, Vimeo Video Tags: Crosman, Daisy, SHOT Show, SHOT Show 2025, GAMEFACE

SHOT Show Las Vegas 2025 Replica Airguns Umarex Interview

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I had the pleasure of interviewing Mark from Umarex again at SHOT Show 2025 and Mark went over some of the new products from Umarex coming out this year. Make started of by showing me two new MOS (Modular Optic System) Gen 5 Glocks in a Glock 17 and Glock 19 versions. Both come with Umarex based red dot sights but you can change them up for something different if you choose to down the road. We then took a look at the new Umarex AER16 AR AEG Rifle in 4.5mm Steel BB rather than 6mm Airsoft similar to the Barra e400 that came out last year. In a nutshell it is a battery/spring operated 4.5mm Steel BB Full Auto AR Replica. Mark then showed us some A&L AK based AEG Airsoft Rifles they are now distributing that feature Full steel body construction with high-quality real laminated wood handguard and skeletal folding stocks. These are one to one in terms of size and weight adn very detailed. We then finished up the interview taking a look at the Legends Saddle Lever Action Shell Loading Rifle and the Umarex Smith & Wesson Competitor Shell Loading revolver.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, Break Barrel, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Pellet, Pistol, Rifle, Semi Auto, Scope, Single Shot, Spring Piston, Vimeo Video Tags: Umarex, SHOT Show 2025, SHOT Show

SHOT Show Las Vegas 2025 Replica Airguns KWA Interview

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Luckily I was able to find some time with James again this year and James gave us all the new details on some of the KWA updated and new products. Starting with the KWA ATP-Z Blowback Airsoft Training Pistol added recently to the KWA lineup, James also showed us a few versatile Carbine Pistol Kits made specifically for the ATP-Z and ATP-GT Pistols. Not yet fully released, James went over their updated TAC-9 hopefully coming out this year. We then got a nice tour of the updated Radian Model 1 AEG Airsoft Rifle with built in recoil system also built into KWA’s Q10 AEG Airsoft Rifle.

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Repeater, Rifle, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: KWA, SHOT Show 2025, SHOT Show

SHOT Show Las Vegas 2025 Replica Airguns Barra Interview

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I spoke with Jacob from Barra and he went over a lot of new products adn updated products Barra is introducing this year. We discussed some new PCP Air Rifles with Canada import options, Jacob went over some new updates to their 1866 Muti-pump BB and Pellet Lever Action Rifle, and he went over Barra’s Gen 2 400e AEG BB rifle which include a higher capacity magazine, an increased velocity and unproved internal tolerances for smoother BB flow. Lastly Barra is introducing high grade 4.5mm BB’s that a re procession ground to be more uniform for improved accuracy and better BB feeding. Great for full auto guns.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, .22 cal, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Bulk Air, Full Auto, Pellet, PCP, Pistol, Repeater, Rifle, Semi Auto, Scope, Revolver, Single Shot, Vimeo Video Tags: Barra, SHOT Show 2025, SHOT Show

SHOT Show Las Vegas 2025 Replica Airguns ASG Interview

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It was nice to run into ASG (Action Sports Games) right away and talk with Bob for ASG. Bob always has a great understanding of the ASG product line and each year I Interview him and find out all the news and updated product in the ASG lineup. This year Bob’s goes over the new ASG CZ P-10 C CO2 Blowback BB Pistol, the Action Army C1 Pro Bolt Action CO2 Airsoft Rifle, ASG’s new Frag Impact Sound Grenades, along with some new additions to the Shadow 2 Series of Airsoft Pistols. Was a great start to this years SHOT Show 2025!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Pellet, Pistol, Repeater, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Vimeo Video Tags: ASG, SHOT Show 2025, SHOT Show

SHOT Show Las Vegas 2025 Replica Airguns Teaser

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I’m back from SHOT Show 2025 Las Vegas and finished transferring and uploading all the video from all the cameras we shot it all on. We had a great time, we met a lot of great folks at the booths and it’s now time to put it all together and make some videos for everyone so I can share the experience!

I always like to put out a “Teaser Video” with some quick clips of the entire experience including some of the travels, a bit of the resort we stayed at, shots of Vegas and of course lots of the SHOT Show 2025 experience along with the booths we visited. Enjoy this quick preview and stay posted for my upcoming Interview Videos shortly…

Categories: AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, Arrow, BB, Blowback, Bulk Air, CO2, Break Barrel, Crossbow, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Multi-pump, Paintball, PCP, Pellet, Pistol, Pump, Repeater, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Scope, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston, Vimeo Video Tags: SHOT Show, SHOT Show 2025, Umarex, ASG, Crosman, Daisy, KWA, Steambow, Barra

Airgun Safety 101

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Airguns are not toys and as so require proper storage, transportation and handling so as not to cause an accident that could be minor or even deadly.

No matter if you are handling an Airgun or a “Real Gun”, they should both be handled in the same manner even if the consequences from an accident with an Airgun may be less serious. Life long injuries like the loss of an eye are nothing to be taken lightly.

For the most part, what I talk about in this Airgun Safety 101 video can also be applied to a “Real Gun” although most countries will have stricter laws and guidelines in the storage, transportation and handling of “Real Guns” over an Airgun.

Storing Your Airgun:

In Canada an unregulated Airgun does not have any real specific safe storage guidelines but common sense should be used and I recommend that you at the bare minimum keep your Airgun in some sort of locked space whether it be a safe, cabinet or room that is locked all of the time.

You can also put a trigger lock on your Airgun if you do not have a lockable storage location for it.

You should also make sure to store your Airgun unloaded, at least when it comes to BB’s and or Pellets. If there is some unused CO2 in it, or it is charged with Compressed Air, but unloaded in terms of ammunition, that is OK, but again keep it in a safe location away from anyone that may be able to get their hands on it and hurt themselves or others.

Transporting Your Airgun:

Again, in Canada an unregulated Airgun does not have any real transportation guidelines but if you keep your Airgun out in the open and someone sees it, they will most certainly call the police and more than likely you may find yourself staring down the wrong end of a police firearm, at least until they sort it all out. This is very serious as unfortunately people have died as a result of handling their Airguns out in the open and underestimating what kind of police response that may entail.

For that reason alone, always keep your Airgun out of sight in a case or backpack or the trunk of your car. Never transport your Airgun loaded and it is best if you can lock it in a case or put a trigger lock on it for added safety when transporting it.

Shooting Your Airgun:

Shooting your Airgun is always the most enjoyable part of owning an Airgun, so don’t do something stupid and turn that experience into a nightmare. Treat your Airgun as if it is deadly at all times, never point it at anything you do not intend on shooting.

Keep your safety on until you are ready to shoot. Never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot it and only shoot it in a safe location with an appropriate background and backstop.

Think of the barrel of your Airgun as a light saber that if it crosses even your arm, it could cut it off. Even a BB to the arm is a serious matter. I had a friend that shot himself in the arm with a BB Gun and the BB lodged in the tendons of his wrist requiring an operation to remove it. He was a violin player so this could have ended his violin playing, but luckily he was OK.

When Your finger is not on the trigger it should be held across the trigger guard in a straight position to ensure no accidental misfires.

Wear eye protection, Steel BB’s will bounce back when they hit a hard surface and can come back with enough force to injure an eye easily. Generally Airguns do not require ear protection but some can be loud enough that you may want to wear some sort of ear protection as a precaution.

Only shoot with others that are responsible and take Gun Safety very seriously. Young people will need constant supervision and it is best to go through all of this first before even considering handing them an Airgun for the first time. Perhaps start them off with something like an Airsoft gun which will have less consequences if an accident were to take place.

Airguns are awesome in so many ways and allow for a similar shooting experience to a “Real Gun”. They can be used in more situations, with less overall cost and are a great way to learn proper gun handling and how to improve your shooting ability even if you are a “Real Gun” owner. Always be responsible with your Airgun not only for yourself but for others as it only takes a few idiots to ruin things for the rest of us. Don’t be that Idiot please!

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Gun Law, Gun Safety, How To, Pistol, Pellet, Paintball, Real Gun, Vimeo Video Tags:

SHOT Show 2024 Replica Airguns - KWA Interview

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This year at the KWA Booth I had the pleasure of running into John, and we went over a bunch of new items KWA had on display. John was even rocking a similar pair of Ray Ban Meta AI Glasses which made us look a little bit like twins…

In this KWA SHOT Show Interview John higgled the following products from KWA: The KWA ATP-Z and ATP-CT Optics Ready GBB AIrsoft Pistols which are convertible to SMG versions, along with a new prototype TAC-9 GBB Airsoft Rifle.

KWA AIrsoft products have always been one of favoriteAirsoft guns for their quality, looks and performance. They tend to offer a lot of Gas Blowback options which I really appreciate as a Replica AIrgun Collector.

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, CO2, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: KWA, SHOT Show 2024, SHOT Show

SHOT Show 2024 Replica Airguns - ASG Interview

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It’s alwasy nice to have a chat with Bob at ASG, I have been interviewing him for years now and really missed not being at SHOT Show the last three years. As always, Bob really knows the ASG product line inside and out and took us through some of the new products and changes to the ASG lineup in 2024.

Some of the products include: The ASG CZ P-10 C CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol, the Steyr L9-A2 CO2/Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol, the USW Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol, the new Hybrid Airsoft line including the CO2 Blowback H-22 and the AEG H-15, the ICS Ape SE AEG Airsoft Rifle, and lastly the ICS Carnotaurus, Legacy, ACME High-Capa Pistol Series.

I am looking forward to get my hands-on many of these new ASG products and making reviews for everyone to checkout in the near future…

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Airgun News, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Pellet, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: ASG, SHOT Show 2024, SHOT Show

SHOT Show 2024 Replica Airguns - Barra Interview

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I’m pretty sure I have never made an Interview for Barra before in any of my past SHOT Show Videos, so I was really happy when I visited their booth and discovered a bunch of really great new products to talk about with GEO. Like many other Airgun companies, Barra does incorporate rebranded products from other manufacturer popular Airguns, but they also have some unique products I have never seen before. They are either working really closely with dedicated manufacturing companies or making these items in house. Either way it’s great to see new and interesting products.

Some of the products Geo went over with me in this SHOT Show 2024 Barra Interview where: The Barra CO2 1866 Lever Action Rifle, some Rifled Pellet Barrel Kits for the Schofield Revolver and 1866 Rifle, the 1858 CO2 BB Revolver, the 357 Shell Loading CO2 Revolver, the 400 AEG Airsoft Rifle and two new nameless Airguns they are still working on and perfecting, a full Blowback Competition Style BB/Airsoft Pistol and a compact AEG Airsoft Rifle.

It was great talking with the team over at the Barra Booth and I look forward to testing out their new items as they become available.

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Accessory, Airsoft, Airgun News, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: Barra, SHOT Show, SHOT Show 2024

Top Most Popular Replica Airgun Pistol Design Types

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This is not exclusive to Airguns since trends of Airguns are highly influenced by what type of Real Steel Pistols are popular to people. This is often based on what people see portrayed in movies and TV Series, and also promoted online. There is for sure an overlap in what is popular and it is hard to say what is influencing what? Is it the popularity of Pistols out in the real world that influences what we see being used in the movies and on TV? Or is it what we see in Movies and TV that influences our choices of pistols out in the real world? Perhaps it is a combination of both?

My list is based on my own personal experience and does not represent the entirety of types of Pistol designs available.

  • Glock

  • Sig Sauer

  • 1911

  • Beretta 92 / 84

  • S&W M&P

  • Makarov / Walther PPK

  • 357 / 44 Magnum / Colt Single Action Army

  • Desert Eagle

  • UZI

Buy Airguns in Canada

Buy Airguns in the US

Categories: .43 cal, .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, 9mm, 380, Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Non Airguns, Pellet, Pistol, Paintball, Real Gun, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: Glock, Sig Sauer, 1911, Beretta, S&W M&P, Makarov, Tokarev, 357, 44 Magnum, Colt Single Action Army, Desert Eagle, UZI, Mini UZI

Reasons why Replica Airguns are Better than Real Guns

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Airguns are generally cheaper to buy and for sure cheaper to shoot. Airguns can cost as little as $50-100 to buy while real guns in similar models will cost many time more. Cost of ammo is so much less expensive than Real Gun ammo by a mile!

Difficulty to Obtain:

Airguns in most countries do not require any licensing or registration. Generally there are more available options in Airgun choices than Real Gun choices as restrictions often prohibit many Real Guns to be obtained.

Places to Shoot:

Unless you live in a super remote locations and your laws allow you to shoot Real Guns in those locations, then in most cases you can shoot an Airgun almost anywhere within reason. You can even shoot certain Airgun models in your basement. Airsoft is a great option for indoor shooting as the plastic ammo does not carry very much energy so with minimal effort you can make a backstop that will trap the ammo very well.

Trigger Time:

Because ammo is much less expensive and places you can shoot are easier to find, you can get a lot more Trigger Time under your belt which will also improve your shotgun with Real Guns and after all it’s just fun to shoot guns even if they are Airguns.


I am not talking about safety in terms of protection. I am talking about safety as in if you do something stupid and your Gun goes off accidentally. If you accidentally fire your Airgun indoors, the bullet will not travel through floors or walls and potentially harm or kill someone on the other side. If you do manage to shoot yourself with an Airgun, the consequence are much less severe than shooting yourself with a Real Gun. That said, always treat an Airgun as if it was a Real Loaded Gun, as server injury and even death can occur even with an Airgun.

Ware Games and Training Situations:

There is no way you can use a standard Real Gun to shoot at people, unless extensively altered with special parts that make the Real Gun unusable to shoot live ammo. With Airguns you have the choice of using an Airsoft or Paintball gun that are both designed specifically for this purpose.

Pest Control:

If you have the need for pest control in an urban area where you do not want a stray bullet to travel too far or penetrate buildings if a shot where to go awry, then an Airgun designed for accuracy and power may be perfect for the job. Accuracy with target and hunting Airguns is on par if not better than many Real Guns and are have powerful enough to kill a pest humanely without having too much power for the job and having to worry as much about your background.

Prop Guns:

As mentioned already, Airguns can look a lot like Real Guns, so they are perfect to be used as a stand-in or Prop Gun when you need to simulate the look and function of a Real Gun. Again they are easier and cheaper to obtain and if something does go wrong, the consequences are much less severe.

Social Stigma:

Unfortunately Real Guns and perhaps any gun these days are looked upon with a social stigma as being the cause of the Crime rather than a tool used in a Crime. And so people blame Guns for these crimes rather than the people committing these crimes. If a person is motivated enough to do something bad, they are going to do it either way and will use whatever means is available to them to commit these Crimes. Including other means like: Knives, Blunt Objects, Poisons, Vehicles, Explosives… Sad but true! Airguns are not used in homicides or mass shootings as they are completely underpowered for a crime like this. They can however be used in crimes as a show of threat, as they do look a lot like real guns, generally people that use Airguns for real crimes, if challenged will give up immediately as they are completely outgunned. Don’t bring an Airgun to a Real Gun fight, you have better chance with a knife!

Categories: Comparison, Gun Safety, Pistol, Real Gun, Rifle, Vimeo Video, .20 cal, .22 cal, .43 cal, .50 cal, .68 cal, 10mm, 380, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, 8mm, 9mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, Break Barrel, Bulk Air, CO2, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Gun Law, Non Airguns, Paintball, PCP, Pellet, Pump, Q&A Video, Repeater, Revolver, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston Tags:

Replica Airguns Huge Mystery Box Unboxing

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As the title suggest this a video about a Huge Mystery Box so I am not going to say what’s in it, I can say that their are 4 main products mostly rifles per-say. One is a Futuristic Full Auto BB Rifle, one is a Paintball Shotgun, One is an AEG Airsoft Rifle and one is a Replica Break Barrel Pellet Rifle.

So I have a lot of variety here to show everyone! I did absolutely zero research on any of the products I show in this video since like you I had no real idea what was inside other than how many and that most where rifle based.

Enjoy finding out what new products I will be reviewing over the next month with dedicated Table Top and Field Test Shooting videos.

Categories: .68 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, Break Barrel, CO2, Full Auto, Paintball, Pellet, Pump, Replica Airguns News, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston, Vimeo Video Tags: Umarex, Crosman, Specna Arms, Specna Arms Core, T4E HDS, ST-1, HK MP7, RRA SA-C07-PDW

Different Types of Airgun Sights

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Different Types of Airgun Sights

Sights for guns in general are the same for Airguns as is with real steel guns for the most part and can be mixed and matched with a couple of exceptions. Spring piston rifles for instance are an exception because of the unique vibration the spring makes and how it can damage a standard optical sight, so in this case you’re best to use an optical sight designed for a spring piston Airgun. In most other cases sights can be used on all types of guns.

In this Airgun Sights video I will go over the various types of sights that either come as part of the gun design or can be added afterwards using a rail or mounting system.

Types of Airgun Sights most commonly used.

Iron Sight (Fixed or removable).

Iron Sight (Adjustable).

Iron Sight (White Dot, Fiber Optic).

Come in Post/Notch, Post/Aperture (Peep).

Common on Pistols and Rifles

Laser Sight:

Generally added to a rail or can sometime be integrated into the design of the gun.

Common on both Pistols and Rifles.

Red Dot and Holographic:

Generally not magnified.

Most common on Rifles but can be used on Pistols.

Optical Magnified (Telescopic)

Come in a variety of magnifications for different shooting ranges.

Generally for Rifles but can be used on Pistols.

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Comparison, Pistol, Non Airguns, Real Gun, Rifle, Vimeo Video, Revolver Tags: Sights

Different Types of Airgun Safeties

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Gun Safeties generally are going to be similar for all types of guns, so Safeties used with Airguns are often the same types as used with Real Steel Guns. Some guns will have no Safeties at all while other guns many have multiple Safeties on them. In this informative video I go over six of the more common types of Gun Safeties used in Real Steel Guns and Air Guns.

Here is a list of the more common types of gun Safeties.

  • Trigger Safety

  • Cross Bolt Safety

  • Slide Safety

  • Frame Safety

  • Grip Safety

  • Magazine Safety

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Rifle, Vimeo Video, Gun Safety, Comparison Tags:

Canadian Temporary Handgun Ban What it Means for Airguns


In this Replica Airguns Video I talk about the latest Canadian Temporary Handgun Ban What it Means for Airguns. I talk about what I think abut it and what it means for Replica Airguns now and in the future.

Canada puts in place temporary handgun import ban!

From: Global Affairs Canada

News release

August 05, 2022 - Toronto, Ontario - Global Affairs Canada

Canadians deserve to feel safe in their communities. That is why the Government of Canada has a comprehensive plan that gets firearms off our streets and more

resources into our communities. A central part of this is the recently introduced Bill C21. The bill addresses the alarming role of guns in gender based violence, gets tough on organized crime and most significantly introduces a national freeze on the sale,

transfer and ownership of handguns, anywhere in Canada.

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Honourable Marco Mendicino, Minister of Public Safety, today announced a temporary import ban on the importation of restricted handguns. This will help bring the ultimate impact of the national handgun freeze into force sooner. This temporary ban means that individuals and businesses will no longer be able to import handguns into Canada, subject to narrow exceptions that mirror those in Bill C-21. These restrictions will take effect on

August 19th, 2022, and will last until the national freeze comes into force. No single program or initiative can tackle the challenge of gun violence on its own. That is why Bill C-21 and the national freeze on handguns are two of the many elements in the Government’s comprehensive plan to keep Canadians safe. This begins at our borders, where we’ve added resources to fight smuggling and stop guns from coming into Canada. We’re also investing in prevention programs to tackle the root causes of gun crime and stop it before it starts. Finally, we banned assault-style weapons like AR15s, and will soon begin a buyback program to get these weapons of war out of our communities once and for all.


“We know that one Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. As a government, it is our duty to ensure that Canada remains one of the safest places to live in the world. The import ban announced today will help to keep guns stay off our streets as we work towards implementing Bill C-21, reducing gun violence in the immediate term.

- Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs

“My top priority as Minister is keeping Canadians safe in their communities. Today’s announcement is further proof that we are using all tools at our disposal to fight gun crime in this country. It is a key pillar of our plan to address it, along with investments in prevention, action at our borders, a ban on assault-style weapons and Bill C-21 –Canada’s most significant action on gun violence in a generation.”

- Marco Mendicino, Minister of Public Safety

Categories: Airgun News, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Non Airguns, Pistol, Real Gun, Replica Airguns News, Vimeo Video Tags:

GSG-16 22LR MP5-ish Preview Review Video


I know this is an Airgun channel but when I get something that I feel my audience would be interested I in, I generally share it with everyone. I know many Airgun enthusiasts are interested in Airguns for a few reasons like the lower cost to buy and operate, the fact that there are more situations where you can shoot an Airgun and perhaps availability of these guns in terms of purchasing them without a license and laws pertaining to overall size, barrel lengths, magazine capacities and the likes. My latest acquisition does tick some of these boxes for sure.

My latest “Birthday” purchase was the GSG-16 which is a 22LR rimefire rifle made by www.GermanSportGuns.com and it is sort of an MP5 copy but this version is more like a Frankenstein version of an MP5 combined with an AR-15 in order to make H&K happy. Previous version of the GSG-16 (the GSG-5 and GSG-522) where too similar to the MP5 and so GSG had to make a third version less MP5-ish.

That said the GSG-16 has all the same controls as the MP5 so for training purposes it would be very suitable. Personally I like what GSG did in order to bring the GSG-16 to market without legal ramifications from H&K. I like all the rails and the way it kind of looks a bit more like an AR-15 even if the controls are not the same.

If you do like the MP5 look there are some kits out there for the GSG-16 to turn it back into more of an MP5 looking rifle but for me I don’t need to spend the extra money to be happy with the GSG-16.

No we do not have this item in our Replica Airguns Stores as we really only cater to guns that do not require any sort of lisenceing or permits. The closest thing you can buy I would say would be either the Umarex HK MP5-PDW CO2 BB Rifle, one of the MP5 Airsoft Rifles we have or even the Crosman MPW Blowback CO2 BB Rifle which is more AR based.

Categories: .22 cal, Non Airguns, Real Gun, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: GSG-16

Termination of the Replica Airguns YouTube Channel


In this our first dedicated video made to be uploaded to our New Replace Airguns Vimeo page, I talk about what exactly happened to us over on YouTube at least forma eh very little info we have what I feel happened which is still very confusing and we are still trying o make sense of it all…

I cover the initial email we received from YouTube on July 22nd at 12:18 am that our Replica Airguns YouTube channel of some 15 years with over 1000 Videos uploaded, some 350+ thousand subscribers and around a half billion videos views had been been terminated just like that! Apparently there was a Countrified Claim made, whom that was from and what product/s are in question is still a huge mystery to us.

I also read off our appeal that we presented to YouTube / Google LLC but that appeal in turn was denied quickly, probably an automated generic response, not even sure if a real person even looked at to be honest.

I slo mention an email we received for YouTube a little bit before all of this happened basically stating that gun videos will start to get strikes on them as YouTube has detrained any type of gun related video is against their policies so it will not be long until all gun related YouTube channels are gone, be warned. YouTube is pushing hard the leftist agenda on their platform so if you view yourself as a more right wing individual you may have to satin looking to other platform to get your Video information from…

Categories: Airgun News, Airsoft News, Blank Gun News, Replica Airguns News Tags:

YouTube Channel Termination Appeal


YouTube Termination.jpg

I made an Appeal to YouTube several days ago regarding their “Counterfeit Complaint” and subsequent termination of our Replica Airguns YouTube Channel but have not yet heard back from them yet?

If anyone out there has any sort of connection or influence with the powers that be within YouTube, I ask that you reach out to them on our behalf. Our Replica Airguns Channel and future presence within the Airgun community is hanging on a thread as we had so much of our business invested with YouTube.

Below is a copy of the Channel Termination Appeal I sent to YouTube, it would have been longer but it needed to stay within 1000 characters as per their limitations:

“I was notified July 22nd that because of a Counterfeit Complaint our YouTube channel of some 15 years with 350,000 subscribers, a half a billion videos views and 1000+ videos published had been terminated.

On the charge of a Counterfeit Complaint. We have never had such a claim made to our channel as we do not sell or promote counterfeit products on our YouTube channel, online store, or website.



We only sell licensed products that we buy directly from companies that own licenses to sell such products. For example: Umarex, Crosman, Daisy, ASG, Sig Sauer, Gletcher, Air Venturi, Cybergun… to name a few.

If we are in violation of a Counterfeit Claim then all the above mentioned companies should also be in violation and have their YouTube channels terminated? Along with every other YouTube channel that reviews/sells any Airgun/Airsoft gun that resembles a real gun and that also sells such products from the above mentioned licensed companies.”

Categories: Airgun News, Airsoft News, Blank Gun News, Replica Airguns News, Gun Law Tags:

Umarex Glock 17 Gen 4 - Glock 19 Gen 3 GBB Airsoft Update Video

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UPDATE: All Umarex Glock 17 Gen 4 and Glock 19 Gen 3 GBB Airsoft Pistols now ship with the Shorter Barrels!!

In this YouTube Update Preview Video I go over a couple new Umarex Glock Licensed GBB Airsoft Pistols that I feel require a bit of explaining. Essentially we already stock these same Umarex Glock Blowback Airsoft Pistols, but in the CO2 magazine versions. The Umarex Glock 17 Gen4 and Umarex Glock 19 Gen3 I highlight in this video come with Green Gas Magazines and both have extended inner barrels to allow for Canada import to increase the velocity to our over 360 fps using a .20 gram Airsoft BB.

Usually Green Gas Airsoft Pistols with extended inner barrels will have the ability to unscrew the extension and will even come with a shorter replaceable barrel but in this case all you get is the longer one piece inner barrel. My suggestion is to either cut down the long inner barrel to fit within the out barrel or purchase a short inner barrel when they are available.

At the moment we do not have either one of these Airsoft Pistols listed in our Replica Airguns Stores but they should pop up shortly!

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Airsoft News, GBB, Gas, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Umarex Glock, Umarex, Glock, Gen 3, Gen 4, Glock 19, Glock 17