Full Auto Fun Summer 2024 KWA Mini UZI

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Here is video two in my series of Full Auto Fun videos I make each summer where I pick a few Full Auto Airguns and record some fun outside shooting with them. In this years Full Auto Fun Video series I do a bit of a walk around on my property and shoot a bunch of water filled pop cans. Maybe this doesn’t sound super exciting but I do use some really creative camera angles to capture it all which makes it lot more interesting to watch for sure!

My Airguns of choice in this years Full Auto Fun Series are all 4.5mm BB Full Auto Airguns this time around. They are the Barra 400e 4.5mm BB AEG Full Auto BB Rifle, the KWA Mini UZI Blowback CO2 4.5mm BB Machine Gun and the the Crosman A4-P Blowback CO2 4.5mm BB Pistol.

In this second Full Auto Fun video I test out the classic KWA Mini UZI Blowback CO2 4.5mm BB Machine Gun, at least with this video I did actually shoot in full auto but the video did not go without a few hiccups as my HoverAir Drone decided I was stopping for too long to take my shots and turned itself off a couple of times. And my Meta Glasses decided to get chunky on me and lower their frame rate down to a rather hard to watch frame per second. I did eventually make it though this video but it cold have gone better. No I am not redoing this one as it was shot in Full Auto this time which is what I promised. I can not promise all my tech gear will cooperate exactly s expected but I was able to get some decent footage overall if you can ignore the choppy video for the Meta Glasses for part of the video.

4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Pistol, Rifle, Vimeo Video UZI, KWA