Crosman P1 Taurus PT-92 CO2 Blowback Full Auto BB Pistol with Laser Field Test Review — Replica Airguns Blog | Airsoft, Pellet, & BB Gun Reviews

Crosman P1 Taurus PT-92 CO2 Blowback Full Auto BB Pistol with Laser Field Test Review

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I was hoping this Field Test Shooting Video would go off without a hitch but I did stubble with the laser a bit, I like to shoot guns straight out of the box without really sighting them in but in the case of an add on laser I was expecting to do some sight adjustments. To my surprise when I placed the laser on the Crosman P1 Taurus PT-92 CO2 Blowback Full Auto BB Pistol the laser red dot lined up almost perfectly with the open sights. Sounds great but during my actual test it seems that the heavy blowback action may have nocked the laser sight around placing the laser red dot way to high making the Crosman P1 Taurus PT-92 CO2 Blowback Full Auto BB Pistol shoot really low for this test. I did figure it out via some trial and error and was able to pull off this Field Test Shooting Review in the end for everyone…

Starting with the Chronograph portion of the Field Test Shooting Video, I placed 5 shots through my Chrony and was able to get an average fps of 315. The temperature was not really cold or hot so on a warmer day I would expect around 330 to 340 fps. I did accidentally shoot off around 5 rounds in full auto at the beginning which may have effected the first couple of higher velocity shots that come out when you are using a new CO2 but there results I got I was happy with and give a more realistic velocity fo the Crosman P1 Taurus PT-92 CO2 Blowback Full Auto BB Pistol.

Next I placed 10 rounds into my paper target setup 30 feet down range and did my best to get them on the paper, as mentioned I had to figure out exactly where the laser red dot was pointing in relation to where the BB’s where hitting and once I figured this out I was able to get 10 rounds all within about 2 inches of each other so not bad for a Blowback CO2 BB Pistol. of course the included Laser Sight is adjustable for windage and elevation so I could line up the laser red dot with the actual shot placement which is something you can not do with the non adjustable open sights.

All in all the Crosman P1 Taurus PT-92 CO2 Blowback Full Auto BB Pistol with Laser performed much like all the other KWC PT92 CO2 Blowback Beretta/Taurus type Airguns, the laser red dot simply allows for a more visual and perhaps faster way to place BB’s on your target, at least once you get it sighted in of course!

4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Crosman, Crosman P1, KWC, PT92, Taurus PT92