Lately I have been doing a lot of sourcing out figuring out how everything is going to be laid out, what kind of lighting I want to use, how am I going to heat the office area in my shipping container. I want to keep everything pretty low power so my plan is to go with all LED lighting and a 400 Watt heater which should be
fine in my 90 square foot insulated office space. I plan to blast the shooting range with some propane heat on days when I need it for the shooting testing during the colder months.
I did pickup some hardwood flooring pretty cheap at Big Box Store and also got my 3x6 office window from Surrey New and Used. I already have metal doors that my father-in-law has had stashed away for several decades but at least now they are going to come in handy.
The first job or actual work I needed to do on the Shipping Container Project was to level and place the Sea Can onto some bricks/slabs, this also helps to keep the underside dry so it does not rust out. There shouldn't be much settling since the storage container is resting on my gravel parking area and the gravel goes right down about 1 foot deep to the hard pan.
Next on my list is starting the framing, figuring out exactly where the windows and doors will be and of course cutting the container to fit them.