Make sure to checkout my Table Top Video and Written Review for the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver where I show you around this Umarex BB Revolver and go over its features and specifications.
This Field Test Shooting Video Review focuses on the performance aspects of the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver. I test it out to see what kind of velocity it can achieve as compared to the 375 fps Umarex states and I also conduct an accuracy test from 30 feet away to see how straight and true it shoots.
My first test, the velocity or fps test I performed using my Chronograph shooting five 5.1 grain standard zinc coated steel BB's. The fps ranged very little from 370 to 382 fps with an average 5 shot reading of 374 feet per second. Keep in mind the temperature was not exactly warm on this day, somewhere around 10 Degrees Celsius so I was not expecting top fps readings so getting pretty much exactly what Umarex claimed the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver would get makes me think there may even be more potential on a nice hot summer day.

Moving on to the accuracy or shooting portion of this field test review, I performed my usual 30 foot paper target test using a semi rested stance standing in the back with a sandbag up front to rest my hands on for stability. This position is fairly stable but not perfect so there is always some human factor to consider. For the most part the majority of my shots stayed within about a 1.5-2 inch grouping and stayed well centered on the target which is great considering the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver does not have adjustable sights.
A couple of side notes about the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver. I found the trigger to be really nice especially in single action with just about the perfect amount of take-up and trigger weight and a very predictable breaking point. In double action the trigger is also decent for a revolver, fairly short with a medium amount of pull, perfect for action shooting. I was only using the open non-adjustable sights but still got good results so I can only imagine how much better I could perform with the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver