I have already done a Table Top Review for the Dan Wesson 6 inch Silver & 8 inch Black Pellet Revolvers so make sure to check that review out if you are interested in some close up video of these two ASG Pellet Revolvers, I also include the specifications for both CO2 Pistols.
You may also want to take a peek at my head to head test between the Dan Wesson 8 Inch and Umarex S&W 327 4.5mm Steel BB versions as a comparison between Pellet and BB performance using similar Airguns.
So getting back to this ASG Dan Wesson 6 inch Silver & 8 Inch Black Pellet Revolver Field Test Review, how did they perform? Well not that well in my books, the fps performance was just way too low and way too inconsistent, with a 6 shot Chronograph Test I got an average fps of 259 for the 6 inch and 188 for the 8 inch, that's right the longer barrel revolver actually performed worse! My explanation is that just not enough CO2 is being released by the CO2 valve to get the heavier and more snug lead pellets to a high enough velocity. And having a longer barrel is actually creating more resistance slowing down the lead pellets. If more CO2 was introduced, more expansion would take place which would take full advantage of the longer barrel.

Once I setup 30 feet back for my paper target testing, I kind of had a felling that I was not going to see great results, pellets moving inconsistent around 200 fps are not going to shoot as accurately as more consistent pellets traveling at 300+ fps. The variation in velocity from both Dan Wesson Pellet Revolvers I was getting really effected the elevation of the pellets landing on the target. Because of teh slow velocity of the pellets, there was a really long delay between shooting the gun and the actual pellets hitting the target, I could even hear variations in this delay as the fps fluctuated up and down :(
I did want to mention that the temperature was not overly warm on my test day but I did keep both guns nice and warm inside prior to my testing them, on a hotter day there would be a slight increase in fps performance but not a radical one that would make a huge difference.
If you are wondering if perhaps the problem may be due to the CO2 I used or my Pellet selection? ASG was kind enough to send me some of their CO2 and Diablo approved Pellets to use for this Field Test Shooting Review.

To be perfectly honest, I would rather shoot the Steel BB version of the Dan Wesson Revolvers since they performed much better in terms of feet per second velocity and target accuracy. Even loading the BB versions is much easier and quicker for more time spent shooting.
I generally like to focus more on the good and less on the bad when it comes to the guns I review and sure the Dan Wesson Pellet Revolvers are really sexy Airguns but when it comes to actual shooting results I was disappointed with them. I think ASG needs to take another look at their Dan Wesson Pellet Revolver design and perhaps work on some higher fps and more consistent fps performance.
Watch my Full Vimeo ASG Dan Wesson 6 inch Silver & 8 Inch Black Pellet Revolver Field Test Review: