We have recently lowered our prices even more in our Canada Replica Airguns Store just to make sure we have the most competitive prices in Canada! Even so, if you find a lower price on an "In Stock" item then blast us an email and we will always do our best to price match other Canada retail and online stores.
If you have purchased a product from our Canada Online Store within the last 30 days and you find we have lowered the price on it, again, send us an email with your order number and we will send you an in-store credit for the price difference.
We have also moved to shipping via Fedex which in many cases will get your order to you even quicker across Canada. We may in some situations ship using Canada Post depending on where you are located but now we have more options to better suite our customers!
Lastly, I know there are US online stores that will ship select items to Canada and you may feel they have lower prices which at first may seem true. I would urge you to consider a few things before buying from the US and shipping to Canada. First of all there are often extended costs like brokerage fees, duties and add on taxes. And just because a US store will ship to Canada, it does not mean you will get the item you ordered. Even if it seems legal according to our Canada import laws, many times Canada Customs will either hold, confiscate and or return items back to the sender and there is very little you can do about it other than try and plead your case. So worst case scenario, you could lose your money and get nothing in return?
And what if there is a problem with the order, wrong or defective item, then you need to ship it back to the US and again have it shipped back to Canada, two more potential customs related problems that you need to consider...
Anyways, just keep it simple, save yourself the headaches and order from the Canada Replica Airguns Store :)
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