Here is my follow up Shooting Field Test to my Umarex CP88 Competition Table Top Review. During this Field Test Shooting video review I not only shoot my CP88 Competition version but I also compare it to the non Competition CP88 version to see if fps and accuracy are effected when adding the longer barrel? I shoot 5 rounds through my Chronograph with both guns to get an average fps and I also step back 30 feet and setup resting my hands on a sand bag and standing in the back for a fairly secure shooting stance. Since the Umarex Walther CP88's have an 8 shot rotary magazine I went with an 8 shot grouping for my accuracy test from 30 feet.
Overall both guns performed similarly and as expected the longer barrel CP88 Competition had the higher fps with 424 average versus 347 average, but what was surprising was how much faster the CP88 Competiton shot. Right around 80 fps more which is significant considering there is only 2 inches more of added barrel length to the Umarex CP88 Competition version. I am thinking that perhaps my CP88 Competition test model was tuned a bit better at the factory?

When it came to accuracy, both guns performed about the same getting about 1 inch group from 30 feet back. This was not a surprise since barrel length has less effect on accuracy than most people think.
Both guns are a pleasure to shoot and will not only perform great shooting close up but if you go with the higher fps Umarex Walther CP88 Competition you will be able to shoot much further out because of the rifled barrel and decent fps performance.