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This Vimeo Video is mainly a side by side comparison of two Baikal (IZH) MP-654K Makarov Replica BB Guns. One is in nickel made in 2004, and the other is blued, made in 2009. There are a some minor differences in the manufacturing of these two four year apart BB guns but essentially they're both fine examples of quality air pistols that literally are made side by side in the factory from most of the same parts as the original 9x18 Makarov.
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Because they are so close to the real Makarov, they have become very difficult to import into North America. Here at the Replica Airguns Store we get our hands on them from time to time so make sure to check and see if you can snag yourself one!
My Vimeo Video Comparison of the 2004 and 2009 Baikal MP-654M Makarovs: