Make sure to checkout my review of the 6 inch Silver and 8 inch Black Dan Wesson Revolvers also!
Type: BB air Revolvers.
Manufacturer: ASG.
Model: Dan Wesson 2.5 inch Silver & 4 inch Black.
Materials: Mostly Metal.
Weight: 1.9 pounds.
Barrel: Metal non-rifled.
Propulsion: CO2 x 1.
Action: Semi auto, single and double action.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 6 rounds.
FPS: 320-350.

Trigger Pull: The ASG Dan Wesson Revolvers have very predictable triggers with the single action having a lighter pull as you would expect. Double action mode is very usable without a lot of extra pressure required. Shooting this gun in single action is a lot of fun, kind of like the old west days!

Accuracy: I shot the pair of Dan Wesson Revolvers at a target from 20 feet out in a free standing position, and they performed well getting close to 2 inch groupings pretty well centered on target. The sights are adjustable for elevation and windage so if you find yours shoots off just a bit, you can easily adjust them. My Chrony testing with a six shot averaged result where 327 fps for the 2.5 inch and 345 fps for the 4 inch Dan Wesson's.

Build Quality: These fine revolvers are well built, just like their Dan Wesson 6 inch Silver & 8 inch Black counterparts. The fit and finish looks very nice on both of them and they performed very well without any problems loading or shooting them.

Realism: The ASG Dan Wesson BB revolvers are as close as you can get to a real six shooter, ASG didn't leave any detail out and thought of a few I may have never even dreamt up! Loading and ejecting actual brass shells into the cylinder makes you feel like this gun is much more then an unassuming airgun! One of my favorite airgun revolvers for sure!
Purchased From: The Replica Airguns Store.

It's a revolver with actual brass shells giving you the feeling of a real 6 shooter!
Almost all metal design.
lots of detail in this gun, very well made, fit and finish is excellent.
Fully adjustable sights.
Good accuracy even to further out distances.
Single and double action.
Can add the included accessory rail for more add on options.
If I could have dreamt up this gun I don't think I could have done as good a job!
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Plastic CO2 screw tab.
Only shoots BB's, would have been cool to shoot pellets too.
2.5 inch version does not have the recessed barrel.
I'm not really a revolver person, but the Dan Wesson's really look good and are very fun to shoot making these guns a really nice change from the usual semi auto pistols I usually like to purchase and shoot! And with 4 barrel length and various designs to choose from, it shouldn't be too hard to find one that you like. Heck I like them all!
My Vimeo Video Review for these amazingly real Revolvers: