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Type: BB air pistol.
Model:Walther PPK/S (Black).
Materials: Mostly metal with some plastic parts.
Weight: 1.2 pounds.
Barrel: 3.5 inches, metal non-rifled.
Propulsion: CO2 x 1.
Action: Semi auto, blowback, single action.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 15 round magazine.
FPS: 295.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on this gun is very light as a result of the true blowback action cocking the hammer with each shot.
Accuracy: For a short barreled non-riiffled BB pistol it tested fairly well with most of the BB's grouping within a 2 inch area at 20 feet out. There where some stragglers however.
Build Quality: This gun is almost entirely metal with the exception of the pistol grips, safety lever, magazine and outer barrel shroud. It has excellent detail and the fit and finish are pretty good.
Realism: The Umarex PPK/S is a replica of the actual Walther PPK/S, well know in the popular 007 James Bond movies. It has the Walther licensing on it in all the right places and overall looks a lot like the real Walther PPK/S with the exception of the lower handle and magazine release area. The handle on the BB version is a bit too long and the oversized CO2 piercing screw really takes away from the potential realism of this gun. That said, it's rather easy to cut the piercing crew shorter and add a notch in it so you can alternatively use a screwdriver to tighten it and gain back a bit more realism.
Purchased From:The Replica Airgun Store.
Good reproduction of the original Walther PPK/S.
Would make an excellent training gun as it has a similar size, weight, and feel to the actual Walther PPK/S.
Blowback action and very light trigger pull makes it really fun to shoot.
Decent accuracy for a short barreled BB pistol.
Inexpensive but good overall quality (made in Japan)
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Heavy usage of CO2.
Fairly low 295 FPS.
Plastic magazine and out of place safety lever.
The CO2 piercing screw is really ugly and a realism killer for this gun.
The Umarex Walther PPK/S BB pistol in my opinion is a must have collector piece. Even if you're not a big airgun fan, this is a great way to own virtually the same gun James Bond used in his early 007 movies. The Umarex PPK is a well made fun shooter at an affordable price with surprisingly not too bad accuracy.
My Vimeo Video Review for this Airgun: