Action: Semi and full auto blowback, single and double action.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm Steel BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 18 rounds.
FPS: 310.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex Beretta Mod. 92 A1 BB Pistol is like what you would expect from a real Beretta 92 A1, it offers both single and double action but most of the time you will be shooting in single action since the blowback cocks the hammer after each shot. Single action has a little bit of take-up but has a predictable release that is not overly light or heavy. Double action shots are longer and heavier which is as expected.
Accuracy: I have not shot this "version" of the Umarex Beretta Mod. 92 A1 but it will undoubtedly perform very similar to the many other full blowback CO2 pistols I have tested like the KWC and Cybgergun M92's, 1911's and Sigs. I did notice the slide spring on the Umarex Beretta Mod. 92 A1 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB Pistol to be very firm so I am expecting it to have pretty good blowback action. One other consideration is this CO2 airguns offers both semi and full auto shooting options but with the heavy blowback, don't expect much accuracy when shooting in full auto mode :)
Build Quality: Very good, with almost all metal construction, good weight and craftsmanship. Don't quote me on this but I have a feeling the Umarex Beretta Mod. 92 A1 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB Pistol may be made by KWC, if this is the case then we know to expect the same quality as we have found with other KWC full blowback airguns which is pretty good overall. There may be some wear in the high spots of the finish over time but I kind of like this since it gives the gun a more realistic look.
Realism: This is by far the closest Beretta Model 92 out there, even the magazine butt plate looks the part, the safety is true to form and it is full licensed and trademarked throughout the gun via Umarex. I'm not sure if the real steal Umarex ever offered full auto or not but we can look past this for the sake of how much fun it is going to be shooting in full auto! The only negative aspect in terms of realism is the white warning writing on the left side of the slide.
Your choice of shooting in either semi auto or full auto mode.
Really nice replica of the original Beretta 92 A1.
Great weight and feel to it.
All metal design, fit and finish is very good.
Strong slide spring so it should have heavy blowback action.
Realistic working safety and working slide catch and release.
Full size dropout metal magazine that holds BB's and CO2.
Can be field stripped like original Beretta 92 A1.
Fully Beretta licensed.
Will probably eat CO2 especially in full auto mode.
Non-adjustable sights.
Ugly white warning instruction on the slide.
I know the KWC M92 and Cybergun GSG 92 have been out for a while and the Umarex Beretta Mod. 92 A1 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB Pistol is along the same lines, but I do like that it is a true Beretta Replica rather than the Taurus copy. I like that Umarex went the extra mile and made the magazine look the part with a much shorter butt plate and adding semi and full auto right out of the box with a dedicated selector switch is pretty cool too. I am really looking forward to testing this gun out and seeing how the blowback action combined with the full auto ability is going to recoil, I have a feeling it's going to kick like a mule!
My Vimeo Videos for the Umarex Beretta Mod. 92 A1 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB Pistol:
A little while back, a company by the name of Plan Beta reached out to me about their new Tacticam I.C.U 2.0 HD 720p Tactical Camera. I have been suing my Pivot Head Camera Glasses for a while not and they are really good quality but the idea of being able to use a discreat and compact gun mountable camera for my review videos seemed appealing to me. Having another camera angle while shooting field test videos never hurts after all!
The Tacticam I.C.U 2.0 HD 720p Tactical Camera looks for the most part like a picatinny mountable laser and but instead of housing a laser inside of it, it has a 720p camera internally. Because of this you could be playing an Airsoft game and nobody would even know you are recording anything.
Here are some of the basic features and specifications for the Plan Beta Tacticam I.C.U. 2.0 HD 720p Camcorder:
Record 720p at 30 frames per second.
Also takes 5 Mpixel still photos with Photo Burst mode.
Has auto image rotation for top or bottom picatinny mounting.
Has a built in power on, start and stop cable wiht switch for easy handle mounting.
Uses red and green indicator LED's for camera status.
Uses 8GB to 32GB Micro SD Cards.
Lens cover comes off to allow for lens filters to be inserted.
There is a Plan Beta Tacticam I.C.U. 1.0 Camcorder which is not HD and to be honest the quality for the I.C.U. version 1 is very poor especially the frame rate. I did get a chance to test the Plan Beta Tacticam I.C.U. 1.0 Camcorder out also but I would not recommend it especially since the Plan Beta Tacticam I.C.U. 2.0 720p Camcorder is so much better and not a lot more expensive at the end of the day.
In terms of usability, the Plan Beta Tacticam I.C.U. 2.0 720p Camcorder does a pretty good job, you will get best results in decent lighting but this is true with most action cameras. The 720p 30/fps quality is obviously not as good as my high end 1080p 60/fps professional cameras but for the price, size and ability to be able to easily and discreetly mount a camera on any gun that has a Picatinny rail, why not.
Type: Pellet Rifle. Manufacturer: Sig Sauer ASP Model: Sig Sauer MPX ASP Materials: Metal and Nylon Fiber build. Weight: 7 Pounds (3300 Grams). Barrel: 8 inch steelrifled. Propulsion: 88 or 90 Gram CO2. Action: Semi Auto,double action only. Ammunition Type: .177 caliber pellets. Ammunition Capacity: 30 rounds belt fed. FPS: Up to 600 fps (When shot by a Unicorn)
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle is actually pretty decent when you consider the first part of the trigger pull is used to advance the belt fed 30 round magazine. One would think that there would be a lot of added friction from the belt but this does not seem to be the case. There is some internal blowback action going on but it is only used to cock the internal hammer/striker which does lesson the overall amount of trigger pull required. The trigger pull is shorter than expected with all that is going on and it's not overly heavy so quick and predictable action shooting is very possible with the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle.
Accuracy: So far I have not done my official Field Test Shooting Video for the MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle but I did have the chance to get out and shoot some rounds down range at my Sig provided Quad Shooting Gallery that I had setup about 35-40 feet away. Even though I did not have my red dot all perfectly sighted in I was still able to hit the smallish metal targets fairly well using the Sig Sauer MPX ASP. In terms of velocity you can expect from the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle, 600 fps is a bit optimistic. Sig did send me a real world fps performance spread sheet they had conducted using both 5.25 grain alloy pellets and 8.18 grain lead pellets shooting 8 rounds and averaging out the fps. The 5.25 grain pellets averaged in at just over 500 fps while the heavier 8.18 grain pellets came in with an average of just under 450 fps. Pretty much what I would expect from a shorter barreled CO2 rifle.
Build Quality: The build quality for Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle is excellent, you can tell Sig Sauer had a lot of hands on in the design and production of this Pellet Shooting Air Rifle! The materials used and fit and finish are top notch and the mechanical function again is really good, I am kind of amazed at how well their belt fed rotary magazine design works in terms of feeding and operation. So far I have not experienced any pellet feeding problems at all using both lead and alloy flathead pellets.
Realism: The Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle is for the most part designed to be used as a side by side optional training aid for the real steel Sig Sauer MPX Rifle. Sig wanted the pellet version to look and feel as close as posable and Sig has done a good job with this. Other than the lessor recoil and noise factor, the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle works and shoots much the same as a real steel Sig Sauer MPX Rifle.
Has to be the best semi auto pellet rifle replica I have seen and shot to date.
Near perfect replica of the real steel Sig Sauer MPX including licensing and trademarks.
Awesome build quality, lots of metal parts and the nylon parts are true to form and very solid.
Rifle has been tested to shoot over 15,000 rounds reliably.
30 round full size belt fed magazine has super high capacity and works flawlessly.
Decent fps performance, about what I would expect from a multi-shot CO2pellet shooter and totally usable.
Trigger feels really good, not too long or to heavy and very consistent feel on every shot.
Fully adjustable pop up front and rear sights.
Lots of rails for your pick of sight options and other add on accessories.
Very accurate with it’s 8 inch rifled barrel.
Rear stock is none adjustable so the gun may feel kind of cramped for larger shooters.
Internal blowback action does not advance the belt fed magazine but does cock the internal hammer.
FPS claim of 600 fps seems a bit optimistic compared to real world testing.
I have been waiting to get my hands on the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle for some time now and the wait has been worth it for sure. There are really no other guns out there right now other than perhaps the Umarex CX4 Storm that compare to the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle and even so I feel the Sig Sauer MPX is by far the better of the two CO2 Air Rifles. OK so the MPX does not really come close to hitting 600 fps but did you really believe that in the first place? Still consistent 450 fps from a decent grain lead pellet is about what you would expect from a short barreled CO2 rifle. If you do want more fps then look at the MCX with over double the barrel length of the MPX, this will easily get you an additional 100+fps for those of you who thrive on velocity performance. I am fine with 450-500 fps since this is all that is needed to accuracy shoot and nock over most targets at a variety of ranges.
My Vimeo Table Top Review of the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle:
I was excited when I first heard that Sig Sauer was coming out with their own line of pellet shooting airguns and that was about 2 years ago! So it's been a long time coming for me to finally get my hands on one of Sigs own in-house Airguns. Sig Sauer was kind enough to send me three of their ASP (Advanced Sport Pellet) airguns, one of which arrived last week, the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle. I will also be receiving Sigs P250 and P226 CO2 Blowback Pellet Pistols for review when they are sent to me hopefully soon.
I will be performing my standard Table Top and Field Test Shooting videos for all of the Sig Sauer Airguns being sent to me but wanted to get out this preview video for the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle to give you a little info on it right away and also let you know what's coming up in terms of Sig Sauer product reviews.
In this preview video I do a little bit of fun backyard shooting simply because I could not resist having a go with this awesome air rifle any longer and needed to shoot it. I was not disappointed! Every pellet I placed in the 30 round belt fed magazine fired flawlessly from the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle. I used both Sigs high velocity 5.25 grain alloy pellets and some flathead 7 grain RWS lead pellets and all my ammo shot well in the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle. I have not done a Chronograph test so far for the Sig MPX but can say the pellets where getting to my Sig Sauer Quad Shooting Gallery Target in no time and I had placed a good 35-40 feet away. Once I figured out my sights I was able to continently hit what looked like pretty small targets from where I was standing, this was no surprise since the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Riflehas an 8 inch rifled barrel.
Sig has done some real world pellet fps testing on their own using both light weight 5.25 grain pellets and heavier 8.18 grain pellets and the numbers for an 8 shot average came in at around 505 fps using 5.25 grain pellets and around 450 fps using 8.18 grain pellets. That's plenty enough power to rip into your targets setup even further down range.
My Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle is the open sight only version but you can get one already paired with Sigs Red Dot system or add your own sighting system, since there are plenty of rails to add just about any kind of accessory to the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle.
Check back shortly for my office Table Top and Field Test Shooting videos for the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle. And when I do finally get the Sis Sauer p250 adn P226 ASP Air Pistols I will have review videos out for them too.
Seems like all I am focussing on is Airsoft guns lately, well that's just what is coming across my table at the moment... Don't worry I am sure there will be some BB gun reviews coming up shortly :) Anyway in this Field Test Shooting Review I take a look at the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol and test its accuracy and velocity. If you want some more details on this gun I have already made some other videos for the 4.5mm steel BB version so you can watch both my Table Top and Field Test Shooting videos for the 4.5mm Steel BB ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Pistol.
Getting to the actual Field Test Shooting review, I performed my standard five round Chronograph velocity fps test using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's with a brand new 12 gram CO2. The fastest Airsoft BB achieved by the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol was 413 fps and the slowest came in at 342 fps with a five shot average of 390 fps. The slowest shot was the last one in my Chronograph test and it even sounded a bit different like it wasn't getting full CO2 from the valve. This would present a problem later on in my accuracy test as it seemed the CO2 valve need to working in before this gun started to perform properly. I am guessing there may have been some debris in the valve area that needed to work its way out?
On with my Field Test Shooting portion of this review to determine the accuracy of the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. I set myself up 30 feet back shooting from a semi-rested position (Sand bag up front and standing in the back). This shooting position serves to provide a stable shooting platform for overall accuracy and what I should expect to get from the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. Keep in mind the results are always dependant on how I shoot on the day of my testing.
I shot rounds through the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol but as I mentioned before I believe the CO2 valve was messing with the guns performance, so what was happening was some shots would get full Co2 and work fine while other shots only got a portion of the CO2 which did not allow for the blowback action to fully cycle and caused the internal hammer to not get set in the full cocked position. I did get about half of my shots to hit the target but my results where not what I would expect from the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. It is more than capable of getting at least a 4 inch group from 30 feet out so don't take this particular test to seriously.
After tearing down my camera gear I decided to load up another CO2 into the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol and shot several magazines through it. This did seem to fix the problem and which leads me to believe that I simply needed to work this gun in a little bit. Out of the box Airguns can have some machining materials in them that can cause performance issues as I believe was the case for the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. Luckily I was able to get mine working properly!
Another Airsoft Field Test Shooting Review for you guys where I test out the Cybergun distributed KWC made CO2 powered Blowback 6mm Plastic BB shooting Colt M1911 A1 Pistol. I have already done some table top Reviews for a few other versions of this same KWC made pistol... I have already made a lot of videos for this super popular KWC 1911 pistol, it comes in 4.5mm Steel BB and Airsoft version distributed by companies like Cybergun, Umarex and Gletcher to name a few. Each of these companies brands them under their own name and license and in some cases the cosmetics are a little different on each version.
Getting to the meat of this review and back to the Field Test shooting portion. I performed my standard five round Chronograph velocity fps test using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's with a brand new 12 gram CO2. The fastest Airsoft BB achieved by the Cybergun KWC Colt M1911 A1 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol was 386 fps and the slowest came in at 374 fps with a five shot average of 380 fps. I was actually a bit surprised at how hard this Airsoft pistol shot being that the 4.5mm steel BB version shoots closer to the 300 fps range. Still a usable fps for most Airsoft games.
Next up in my Field Test Shooting Review was my accuracy target test, I set up 30 feet back shooting from a semi-rested position (Sand bag up front and standing in the back). This shooting position serves to provide a nice stable shooting platform for overall accuracy and what I can expect from the Cybergun KWC Colt M1911 A1 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. Of course the results are always dependant on how I'm shoot on the day of my testing, after all I am only human!
I shot my usual 10 rounds through the Cybergun KWC Colt M1911 A1 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol but for some reason this 1911 Airsoft replica liked to shoot on the high side. My first shot curved well above my target and my second shot just clipped the metal portion. For my remaining 8 shots I lowered my aim to the lowest ring to see if I could get some shots on paper and even with this rather deliberate sight adjustment I was still hitting really high on the target, some shots still even off the paper and hitting metal. Either the adjustable BAXS Hop-up was way off or the Airsoft Ammo I was using did not agree with this 1911 pistol. It is kind of hard to say what kind of grouping I can actually get using this pistol as it stands but from shooting similar versions of this pistol I should be able to get at least 2 inch groupings once it is set up right and using ammo that works well with it.
The Cybergun KWC Colt M1911 A1 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol has a great single action trigger with the feel you would expect form a real 1911 45 caliber pistol. The blowback action is strong, you can actually feel it not just in your hand but further back in your arms and even shoulders a little bit. I'm pretty sure with a quick hop-up adjustment or ammo swap, this Cybergun KWC Colt M1911 A1 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol will perform like all the others KWC pistols I have tested before it.
In yet another Field Test Shooting Review I test out an Cybergun distributed KWC made CO2 powered Blowback 6mm Plastic BB shooting Sig Sauer P226 X-Five Pistol. I have already done some table top Reviews for a few other versions of this same KWC made pistol... The 4.5mm Steel BB shooting version of this same Cybergun distributed pistol and also the KWC unlicensed version in Airsoft and with some slightly different cosmetics.
Getting to the Field Test shooting portion of this review. I performed my standard five round Chronograph velocity fps test using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's with a brand new 12 gram CO2. The fastest Airsoft BB achieved by the Cybergun KWC Sig Sauer P226 X-Five CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol was 327 fps and the slowest came in at 298 fps with a five shot average of 312 fps, that might seem low but in terms of a close range Airsoft gun this is ideal.
Next up in my Field Test Shooting Review was my target test, and like always, I set up 30 feet back shooting from a semi-rested position (Sand bag up front and standing in the back). This shooting position provides a nice and stable shooting platform to get a good idea on the overall accuracy I should be able to expect with the Cybergun KWC Sig Sauer P226 X-Five CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. Of course the results are a little dependant on how I'm shoot on the day of my testing :)
I shot 10 rounds through my Cybergun KWC Sig Sauer P226 X-Five CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol and they all easily found their mark close together on the paper target, 8 of the 10 shots grouped within a 3/4 inch hole with 2 shots coming out juts a bit extending the grouping to about 2-3 inches. With light Airsoft BB's some shots will stray a little bit but the fact that 8 out of the 10 shots pretty much made one small hole shows that this Blowback Airsoft Pistol is very accurate to say the least.
The Cybergun KWC Sig Sauer P226 X-Five CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol has an awesome single action trigger, if your not ready for it it can almost get away on you but after a couple of shots you will easily figure out the break and release points and be hitting targets down range with ease from this super short and light trigger. The Cybergun KWC Sig Sauer P226 X-Five CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol does also have a double action trigger if you decide to lower the hammer but need to take a quick shot. The Blowback action is one of the heavier blowback actions you will find on an CO2 Blowback airgun and the gun itself is fairly large and a bit on the heavy side but at the same time really well balanced and a joy to shoot.
In this Field Test Shooting Review I test out an early generation CO2 powered blowback 4.5mm Steel BB shooting Desert Eagle Replica made by Daisy nearly 20 years ago. This is probably one of the first blowback BB guns made and being that I picked it up used and it's around 20 years old, I was not even sure if it would still shoot let alone get any decent results. Either way I figured I would test it out and see for myself.
I have no yet done my official Field Test Shooting Video for the Daisy Powerline Model 400 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol but I have made a preview video for it that you can see here. In short, I picked this nice find up at a local gun show in my area for $75 and it really is in pristine condition, I would say as new condition!
Getting back to the Field Test shooting portion of this review. As per usual I started off by shooting five rounds of 5.1 grain zinc coated RWS steel BB's using a brand new 12 gram CO2 through my Chronograph which actually worked rather well for me this time around. The fastest BB achieved by the Daisy Powerline Model 400 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol was 361fps and the slowest came in at 338fps with a five shot average of 347fps, not bad for a 20 year old blowback BB pistol!
Next up in my Field Test Shooting Review was my accuracy test, and like always, I set myself up 30 feet back shooting from a semi-rested position (Sand bag up front and standing in the back). This shooting position provides a fairly stable shooting platform to get a good idea on the overall accuracy of the gun. Of course the results are a little dependant on how I shoot that day...
I shot 10 rounds through my Daisy Powerline Model 400 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol and they all found their mark on the paper target, a little high but well centered left and right. Most importantly the 10 shot grouping all came in under 2 inches which again kind of surprised me from this old time BB replica pistol. The sights on the Daisy Powerline Model 400 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol are none adjustable so if I plan to shoot targets at this range I will have to aim a little under them, no big deal!
In terms of how this CO2 Blowback BB Replica shoots, it has a fairly nice single action only trigger, not super light but decent enough and the blowback action does cock the hammer back with each shot and also give a little of that simulated recoil effect even with the light plastic slide. One area the Daisy Powerline Model 400 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol did not perform as well as newer BB guns was in the CO2 efficiency, I only got 2 magazines worth of shots so around 40 shots out of a CO2 before the gun would not blowback all the way anymore. Still, I am very happy with this purchase and plan to keep my Daisy Powerline Model 400 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol as it is not easy to come by anymore.
This Field Test Shooting Video Review focuses on the performance results of the ASG Dan Wesson 715 CO2 BB Revolver. I put it through my standard Field Test to see what kind of feet per second performance it can achieve using 5.1 grain Steel 4.5mm BB's. I also perform my standard 6 shot Revolver accuracy test from 30 feet back with a semi rested shooting position to see how this very modern 6 shooter groups on a paper target.
In the first portion of the fps velocity test, I used my temperamental Chronograph shooting 6 rounds in total with a brand new CO2. Out of the 6 shots I did mange to get 3 good readings so I guess it could have been worse. The fps reading for the three shots where 338, 331 and 326 with a three shot average of 332 fps. Not what I expected from the ASG Dan Wesson 715 CO2 BB Revolver since the claimed fps is closer to 430 and it was not an overly cold day so I should have been in the ball park. Perhaps my Chrony is not reading like it should be and maybe it's time for a new one :(
Next on my Field Test Shooting list was the accuracy portion of this review. I performed my standard 30 foot back paper target shooting test using my standard semi-rested position, standing in the back with a sandbag up front to rest my hands on for stability. This position is fairly steady but not perfect so there is always some human factor to consider. I had to perform this part of the test twice as one of my cameras was not rolling in the first go around. Unfortunately the first test was the best but I can say the ASG Dan Wesson 715 CO2 BB Revolver is very capable of getting all 6 shots under 1 inch with a little practice and a steady hand
I really love the new ASG Dan Wesson 715 CO2 BB Revolver, it's for sure a much better made version than the older Dan Wesson and it seems ot be just as accurate. I am almost positive this pistol shoots harder than what my Chronograph was giving it credit for, you can just tell by how quick the BB's are getting to the target. so perhaps another FPS test is in order to find out for sure. Other than that the ASG Dan Wesson 715 CO2 BB Revolver is an awesome modern shell loading CO2 six shooter and a lot of fun to shoot.
This Field Test Shooting Video Review focuses on the performance results of the Umarex Colt Single Action Army CO2 Pellet Revolver. I put it through its paces to see what kind of feet per second performance it can achieve using .7 grain RWS lead pellets. I also perform my standard 6 shot Revolver accuracy test from a 30 foot back semi rested shooting position to see how this classic cowboy 6 shooter groups on a paper target.
In my first portion of the fps velocity test, I used my somewhat temperamental Chronograph shooting several RWS 7 grain lead pellets using a brand new CO2. I really did not have much luck with my Chronograph today, it did not seem to like the lead pellets I was using? I went through 12 shots and only got 3 decent readings which where rather spread apart. 318, 484 and 333 fps for an average of 378 fps. I can say that when shooting the Umarex Colt Single Action Army CO2 Pellet Revolver the pellets do seem to get to the target pretty quickly and my gut estimate is that they are moving somewhere in the high 300 to low 400 fps range.
Next on my Field Test Shooting list was the accuracy portion of this review where I did not have to worry about my tech gear working properly! I performed my standard 30 foot back paper target shooting test using a semi-rested position, standing in the back with a sandbag up front to rest my hands on for stability. This position is nice and steady but not perfect so there is always some human factor to consider and I know at least one of the 6 shots went a bit high on the account of me pulling that one shot just a little bit. Removing that one shot I kind of blew, I was able to get a very tight .75 inch grouping with the Umarex Colt Single Action Army CO2 Pellet Revolver. And looking back at the video my hold was a little on the jittery side, perhaps one too many espresso this morning...
I am a huge fan of these Umarex distributed Colt Single Action Army CO2 Pellet Revolvers, they now come in 4.5mm Steel BB, .177 caliber lead pellet and even Airsoft versions so you can take your pick depending on your intended use. If you want the best accuracy then definitely go for the pellet shooting version with its rifled barrel as you should be able to hit a quarter at 30 feet with it all day long.
This Field Test Shooting Video Review focuses on the performance results of the Elite Force Blowback CO2 Airsoft Race Gun. I put it through its paces to see what kind of feet per second performance it can achieve using .20 gram Airsoft plastic BB's. I also perform my standard 10 shot accuracy test from a 30 foot back shooting position to see how this IPSC pistol groups on paper.
My first portion of the test, the fps velocity test I performed using my Chronograph shooting five .20 gram standard plastic Airsoft BB's with a brand new CO2. The fps for the Elite Force Blowback CO2 Airsoft Race Gun ranged from 343 to 366 fps with an average 5 shot reading of 357 feet per second. The temperature was not exactly warm on this day, just a little over 10 Degrees Celsius so I was not expecting top velocity from the Elite Force Blowback CO2 Airsoft Race Gun, even so at right around 350 fps this pistol would be perfect for close quarters Airsoft games.
Next on my Field Test Shooting check list was the accuracy portion of this review, I performed my standard 30 foot back paper target test using a semi-rested position, standing in the back with a sandbag up front to rest my hands on for stability. This position is nice and stable but not perfect so there is always some human factor to take into account and I would say I may have had a little too much caffeine on this day but I really don't think it would have made a difference as the Elite Force Blowback CO2 Airsoft Race Gun just did not want to settle down at all for me. Shots where all over the place but at least my red dot sight was relatively well centered since most shots landed on the paper. I would say I got around a 7 inch 10 shot grouping which by no means is great. I'm not even sure if the hop-up can be adjusted on this gun, if so it could improve the accuracy a bit, maybe even a different brand of Airsoft BB's could help since perhaps the fit of the Airsoft BB's I was using was not ideal?
I do have to say the trigger on the Elite Force Blowback CO2 Airsoft Race Gun is really nice, it is a true single action trigger with a fairly short take-up and a nice light release. You can really unload your magazine fast as you would expect to be able to do with an IPSC marketed pistol. The blowback is snapping and does give a nice feeling of recoil but is not overpowering which helps this pistol with follow up shots. I would like to try out some other brands of Airsoft BB's perhaps a bit heavier and perhaps a different diameter to see if I can find a brand that works better with the Elite Force Blowback CO2 Airsoft Race Gun since I really feel it has way more accuracy potential.
This Field Test Shooting Video Review focuses on the performance results of the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol. I put it through its paces to see what kind of velocity it can achieve as compared to the 400 fps Umarex claims on the packaging. I also perform my standard 10 shot accuracy test from 30 feet back to see how this action pistol groups on paper.
My first portion of the test, the feet per second velocity test I performed using my Chronograph shooting five 5.1 grain standard zinc coated steel BB's with a brand new CO2. The fps for the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol ranged a little from 334 to 358 fps with an average 5 shot reading of 348 feet per second. Keep in mind the temperature was not exactly warm on this day, just a little over 10 Degrees Celsius so I was not anticipating top claimed fps readings so hitting about 50 fps under claimed may be a bout right, I know for sure on a hot summer day I can expect better results.
Next up was the accuracy or shooting portion of this field test shooting review, I performed my standard 30 foot back paper target test using a semi rested stance standing in the back with a sandbag up front to rest my hands on for stability. This position is nice and stable but not perfect so there is always some human factor to take into account. Removing one flyer that was rather high, I was able to get a 3.5 inch grouping from my Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol which is what I would consider about average for a blowback BB shooter, not the best but far from the worst I have shot. I am pretty sure I could do a bit better once I got used to the trigger as it does have a lot more take-up than I am use to with a 1911 and the release is a bit firmer.
A couple of observation when shooting the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol. I found the trigger to be noticeably longer and heavier than a standard 1911 but at least it is single action and I would say usable once taking a little time to get accustomed to it. The break point is rather deep and the release can catch you off guard but again putting some rounds through the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol will work much of this out. The Blowback action is not overly heavy but certainly enough to give that recoil effect. I would also suggest only placing 15 rounds in the magazine as the load of the follower spring for a full magazine can play a little havoc with the trigger.
All in all this is a nice 1911 Blowback BB pistol option especially if you are looking for a 1991 that shoots a little harder and gets more shot per CO2 than the KWC/Cybergun 1911's since you can expect fps performance in the mid to high 300's and at least an extra magazine worth of shots per CO2 from the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol
This Field Test Shooting Video Review focuses on the performance aspects of the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver. I test it out to see what kind of velocity it can achieve as compared to the 375 fps Umarex states and I also conduct an accuracy test from 30 feet away to see how straight and true it shoots.
My first test, the velocity or fps test I performed using my Chronograph shooting five 5.1 grain standard zinc coated steel BB's. The fps ranged very little from 370 to 382 fps with an average 5 shot reading of 374 feet per second. Keep in mind the temperature was not exactly warm on this day, somewhere around 10 Degrees Celsius so I was not expecting top fps readings so getting pretty much exactly what Umarex claimed the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver would get makes me think there may even be more potential on a nice hot summer day.
Moving on to the accuracy or shooting portion of this field test review, I performed my usual 30 foot paper target test using a semi rested stance standing in the back with a sandbag up front to rest my hands on for stability. This position is fairly stable but not perfect so there is always some human factor to consider. For the most part the majority of my shots stayed within about a 1.5-2 inch grouping and stayed well centered on the target which is great considering the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver does not have adjustable sights.
A couple of side notes about the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver. I found the trigger to be really nice especially in single action with just about the perfect amount of take-up and trigger weight and a very predictable breaking point. In double action the trigger is also decent for a revolver, fairly short with a medium amount of pull, perfect for action shooting. I was only using the open non-adjustable sights but still got good results so I can only imagine how much better I could perform with the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver
Propulsion: Green gas or 12 Gram CO2 dependant on magazine used.
Action: Blowback,Single action only.
Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 29 rounds.
FPS: 410-440 fps
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the KJWork KC-02 Version 2 10/22 Gas Blowback Airsoft Carbine is pretty much exactly like a real Ruger 10/22, nice and short, not to light or heavy, crisp and single action only. If you already have a Ruger 10/22 and want to pickup this Airsoft version for some anytime shooting then you will not be disappointed in the trigger since it is already what you are used to.
Accuracy: I decided to setup my paper target a little further out than my standard 30 feet, so I took it back to around 50 feet and put around 24 shots into it in a fairly quick succession from a rested position. The KJWork KC-02 Version 2 10/22 Gas Blowback Airsoft Carbine grouped continently and well centred on target getting around a 3 inch grouping. This was using a red dot scope but with the out of the box hop-up setting in place. I was a little bit surprised by my fps results as my Chronograph recorded an impressive 445 average 5 shot fps using the lower powered green gas magazine. All shot where within only a few fps of each other too! I can only imagine how hard this gun would shoot using the alternative CO2 Magazine. Blowback action was just enough to give some feedback and of course allowed for the bolt to cycle giving the KJWork KC-02 Version 2 10/22 Gas Blowback Airsoft Carbine a true single action trigger pull.
Build Quality: The build quality for all KJWork KC-02 Version 2 10/22 Gas Blowback Airsoft Carbine is very good with a nice weight and feel to it, It really does feel like I am holding a real Ruger 10/22 and it is one of the most popular semi auto 22LR rifles out there for a reason. Mechanically this Ryger 10/22 copy works great, super consistent and very responsive. The fit and finish as with all KJWorks guns is top notch.
Realism: The KJWork KC-02 Version 2 10/22 Gas Blowback Airsoft Carbine is for all intents and purposes simple an Airsoft version of the Ruger 10/22 and even though I have no way to confirm this, I would imagine many 10/22 after market accessories may actually work with the KJWork 10/22 Gas Blowback Airsoft Carbine. Everything works just like it would on a real 10/22 without the loud noise and ejecting shells.
Built on the very popular 10/22 platform so lots of people are going to be very familiar with this rifle and may want an Airsoft version they can shoot just about any time they feel like it.
Good weight and feel to it.
Blowback semi auto action with true single action trigger.
Lots of rail access points for tons of add on accessories.
Pop-up fully adjustable sights stay out of the way but are ready to go when needed.
Easy to adjust Hop-up.
Available magazines in both CO2 and Green Gas.
Adjustable AR styled rear stock with AR pistol grips.
Sling mounts included.
Works with standard Airsoft screw on flash hider or suppressors.
Awesome FPS and consistency.
Very accurate even at 50 feet, around a 3 inch 25 shot grouping.
No full auto mode.
Higher capacity mag would have been nice.
Would be nice to have a higher capacity magazine for it.
I am really impressed with the KJWork KC-02 Version 2 10/22 Gas Blowback Airsoft Carbine! It feel and shoots a lot like the real steel version but with less noise and recoil. For back yard shooting fun and practice you can not find a cheaper gun out there to simulate shooting your real 10/22 and of course this rifle used on an Airsoft field would be a perfect fir for almost any shooting environment since it is light, compact, accurate and powerful. I think I found my newest favorite Blowback Airsoft Rifle :)
My Vimeo Table Top Review of the KJWork KC-02 Version 2 10/22 Gas Blowback Airsoft Carbine:
Materials: Mostly plastic with some metal construction.
Weight: 1.3 pounds (586 grams).
Barrel: 5.5 inches, non-rifled.
Propulsion: 12 gram CO2.
Action: Revolver, single & double actions.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm steel BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 10 rounds.
FPS: 375.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver is actually rather nice. If you decide to cock the hammer back and shoot it single action style then you get a little bit of that SAA Revolver like ratcheting sound. The trigger pull in single action mode is short with virtually no take-up and on the light side. Double action shooting with the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver is not overly long or heavy either so action shooting is totally possible with this BB shooting CO2 revolver.
Accuracy: I can not comment so far on the shooting performance for the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolversince I have not shot it yet. The weather is getting nicer outside so that should happen pretty soon. The claimed FPS for the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver is stated at only 375 which I find seems a bit low for a none blowback fairly straight forward BB pistol with an almost 6 inch barrel so hopefully my testing shows performance up into the 400's which I am hoping for. The open sights are non adjustable but there are tons more options by taking advantage of the two rails top and bottom for adding either a red dot or laser to increased target shooting ability.
Build Quality: The Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver is pretty much an all metal pistol with the outer shell being made up of plastic, there is a fair bit of internal metal going on along with the trigger, hammer and of course the inner barrel made out of metal parts. Mechanically the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver feels solid and even though it only weight in at 1.3 pounds it feels much heavier in the hand.
Realism: The Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver as far as I know is not an exact replica of any real steal gun currently in production. It's basically a spin off of an ultra tactical .44 magnum revolver with a super beefed up front barrel assembly sporting all kinds of accessory option to be placed on the top and bottom rails. I like that Umarex made sure to recess the barrel opening so it has a more realistic barrel size. Like many new CO2 airguns coming out these days the CO2 is not only well hidden inside the grips but a handy Allen key is built into the handle.
Not the heaviest revolver on the market but it feels really nice in the hand and has good balance, the weight is not bad at all and feels heavier than 1.3 pounds.
Trigger action is really good in both single and double action, short light single action trigger and totally usable double action trigger.
CO2 is well hidden with built in Alan key in the handle.
Rails top and bottom for all kinds of accessory add on options.
Barrel is recessed for that larger caliber look.
Nice and discreet safety.
Comes with three 10 shot easy to load rotary magazines.
Low cost with high fun factor.
Grips are a bit hard to remove to get at the CO2, may work-in over time?
All black sights are not great on dark backgrounds and are non adjustable.
Would have liked to see fps into the 400 range.
The Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver when I first picked it up did not appeal to me all that much, maybe knowing it was for the most part yet another mostly plastic BB revolver with those thin pop in disc magazines didn't help me take notice much. But as I have been playing around with the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver it has grown on me a lot. I think it has a really cool look that is also very usable in terms of putting juts about any accessory you want on this CO2 revolver. The hammer and trigger action are also both excellent for not juts an inexpensive Airgun but even a higher end airgun. And right out of the box, or should I say clam-shell plastic wrap, you get three rotary disc magazines which is a nice bonus.
My Vimeo Table Top Review for the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver:
Action: Semi auto, single action only with blowback.
Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 16 round full size drop out magazine.
FPS: 370.
Trigger Pull: The Single Action Only trigger pull on the Umarex Elite Force Blowback CO2 Airsoft Race Gun is what you want when looking for a gun made specifically for IPSC styled shooting. The trigger is nice and light with a very short take up and crisp release. Exactly what you would be looking for when wanting to shoot accurately and quickly as in with IPSC competition shooting!
Accuracy: I have not done a field test or shooting video for the Umarex Elite Force Blowback CO2 Airsoft Race Gun so far, I am just waiting for the weather to get a little bit better but that should be soon! I woudl expect this pistol to get close to 400 fps on a warm day and pretty decent shots pre CO2 with its shorter blowback action and magazine design that seals the Airsoft BB in the breach. We will have to wait and see ot be sure...
Build Quality: The Umarex Elite Force Blowback CO2 Airsoft Race Gun is well built, it's pretty much entirely metal except for the grips and part of the full size magazine. It weighs in at a hefty 2.5 pounds so be prepared for a relatively heavy pistol but with good balance that will offset the weight of it. The tolerances are very good with very little slide wiggle the slide spring is nice and firm and the slide catch release seems to function really well, I like that the slide racking handle can be switched to either side of the gun depending on your shooting preference.
Realism: The Umarex Elite Force Blowback CO2 Airsoft Race Gun is not based on any one gun that I am aware of but overall looks the part of a real gun with all the working parts and features of a semi auto pistol of this type. You will find a full size drop out magazine is sprung to eject with force when you press the magazine release which is great for IPSC shooting. The slide catch/release will also lock the slide back on the last shot and with rails top and bottom you have several options for adding accessories.
All metal construction - good weight and very solid feeling gun.
Heavy snappy blowback action, good recoil spring tension.
Fit and finish is really nice.
Well balanced, so even with heavy blowback the gun should stay on target.
Really light, short and smooth single action trigger, for quick follow up shots.
Can take the sight rail off and install one of the two included adjustable open sight options.
Expect it to get a decent amount of shots per CO2 because of the limited blowback action and magazine design.
Would make a nice IPSC trainer.
Comes with a red tip but may be able to take it off.
Not sure about the hop-up setup, believe it has hop-up but no way to adjust it that I could find.
Has that white waring instruction labeling on the slide, at least it is in very small print.
Overall the Umarex Elite Force Blowback CO2 Airsoft Race Gun is a really nice competition shooting pistol and I am looking forward to getting some shooting time in with it to see if it performs as good as I believe it will. I am also hoping with it's slightly shorter blowback action and magazine design that not only will it get good fps but also a reasonable amount of shots per CO2. At this point I am not sure if am going to put a Red Dot on the sight rail or take the sight rail off and go with open metal sights, either way I pretty sure to expect fast and accurate shooting with this IPSC inspired Race Gun.
My Vimeo Video Review for the Umarex Elite Force Blowback CO2 Airsoft Race Gun:
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol is like the original 1911 semi auto pistol a single action only trigger. That said the Colt M45 CQBP SAO trigger is notably longer than a true 1911 trigger would be but still pretty decent overall. There is a fair bit of take up but once you get to the release point the trigger weight is about a medium pull and should allow for pretty fast action shooting with not too much finger fatigue.
Accuracy: I have not shot this "version" of the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol but I have high expectations that it will get much better fps and CO2 efficiency than the similar looking KWC versions out there. 400 fps for a blowback is pretty good and if it can get about 5-6 magazines worth of shots that would be close to double of what a KWC 1911 blowback gets! In terms of accuracy only time will tell when the weather perk sup here a bit and I can get outside and make some shooting videos...
Build Quality: I am very impressed with the build quality for the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol. In many ways it may even be better than the KWC 1911's as it seems to have a much more durable finish and the mechanical parts fit together very snug with virtually no slide wiggle at all. This little rather inexpensive 1911 blowback BB pistol should last you a long time and perform well doing it.
Realism: Up to now I have been almost preferring the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol over the KWC Blowback 1911 series but when it comes to realism the tables turn a little bit in favor of the KWC 1911 version. On first look it is hard to tell them both apart so yes they both look and feel very much like real steel 1911 pistols. Once you get into some more of the mechanical aspects the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol does make some compromises choosing to take away a little bit of the realism in favor of increasing performance. These area are the range of motion of the blowback action. On the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol the slide range is a bit shorter which will save on CO2 usage and the magazine is a stick mag setup which again allows for a more enclosed system again taking advantage of all the CO2 being used. Most of the mechanical parts work as you would expect them to on a real 1911 with the exception of the grip safety. The barrel is even nicely recessed ti make the barrel opening look like a real 45 auto. Lastly the trigger even though it is a true SAO trigger does extend out from the gun a lot more than a true 1911 trigger would.
Build quality and finish seem really good, excellent tolerances.
Nice snappy blowback action with a pretty heavy recoil spring.
Overall Accurate 1911 tactical styled replica in most ways.
Does have a single action only trigger, but is longer than most.
Fully Colt Licensed.
Like the white dot sights, machined hammer, ambidextrous safety and accessory rail.
Cool that the Alan key is built into the handle.
Has a believable recessed barrel.
Finished coating seems to be more durable than the actual KWC versions.
Warning instructions are color matched and not so intrusive.
Trigger action is notably longer than a real 1911 trigger but is single action only.
No working grip safety.
Not easily field strippable.
Does not have a full size drop out metal magazine but rather a metal stick mag.
I can never seem to get enough of the Blowback 1911 BB pistols when I have the opportunity to review them. Most of them have been just different reskinned, rebranded and redistributed version of the original KWC 1911 so it was kind of nice to get the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol since it offers that 1911 look with blowback action and from the looks of things it should have improved performance in the shooting department. If you have been after a Blowback 1911 BB pistol but wanted one with some more power and that you can get a decent amount of shots out of a single CO2 then the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol may be just what you are looking for.
My Vimeo Videos for the Umarex Colt M45 CQBP Blowback CO2 BB Pistol:
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Gletcher GOLD APS Stetchkin is nice in both double and single action modes. Double action is fairly light as the hammer spring tension is moderate. The blowback operation will of course pre-cock the hammer allowing for single action shooting on almost all of your shots but the trigger pull length remains the same in both single and double action. The only difference is that in single action mode, the first part of the trigger pull, or should I say the take-up portion is much lighter until it gets to the hammer release point where you will notice more pressure and a short crisp release point.
Accuracy: I have already done a field test shooting review for the standard blowback Gletcher APS Stechkin which other than the finish is the same gun and will perform exactly the same. Make sure to checkout that shooting review for more info on how the Gletcher APS performed. In summary, I was able to get very close to the claimed 400 fps even on a rather cool early spring day (under 10 degree Celsius). I also shot with around a 2 inch 10 shot grouping from my standard target setup of 30 feet back in a semi rested position.
Build Quality: The Gletcher GOLD APS Stechkin CO2 Blowback BB Pistol is well made, the Gold and black etched finish looks really nice but may not be to everyones personal taste, kind of a love it or hate situation when it comes ot Gold guns ;) The fit is good, not a lot of slide wiggle and pretty much the entire pistol is metal including the frame, slide, trigger, slide catch-release, safety, hammer, magazine and inner barrel. The only plastic parts would be the grips, outer barrel and some internal seals and o-rings.
Realism:The GOLD CO2 BB Gletcher APS is a 1 to 1 replica of the Stechkin Soviet Military sidearm, all the mechanical parts function just like you would find on the real steel version other than the full auto mode located on the safety, which has been disabled, perhaps for the European markets where full auto airguns are not allowed. The barrel opening and the stick magazine are the real only tell-tale signs that this is the airgun version rather than a real Stechkin.
Come in a nice Velvet lined Wooden Box.
Gold Plated with etching )either love it or hate it)
Very solid and weighty gun. Mostly all metal.
High capacity 22 round all metal stick magazine
Blowback operation is pretty heavy, slide locks back on last round.
Operational parts all work like they should (slide catch, safety, hammer, elevation adjustment, mag release)
Field Strippable.
May be able to attach a stock on it?
Shooting performance, good trigger pull, around 400 fps and got about a 2 inch grouping from 30 feet away.
No reassessed barrel opening.
Would have liked to have seen full size drop out metal magazine on this gun.
Full auto feature disabled on safety.
Gold version is a lot more expensive than the standard blowback version. ($349 versus $179)
When I saw this pistol in the Gletcher catalog, I did not realize how large it actually was, I was expecting the Gold Gletcher APS Stechkin to be a bit larger than the Makarov but it really does dwarf the Makarov. Being that it is a large pistol it does have some weight to it but it does not feel heavy for its size. The grips are long front to back but not overly thick side to side so even medium sized hands should be OK shooting this BB air pistol. I am really happy to see another historic airgun added to the available Replica Airguns at our disposal and it's a bonus that we also get this one with blowback operation. You do have your choice when it comes to what you are looking for in terms of finish and operation, there is of course the APS GOLD blowback BB Version being reviewed in this video, the standard black/grey none blowback APS BB version, the black/grey blowback APS BB version which again is mechanically exactly the same as the GOLD. If your prefer Airsfot you can even find a Gletcher APS Blowback Airsoft model to fit your needs. All you have to decide is which one is for you!
My Vimeo Table Top Video of the Gletcher APS Stechkin CO2 Blowback BB Pistol:
I try and make it to my local gun show which is held in Chilliwack BC about this time each year. It is put on by the Historical Arms Collectors Society of BC and there are generally a lot of used long guns (rifles) some pistols, lots of accessories, knives, hunting gear, knick·knacks and even some antique items. I tend to be looking for airguns or blank guns that are rare or a good deal.
This year I came across a few items that caught my eye. The first item was a Daisy replica 4.5mm BB pistol, I am not a big fan of Daisy replica gun in general as they are usually a far cry from the originals but this Daisy Powerline Model 400 was actually a really good copy of a Desert Eagle in size and looks. Sure it had a lot of plastic in it but it was made in Japan and even being around 20 years olds was holding up really well. This Daisy Powerline 400 even had Blowback which back then was not all that common.
The Daisy Powerline 400 BB Desert Eagle has a 20 round removable magazine that fits along the top of the barrel and it has a claimed fps. It is almost all high grade plastic with the exception of the single action only trigger, safety, hammer, barrel and several internal parts.
The next interesting item I found was a little compact 8mm blank shooter originally made in West Germany. So this blank gun is close to 30 years old. The SM Model 110 8mm Blank Pistol kind of reminds me of my EKOL Tuna in terms of size and functionality since both have the same half slide and magazine release system.
The SM Mod 110 8mm Blank Pistol is front venting and pretty much all metal with reinforced steel areas, it has a 5 round single stack magazine and shoots in single action only.
My last purchase for this show was a new item, here in Canada we generally are not allowed much in the way of items specifically labeled for self defense. There are some work arounds for instance we can carry a knife as long as it is not concealed entirely and we only intend to use it as a tool. We can also carry pepper spray again only for use on animals. Generally speaking we have not been allowed stun guns or tasers here in Canada and even importing them can land you in a lot of trouble! Again it seems a work around has been made, as long as the Stun Gun or Taser is at least 480mm in length then it is not considered a concealable weapon and as long as you have it out on display and only intend to use it on animals that may be a threat to you then all is good :)
The Stun Gun I purchased is basically a baton with a flashlight on the front and a 1 million volt taser on the front of it. You have several options with this device if harm is eminent. You can try blinding the threat with the built in flashlight which is not all that powerful but good for finding your way in dark areas, you can give the attacker a whack with the baton baseball bat style and if none of that is working well let em have the 1 million volt sandwich! We should be getting some of these Stun Baton Flashlights in our Canada Replica Airguns Store at some point so stay posted for that item.
Type: BB air pistol. Manufacturer: Umarex - KWC. Model: Colt Combat Vet Limited Edition 1911. Materials: Pretty much all metal build. Weight: 2 pounds. Barrel: 4.38 inchesBrass, non-rifled. Propulsion: CO2 x1. Action: Semi auto blowback, single action only. Ammunition Type: 4.5mm Steel BB's. Ammunition Capacity: 18-19 rounds. FPS: 320.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex Colt Combat Vet Limited Edition 1911 is like all the other KWC made CO2 full blowback 1911's, it's exactly what you would expect from a real 1911 single action only pistol which helps to make this replica 1911 a great trainer. So in other words the trigger pull is super short, super light with very little take-up and a nice crisp break.
Accuracy: I have not shot this "version" of the Umarex - KWC 4.5mm BB 1911 but it will undoubtedly perform exactly like all the others. I can expect decent under 2 inch groupings from 30 feet out and will get a little over 300 fps on a full CO2 cartridges. Depending on how fast I shoot off my magazines, I should expect to get around 3 good mags and if I slow things down a bit I should get a forth magazine so anywhere from 50-70 good or so shots per CO2 out of the Umarex Colt Combat Vet Limited Edition 1911.
Build Quality: Very good, with almost all metal construction, good weight and craftsmanship, the KWC 1911 line of pistols have proven themselves over time and even though some of the original first run units had some CO2 valve issues, this seems to have been fixed over the years. You will find most of these KWC pistols in general have a rather thin coating for a finish and so they tend to wear a bit on the high spots but with this weathered Umarex Colt Combat Vet Limited Edition 1911 that really isn't a concern!
Realism: This is as close as you can come to the look, weight, feel, and action of the real 1911 in virtually almost every way including the ability to field strip this pistol! All the mechanical parts work just like they do on a real steel 1911 including the grip safety. I'm not sure what more you could ask for? The Umarex Colt Combat Vet Limited Edition 1911 even has that real gun wear and tear look to it which in my opinion even adds to the realism.
Extremely realistic airgun replica of an original Colt 1911 A1 styled 45 auto.
All metal construction - Good weight and solid feeling gun.
Would make an excellent training gun as it functions just like the real steel 1911 45 handgun.
Blowback action is very firm adding to the realism of shooting this weapon.
Field strips just like the real 1911 45 auto.
True 1911 Single action only trigger, excellent pull, very smooth and light.
Working grip safety.
Colt Licensed by Umarex
Weathering gives this pistol a very authentic look to it.
Warning instructions are nicely out of the way.
It goes through CO2 very fast as do all the KWC full blowback pistols.
Sights are non-adjustable.
Umarex decided to label the safety, perhaps for legal reasons but it detracts from the finish.
You would think by now I would be getting tired of reviewing yet another variation of the KWC made 1911? Nope! The Umarex Colt Combat Vet Limited Edition 1911 with it's Umarex Colt licensed and Weathered appearance adds just enough to respark my interest in these awesome CO2 Blowback 1911 replicas and every time I pick one up I get a little excited and want to go out and shoot some rounds through one :) If for some reason you have not picked up one of these 1911's to date then make sure to grab the Umarex Colt Combat Vet Limited Edition 1911 before they are all gone!
My Vimeo Videos for the Umarex Colt Combat Vet Limited Edition 1911 BB Pistol: