Entries in Accessory,Replica Airguns News

Questions & Answer Page Added to the Replica Airguns Website


Things have been getting busier and busier all the time around here and I tend to answer a lot of the same questions so I thought it would be a good idea to put up a FAQ page. (Requently Asked Questions).

I will most likely be adding to this over time but at least it's a start. You can also checkout my Terms & Conditions page for some more of our Store related information.

Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags:

RAP4 - RAP5 4.5mm BB MP5 Machine Gun Just Arrived


It has been a hell of a past week but I will continue my pursuit of my passion for airguns and blank guns. And to be honest, nobody has really tried to stop me. The events of the past week did dim my spirits a bit but I am feeling a bit more like myself these days partly do to the arrival of a new toy - The RAP4 - RAP5 4.5mm BB shooting semi and full auto PDW.

This RAP5 (made by Real Action Paintball) is a very well made MP5 replica that started life out as a .43 caliber paintball gun, I purchased mine already converted to the 4.5mm steel BB version. If you have the .43 caliber paintball version you can purchase a 4.5mm BB or a 6mm Airsoft barrel conversion kit separately from RAP4. The standard magazine works with either conversion kit but you will need to purchase the shell ejecting plastic adaptors that you place the BB's into and then into the magazine.

The RAP5 I ordered came with a refillable 60 gram CO2 tank that fits on the back and is perfectly concealed by the rear stock. You can also remove the stock and attach a larger HPA or CO2 bottle directly to the RAP5. I did just that today to try it out and the gun worked flawlessly in both semi and full auto mode using my HPA bottle.

I of course will be doing a full review of this very cool shell ejecting BB machine gun shortly and I will show you my custom made shell casing catcher!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: RAP4, RAP5 4.5 BB

Welcome CBC News Visitors!


This may be "News" to some of my regular visitor but if this is your first time here, (perhaps after reading one of the CBC News article related to the imported BB shooting AK-47 airguns). I  would like to welcome you to the Replica Airguns website.

First off, Canada is still a somewhat free country and this gives us all the right to freely peruse our legal hobbies and passions even if they are not fully understood by others. For those of you that do not understand what this website is about, I respect that but I also want you to know that your opinion is not all that important to me and most of the people like me that enjoy collecting and shooting replica airguns and blanks guns.

Owning guns in Canada is still our legal right and with this right comes great reasonability, just like driving a car or even drinking alcohol within ones limits. Yes people have died from gun related accidents, just like people have died from vehicles, alcohol, sports and many other mishaps that can happen to any one at any time each and every day. Life is precious and valuable and so are our rights.

The guns sold on ReplicaAirguns.com, although they may look to some to be scary and dangerous, in reality they have a very small bite. In other words, the consequences of being shot with an air gun pail in comparison to being shot by a real gun and although people have died from airguns (usually thigh powered licensed versions not sold on this website), these instances are rare. Airguns must always be taken seriously and treated like any other gun, with respect!

Air guns are one of the best ways to introduce a young person to gun safety. For the most part, it's not the educated gun people who cause the accidents, it's ignorance and stupidity and hiding your head in the sand that causes these accidents and deaths unnecessarily! My children are very young but I have already started to teach them how to respect all types of guns because one day when I am not around to tell them what to do, I know they are going to do the right thing and perhaps save the life of one of their "gun curious" friends who was "Sheltered" from guns and in so was never given the tools to treat them in a safe and respectful manor.

Anyways, this is not a debate, this is my opinion and you don't have to like it! I don't really care and I don't have to like your opionion either ;)

So what brought us to this point? I am not going to say all that much because there is an ongoing investigation and I do not want to interfere with the RCMP investigation in any way.

Here are some facts:

  • This incident has not effected the Replica Airguns Store operation as the warehouse that ships the products is still fully functioning and operating at 100%.
  • All items sold at ReplciaAirguns.com are legal within Canada and are imported and sold legally at the time of their sale. Everything available in the Replica Airguns Store can be sold to an adult in Canada without the need for a special licence.
  • Replica Airguns is not an import company. (We purchase from other importers)
  • Yes we perviously sold a legally imported BB shooting AK47 styled air gun that is now being investigated by the RCMP, as they have concerns about it being converted to a real firearm.
  • If you have questions or concerns about the BB gun in question then you need to contact the RCMP and ask them your questions as I can not provide you with the answers.
  • Was I raided? Yes I was, it was not fun. The police took all my stuff and it disrupted my life and my family, pretty much what you would expect from a police raid… At this time most of my personal airguns and blank guns have been returned to me. I am still waiting for my computer related items and registered firearms to be returned to me.
  • I have not been charged with anything at this time and I do not believe I will be charged based on the findings and information provided to me by the police and the fact that I have not done anything wrong.
  • Do I still support the police in their efforts? Yes I do! I still feel that their intensions where good even if some of their information may not have been accurate. It is unfortunate that this happened to law abiding people like me across Canada but sometimes good people get caught in the middle and all we can hope for is that in the end it all gets sorted out…

Michael Kaye

Categories: Gun Law, Gun Safety, Replica Airguns News Tags:

Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway


It seems like we just had a Replica Airguns Giveaway Contest... Oh - that's right we did! So why on earth is there another giveaway contest so soon? What can I say - I'm just that kind of guy and why not get into the Halloween mood by making it a costume based contest this time.

And in keeping with the theme around here, the costumes must be weapons based so basically any costume that is accompanied by a weapon of some sort is what you will need to take part in this contest. And you will have to make a short video of you in your costume and send me a video response to this Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway YouTube Video.

Here are some ideas: Police, SWAT, Military, Navy Seal, Rebel Force, Ninja, Viking... Even Cave Men had spears...

You get the idea!

The winner (Ultimately picked by me) will receive a Retay Baron HK 9mm P.A.K. Blank pistol styled after the Sig Sauer P228.

And here are the official rules...

  • You need to make a video and send me a video response of you in your "Weapons Related Costume": Can be Military, Police, Rebel Force, Special Ops, Ninja, Viking, Caveman with a Spear… as long as you are in character and have a weapon of some sort!
  • You need to be Subscribed to my YouTube Channel.
  • You need to Favorite this video.
  • You must be an adult or have your parent/s or guardians permission to accept the prize.
  • Contest ends at midnight on November 15th and the winner will be announced shortly there after.
  • Anyone located outside of North America will be compensated to their PayPal account the approximate value of the giveaway prize.

May the best Cop, Soldier, Rebel, Ninja, Mercenary, Viking, Cave "Person" win!

Buy Blank Guns in Canada   -   Buy Blank Guns in the US

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Baron HK, Retay

And the Winner is Rambo1216...


Congratulations to Rambo1216, he is the randomly selected winner of the 3,000,000 Video Views & 4,000 Subscribers Gun Giveaway. Now all he has to do is contact me and choose his weapon of choice! If for some reason Rambo1216 does not contact me, I will select another random winner. Please no whining, just be happy for the lucky winner.

And by the way, stay tuned for another contest coming out this week which will be a Halloween based theme!

Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags:

ISSC MK22 SCAR 22LR Rimfire On Its Way


As many of you may know, I don't just own a bunch of airguns and blank guns. They are one of my biggest passions but I also have my Restricted Firearms License here in Canada and I own several "Real" hand guns and rifles that I enjoy very much.

I have four .22 caliber rimfire guns and I have another one on its way - the ISSC MK22 SCAR .22LR, you may ask why I need another .22 rimfire? Well similarly to airguns, .22 caliber rimfire guns are relatively cheap to buy and operate compared to their big brother larger caliber versions. So I guess that draws me to them, they are just so fun to shoot and in a guilt-free kind of way. With large caliber guns I tend to head to the range with a preset amount of ammo that I am willing to part with and when it's all gone then it's time to switch over to the .22 calibers and go nuts! And not only that, our .22 caliber rimfire rifles do not have the magazine round restriction like our 5 round restriction on large caliber rifles.

For example, the ISSC MK22 SCAR .22LR that is on it's way costs a fraction of the price of the full on military version at around $650 Canadian, that might sound like a lot but the NATO round firing version goes for about $3000 and as far as I know is not even available in Canada to the average joe like me? And you will be counting ammo with one of these NATO round firing bad boys, at least I know I would be :)

I will be doing a full review of the ISSC MK22 SCAR 22LR so make sure to check it out if this type of gun interests you also.

Here are some of the specifications for you till I get a chance to review this awesome .22 tactical rifle!

  • Caliber: .22LR
  • Overall Length Collapsed: 34.65 in./880 mm
  • Overall Length Full: 36 in./916 mm
  • Overall Width: 2.81 in./71,5mm
  • Barrel Length: 16 in./420 mm
  • Rifling Length: 15 in./406mm
  • Number of Grooves 6
  • Sight Length Max: 15.7 in./400mm
  • Weight w/o Magazine: 6.5 lbs./2990 g
  • Magazine weight, empty: 3.8 ozs. /110 g
  • Trigger Pull, approx.: 4 lbs.
  • Magazine Capacity:22 rds.
  • This is a non-restricted firearm.
Categories: .22 cal, Non Airguns, Real Gun, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: ISSC MK22 SCAR 22LR

Added Retay Eagle 9mm P.A.K. Blank Gun to the Store


Last but not least and certainly not the smallest! I just added the Retay Desert to the Replica Airguns Store. And I am sure most of you can figure out what this 9mm P.A.K. blank shooter is a replica of... the infamous Desert Eagle! I wanted to make this one just a bit more special by also offering it in a shiny Nickel finish. It also comes in Matte Black and Chrome but keep in mind that Turkish Chrome is not a shiny Chrome, it's more like a soft metal look.The Retay Desert is being pre-sold at a special pre-sale savings of $44 off on this one, shipping right around October 20th.

The Retay Eagle is a very nice copy of the IMI Desert Eagle full size semi auto pistol. It is a mostly all metal 9mm P.A.K. blank shooter that is front firing and comes in a hard shell case with a flare adaptor. This blanks shooter can be shot in both single and double action and is a real handful!

  • 9mm P.A.K blanks
  • 18+1 round magazines
  • 3.1 pounds
  • Semi auto
  • Single & double action
  • Front firing
  • Desert Eagle copy
Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Desert Eagle, Eagle, Retay

Added Retay Baron HK 9mm P.A.K. Blank Gun to the Store

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Another Retay blank gun added to the Replica Airguns Store is one of my favorites, the Retay Baron HK which is a very accurate copy of the Sig Sauer P228, I know because I own one! This model comes in Matte Black and Satin and is also available at a $24 discount right now as a pre-order item with stock being available right around October 20th.

The Retay Baron HK is a nice copy of the Sig Sauer P228 mid sized semi auto pistol. It is a mostly all metal 9mm P.A.K. blank shooter that is front firing and comes in a hard shell case with a flare adaptor. Additionally it utilizes a de-cocker and fires in single action only.

  • 9mm P.A.K blanks
  • 14+1 round magazines
  • 2.3 pounds
  • Semi auto
  • Single action
  • Front firing
  • De-decocker
  • Sig Sauer P228 copy
Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Baron HK, Retay

Added Retay CS9 9mm P.A.K. Blank Gun to the Store

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I am happy to announce that I just added the Retay line of 9mm P.A.K blank guns to my Replica Airguns Store. The first one I am listing here is the Retay CS9. The Retay guns are expected to arrive ready for shipping on October 20th but if you take advantage of the pre order sale, then you can save $44 on the Retay CS9 by ordering it now. The Retay CS9 is available in Matte Black and Satin finish.

The Retay CS9 is a nice copy of the Smith & Wesson CS9 compact semi auto pistol. It is a mostly all metal 9mm P.A.K. blank shooter that is front firing and comes in a hard shell case with a flare adaptor. Additionally it utilizes a de-cocker and fires in single action only.

  • 9mm P.A.K blanks
  • 13+1 round magazines
  • 2 pounds
  • Semi auto
  • Single action
  • De-decocker
  • Front firing
  • Smith & Wesson CS9 copy
Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: CS9, Retay

Blank Gun Teaser - Retay CS9 - Baron HK - Eagle 9mm P.A.K.


I just got three new 9mm P.A.K. Blank guns to look over. These ones are from Retay, another Turkish company. Retay makes a Smith and Wesson CS9 copy, a Sig Suaer P228 copy, and a Dessert Eagle copy. And I have to say they look pretty darn good on first impression. Now I know I'm going to be getting emailed like crazy about whether we are going to be carrying these guns and you're just going to have to wait to find out. So stay tuned for more information to follow...

Here's some photos to keep you drooling for now!

Buy Blank Guns in Canada   -   Buy Blank Guns in the US

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Blank Gun News, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Baron HK, CS9, Eagle, Retay

Zoraki M906 Back in the Store - Very Limited Supplies!


This is going to be a rather short lived post because I think this will be the last of these very popular Zoraki M906 blank guns. I was only able get a small batch of them and based on all the request I have had since we ran out, I'm pretty sure they will be gone fairly quickly. So if you're one of the people who has been emailing me asking for one, this is probably your last chance to get one.

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: M906, Zoraki

Crosman - Kimar CK92 Chrome Pellet Pistol Arrives


I received my black Crosman - Kimar CK92 Beretta styled pellet pistol last week and I got my Chrome CK92 today, and wow does it ever look nice! I was kind of shocked by how nice this collector piece looked, my black CK92 looks nice but the chrome version is something else. I'd almost say it looks more like polished metal then a chrome plating and there is a difference. I like the more mechanical look of polished metal personally!

The Chrome CK92 also comes with a really nice hard shell case with cut-outs for the gun which is a bit nicer hard case then the one that comes with the Black CK92. So for the extra $20 it may be worth it for some of you.

The Chrome version is selling as a refurbished unit for $119 and when it's gone that's it. I'm not planning on using this gun all that often, I bought it mainly as a collectors airgun. I will be reviewing both of my Crosman - Kimar CK92's this week so stay tuned for my full video review...

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: CK92, Crosman, Kimar

9mm P.A.K. Blanks Now Back in Stock!



I know many of you have been waiting for the 9mm P.A.K. blanks to be back in stock so I wanted to let you know they are now in stock!

Go get em...

9mm P.A.K. Blanks
Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Replica Airguns News Tags:

Guns for use in TV - Movie - Stage - Internet - Photo

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I get a fair bit of interest and questions from people in the TV, Movie, Stage, Internet and Photo business looking for guns they can use in their productions, so I thought I would put together an informative video to show them some options available to them at least here in Canada.

The problem is a lot of times a "Gun Handler" is required, as in many cases real firearms are used and very strict guidelines need to be in place for obvious safety reasons. This is most likely the best option in the case of a Matrix styled movie and an extensive amount of guns are required in the production. What if you only need a few guns and you want to keep your budget and complications to a minimum? Well there are other options and that's where I come in.

Watch this short Promotional Video for more information if you are looking for a simplified and easy solution for your realistic gun use in Movie, Stage, Internet and Photo productions.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 9mm, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

Crosman Kimar CK92 .177 Caliber Pellet Pistols Now Available


Well it took a long time but the Crosman Kimar CK92 .177 caliber pellet pistols finally arrived from the Kimar factory and they are now on sale. The reason it took so long is because each and every one of them was inspected prior to the entire shipment being released. Guess that's a good thing at the end of the day and worth waiting for!

Originally we thought they where going to be brand spanking new but when they arrived the years sitting around in the Kimar factory has aged them just a bit but not like the age of a used gun for sure.

Because of this we have decided to sell them as Refurbished units and as a refurbished unit we have dropped the price just a bit on them and they are now $99 for the black and $119 for the Chrome. We also got less then we expected, I guess some did not pass the tests so we won't have these forever and they may go up near the end.

Just to summaries what the CK92 is:

  • A Crosman and Kimar joint production
  • Originally made from 2000-2001
  • .177 cal. Pellets
  • 8 Round magazine
  • CO2 Powered
  • 394 fps
  • 8.4 Inches long
  • Single and double action
  • Fully adjustable rear sight
  • All metal design
  • 2.6 Pounds (Heavy!)
  • Made in Italy
  • Beretta 92FS Replica
  • Available in Black and Chrome
  • A real collectors item!
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, CO2, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: CK92, Crosman, Kimar

3,000,000 YouTube Video Views and 4,000 Subscribers Gun Giveaway


It is a blessed day for thou has bestowed upon us a Gun Giveaway yet once again!

I recently hit a new milestone over on my YouTube Channel and reached three million YouTube video views and over four thousand Channel Subscribers. I am obviously very happy about this! So to share my joy I am giving away a wonderful Cybergun 4.5mm Blowback BB pistol, and the winner even gets to choose between two of my most popular models - The Cybergun Sig Sauer P226 X-Five or the Cybergun GSG 92 Beretta look alike.

This contest will be similar to my last one in how you can enter with just a few new twists...

How to take Part in this Cybergun Gun Giveaway:

  • You must be an adult or have your parent/s or guardians permission.
  • You need to be Subscribed to my YouTube Channel.
  • You need to post a comment to this YouTube Video (Only one comment or you will be disqualified!)
  • You need to favorite this video.
  • You need to tell at least 3 friends about this amazingly generous Gun Giveaway!

How will you know if you have won?

I am not giving you a deadline for this giveaway as the date and time that I pick the winner will be random and even I do not know the day or hour of this momentous occasion. So you better get cracking!

I will also be positing the winner in only one of four locations so you will need to check these locations often to find out if you have won or not, and you will have one week to contact me to redeem your giveaway prize once I have posted the winner!

The four possible winner notification locations are:






Any North American qualified winner will have their choice of either the Cybergun Sig Sauer P226 X-Five or the Cybergun GSG 92.

Anyone located outside of North America will be compensated to their PayPal account the approximate value of the giveaway prize.

So good luck to all and thank you once again for your ongoing support and feedback!

Buy this gun in Canada   -   Buy this gun in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, GSG 92, Sig Sauer X-Five P226

Baikal Drozd Blackbird BB Machine Gun Added to the Store


Why have just one Baikal Drozd when you can have two! So now I sell them both!

This is the latest edition to the Drozd BB Machine gun line - the Baikal Drozd Blackbird! This gun means business and is based on the standard Drozd but with a few extras to make this updated version even better. First off you get a motorized 400 round BB hopper (more like a 900 round hopper) and your choice of using either standard 12 gram or 88 gram CO2 cartridges. The Blackbird also has an updated stock and a higer and longer scope mount. This Russian made Full Auto BB Gun is capable of firing (in stock form) up to 600 rounds per minute and 6 round bursts. Keep in mind that modification chips for this BB shooter are easy to get and make it a 1200 round per minute true full auto shredder.

The Drozd Blackbird CO2 4.5mm BB air gun uses a very durable polymer and metal design and takes advantage of an electrically activated trigger for precise aim and consistency.

  • 4.5mm Steel BB's
  • 400 Round BB Hopper (more like 900 rounds)
  • CO2 Powered (either 12 gram or 88 gram cartridges)
  • Up to 499 fps
  • 4.75 Pounds
  • 28 Inches long
  • Rifled barrel
  • 300-450-600 rounds per minute selectable
  • 1-3-6 round Bursts
  • Adjustable rear sight
  • Rail for Red Dot Scope (11mm dovetail)
  • Metal and polymer design
  • Removable stock
  • Made in Russia
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Full Auto, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: Baikal, Drozd-Blackbird

Added the Umarex SA177 Blowback BB Pistol to the Store


After what seemed like an eternity, I finally caved in to popular demand and brought the very Glock-like Umarex SA177 Blowback BB Pistol to the Replica Airguns Store!

I stepped it up a notch and have included not just one but two magazines with every SA177 so you can practice your quick magazine changes and just keep on shooting :) After all, isn't that what you really want to do?

Here 's some more info on the SA177 from Umarex:

The Umarex SA177 BB Repeater is modeled after the popular Glock carry pistol widely used by governmental agencies, and it uses blowback action to simulate a real firearm. The metal slide and integrated accessory rail add to the overall realism of this gun. A drop-out metal magazine houses the CO2 and 19 BBs for the air pistol. The fiber optic sights and ergonomic grips allow for accurate and comfortable shooting at up to 400 fps velocity which is very high for a gun in this price range and with blowback functionality.

  • 4.5mm BB
  • CO2 Powered
  • 19 round metal magazine
  • 400 fps
  • 1.5 pounds
  • 4.1 inch steel non-rifled barrel
  • Double action
  • Blowback
  • Metal slide - polymer frame
  • Tactical Rail Mount
  • Fiber optic sights
  • Comes with two magazines
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: SA177, Umarex

EKOL Arda 8mm Mini Blank Revolver - limited Time Sale - Save $40

1 Comment

Here is another great Replica Airguns Limited Time Sale for you! If you want a really really small blank gun that will fit just about anywhere, take a look at the EKOL Arda 8mm blank shooting mini revolver. It has a very unique design, kind of a mix between a Derringer and a Revolver.

Get yours today and save $40!

Categories: 8mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver Tags: ARDA, EKOL