Entries in Single Shot,Bulk Air

Airgun Do’s & Don’ts

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When I say Airguns, I am referring to pretty much all BB, Airsoft, Pellet, Paintball and even Blank guns for most of the topics listed here.


  1. Treat your Airgun just like you would a real gun. If something goes wrong, perhaps the outcome will not be as severe but do you really want to take a trip down to your local emergency ward to get a BB or Pellet removed?

  2. Always assume your airgun is loaded, for some reason it always seems those empty guns are the ones that do the most damage.

  3. Be discrete, If it looks like a gun other people will think it is a gun so don’t flash your airguns around in public. Keep it in a case when transporting and shoot it in an area that will not alarm other people.

  4. Always wear eye protection when shooting your Airgun. Do you really want to shoot your eye out? No Joke!

  5. Be aware of your surroundings like windows, hard objects that could make your ammo bounce back at you. Make sure you are shooting your Airgun in a safe direction at all times, know your target and beyond.

  6. Use Airguns to teach others and learn how to safely and effectively shoot a gun. Airguns can be less intimidating then a real gun (Not so loud and very little recoil) and make for great start out and transitions guns.

  7. Use Airguns to get more inexpensive trigger time and become a more experienced shooter. Airguns cosy only pennies per round to shoot and can be shot in way more areas than a real gun can, practice makes perfect so get shooting!

  8. Use Airguns in areas where real guns may not be allowed or safe to use. Again, Airguns can be shot in all kinds of places, in your back yard or even in a properly setup indoor home range.

  9. Use Airguns with adequate power for safe and humane pest control where real guns may be prohibited.Airguns are quiet and less likely for the bullet to travel long ranges which makes them ideal for close range pest control in areas where real guns are too loud and to powerful.


  1. Do not assume because it is an airgun it is not dangerous or simply a toy. Many Deaths have been caused by Airguns along with a lot of pain and suffering so treat your Airgun with respect. It is not a toy or you would find them in the toy department at your local store along with yo-yos and stuffed animals.

  2. Do not point or shoot at people unless of course you are using an Airsoft gun in an Airsoft field or facility. Yes Airsoft guns are meant to shoot at each other (with appropriate attire like eye protection and full body clothing), but steel BB and Pellet can cause serious injury especially at close range and on direct skin contact.

  3. Do not leave your Airgun loaded, you never know who is going to come across it and accidentally discharge it. Remember, a loaded gun is a dangerous gun in the wrong hands. You may know better than to assume the gun is undulated but children and even adults without any gun training will most definitely handle the airgun without consideration of the danger it poses.

  4. Do not use an Airgun for self protection. See my related video. Simply put, Airguns are not practical for self defense because they rarely have enough Stopping Power. The ones that do have enough power need to be pre-charged and in most cases are only single shot meaning if you miss or don’t get the job done no the first shot then you are done.

  5. Do not use an underpowered Airgun for pest control. See related video. Using a low powered BB pistol for pest control is cruel, you will only injure the animal making it suffer unnecessarily. Use a high powered pellet rifle to get the job done.

  6. Do not take your gun apart, in most cases this will void the warranty and the reality is that airguns rarely need to be cleaned since no dirty gun powder is used. lead pellet rifles may require occasional barrel cleaning to keep the rifled barrel free of debris.

  7. Do not over oil your Airgun, a little goes a long way and too much oil will just attracted dirt, use the right airgun oil and just enough to keep part functioning smoothly.

  8. Do not over pump an Airgun. Over pumping an Airgun can cause damage to valves and seals and in a worse case situation a rupture the air pressure reservoir or even cause the airgun to explode!

Categories: .20 cal, .22 cal, 380, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, 8mm, 9mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, Break Barrel, Bulk Air, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Gas, Multi-pump, PCP, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Repeater, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags:

Top 10 Most Common Airgun Questions and Discussions

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Categories: .22 cal, .43 cal, .68 cal, 380, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, 8mm, 9mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, Break Barrel, Bulk Air, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, GBB, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Multi-pump, Non Airguns, PCP, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags:

Baikal MP-53M Break Barrel .177 Pellet Air Pistol Field Test Review

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Make sure to checkout my Table Top Video and Written Review for the Baikal MP-53M Break Barrel .177 Pellet Air Pistol where I show you around this Russian made target pistol and go over its features and specifications.

This Video Review focuses on the shooting aspects of the Baikal MP-53M. I test it out to see what kind of velocity it can achieve and I also perform an accuracy test to see how straight and true it shoots.

My first test, the velocity test I performed using my Chronograph shooting 5 7 grain RWS lead pellets. the fps ranged from 303 to 341 fps with an average 5 shot reading of 319 feet per second. Keep in mind the Baikal MP-53M is strictly a target shooter and is not meant for pest control so these readings are perfectly adequate for this this pistols purposes. The lower velocity also makes for a nice easy cocking effort.

Moving on to the accuracy portion of this field test shooting review, I performed my usual 30 foot paper target test using a semi rested stance standing in the back with a sandbag up front to rest my hands on. This position is fairly stable but not perfect so there is always so human factor to consider and with a springer which I am not super proficient at so there where a couple of shot that I pulled. For the most part the majority of my shots with stayed within about a 1 inch grouping but I know with practice the Baikal MP-53M would shoot under a half inch for sure.

A couple of side notes about the Baikal MP-53M Break Barrel .177 Pellet Air Pistol... It has a super nice trigger which is very light and crisp which will aid in accuracy for sure. I did find that the rear sight moved around a little bit, it seemed to rise a bit and I had to press down on it just a little to keep my shots consistent. The spring is not terribly strong so recoil is minimal for a springer and it is very easy to cock.

All in all the Baikal MP-53M Break Barrel .177 Pellet Air Pistol is a well made and truly accurate target pellet pistol.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Break Barrel, Field Test, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: Baikal, MP-53M

Browning - Ruger - Daisy Spring Piston Air Rifle Preview

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I don't often review target and or hunting rifles since for the most part Replica Airguns is all about well... replica airguns :) I have reviewed some of my own personal spring piston and pump rifles since I have them and there is a cross over in folks that like both the replica airguns and airguns meant for target and or hunting purposes.

We do have a small selection of spring piston rifles in our Replica Airguns Canada store suitable for target and small game so I thought I would point some of them out in this preview video.

Daisy 1938 Red Ryder BB Rifle

  • Type:BB rifle

  • Manufacturer: Daisy

  • Model: Red Ryder.

  • Materials: Stained solid wood stock and forearm, leather saddle thong.

  • Weight: 2.2 pounds.

  • Barrel: 10.85 inches, smooth bore.

  • Propulsion: Spring.

  • Action: Lever Action.

  • Ammunition Type: 4.5mm Steel BB's.

  • Ammunition Capacity: 650 rounds

  • FPS: 350.

Ruger Explorer Youth Air Pellet Rifle

  • Type: Pellet rifle.

  • Manufacturer: Ruger

  • Model: Explorer.

  • Materials: All-weather composite black stock, metal.

  • Weight: 4.5 pounds.

  • Barrel: 15 inches, rifled

  • Propulsion: Spring piston.

  • Action: Break barrel.

  • Ammunition Type: .177 caliber lead pellets.

  • Ammunition Capacity: 1 round.

  • FPS: 495.

Ruger Air Hawk Combo Pellet Rifle with 4x32 Scope

  • Type: Pellet rifle.

  • Manufacturer: Ruger

  • Model: Air Hawk.

  • Materials: Wood, metal.

  • Weight: 8.16 pounds.

  • Barrel: 18.7 inches, rifled

  • Propulsion: Spring piston.

  • Action: Break barrel.

  • Ammunition Type: .177 caliber lead pellets.

  • Ammunition Capacity: 1 round.

  • FPS: 495.

Browning Leverage Pellet Rifle with 3-9x40 Scope

  • Type: Pellet rifle.

  • Manufacturer: Browning

  • Model: Leverage.

  • Materials: Wood, metal.

  • Weight: 8.6 pounds.

  • Barrel: 18.9 inches, rifled

  • Propulsion: Spring piston.

  • Action: Under lever.

  • Ammunition Type: .177 caliber lead pellets.

  • Ammunition Capacity: 1 round.

  • FPS: 490.

Browning Gold Series Synthetic Pellet Rifle with 3x9x40 Scope

  • Type: Pellet rifle.

  • Manufacturer: Browning / Umarex

  • Model: Gold Series.

  • Materials: All-weather composite black stock, metal.

  • Weight: 8.4 pounds.

  • Barrel: 14 inches, rifled

  • Propulsion: Spring piston.

  • Action: Break Barrel.

  • Ammunition Type: .177 caliber lead pellets.

  • Ammunition Capacity: 1 round.

  • FPS: 495.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Pellet, Repeater, Review, Rifle, Scope, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: Air Hawk, Browning, Daisy, Explorer, Gold Series, Leverage, Red Ryder, Ruger, Umarex

Baikal MP-53M Break Barrel .177 Pellet Air Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: Pellet air pistol.


Model:IZH MP-53M.

Materials: Metal & plastic.

Weight: 2.67 Pounds (1211 grams).

Barrel: 8.5 inches, hammer-forged rifled barrel.

Propulsion: Spring piston.

Action: Single shot.

Ammunition Type: .177 caliber lead pellets.

Ammunition Capacity: 1 round.

FPS: 360.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Baikal MP-53M Break Barrel .177 Pellet Air Pistol is a nice light 2 pounds and the release stage is also crisp, the trigger is not adjustable but it is really nice the way it is with virtually no take-up and a crisp release.

Accuracy: At this point I have only plinked around a bit with the Baikal MP-53M Break Barrel .177 Pellet Air Pistol, I have not really tested it out on a paper target or put any rounds through the Chronograph. It does however seem to have pretty decent power for a low effort springer and I was able to place most shots on my targets down range. Stay posted for my full Field Test Shooting Video where I will put the Baikal MP-53M Break Barrel .177 Pellet Air Pistol through its paces.

Build Quality: The Baikal MP-53M Break Barrel .177 Pellet Air Pistol is made in typical Russian fashion, it may not be super pretty or have the best finishing out there but all the parts are built to last, even the plastic parts are made using weapons grade materials and the 8.5 inch rifled barrel is hammer-forged.

Realism: The Baikal MP-53M Break Barrel .177 Pellet Air Pistol is not a replica gun, it is purely made to be a single shot target pistol for plinking purposes. I would not even recommend the Baikal MP-53M for pest control as it is under powered for that purpose. This pistol is simply for placing lead pellets into targets down range. Nothing more.

Purchased this rifle from: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • Anti-beartrap spring piston mechanism. (No pinched fingers)

  • Baikal quality hammer-forged rifled barrel.

  • Fully adjustable sights.

  • Inexpensive to shoot, all you need is a tin of pellets.

  • Russian made durability.

  • Ambidextrous pistol grip.

  • Easy to cock (only 13 pound cocking effort).

  • Really light and crisp 2 pound trigger pull. 


  • Not supper powerful so not good for pest control.

  • Trigger is non-adjustable but feels really good anyway.

  • No easy way to mount a scope or red dot without modifications.


The Baikal MP-53M Break Barrel .177 Pellet Air Pistol is a great choice if you're looking for a simple but really well built air springer for target shooting. There are cheaper springers like the Umarex Browning Buckmark and of course there are more expensive springers like the Webley Tempest but if your looking for a reasonably priced, high quality and good overall performing Break Barrel .177 Pellet Air Pistol than the Baikal MP-53M should fit the bill with its hammer-forged rifled barrel, anti-beartrap mechanism, ambidextrous grip and fully adjustable rear sight.

Watch my Vimeo Video Review for this Russian made Spring Piston Air Pistol:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Break Barrel, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Baikal, MP-53M

ANT Advanced Novelty Tech CO2 HPA Conversion Kit Shooting Test

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Here is my full Field Test Shooting Performance Video Review for the ANT (Advanced Novelty Tech) CO2 HPA Conversion Kit.

Make sure to watch my Table Top Preview for the ANT CO2 HPA Conversion Kit where I talk more about the features and benefits of a Bulk Air system like this and show you exactly what you get in the package.

My main goal in this Shooting Performance Test was to see how the ANT Advanced Novelty Tech CO2 HPAConversion Kit performed side by side with a standard 12 gram CO2. Keep in mind that you can also switch over at any time to a regular 12 gram CO2 even after installing the ANT adaptor system in the gun or magazine.

My choice of Airgun for this test was the KWC - Cybergun Mini UZIConverted to Full Auto. I chose this Blowback 4.5mm CO2 BB Gun because it uses a lot of CO2 with each shot and when shooting in full auto it literally eats CO2. I knew this airguns would really put the ANT Advanced Novelty Tech CO2 HPA Conversion Kit to the test.

My first performance test was to comparing both systems using a Chronograph so I could see how the fps velocity slowed down because of the CO2 cool down effect. The 12 gram CO2 did pretty well emptying a full 25 round magazine but keep in mind I was shooting in semi auto only for the sake of using a Chronograph. I did notice a drop in velocity from a high of over 300 fps to a low of around 260. When I switched over to the Bulk CO2 ANT System and performed the same test the fps started out a bit lower but stayed pretty much about the same with a few ups and downs. The initial lower fps may have been a result of using separate magazines for each test since the valves in each magazine are most likely tuned a bit differently to let out more or less CO2 with each shot.

My second and most impressive test was to empty a full 25 round magazine in full auto mode! Again a started out using the standard 12 gram CO2 and to make this a real world test, I did not replace the 12 gram CO2 form the previous test. I figured 50 shots was a realist amount of shots to get from a single 12 gram CO2 and after all I was only shooting in semi auto which uses a lot less CO2 then shooting in full auto.

My KWC Blowback Mini UZI rocked pretty good using the 12 gram CO2 until it hit about a third the way through the magazine and then it stated to slow down and pretty much stop dead in its tracks with about 5-6 rounds still left in the magazine. The CO2 was all gone and I was left a bit unsatisfied :(

Without any significant break time to let my KWC Mini UZI warm up again, I switched over to the ANT Advanced Novelty Tech CO2 HPA Conversion Kit magazine and unloaded the full magazine in no time with no cycle rate slow down at all, even after the magazine was deprived of Steel BB's I kept squeezing the trigger and letting the blowback hammer my shoulder for several more satisfying bursts. Now that is what you expect from a full auto Blowback BB Machine gun!

In conclusion, when shooting in semi auto you will see better fps consistency using the ANT Advanced Novelty Tech CO2 HPA Conversion Kit but where this system really shines at least for me is I can shoot as fast as as long as I want and it will feel same as the very first shoot I take even when using a full auto system. No more switching out 12 gram CO2 every few magazines, just speed load some more BB's in and your good to go.

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, Bulk Air, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, GBB, Gas, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ANT, Advanced Novelty Tech

ANT Advanced Novelty Tech CO2 HPA Conversion Kit Preview


I was sent a really cool new product form a company called ANT (Advanced Novelty Tech). Their CO2/HPA Converter allows you to hook up either a large CO2 tank or High Pressure Air system using standard Paintball hose system.

What's kind of neat with the Advanced Novelty Tech CO2 HPA Conversion Kit, is that you can still interchange your 12 gram CO2 if you want to even after modifying your gun to use Bulk CO2 or HPA!

The ANT Advanced Novelty Tech CO2 HPA Conversion Kit works with well over 100 BB, Pellet and Airsoft guns most of which would be Pistols but some rifles are included in this list.

The main advantages over using standard 12 gram CO2 cartridges would be a significant lower cost for CO2, along with less fps velocity fall off, so better performance overall.

The Advanced Novelty Tech CO2 HPA Conversion Kit  is fairly easy to install and ANT even has some inctructional videos showing you how to do this.

Stay posted as I will be making a field test performance test using the ANT Advanced Novelty Tech CO2 HPA Conversion Kit with my KWC Mini UZI Full Auto BB Machine gun :)

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Gas, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ANT, Advanced Novelty Tech

BB Guns vs Pellet Guns


Not Airsoft:

First off we are not talking about 6mm Plastic Airsoft Guns but rather 4.5mm Steel BB versus .177 caliber Pellet.

Same but Different:

Generally speaking a BB CO2 Pistol and a Pellet CO2 Pistol are very similar, they just shoot a bit different types of ammo, that will determine a couple mechanical differences in both guns. You may come across a CO2 Pistol that can shoot both Pellets and BB's but these are not as common.

Magazine Types:

The fist main difference is usually the magazine design, since lead pellets don’t stack on top of each other very well compared to steel BB’s, action CO2 BB and Pellet pistols will have a very different types of magazine designs. Pellet CO2 Pistols will generally use a rotary type magazine while BB Pistols will use a stick or stacked ammo magazine. In terms of realism, a stick or stacked magazine is better suited than a rotary magazine. Some Action Pellet Pistols will have what looks like a stick magazine, but the stick will actually have two rotary magazine on either side. You will often find higher capacity magazines in BB CO2 Pistols since Rotary magazines usually only offer around 8 rounds (16 on a double sided stick style).

Another downside to a rotary magazine is knowing when you are out of ammo, a rotary magazine does not allow for this, it will just keep turning around and around no matter if there is ammo in it or not, so you need to listen to the the sound of the CO2 gun to determine when a rotary type magazine is empty. BB Action shooters do not have this problem since in most cases the magazine BB spring follower acts exactly the same as real steel gun follower locking back the slide on the last shot, stopping any follow up shots from happening.

Ammo Size:

Steel BB’s traditionally only come in 4.5mm which is the same as .177 caliber. Lead pellets can come in a myriad of sizes, the most comma being .177, .20 and .22 caliber but they can go as large as 50 caliber for PCP air rifles used to hunt even large game.

Barrel Rifling:

Another common difference between BB and Pellet CO2 Pistols is the rifling inside the barrels. Lead pellets need to spin in order for them to shoot straight. Steel BB’s on the other hand fly pretty true thought the air weather they spin or not. Rifling is most often not used in steel BB pistols because the hardened steel can damage the rifling and since there is little to no benefit in adding rifling to a BB guns barrel in terms of accuracy, then why even have it. Pellet pistols with their softer lead ammunition need to have the rifling in order to create the spin that keeps the pellet true and straight while in flight.


Even though many BB CO2 Pistols can shoot accurately at close to medium ranges, they are not as accurate as a Pellet CO2 Pistol, especially as the distance become greater to your target. Not only does the spinning of the pellet help accuracy, but also the added mass of the lead pellet keeps them from being as effected by cross winds and airborne debris.

Hunting and/or Pest Control:

In most cases I do not recommend using a pistol for pest control because, plain and simple they are harder to shoot accurately. This is because there is no stock on a pistol to help steady the gun, and the front and rear sight are much closer together on a pistol than compared to rifle sights which means there is more margin for error when signing in a target. Pistols are generally lower powered than rifles which also plays a roll when considering a pistol for pest control since it may not have enough power to get the job done humanly. That said, there are pellet pistols deigned with power in mind, usually these are spring piston, or pressurized air powered air guns which can have a lot more power than a standard CO2 BB or Pellet Pistol.

Pistols versus Rifles:

This is not the forum for a full pistol versus rifle comparison. I can tell you that you will find a lot more pellet rifles than your will find BB rifles, they both exist but for the most part rifles are geared more towards target shooting and hunting. Most of the BB rifles available would be styled after replicas so the focus is not necessarily on power and or accuracy in these models.


In terms of Replica Action Shooters, BB Pistols outweigh the Pellet pistols by a land-slide. BB’s just work better in action pistols because the round hard steel ammo operates much easier and more reliably than the softer lead pellets, at least for action shooters. And the point of Replica Action Shooters is not so much power and accuracy but more so towards rapid fire good old back yard fun shooting.

Which is Best?

Well… Neither one is best, it just depends what you are looking for. 

  • Do you want accuracy at longer ranges - if so maybe get a Pellet CO2 Pistol.

  • Do you want more realism in terms of magazine loading and your slide locking back on the last shot - then you may be in the market for a BB CO2 Pistol.

  • Do you want more power down range - heavy pellets are going to hit harder and truer than lighter Steel BB’s.

  • Do you want trouble free shooting - hard steel BB’s rarely miss-feed or misfire compared to softer Lead Pellets especially in action shooters.

The best is what’s best for you and not always what's best for me…

Categories: .20 cal, .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, Break Barrel, Bulk Air, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, PCP, Pellet, Pistol, Repeater, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags:

ASG AW .308 Airsoft Sniper Rifle Shooting at Longer Ranges

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While the weather is still holding on, I setup some clay pigeon targets at varying further out distances than the typically 30 feet I shoot on my deck. I paced out approximately 40-60-80-100+ foot ranges conservatively thinking this would be a good test to see if a 6mm Airsoft rifle could effectively hit targets at any of these ranges using heavy .36 gram Airsoft BB's.

Make sure to checkout my other video I shot on the same day that features my Baikal Drozd Blackbird taking it through this exact same long range shooting test.

So today I brought out an Airsoft Sniper rifle since this is what it's made to do, the model being the ASG AW .308 Airsoft Sniper. As with many of my shooting videos I captured all the fun using a bunch of different cameras and camera angles along with a dedicated lapel microphone so the audio also comes in nice and clear.

So make sure to watch my YouTube video and see how the ASG AW .308 Airsoft Sniper Rifle does shooting clay pigeons up to 100 Plus feet away...

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Field Test, Review, Rifle, Scope, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, AW .308 Sniper

Drozd Blackbird Full Auto 4.5mm Steel BB Gun Shooting at Longer Ranges

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While the weather is still nice, I decided to setup some clay pigeon targets at varying further out ranges than the typically 30 feet I shoot on my deck. So I figured 40-60-80-100 foot ranges would be a good test to see if a 4.5mm Steel BB rifle could effectively hit targets at any of these ranges.

I did do a similar test earlier on using my Umarex Steel Force but I think the Steel Force may have been a bit underpowered for the 80-100 foot shots.

So today I brought out my Drozd Blackbird since it has a bit of power and what it may lack in accuracy it for sure makes up in volume! As with many of my shooting videos I captured all the fun using a bunch of different cameras and camera angles and today I even wore a dedicated lapel mic which I have a min-review for coming up shortly!

So make sure to watch my YouTube video and see how the Baikal Drozd Blackbird does shooting clay pigeons up to 100 feet away...

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Modification, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Drozd, Drozd-Blackbird

Gletcher M1891 Sawn Off Mosin Nagant Rifle CO2 BB Gun Field Test Review


I decided to do my Field test of the Gletcher M1891 Sawn Off Mosin Nagant Rifle a little different than my standard filed tests. I pretty much already did a similar Field Test for the M1891 during Table Top Review and if I used the same methods for testing I would most definitely have gotten the same results. Which by the way where a 1.75 inch group from a full 17 round magazine shooting from 30 feet back, and an average of 430 feet per second.

As you know, I have been utilizing clay pigeons in many of my shooting videos so I thought, why not have some more fun and set up a bunch of miscellaneous targets at a variety of distances ranging from 30 feet, right up to 80 feet, and see what I can hit shooting the Gletcher M1891 shooting a couple mags of 4.5mm steel BB's.

As it turned out I think I did much better than when I tried to shoot my Steel Force at targets set up long range. Anyways, watch the video, I tried to make it fun and interesting and even setup 4 cameras this time to catch all the action!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Review, Rifle, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Gletcher, M1891, Mosin Nagant

Gletcher M1891 Sawn Off Mosin Nagant Rifle CO2 BB Gun Table Top Review


Type: BB Rifle.


Model: Gletcher M1891 (Replica of Sawn Off Mosin Nagant "Obrez").

Materials: Metal & plastic.

Weight: 5.7 pounds (2.6kg).

Barrel: 5.5 inches, smooth bore (inner barrel).

Propulsion: CO2.

Action: Bolt - single shot - single action.

Ammunition Type: 4.5mm Steel BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 16 rounds. (I was able to fit 17 rounds in the magazine)

FPS: 394fps (120m/s).

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Gletcher M1891 is single action only, the bolt cycle does most of the work setting up the loading of a BB into the chamber and pre-cocking the bolt spring. The take up is minimal and the release is about medium to light weight. The bolt snaps forward firmly and with a nice clanking sound, you can even feel the weight of it as it moves forward.

Accuracy: I did take the opportunity to do a quick pre-test with my Gletcher M1891. I shot several rounds through my Chronograph and averaged around 430 fps which is a bit higher than the claimed 394. I also shot a couple of magazines at a paper target standing 30 feet back using a semi rested position and was about to get a 1.75 inch 17 round group which is pretty good considering I found it kind of unusual to hold the Gletcher M1891 in this manner. The Gletcher M1891 does take some getting used to since you hold it like a rifle but do not rest it against your shoulder for stability.

Build Quality: The Gletcher M1891 is really well made, you can tell by it's robust weight and how solid the action feels when you draw the bolt back and release it the first time. Everything that would be metal on the real Mosin Nagant is metal on the Gletcher M1891 including the full size dropout magazine that holds both the BB's and CO2. Yes the stock is imitation wood but in some ways it is harder than real wood and may actually hold up better. The finish looks great and I like the silver bolt, as with most electromagnetically coated finishes, the coating is not thick so it will wear off in the high spots fairly easily. Some touch up can solve this problem fairly easily.

Realism: I've never actually put my hands on a real steel Mosin Nagant Rifle but from the photos I viewed online, the Gletcher M1891looks really accurate in terms of being a BB replica. Of course the magazine has been adapted to fit CO2 and BB's but once placed in the gun it is nearly impossible to tell it from a real Mosin Nagant, or I should say a sawn off version of one. The weight of this rifle (5.7 pounds) gives it the feeling of genuineness. The only real giveaway is the imitation wood stock which looks pretty good considering. I have read online that a real Mosin Nagant stock can be adapted to fit the Gletcher M1891 so that would indicate that it is fairly true in size and construction to a real Mosin Nagant Rifle.


  • Very Unique BB gun.

  • A piece of history you can shoot in your back yard.

  • Mostly all metal gun.

  • Nice heavy 5.7 pound weight to it.

  • Adjustable rear sight, at least for elevation.

  • Nice single action trigger.

  • Bolt action feels great and has a firm release.

  • Full size drop out metal magazine that holds both the BB's and the CO2.

  • More fps than claimed and decent accuracy, I expect to get lots of shots out of a single CO2 because of the magazine design.


  • Stock is plastic but looks good considering.

  • No real way to adjust windage and the rear sight does wiggle a bit from side to side which could throw off the aim.

  • Electromagnetically coated finish may be prone to wear in the high spots.


The Gletcher M1891 is one of the most interesting BB guns I have had the opportunity to review, it has history, it's kind of a pistol and kind of a rifle at the same time and in this sawn off configuration it looks both old school and modern. I could almost see it being used as the perfect zombi gun ;) Getting away from it's unique looks, the Gletcher M1891 performs very well, shooting a respectable 430 fps with accuracy that surprised me since I found it a bit hard to hold at first. There is something very gratifying about having to work a bot or lever or the hammer on a single action revolver that makes each shot just that much more precious! If you're looking for that ultimate eye catcher that people will have to take a second look at than this is the one for you.

My Vimeo Table Top Video of the Gletcher M1891 Mosin Nagant Replica BB Rifle:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Review, Rifle, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Gletcher, M1891, Mosin Nagant

Update Video - What is this Mystery 4.5mm CO2 BB Gun?


In this video I show you a very interesting 4.5mm CO2 BB replica rifle. A riffle that has a history in the Russian Military going back to the 1800's, but this one has been modified and in a way almost looks modern.

You will have to watch my YouTube update video to see what this mystery gun is, full table top review to follow this week!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Review, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Gletcher, M1891

Large Umarex Order Just Arrived in Canada - Lots of Stock on Hand

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Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston Tags: Umarex

Baikal Drozd Blackbird 4.5mm Steel BB Gun 1200 rpm Modified Full Auto Fun

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Full Auto Fun video number three this week and this one is perhaps the craziest one! When you take a Drozd Blackbird that already has a 800-1000 round BB magazine, convert it to 1200 rounds of full auto, add a custom JimC Barrel to it, some bulk CO2 and a bunch of other cosmetic accessories... Well you get the most ridiculous full auto BB gun you can ask for.

Since I had an extra 800-900 BB's more than I am used to when making these full auto videos, I decided to add a few additional targets over and above the clay pigeons I have been using so far. I picked up a nice fairly heavy gauge Santa tin and a rather solid hard wax candle from the dollar store that proved to add some drama to this Full Auto Fun video!

Make sure to also watch my first two Full Auto Fun videos:

If you like what you see in this video and want an absolutely crazy BB gun, then checkout our Replica Airguns Store where we Sell the Drozd BB gun and some add ons for it!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Modification, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Drozd, Drozd-Blackbird

RAP4 RAP5 MP5 4.5mm Steel BB Modified Full Auto Fun

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Video number two in a summertime series I'm calling "Full Auto Fun". My first video featured the KWC/Cybergun CO2 BB Blowback Mini UZI. The KWC Mini UZI has lots of kick and is a bit hard to figure out where exactly the sweet spot is but once you find it, it really tares up the targets in full auto mode!

In this "Full Auto Fun" video I bring out my RAP4 - RAP5 MP5 Full auto BB Rifle. The RAP5 MP5 started out life as a .43 caliber paintball gun but I bought it converted in the factory to 4.5mm Steel BB. RAP4 converts it by adding a barrel sleeve adaptor and includes some plastic casings that allow you to place 4.5mm Steel BB's into a kind of donut shaped shell that is then placed into the 21 round magazines. The plastic Donut BB shells eject from the gun like a real shell casing which is super cool!

Like my KWC Mini UZI Full Auto Fun video, I shoot up a bunch of clay pigeons but this time using my RAP4 - RAP5 MP5 4.5mm Steel BB Full Auto Rifle which I found to be very accurate but perhaps a bit thirsty when it comes to CO2 usage. Some bulk air would be a nice combination with this BB shooter, maybe in another video...

Buy Full Auto BB Guns in the Canada Store

Buy Full Auto BB Guns in the US Store

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: MP5, RAP4, RAP5 4.5 BB

More Full Auto BB Gun Videos on the Way - Update Video

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I had so much fun getting my modded Drozd Classic Full Auto BB Gun out the other day and shooting it, that I thought I would make some more Full Auto videos for you! So this upcoming week I will be taking a look at some of the following BB guns:

Stay tuned... Not sure exactly what I am going to do in terms of shooting tests and comparissons but I do know it will be fun :)

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, Bulk Air, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Pistol, Rifle, YouTube Video Tags:

Most Powerful Air Pistol Shootout

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In this "head to head to head" pistol shootout I compare three of my more powerful, or you could say effective air pistols against each other. Shooting at some pop cans from about 30 feet away to see how destructive each one is. I don't generally recommend air pistols for pest control simply because they tend to be less accurate and powerful than rifles, especially out at the longer ranges where a magnified scope is required and notably where the pesky vermin like to hang out.

I would have to say out of the three tested in this video comparison, the Webley Alecto in .22 caliber and the Modified Drozd Full Auto BB Gun would for sure get the job done at closer ranges. The Webley Alecto simply because it can hurl a heavy grain .22 caliber lead pellet right around the 500 fps mark which will take down small pests, again at close ranges.

My second choice or even first choice depending on how active the pest are would be my modified full auto 1200 rounds per minute Drozd that hurls 4.5mm Steel BB's at over 500 fps (under 4.2 foot pounds) at a rate of 20 BB's per second! A 4.5mm Steel BB traveling at 500 fps will penetrate fur and feathers very well and with most of the 20 BB's hitting a target in a matter of 1 second, that is going to humanly put a small to even medium sized pest down for sure. And yes the Drozd becomes a pistol when yuo take the rear stock off ;)

My last choice for the job is the Xisico XSP180 in .177 caliber since like the Webley Alecto it is only a single shot, so you got to make it count and being that it has less overall energy than the Webley Alecto again I would prefer the Alecto over the XSP180.

Watch my "head to head to head" Vimeo video to see how these three pellet pistols compare:

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Full Auto, Modification, Multi-pump, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: Alecto, Baikal, Drozd, Webley, XSP180, Xisico

Webley Tempest Ultimate Back Packer Pellet Pistol Review

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A classic air pistol with its roots going as far back as the 1920's, the Webley Tempest still holds its own with todays modern sprig piston air pistols. And perhaps in one category (Back Pack Pistol) it may even outshine most of them!

Even though for the most part this website and YouTube channel are dedicated to replica style airguns, there are still many of us who plain and simple like all types of airguns and both appreciate and at times even need more of a single purpose target / hunting airgun for either pest control or taking with us while in the back country.

If you plan on spending some time in the wilderness and may even be required to fend for yourself in terms of food, you would, I am sure appreciate something like the Webley Tempest in your backpack. It will add an additional 2.1 pounds plus the weight of a tin of lead pellets but you never know, it could even save your life if you get lost or injured and need to camp out till help arrives.

The really great part about the Webley Tempest is that it is considered an uncontrolled firearm here in Canada because it just squeezes under our Canada limits in terms of fps and power so you can legally pack it around with you while out hiking, camping, backpacking or what have you. With that said I feel the Webley Tempest still has enough fps, foot pounds of energy and accuracy to wrangle up some small game at close range.

In this YouTube video I demonstrate the effectiveness of the Webley Tempest at taking down 6 "small game" sized targets at a distance of 30 feet or so shooting free hand. I also put a couple of rounds through the Chronograph using some RWS 11.9 grain lead pellets to show you that it has some decent power for such a small compact spring piston air pistol.

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Field Test, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: Webley

Airgun Usage for Hunting and Pest Control


This may be a bit controversial for some people who don't like the thought of using an gun for hunting or extermination of unwanted pests. But weather or not it is accepted by all, it is a practice that many people still embrace including myself when done in a humane way.

Let's start off by addressing this topic by asking some questions and filling in some of the answers. Keep in mind I go into much more detail in my Vimeo video below.

What is the reason that you need to Shoot or Hunt an Animal?

Are you shooting an animal out of need or just for fun, sure there is a thrill in the sport of hunting but after taking down your prey, the animal should not be killed in vain as the meat should be eaten. There are also times when pesky critters get into your gardens, tree farms, feeding stations garbages and who knows what else? I personally think shooting an animal that has not done you any harm or that you don't plan on eating is not ethical. So question your motives wisely?

Can you use an Airgun for Hunting and or Pest Control?

The short answer is yes! As long as you choose the correct Airgun for the job, one that has enough power and accuracy to get the job done in a humane manner. Using an underpowered or inaccurate gun of any type for the chosen target will lead to the animal being wounded and possibly getting away to suffer unnecessarily.

What about Pistols versus Rifles?

Given the choice, a rifle will always be your best bet, rifles tend to be more accurate since they are more stable to hold and the fact that the sights are further apart which improves the guns accuracy. Most rifles also allow for enhanced sighting systems like red dots or magnified scopes for even further accuracy improvements. There are some pistols made specifically for hunting and target shooting that can be accurate but I would limit their use to shorter ranges.

What about Pellet guns versus BB guns?

BB guns in general are not meant for hunting or pest control, and in most cases they are underpowered and not as accurate as their pellet shooting counterparts, especially out at longer ranges where most pests keep their distances to. If you plan on doing some hunting and or pest control, please invest in an adequate pellet rifle to get the job done humanly.

What type of Ammo is best for Hunting and Pest Control?

There are lots of types of pellets available, pointed, rounded, flat, hollow-point and even pellets that have nylon tips. At the end of the day, use the pellet that is the most accurate in your Airgun because shot placement will win over pellet shape any day of the week. The reality is that as long as that pellet hits the target with adequate velocity, it doesn't matter what shape it is, it's more than likely going to pass right through the animal.

What is the lowest FPS that I can use?

I would rather ask the question, what is the highest fps I can get away with since more fps will give you more margin for error, since it will have a flatter trajectory and will do more damage even if your shot is off a bit. An experienced shooter could make a kill shot on a small pest even with a 400 fps airgun but the shot would have to be perfect and the range would have to be close. Of course when shooting larger game, you will need larger caliber pellets with higher velocities. Also when using a high velocity airgun you need to consider what is beyond your target, if you miss, where is that pellet or bullet going to end up? You need to make sure you do not injure anyone by mistake as pellets/bullets can travel a long distance.

How large of an Animal can an Airguns Kill?

This is really dependent on the Airgun being used, Airguns come in many different calibers, from .177 right up to .50 caliber, some PCP Airguns can even take down a deer! You need to do your research and make sure the Airgun you choose has both the power and accuracy you need for the intend prey.

Where can I use an Airgun for Hunting and or Pest Control?

This is a question you need to ask your local authorities as laws and hunting regulations are different just about everywhere. Even shooting pests on your property may require a permit so be careful to obey your local laws.

Categories: .20 cal, .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Break Barrel, Bulk Air, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, How To, PCP, Pellet, Pistol, Rifle, Scope, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: