Baikal (IZH) MP-654K Makarov Replica BB Gun Review

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Type: BB air pistol.
Manufacturer: Baikal.
Materials: Weapons grade metal slide & frame.
Weight: 1.7 pounds.
Barrel: 3.9 inches, metal-rifled.
Propulsion: CO2 x 1.
Action: Semi auto, double and single action.
Ammunition Type: Steel/Lead BBs 4.5mm.
Ammunition Capacity: 13 rounds.
FPS: 380.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull is good in single action mode (When cocked), when shooting in double action mode it is a bit heavy but it seems like over time the gun is working its self in a bit.
Accuracy: Good, not amazing but pretty good.
Build Quality: Excellent, this gun is made side by side with the original Makarov PMM (9x18) firearm that it is Replica of and uses most of the same parts with some modifications to make the BB version shoot 4.5mm BB's.
Realism: You simply can not get any closer to how close this gun resembles the original Makarov PMM (9x18). You can even field strip this gun exactly like the original. The only acceptation is when it come time to fire the BB gun version, The Baikal MP-654K is not designed to have blowback operation which is understandable as it would be impossible to fabricate this gun form the original and still give it blowback operation.
Purchased From: Private Air Gun collector.
Amazing reproduction of the original Makarov PMM (9x18).
Would make an excellent training gun as it has the exact size, weight, and feel to the actual Makarov PMM (9x18) handgun.
Made out of Weapons Grade Metal.
If you can get your hands on one, it is sure to hold or even increase in value.
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No Blowback action due to it being modified from the real gun rather than made for purpose from scratch.
Almost impossible to find in North America!
Could be a Pro or a Con but the slide spring is crazy heavy, which makes it hard to work the slide and field strip the gun.
The Baikal MP-654K BB Air pistol is a treasure to own, it is unique in that it is derived from the actual Makarov side by side in the original factory in Russia. Most Air guns are designed from scratch and therefore usually only look like the guns they replicate but internally they are usually nothing alike. The Baikal MP-654K BB Gun is the real Makarov with a few changes to allow it to shoot BB's propelled by CO2. If you're a replica Airgun collector and you ever have the chance to pick one up, do it!
My Vimeo Video Review for this Airgun: