Entries in Replica Airguns News,8mm

Airgun 92 - Shoot2 System (Limited Time Sale - $30 OFF)

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I am pleased to offer the Italian made Airgun 92 Shoot2 System with a Limite Time discount of $30 off!

The Airgun 92 is a beretta 92 FS styled gun made in Italy by Valtro. It is one of the only CO2 pistols to utilize the Shoot2 System, a double CO2 cartridge and double rotary magazine design to achieve more shots between reloading. This is a brand new gun introduced to North America only recently!

  • .177 cal. Pellets
  • Dual CO2 powered
  • 14 Round magazine
  • 394 fps
  • 1.7 Pounds
  • 8.9 Inches long
  • Shoot2 System

Checkout my full review here:  

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, CO2, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Airgun 92, Valtro, Valtro Airgun 92

Cross Border Airgun Trip Almost Lands Me in Jail


OK, right off the bat the title for this post is a bit dramatic but if it gets me a few extra hits why not!

So I went south across the boarder to pickup a few air guns supplied to me for review by UmarexUSA. Umarex is not comfortable sending airguns to me directly in Canada so I have Umarex send it to a place close to the boarder in Blaine that ships and receives items.

Todays trip I was bringing back a couple air guns - the Umarex SG9000 BB Shotgun and the Umarex S&W M&P 45. Both of which shoot under 500 fps and have an energy value of less then 5.7 Joules which classifies them as Un-Controlled Firearms in Canada. And what does this mean? The short of it is that in Canada we are not allowed "Replica guns" and so there are some Police and Border Guards that believe any airgun that looks like a real gun is a "replica gun" and so it is illegal to own or import into Canada.

It is kind of complicated but we have provision in our Canadian Firearms Act that addresses this issue but as I found out today, not all Border Guards are aware of this. Now I do not want to bad-mouth our Canadian Border Guards, for the most part they are very fair and they are just doing their job to the best of their ability.

Here is a link to the entire Memorandum that addresses this issue if you want to read it all (reference: CBSA Memorandum D19-13-2  pages 8-16)

Here are the parts that are important to my story!

Replica Firearm: 

  • A device that resembles a real firearm but cannot fire a projectile, or its projectile cannot cause serious bodily harm.  Replica firearms are prohibited devices (most AEG's and GBB pistols).  Prohibited devices are not the same things as prohibited firearms.


  • A barrelled device firing a projectile able to cause serious bodily harm. For CBSA's purpose, all firearms are separated into either controlled firearms, or un-controlled firearms.


  • A firearm with muzzle velocity above 500 FPS AND muzzle energy above 5.7 Joules.  Serial number, registration, Firearm Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) are required to import / purchase and possess any controlled firearms


  • A firearm with muzzle velocity below 500 FPS OR muzzle energy below 5.7 Joules.  There is no serial number, registration, license or permit required to import / purchase / own such un-controlled firearms


  • The following goods generally do not meet the definition of prohibited weapon, and thus do not fall under tariff item 9898.00.00. Their misuse may nonetheless be punishable under other laws:
  • (a) an air gun or BB/pellet gun that resembles a real make and model of a firearm may not be a replica firearm if it is an “uncontrolled” firearm (see “Uncontrolled” firearms).

Sorry to make you read that but it is imperative to the rest of my story so that you understand that a Metal BB or Pellet gun that shoots under 500 fps with an energy level below 5.7 Joules is in fact an Un-Controlled Firearm or a barrelled device firing a projectile able to cause serious bodily harm and can in fact resemble a real make or model of firearm.

Unfortunately I did not print off Memorandom D19-13-2 (Note to self... Print it off before heading across the boarder to pickup Air guns!). Now last time I had no problems at all bringing my Umarex PPQ across the border, I guess my Border Guard that time was on the up and up?

Well this time I got sent right into the main building for "Question and Answer Time".

They took a look at the air guns and came back and said, "I can't let you keep these airguns because they are Replica guns."

So I said, "They are not Replicas, they are Un-Contorlled Firearms making them in fact not a Replica but an actual Firearm.

So they said, "Our documentation says that any airgun that looks like a Firearm, is a Replica and we do not classify airguns as Firearms".

So I said, "So all the places in Canada selling Replica Airguns are doing so illegally and if so, how are they getting all these guns past you guys?"

We went back and forth on this for about a half an hour and I was not disrespectful to the Border Guard and he also took the time to hear me out. After he realized that I was more then just your average uninformed tourist returning from vacation with an airgun keepsake, he went into the back and returned to tell me he had good news. "You can keep your air guns" he said! He had spoken with another Border Guard who knew more about the Airgun - Replica laws and was set straight on the confusing matter.

Yes it was a bit stressful at the time but I still have all my faith in our Border Guards, they where not in any way rude to me, but keep in mind I was not disrespectful to them either. It kind of makes you wonder how many fully legal airguns get confiscated at the border and more then likely destroyed?

So anyways - the good news is I have two more Umarex products that I will be reviewing very soon. So make sure to checkout the Umarex SG9000 BB Shotgun and the Umarex S&W M&P 45 when I do their upcoming reviews.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Gun Law, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: S&W M&P 45, SG9000, Umarex

Umarex Walther SG9000 BB Shotgun Now Available for Purchase


Who would of thought you would need a BB Shot gun capable of shooting 3 BB's all at once? It's not about need, it's about want and I say bring it on!

I will be receiving mine in a few days time but I though why make you all wait fot the news and reviews? So for now you can read up on the Umarex Walther SG9000 BB Shotgun and make sure to look forward to an interesting BB SHotgun review coming from Replica Airguns!

Anyways, here's a bit of info on the Umarex SG9000 to tide you over for a while...

The Umarex Walther SG9000 is a one of kind BB shotgun. Grab attention with this tactical shotgun-style airgun that can shoot 3 BBs at a time in quick succession. Shoot this Walther BB Gun in 3-shot burst mode ( 250fps) or in single-shot mode (480fps). Trick out its multitude of tactical rails with cool flashlights, lasers and point sights. Powered by a single disposable 88g CO2 capsule this Walther SG9000 will have you shooting for extended periods of time.

  • 4.5mm Steel BB's
  • Large 88 gram CO2 Powered
  • 40 round internal spring fed magazine
  • 480fps single shot - 250fps 3 shot burst
  • 2.35 pounds
  • Metal and plastic
  • 11.5 inch barrel & 22.25 inches total length
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: SG9000, Umarex, Walther

Crosman 1377 American Classic .177 Pellet Pistol added to the Collection

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I received my Crosman American Classic .177 Multi-pump Bolt Action Pellet Pistol a few days ago and had a bit of time to shoot yesterday. I was extremely impressed with this very inexpensive classic single shot bolt action target pistol. Even using the stock open sights, I shot a group about 1 inch in diameter from a 30 foot out free standing unrested position!

I still prefere my Webley Alecto but then again it is about 5 times more expensive and so it should be a better gun :)

I will be following this up with a full review some time down the road...

Here are some specifications for the Crosman 13177 American Classic:

  • .177 pellet
  • 495 FPS
  • Length: 13.63"
  • Weight: 2 pounds
  • Underlever pump action
  • Single shot - Bolt
  • Rifled barrel
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Multi-pump, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Single Shot Tags: 1377, American Classic, Crosman

Zoraki M906 Factory Seconds Blow-out!



Checkout our latest Factory Refurb Deal Here

I have a limited quantity of Zoraki M906 (factory seconds) 9mm P.A.K. Blank guns with extremely minor blemishes, in most cases you will be hard pressed to find them!

Sorry I can not offer any kind of price protection for anyone purchasing M906's in the past as this a newly stocked item at a new cost to me and ridiculously low price to you. I did not know about this offer until just now and personally purchased three Zoraki M906's at the old pricing, so I feel your pain!!

If you bought one in the past you know how amazing these guns are - kind of like a mini Glock! So the best thing to do is buy another one or two more while you can at this absolutely ridiculously low pricing!

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: M906, Zoraki

Crosman PRO77 Arrives for Review


The other airgun so graciously provided to me by Crosman Corporation was the Crosman PRO77 Blowback 4.5mm CO2 BB pistol. The PRO77 is a true blowback operated semi auto pistol, the slide cocks the exposed hammer with each shot taken and it has a very short trigger pull that does not need to be fully reset with each shot so it should be a really quick shooter!

The PRO77 reminds me an awful lot of my Walther CP99 Compact which sets the bar high, both have metal slide and polymer frames, both are about the same size with very similar specifications. I am looking forward to giving this a try and doing a full review on it. Like the Crosman C41 I just received from Crosman Corporation, you can also pick one up today in our Replica Airguns Store.

Specifications of the Crosman PRO77:

  • 4.5mm Steel BB's
  • 17 round magazine
  • 12 gram CO2
  • Single action only trigger
  • 4.1 inch steel barrel
  • 350 fps
  • 1.3 pounds
  • Fixed sights
  • Blowback operation
  • Metal slide and polymer frame
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Crosman, PRO77

Crosman C41 Arrives for Review

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I go t a few new guns today, one of which was a Crosman C41 which is basically a Walther P38 replica. This new gun was provided compliments of Crosman Corporation! Yes I am moving up in the world just a tad ;)

I plan to do a full review of this nice historic BB shooting replica, you can also pick this Walther P38 replica up in the Replica Airguns Store!

Here are some basic specifications:

  • 4.5mm Steel BB's
  • 18 round magazine
  • 12 gram CO2
  • Double action only trigger
  • 5.19 inch steel barrel
  • 495 fps
  • 2.8 pounds
  • Fixed sights
  • Moving slide
  • Mostly metal construction
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: C41, Crosman

100th Video Contest Giveaway!


100 YouTube Videos! Can you believe it? About a year ago I started actively making videos for my YouTube Channel and here we are today with my 100th YouTube video.

And not only does this video mark my 100th video uploaded, but I also reached several other milestones pretty much at about the same time:

  • 2,000,000 Video Views
  • 50,000 Channel Views
  • 2500 Subscribers.

Before I get into the contest giveaway I just wanted to recap where this all began and where I am now...

About four years ago I uploaded my "Worlds Smallest Full Auto BB Gun" YouTube video just for fun and when I checked back a few months later it had what I thought was crazy amount of views (Something like 20,000 or so). Now it's getting close to 400,000 hits! skip ahead a few more years to just over a year ago and I got to thinking, why not upload a few more airgun videos since people seem to like them and I like making and talking about airguns.

After several videos I figured I might as well start a "website - blog" and place my YouTube videos on it along with some written reviews and articles, that's when ReplicaAirguns.com was born. Skip ahead to around February of this year and kind of by accident I started selling a few hard to get air guns and blank guns to kind of test the waters and I found that there was a definite market for them here in North America and that my viewers where also shoppers :)

Jump ahead to present day and and as you can see in my Replica Airguns Store, I have a nice selection of mostly replica Air and Blank Guns along with some accessories for my shopping viewers to choose from. And all of this is keeping me so busy that this is all I do now, make videos, work on my website and web-store and of course I spend a great deal of time answering questions from my YouTube viewers and Website visitors and customers.

OK, so let's get back to the contest! I am giving away a Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 CO2 4.5mm BB pistol to one of my lucky Subscribers, so how does one go about entering this contest - Giveaway for a chance to win?

  • You have to be a Subscriber of my YouTube Channel.
  • You need to Favorite my 100th Video Contest - Giveaway video and send me a comment in my 100th Video stating as much.
  • You need to tell a minimum of 3 of your friends about my YouTube Channel or the ReplicaAirguns.com website.
  • You need to be an adult or have your parent or guardian accept the giveaway gift on your behalf.
  • If you are not located in North America, you will be given a PayPal payment in the amount of the North America value of the Tanfoglio Witness 1911.
  • Contest deadline is July 31st at midnight!

And that's it! Here's to the next 100 YouTube videos...


Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, Tanfoglio Witness 1911

Crosman - Kimar CK92 CO2 Beretta Style Pellet Pistol


We have another very interesting Pre-sale item out of Italy again, but this time from Kimar. A while back in 2000-2001, Kimar and Crosman teamed up to make a really nice Beretta 92FS Styled Replica Airgun called the CK92. It basically used a bunch of Crosman internal parts but the bulk of the gun was manufactured in the Kimar (Armi Chiappa) factory.

This gun was not produced after 2001 and so has only been available as a used gun to airgun collectors, that is until now. Somehow a limited amount of these guns where rediscovered (perhaps a time machine was involved?) and we have gotten our hands on some arriving in mid July. Since these CK92's have been sitting around for a while they have all been re-tested and inspected and are ready for sale.

This is an amazing opportunity for any Airgun collector looking to get a brand new Crosman - Kimar CK92. And we even have a few arriving with the Chrome finish - even more rare!

But don't let me stop you if you're not an avid airgun collector, we are pricing these all metal pellet shooting Beretta 92FS replicas to sell fast at our pre-sale pricing of only $119 and $129 respectively. Keep in mind this price will go up $20 once they arrive in our warehouse, if we have any left that is...

Here are some specifications to keep you drooling till they come in:

  • .177 cal. Pellets
  • 8 Round magazine
  • CO2 Powered
  • 394 fps
  • 2.6 Pounds
  • 8.4 Inches long
  • Single and double action
  • Fully adjustable rear sight
  • All metal design
  • Made in Italy
  • Beretta 92FS Replica
  • Available in Black and Chrome
  • A real collectors item!

some photos cutesy of co2airguns.net
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, CO2, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: CK92, Crosman, Kimar

Tanfoglio Witness 1911 Update Photos


One of my customers "Pierre" who lives close to our warehouse already received his Tanfoglio Witness 1911, and he kindly took some photos and sent me some quick observations.

As you can see here, the magazine is a full size drop out magazine that holds the CO2 and 4.5mm Steel BB's.

Pierre described the color as being a "Dark Fume Grey" and he also mentioned that the Grip safety (sometimes referred to as the Back-strap safety) is also functional.

You can see in this photo that the slide can lock fully back on the Tanfoglio Witness 1911.

You can see in this photo, the cut out slide and KWC markings. Many Cybergun products are rebrands of the KWC line.

Well if you haven't picked yourself up one yet and your a 1911 fan, (who isn't?) don't miss out on this one!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Cybergun, Tanfoglio Witness 1911

The Social Side of Replica Airguns: YouTube - Facebook - Twitter

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I have obviously been exploring the YouTube side of the whole social networking thing and if anything, my YouTube Channel really started things off for me. I had one Full Auto PPK Video I made a several years ago and it slowly accumulated a ton of views so I thought, why not make some more videos and see how they do... jump ahead a little less then a year later and here we are!

I guess you could say that YouTube is what drives Replica Airguns, without it I don't think there would be a Replica Airguns Website? Guns & Videos are an obvious fit and so it all makes sense to me but what about Facebook and Twitter? I have been putting them off for a while as I just didn't feel I needed the distraction but I have recently caved into the social pressures and started up Facebook and Twitter accounts. So please "like" me "Follow" me, and "Subscribe" me, if you don't I will be a social outcast...

Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags:

Some New Zoraki 914 Finishes to Choose From


I wanted to let you know we have a couple new Zoraki 914 color finishes to choose from, Shiny Chrome and Titanium. We have limited quantities so get them while we still have them. And that goes for all of our Zoraki line as I can not ensure we will be carrying it for much longer - it has nothing to do with quality as the Zoraki line of blank guns is one of the best! SORRY - ALL GONE!

Buy Blank Guns in Canada   -   Buy Zoraki M914 in the US

Categories: 8mm, 9mm, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: 914, 925, M906, Zoraki

Canada Post Strike and Replica Airguns Shipping


I wanted to reassure everyone that business is "as per usual" even with the impending possible Canada Post strike! For the most part we use DHL to ship our products, so this potential Canada Post strike will not effect those orders in any way.

For the few orders that we ship with Canada Post, we can always use DHL. It might cost me a bit more, or in some cases you may have to go and pick your order up from the DHL depot, but we will get you your guns dammit - and that's a promise!!

Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags:

Champion .22 Caliber Bullet Trap for Target Shooting


I dropped into my local Wholesale Sports Outdoor Outfitters today just to have a look around and walked out with a Champion .22 Caliber Bullet Trap. I figured the time had come to stop using cardboard boxes as my backstops, sure I have lots of backyard and so safety is not an issue but I think this new Champion Bullet Trap will work well for me!

One really nice feature about the Champion Bullet Trap is that it's rated to shoot right up to .22 caliber rimfire bullets (no magnums), so I can use my Henry .22 rimfire Lever action rifle with it too.

I am hoping that it will trap BB's OK, if they tend to get a little lively in it I may have to through a little cardboard in behind my target paper. 

The only trouble I encountered was getting it home as I brought my Kawasaki KLX250SF motorcycle with me on this trip but fortunately I had installed a rack on the back that the Champion Bullet Trap fit nicely on to.

Categories: Accessory, Replica Airguns News Tags:

Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 A1 Blowback BB Pistol Pre-Orders


Everyone has been asking for a true Colt 1911 A1 styled blowback Air gun with a true Colt 1911 trigger system. Well I guess the folks over at Cybergun where listening because they just released their Tanfoglio Witness 1911 A1 Blowback CO2 BB Pistol and it looks awesome!

We are expecting them in stock in just over a weeks time so make sure to get your order in now at our introductory pricing.

Here are some specifications to keep you going until we get them in stock and I get the chance to review this fine 1911 A1 Colt replica.

  • 4.5mm BB
  • CO2 powered
  • 18 round full size drop out magazine
  • 320 fps
  • 2 pounds
  • 8.6 inches long
  • Blowback
  • Full metal
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Cybergun, Tanfoglio Witness 1911

New Fore-Grips and Bipod Now in the Replica Airguns Store

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One thing that can really add functionality but also give your gun that customized look is a Fore-grip and or a Bipod. I've added two Fore-grips for you to choose from and a really nice barrel mounted quick release Bipod.

NcSTAR - Tactical Fore-grip (with rail)



NcSTAR - AR-15 Heavy Duty Fore-grip



NcSTAR - Quick Release Uni-Bipod



Categories: Accessory, Replica Airguns News Tags: NcSTAR

Two new Holsters Now Available in The Replica Airguns Store


You can always have some more holsters, everyones needs are different! Some like it discrete and some like to lay it all out for everyone to see. Now to go with our already existing Beretta 92FS Leather Belt Holster, Nylon Laser Holster and Nylon Shoulder Holster we have two more for you to choose from.

Tactical Leg Holster - Black

Tactical Gun Holster - Belt - Mag Holster - Black
Categories: Accessory, Replica Airguns News Tags:

More Lasers and Tactical Lights in the Replica Airguns Store


I did have one pistol laser in the Replica Airguns Store but I really wanted to add some more variety, especially when it came to Tactical Lights since I didn't have any of these yet. I picked out a nice selection of lights and lasers from NcSTAR that should fill most requirements for your rifle or pistol.

NcSTAR - Pistol Laser Sight

NcSTAR - Barrel Laser Sight

NcSTAR - Pistol LaserMount-Flashlight Kit

NcSTAR - Tactical Flashlight 3 Watts

NcSTAR - Flashlight Wire Pressure Switch
Categories: Accessory, Replica Airguns News Tags: NcSTAR