Entries in Replica Airguns News,4.5mm / .177 cal

Is an Airgun Good for Self Defense?


Is an Airgun Good for Self Defense? Another one of those questions I get asked fairly often that's a bit hard to answer in a few sentences... Not all of us have easy access to a 9mm pistol or even a rifle but many of us can get our hands on an airgun fairly easily and they look real enough, I guess that is one thing they have going for them.

But what if the mere sight of what looks like a gun does not scare an intruder off? If you where hoping that would be enough, you may just be out of luck and what if you just brought an Airgun to a "real" gun fight? You are going to be drastically "outgunned" pun intended and here's why. A 4.5mm Steel BB weighs about 5.1 grains and generally you are looking at about 2-3 foot pounds of energy from a CO2 BB gun. Even a .177 caliber lead pellet is only marginally heavier at around 7-8 grains and if you're really lucky you might just get 4 foot pounds of energy out of a CO2 pellet pistol.

So let's take a look at a fairly conservative "real pistol" rounds, the 9mm. The 9mm rounds come in different bullet weighs but you can get a 120 grain 9mm in a plus p ammo with as much as 400 foot pounds of energy and even with that much raw power, many people claim that a 9mm round does not always have enough stopping power to put down a person even when shot multiple times center mass. It just depends what vital organs or arteries you hit that determines if he gets lucky or you get lucky.

Your 5.1 grain 4.5mm Steel BB is not going to do anything if it hits any type of clothing and even if you find some flesh it's just going to piss off the intruder.

My suggestion is to consider a bat or a golf club or a really big knife or just about anything other than an airgun because if the sight of the airgun replica does not scare an intrude away then you are really buggered.

Keep in mind that you need to abide by any laws regarding the use of self defense in your areas. Even just physical force could be considered a crime and at the end of the day you are ultimately accountable for your actions.

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Gun Law, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

Which Airgun is the Best?


I finally answer the question... Which Airgun is the Best? There has to be a best airgun out there right? So let's cut to the chase and stop waisting everyones time and money buying the third Best Airgun or even the second best Airgun! Why would you even want anything other than the very best Airgun available to mankind!

I really hope you weren't one of the gullible ones that actually bought something other than the Best Airgun, well I guess you're going to have to watch my YouTube video to find out which Airgun is the Best Airgun of all time...

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Multi-pump, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags:

How to Load Your Air Pistol

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In many of my reviews I show the loading process of each gun but sometimes I either skim over this part or assume most people already know how to load an Air Pistol and skip it entirely. Well as it turns out not everybody does know how to load up an Airgun or they are unclear on certain areas, like do you actually need the CO2 and how long can you leave CO2 in an airgun?

So I made a video specifically to cover how to load CO2, BB's and/or Pellets into your Air Pistol.

Now even though this video is targeted at 4.5mm Steel BB and Lead Pellet Pistols, there is a crossover with 6mm Airsoft Pistols so this video may also help an Airsoft shooter.

Our Family Bearded Dragon (Dijon) was looking rather sad and lonely today so I figured he could hang out while I made the video, he really doesn't do much of anything most of the time so why not give him a special appearance in one of the Replica Airguns Videos ;)

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, How To, Pellet, Pistol, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

YouTube Channel Cross Promo - Replica Airguns - GetFitOver40 - mrKnife

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I would think that most of you by now are aware of my other YouTube Channel, GetFitOver40, or perhaps not? Either way you are now :) I have been running GetFitOver40.com for almost as long as I have been running the ReplicaAirguns YouTube Channel and Website but I put GetFitOver40 on the back burner until about a year ago where I started investing some of my time back into it and as of right now the GetFitOver40 YouTube Channel has over one hundred videos, close to one millions videos views and over four thousand subscribers so it's doing pretty well.

If you haven't already guessed, GetFitOver40 is a fitness channel geared to those 40+ but I have lots of fitness related info for all ages including fitness gadget reviews!

My latest endeavor is a collaboration with the folks over at mrKnife.com, I like knives and they have an abundant supply of knifes for me to review so it seems like a good fit. Mr Knife is a Canada based online store supplying a variety of knife brands including, Cold Steel, SOG, Kershaw Canada and Ontario Knife Company. Here is the mrKnife new YouTube channel location.

So if any of these other YouTube Channels and Websites interest you then please show me your support and check them out and subscribe :)

Categories: Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video Tags:

Replica Airguns Canada Store Q&A Number 2

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This video in many ways goes over a Q&A I did back November 2013 but since we keep getting asked these question all the time, I thought I would address them again :)

  1. How much is shipping in Canada? In a nut shell... $15 flat rate across Canada even to Ontario  and Quebec.

  2. Will I have problems with Customs? No you will not since all the items we have listed in our Canada Replica Airguns store have already been imported into Canada and will be shipped from Canada to Canada, no boarders are crossed when we ship to you.

  3. Are all guns legal in Canada? Yes, since they have all been legally imported into Canada already, they are legal to sell, buy and own in all parts of Canada. Some items you will have to be 18+ years old to purchase.

  4. What about price matching? We will price match any Canada based online or retail store within Canada that ships from within Canada. The only stipulation we have is that the item be currently in stock since some "questionable" business will drop the price on items they do not have in stock or have discontinued.

  5. How long will shipping take? We always do our best to get your orders packed up as quick as we can and generally have them out the door within one or two business days, there are times when we get backed up with orders and this may timeframe may get stretched out to three days at most. Once Canada Post has the order it will take another 1-5 business days to get to you depending on how far away you are located from our BC based warehouse.

I hope this info has cleared a few things up for everyone!

Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags:

Tanfoglio Gold Custom vs Sig Sauer X-Five Sight Rail Head to Head Shootout

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Moving on to the head to head comparison of the Tanfoglio Gold Custom versus the Sig Sauer X-Five Sight Rail (Open version). Again like my previous video of the KWC Model M1911 Tac A1 versus the Cybergun-KWC GSG 92-M92, these two Air Pistols feature full size drop out metal magazines that hold the CO2 and 4.5mm steel BB's, along with full blowback with working slide catches, safeties and magazine releases. Both are field Strippable and both have the addition of sight rails with red dot sights for quick target acquisition.

I did not find either sight rail pistol to be all that much more accurate than similar open sight pistols like the KWC Model M1911 Tac A1 and Cybergun-KWC GSG 92-M92, but I did find that target acquisition was much quicker and even when I accidentally double tapped the trigger, the second round was right on target.

In this field test comparison I shoot both guns through my Chronograph to see what kind of feet per second performance each one shoots, I also take them back 30 feet and shoot 10 rounds on a paper target using a semi rested position for true accuracy results.

Watch my Field Test Head to Head Shootout for the Tanfoglio Gold Custom versus the Sig Sauer X-Five Sight Rail:

KWC Model 75 TAC Blowback BB Pistol.jpg
Sig Sauer 4.5Mm X-Five.jpg
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Accessory, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, KWC, Sig Sauer X-Five P226, Tanfoglio Gold Custom

KWC Model M1911 Tac A1 vs Cybergun-KWC GSG 92-M92 Head to Head Shootout

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Here is the third video in a series of Head to Head Air Pistol Shootouts. In this video place the KWC Model M1911 Tac A1 head to head versus the Cybergun-KWC GSG 92-M92.

Both CO2 4.5mm Replica Air Pistols feature full size drop out metal magazines that hold the CO2 and 4.5mm steel BB's. These super realistic BB guns also have full blowback with working slide catches, safeties and magazine releases and they can both be field stripped juts like the real steel versions.

In this field test comparison I shoot both guns through my Chronograph to see what kind of feet per second performance each one shoots, I also take them back 30 feet and shoot 10 rounds on a paper target using a semi rested position for true accuracy results.

Watch my Field Test Head to Head Shootout for the KWC Model M1911 Tac A1 vs Cybergun-KWC GSG 92-M92:

SWISS arms 177 P92.jpg
kwc M1911 A1.jpg
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Beretta M 92 FS, Cybergun, GSG 92, KWC, M1911 A1 Tac

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 Vimeo Video - Replica Airguns


I have already posted individual company updates on this years 2014 Vegas SHOT Show so make sure to checkout the links to each post below. You can also watch my Full Vimeo video that includes some video and a few more photos...

Categories: Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video Tags: SHOT Show

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 Miscellaneous


I stopped by the ICS Booth, we don't sell too much of their products but have carried a few items from time to time. ICS caries some nice quality Airsoft guns including the M1 Grand with real wood stock, and some AK & AR variants.

One of our suppliers had the new FN Herstal Five-seveN Blowback Airsoft pistol, I believe made by Marushin. Like the real FN Herstal Five-seveN, the pistol is pretty much all polymer including the slide and frame. This pistol also uses CO2 in the full size drop out magazine which should make it fairly powerful.

Looks like there is another Dan Wesson contender available now in the form of a Swiss Arms S&W 357 Magnum 4 inch and 6 inch barreled version, they look really nice and like the Dan Wesson have the realistic reusable brass shells that hold the 4.5mm Steel BB's.

Ever considered owning a  mobile Gunsmith vehicle, look no further, I came across this pimped out Firearms Van complete with machine guns mounted in the front :) Inside was a complete firearms workshop.

Last but not least, we had some fun while in Vegas. I go down for the SHOT Show for business but I also bring my wife and we make time for some non business related activities. I generally stay at the WorldMark resort each time and this year the weather was pretty nice so we where able to get some sun by the pool a couple of days and I even got a tan line! Of course the food and entertainment is always awesome in Vegas.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Pellet, Pistol, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: 357, FN Herstal Five-seveN, ICS, Marushin, SHOT Show, Swiss Arms

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 Crosman Booth

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This year the Crosman booth was a bit of a let down in terms of "Replica guns" There really wasn't anything new to speak of? I didn't hang around too long to check on the non-replica guns, perhaps they have been focussing on that area of their market for this year?

One 4.5mm CO2 Blowback BB Pistol they featured as a prototype version last years was on display this year as the final product, the Crosman GI Model 1911BB. And again I was not overly impressed. The Crosman GI Model 1911BB looks for the most part like a 1911 except for the funky trigger which is supposes to look like a 1911 single action trigger. In reality it is a rather heavy double action trigger not at all true to a 1911. I was also puzzled by how recessed the barrel was, sure it's nice to have a slightly recessed barrel to make the pistol more believable but the GI Model 1911BB inner barrel is recessed at least an inch or more robbing this pistol of potential fps.

Guess I'm going to have to try one out at some point to see if it shoots better than I am giving it credit for.

One product from Crosman that is kind of a crossover between a replica and a PCP rifle is the Crosman MAR177 PCP AR Conversion Kit. It is designed to replace the top receiver for a standard AR allowing AR owners to shoot .177 caliber pellets using a standard Pre Charged Pneumatic system with their AR platforms. Of course you need an AR lower to use the Crosman MAR177 PCP AR Conversion Kit.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, CO2, PCP, Pellet, Pistol, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: Crosman, GI Model 1911BB, MAR177 PCP Conversion Kit, Model 1911, SHOT Show

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 ASG Booth


I also visited my friends at the ASG booth but for some reason I did not get a photo  of their booth? I do have some video walk through stuff I will show you in my YouTube Video coverage of this years Vegas SHOT Show. Most importantly I have lots of gun photos so let's take a look at them...

One of my favorite ASG pistols is the Bersa BP9CC, I have already reviewed it and I just really like how this gun looks and holds, ASG took it one step further this year by adding a two-tone silver version and I have to say it looks awesome in person, my photos do not do it justice at all :(

A new handgun to the ASG blowback pistol series is the CZ P-09 Duty Pellet pistol. Basically it shares similar mechanics to the Umarex PX4 and Gamo PT-85 using the double sided rotary pellet magazine with 8 shots located on each end of the stick magazine. The ASG CZ P-09 Duty features a metal slide, working hammer and safety.

Another pellets pistol that should be very familiar to most of you is the new .177 caliber pellet shooting Dan Wesson in 6 inch silver and 8 inch black versions. ASG added a rifled barrel and redesigned solid brass shells that hold pellets instead of 4.5mm Steel BB's. Expect to take a little bit longer to reload the pellets as unscrewing the tip of each shell is required to place a .177 caliber pellet in each bullet tip.

Of course ASG has tons of licensed pistols to choose from, many on both 4.5mm Steel BB and 6mm Plastic Airsoft!

One new rifle that stood out to me was the ASG CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1 AEG Airsoft Rifle, the Scorpion features an intelligent AEG system that detects when there may be a potential feeding problem and also when the magazine is out of ammo.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Revolver, Semi Auto Tags: ASG, Bersa, CZ P-09 Duty Pellet, CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1, Dan Wesson Pellet, SHOT Show

Gamo PT-85 vs Umarex Beretta PX4 Storm Head to Head Shootout

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Installment number 2 of my Head-to-Head Airgun comparisons. In this video I compare the replica Umarex Beretta PX4 Storm CO2 Blowback Pellet Pistol versus the Gamo PT-85 CO2 Blowback Pellet Pistol. Both are very similar mechanically and use very similar rotary magazines combined with single action hammers and very heavy blowback.

Make sure to checkout my other posts for my Umarex Beretta PX4 Storm and also the  Gamo PT-85.

Watch the video below to see the Beretta PX4 Storm CO2 Blowback Pellet Pistol go head to head against the Gamo PT-85 CO2 Blowback Pellet Pistol in both a test of the feet per second performance and accuracy shooting at 30 feet using a semi rested position.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Beretta, Gamo, PT-85, PX4 Storm, Umarex

ASG Dan Wesson 8 inch Revolver vs Umarex S&W 327 TRR8 Head to Head Shootout

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This post is really all about watching the YouTube video and seeing how these two similar CO2 4.5mm Steel BB revolvers compare to each other. I was working with a new Chronograph since again it was really dark outside and my old Chronograph does not like darkness. I did get some usable Chrony results with the new one but I did have to work for it ;)

Make sure to checkout my other posts for my Dan Wesson revolvers and also the Umarex S&W 327 TRR8.

Watch the video below to see the Dan Wesson 8 inch 4.5mm Steel BB Revolver go head to head against the Umarex S&W 327 TRR8 in both a test of the feet per second performance and accuracy shooting at 30 feet using a semi rested position.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Dan Wesson, S&W 327 TRR8, Umarex

Commonly Asked for Head to Head Gun Shootouts

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I get many question over on my Vimeo Channel, lots of times people asking me which gun is better and in most cases it really comes down to personal preference. But in some situations the comparisons are really close and to be honest it's even hard for me to decide which gun I think is better.

I get asked which one has higher fps, or is more accurate, or has harder blowback recoil... the list goes on. Without actually taking both gun outside and doing a head to head test using the same exact situations, I really can not honestly tell you! So that's exactly what I am going to do. Take some of the most commonly asked about gun comparisons and have a showdown.

Over the next while I will be making a total of five separate videos where I compare the following CO2 BB pistols head to head:

Make sure to come back and check out these upcoming head to head field test shooting videos!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Cybergun, Gamo, KWC, Umarex

My Airgun, Airsoft Gun and Blank Gun Collection Favorites for 2013


So it's 2014 but I still needed to make my 2013 Airgun, Airsoft Gun and Blank Gun Collection Favorites for 2013. It's become a tradition I guess you could say. No I do not show all the guns in my collection but I do cover most of my favorites and also some new guns I picked up in 2013.

Here's a peek but make sure to watch the YouTube video bellow where I go over all my top picks for 2013. You can also buy many of the guns I show in this YouTube video over in our Canada and US Replica Airguns Store!

2013 BB Pistols

2013 Pellet Pistols

2013 Airsoft Pistols

2013 Blank Pistols

2013 Rifles

Categories: .20 cal, .22 cal, .43 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, 8mm, 9mm, Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, Bulk Air, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Multi-pump, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags:

Boxing Week Sale at Replica Airguns - Early Start!


Boxing Week Sale at Replica Airguns (25th -31st  December, 2013!) The Christmas - New Year Festivity brings much awaited discounts on all items in the Replica Airguns Canada and USA store. All items at flat 20% off!

We combed through some of 2013's best Christmas promotions and came up with a flat 20% off discount on all items in our Canada and USA based stores. An exciting mix of all models of Replica airguns, rifles, pistols and accessories is on sale for our subscribers and existing customers.

Use this exclusive coupon code to avail the discount:
Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags:

Gamo MP9 Blowback CO2 Pellet and BB Tactical Airgun Field Test Shooting Review


After posting my Table Top Review for the Gamo MP9 Blowback CO2 Pellet and BB Tactical Airgun, It seemed like most people where pretty interested with it and where looking forward to my Field Test Shooting Review. So I wanted to get this one out before the Holidays! Thought I would wear my Santa hat for this one :)

I did manage to get my Chronograph problem figured out so for this test I got reads on all 8 shots which was awesome! So how did my Gamo MP9 Blowback CO2 Pellet and BB Tactical Pistol perform? Pretty nicely overall, since it has 8 shots at each end of teh 16 shot rotary magazine I decided to base my testing on 8 shot groups. The first 8 shots where aimed through my Chronograph resulting in an average 415 fps using 7 grain RWS lead pellets. Not bad considering how cold it was and the fact that I was not using the super light weight PBA® Platinum Pellets. I would expect even lead pellets to hit 450 fps on a warm day.

The next 8 rounds where designated for the paper target which was setup 30 feet from my semi rested position (rested on sand bag and standing in the back). All 8 rounds shot within 1.5 inches and I am pretty sure I could do this all day long with this pellet shooter. I then emptied the other half o my magazine on my swinging steel targets and it appears I hit them most of the time looking back on my video.

The blowback is minimal with this CO2 blowback pistol, I don't think the internal blowback mechanism caries that much weight to it but you do feel some blowback when the CO2 is new and full. Gamo claims the trigger to be around 9.5 pounds worth of pull but to me it feel much lighter, combine that with the pull length being fairly short and you can shoot 8 rounds off at a time in a hurry with this Gamo MP9 Blowback CO2 Pellet and BB Tactical Airgun.

If I could have my way I would have liked to have seen a working ejection port like the Umarex MP5K PDW and perhaps a bit more blowback feel but other than that the Gamo MP9 Blowback CO2 Pellet and BB Tactical Pistol is a great replica CO2 Blowback pellets gun for the money.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Gamo, MP9