Entries in Real Gun,Vimeo Video

Bill C-21 Let's All Make Some Waves

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I made a video a little bit ago talking about how Canada’s new Bill C-21 will affect pretty every gun owner in Canada including even airgun owners of BB, Pellet Airsoft and even Paintball Guns. Make sure to watch that video first called Bill C-21 Canada is Going After Your Red Ryder BB Gun.

This video is all about how you can get involved in making some waves by signing two online petitions along with contacting your local Member of Parliament and letting them know your disapproval of Bill C-21 and all that it imposes on law abiding Canadian gun owners.

Probably the most important online petition to sign would be the House of Commons Petition E-3201 Bill C-21 so make sure to sign that one!

The other online e-petition we need to sign is the change.org petition.

And lastly but also super important is to send an email to your local member of Parliament again let them know your disapproval of Bill C-21. I have included a link to the web[age where you can locate your local MP and below that is a template of what you could include in your email to them.


Dear (MP),

I am a constituent in your riding. I am writing to you to voice my concerns over the new provisions that were announced under the proposed Bill C-21, and how this will impact myself, my community and many other Canadians.

"Criminal Code 1 (1) The definition replica firearm in subsection 84(1) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following:

replica firearm means any device that is designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, a firearm that is designed or adapted to discharge a shot, bullet or other projectile at a muzzle velocity exceeding 152.4 m per second and at a muzzle energy exceeding 5.7 Joules, and that itself is not a firearm, but does not include any such device that is designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, an antique firearm; (réplique)

(2) Section 84 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (3.1): Certain firearms deemed to be prohibited devices

(3.2) For the purposes of sections 99 to 101, 103 to 107 and 117.03, a firearm is deemed to be a prohibited device if

(a) it is proved that the firearm is not designed or adapted to discharge a shot, bullet or other projectile at a muzzle velocity exceeding 152.4 m per second or at a muzzle energy exceeding 5.7 Joules; and (b) the firearm is designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, a firearm, other than an antique firearm, that is designed or adapted to discharge a shot, bullet or other projectile at a muzzle velocity exceeding 152.4 m per second and at a muzzle energy exceeding 5.7 Joules."

Categories: Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, Blank Gun News, Blank Gun, BB, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Non Airguns, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, YouTube Video Tags: Bill C-21

Bill C-21 Canada is Going After Your Red Ryder BB Gun


No To Bill C-21.jpg

The long and short of it, Bill C-21 is an attack on law abiding Canadian gun owners and goes so far as to include the Daisy Red Ryder BB gun and many other Airguns as a Prohibited Firearm in Canada.

I am not a Lawyer or Bureaucrat so this video is my personal take on how I perceive the new Gun laws and Bill C-21. Please do your own investigation on these new laws and come to your own conclusions.

I don’t ask this often, please like and share this video with as many people as you can in Canada and outside of Canada. This is a new level of attack on Canadian Gun rights and we need to stand up for our gun rights or there will be no more guns in Canada eventually. This could happened in your country and has already happened in many others.

Make sure to also sign the change.org petition and call/email your local MP’s and Firearms Officers


Make sure to also sign ePetition e-3201 to put a stop to Bill C-21:


Find your local MP:


So how did we get here… Back in May of 2020 Trudeau (without going through Parliament) banned some 1500 (what he referred to as) Assault rifles. For the most part but not exclusive to, anything that looks scary with a semi auto action. Many rifles with semi auto actions that did not look scary where not on this banned list. Some bolt action rifles and even shotguns made it to this banned list of guns deemed by Trudeau as dangerous Assault Rifles.

Bill C-21 is now going after handguns in a similar capacity along with any Airgun that looks like a Firearm. 

In this video I am going to focus mainly on the Airgun side of how Bill C-21 effects Canadians so we are talking about BB Guns, Pellet Guns, Airsoft Guns, even Paintball Guns. But do understand if you own a handgun or even a rifle, Bill C-21 is coming after many of those guns as well making them literally impossible to own and use in any capacity other than keeping them in a safe at all times until you die in which it has to be relinquished without payment to the government.

How does Bill C-21 effect Airguns? Previously most Airguns where classified as Firearms but where unregulated so they didn’t require registration or even a Firearms license to sell, buy, own or use. Bill C-21 wants to make any Airgun that looks like a firearm (other than an antique firearm) prohibited. This means you will not be able to import, sell, or buy them in Canada. You will be able to keep your existing Prohibited Airguns but with extensive limitations on how you can keep and use them. Basically no use at all.

No Guns Canada.jpg

For the most part you will want to keep your now prohibited Airguns in a gun safe at home at all times or you risk having them confiscated from you since if you are transporting or using an Airgun, the police have the right to ask you to produce a Prohibited Firearms license which if I am not mistaken has not been made available since 1991, so the vast majority of gun owners especially none license holding Airgun owners do not have a Prohibited Firearms license nor is there any way to obtain such a license. How convenient!

Who does Bill C-21 effect? Firearms in Canada is a Multi Billion dollar industry and Airguns are an ever growing part of that industry. Bill C-21 effects Importers, Wholesalers, Retailers, Gun Ranges, Airsoft Fields, Gun Organizations, Gun Groups and of course every Firearm and Airgun owner in Canada. Bill C-21 wants to eliminate many aspects of the firearms Industry in Canada putting large and small business out of business. Replica Airguns will be gone if Bill C-21 passes in Canada, a business I founded and have been part of for over 15 years affecting many employees, families and of course customers.

How will Bill C-21 by eliminating the vast majority of Airguns in Canada keep Canadians safer and save lives as it proposes? I’m tryin to wrap my head around this one… So please tell me how many Pellet Rifles where used in mass shootings? How many drive by shootings involved Paintball guns? How many suicides have there been with BB pistols? How many police officers have died at the hands of an Airsoft wielding mad person? I’m going out on a limb here to say probably zero. And if any of these Airguns had been used in any of these situations that would have been a good thing because no lives would have been lost perhaps except for the user of the Airgun.

I want to end this video off with an example and an analogy of just exactly how ridiculous Bill C-21 is and how it will do absolutely zero to protect Canadians from criminals.

  • Daisy Red Ryder BB Rifle (1940) Will now be a Prohibited Firearm in Canada

  • Crosman 38T Pellet Revolver (1964) Will now be a Prohibited Firearm in Canada

  • Crosman 357 Pellet Revolver (1983) Will now be a Prohibited Firearm in Canada

  • Air-Ordnance SMG 22 Caliber Full Auto Machine Gun (Modern Airgun) Currently and even after Bill C-21 will be an Unregulated Firearm in Canada with no license or registration required.

Analogy of how Bill C-21 is supposed to Make Canadians Safer:

Bill C-21 is going after law abiding Licensed and Registered gun owners and only allowing them to keep their now Prohibited Guns but not allowed them to use their prohibited guns in any capacity. Prohibited guns must be in a safe at all times unloaded and locked. You are not allowed to transfer them anywhere, you are not allowed to sell, loan or give them to another person, and upon death the prohibited gun/s must be relinquish to the Government. According to Bill C-21 this is apparently going to help stop non license holding non gun registered criminals from committing gun related crimes that for the most part do not obtain their firearms legally.

This is like saying that ICBC (Canadas Vehicle Insurance Agency) has looked into motor vehicle accidents and found that a high majority of vehicle accidents are caused by people that do not have drivers licenses and that do not have registered or insured vehicles, furthermore ICBC has come to the conclusion that vehicles related to these accidents often times are import sedans that have been lowered and tuned. So in order to reduce car accidents ICBC will be focusing on drivers with drivers licenses and registered and license vehicles that fit this description and any other vehicle they deem a possible threat , these registered and licensed vehicle owners will still be allowed to own their vehicles that fit this criteria and have them registered but they will not be allowed to drive their vehicle/s anymore. Their vehicle/s must be kept in the garage at all times and never driven. You can not sell or loan your vehicle/s to anyone and these vehicle/s will not be allowed to be imported, bought or sold anymore in Canada. Once you die your vehicle/s are relinquished by the Government without payment no matter what their assessed value.

Please make sure to sign the change.org petition and call/email your local MP’s and Firearms Officers


Categories: Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blank Gun, Blank Gun News, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, YouTube Video, Semi Auto Tags: Bill C-21

Sig Sauer MCX Virtus PCP .22 Caliber Pellet Rifle Field Test Review

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The Sig Sauer MCX Virtus PCP .22 Caliber Pellet Rifle is one that you are really going to want to take outside and set targets up around 50-60 feet await make it a little more challenging adn I do plan on getting outside with the Sig Sauer MCX Virtus PCP .22 Caliber Pellet Rifle in a bit once the weather gets a bit nicer and have some fun shooting at longer ranges. For now I wanted to at least get out my Indoor Field Test Shooting Video where I can Chronograph the Sig Sauer MCX Virtus PCP .22 Caliber Pellet Rifle and also see what it can do shooting at 30 feet out.

Sig claims the Sig Sauer MCX Virtus PCP .22 Caliber Pellet Rifle to shoot .22 caliber lead pellets at up to 700 fps with a power output of 12 foot pounds. Using 14.5 grain lead pellets I placed 6 rounds though my Chronograph and averaged 585 fps with the fastest shoot hitting 611 fps. Keep in mind there are much lighter lead pellets out there and when it comes to alloy pellets they drop in weight even more so hitting 700 fps with a light grain lead or alloy pellet is very realistic. What about Sigs claimed 12 foot pounds of energy? I did the math and using a 14.5 grain pellet with a maximum velocity of 611 fps, these numbers produce just a hair over 12 foot pounds! Mission accomplished :)

What about accuracy, I have seen a few claims online that the Sig Sauer MCX Virtus PCP .22 Caliber Pellet Rifle is not the most accurate Pellet rifle out there and you know what I don’t think that was the absolute intension when Sig thought this one up. After all it is a semi auto high capacity Airgun replica, not a target rifle. I still like to find things out for myself so of course I performed my accuracy test for the Sig Sauer MCX Virtus PCP .22 Caliber Pellet Rifle shooting 10 rounds into a fresh paper target from 30 feet back using a seated and rested shooting position. For this test I was using a red dot scope with a 3x magnifier on it. My first 10 rounds did OK producing just over a 1 inch grouping, not super great but most of the rods (8 of them) all struck the target within about 3/4 of an inch.

At this point decided to empty the rest of the magazine so about 15 rounds on the same target to see if the grouping stayed the same or maybe even speed out a bit. I was a bit surprised to find that my second 15 shot grouping all stayed within the higher 10 shot group again producing about a 3/4 inch grouping with just those two first test outliers? Maybe it was me, maybe it was the pellets, maybe it was the Sig Sauer MCX Virtus PCP .22 Caliber Pellet Rifle? The good news is you have 30 rounds to hit your target so even if a couple of them stray a bit you still got 28 left to get the job done.

The Sig Sauer MCX Virtus PCP .22 Caliber Pellet Rifle is one of the coolest Air Rifles I have tested and now own, not only is it a great Replica Airgun but it also performs well and can be used for plinking or small pest control. All at even a fraction of the cost of shooting 22LR rounds and that’s not even that expensive compared to 9mm and larger ammo. Let’s hope Sig Sauer makes a detuned Canada version so we can offer it up in our Canada Replica Airguns Store and if you live in the US then checkout the US Store for Sig Sauer buying options.

Categories: .22 cal, Bulk Air, CO2, PCP, Pellet, Review, Real Gun, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Sig Sauer Virtus, Sig Sauer ASP

The Best Way to Hold Your Airgun

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I made a similar video about how to hold your airgun a while back but sometimes they get a bit buried in all the video I make. I feel it's really important how you grip your gun even if it's only an airgun with very little kick or recoil. Proper pistol grip is something you should use no matter what so that you can carry it forward to what ever gun you are shooting.

More kick or recoil means a firmer grip is required to hold the gun so when shooting a powder burner with lots of kick grip becomes even more important.

In this video I go over the proper two handed grip to use when holding a pistol, which hand to hold lose and which had to grip tight, how to overlap your fingers and thumbs.

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Break Barrel, CO2, Blowback, How To, Non Airguns, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, YouTube Video Tags:

When is an Airgun Better than a Real Gun?

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This is not to say that a “Real Gun” is not as good as an Airgun or better in other ways, in this video I’m just pointing out how an Airgun in some cases can actually be better suited than a Real Gun.

Availability: What I mean by this, is that in many countries Real Guns can be very hard to acquire and often require safety course and applications before one can purchase a Real Gun. I have no problem with this but it is a reality that must be considered. Having an Airgun versus not having a gun at all makes it a better option for people that live in countries that have strict gun laws. Here in Canada we are allowed Real Guns, even pistols but we do have restriction on our pistols and so I can only get certain guns in an Airgun version. As a collector this is better than not having the gun at all.

Price to Buy: Generally speaking you can pickup an enter level Airgun for much less money than a real gun.

Cost to Shoot: Real gun ammo prices have been steadily increasing to the point that a day out shooting can cost several hundred dollars just on the ammunition alone.

Comparison of Price:

  • 50 rounds of 9mm ammo will cost around $18.00

  • 6000 rounds of 4.5mm Steel BB will cost about $18.00

  • CO2 is a bit less than $1 per 12 gram Cylinder which can yield up to 100 shots each.

  • To shoot 100 rounds of 9mm will cost close to $40 versus 100 shots of 4.5mm steel BB at around $1.

  • For this reason alone an Airgun can make a lot of sense even for Real Gun owners looking to get more cost effective practice time.

Access to Shooting Locations: Depending on where you live you will have to consider your local laws and where you are allowed to shoot both types of guns but typically you can shoot an Airgun safely just about anywhere as long as you implement some backstop safety precautions. Here in Canada we can only shoot a pistol at designated gun ranges, where as Airguns have a lot more allowances to shot them as long as you are not braking any city bylaws.

Training Guns: Even if you plan to eventually step up to a Real Gun at some point, an airgun is a great option to first learn proper gun handling skills since if you where to make a mistake, the consequences are much less severe. Airguns are also a lot less intimidating than a real gun since they are much quieter and have less recoil, you don’t even need to wear ear protection with most Airguns which means an instructor can communicate to his pupil on the range a lot easier.

Prop Guns: Since Replica Airguns look so much like real guns these day, they can often be used as a safer substitute for use in Movie, TV or other Photo and Video productions. Using a Real Gun on set generally requires a certified “Gun Wrangler” be on hand as Real Guns must be transported, stored and handled using very strict regulations. Airguns generally do not need to follow the same rigid regulations that Real Guns are bound to.

Tactical Training with Live Targets: Obviously shooting a real gun at a live target would not fair well for anyone involved, so that is completely out of the question. Airsoft Airguns are however perfect for Tactical Training and other weapons based simulations. All that is required for safety when using Airsoft guns is the use of eye protection and generally some heavy clothing.

I am sure there are some more areas in which Airguns may have the advantage over a Real Gun but these are the main ones that I could think of.

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, GBB, Gas, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System Field Test Review

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I already did a Table Top Preview Video of the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System so make sure to either watch my Vimeo video or read my Written Post to find out more detailed info about what the MantisX is and what and who can use it.

In short the MatisX is a Firearms Training System uses motion sensing technology to monitor how you hold your pistol before, during and after you shoot it, the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System can determine areas that you may need to work on, like your Grip, Trigger Pull, Hesitation, Anticipation and many other common shooting mistakes.

In this Field Test Review for the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System I setup my MantisX and take it through my first trial shots with it, you will see I am learning how to use it as I go but by the time I finished shooting the video I had a pretty good idea on how it all worked.

Two main areas the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System directed me to correct where my pistol grip as I was potentially tightening up as I pulled the trigger and also my trigger pull was a bit uneaven, On my second round of shooting I made some corrections in this area and it did give me a much tighter shot grouping so the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System at least for me did improve my shooting to some degree.

I plan to use the MantisX some mroe and find out other posible areas I can improve upon but overal I feel the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System will help improve most people shooting skills or at least hlep them to figure out where they are going wrong.

**Make sure to use Coupon Code "ReplicaAirguns" to get free shipping! http://mantisx.com**

Categories: Accessory, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Mantis, MantisX

Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System Preview

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First off I want to thank Mantis for sending me this MantisX for review!

By the way, use Coupon Code "ReplicaAirguns" to get free shipping!

This time is not currently in the Replica Airguns Store for sale but it looked really cool so I could not pass up this opportunity to try it out and perhaps we even cary it down the road.

What is the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System?

MantisX is a revolutionary patent-pending handgun attachment that helps firearms enthusiasts and professionals train more efficiently. While attached to a handgun, it analyzes every shot and generates actionable data you can use to improve your shooting mechanics.

What’s in the box?

  • You get the Mantis MantisX Sensor that  works with most handguns with a rail system.

  • You get the charging cable.

  • You get a very high quality Pelican Water proof case to store your Mantis MantisX.

  • You get the instructions. 

How does the Mantis MantisX Training System Work?

  • First you Connect MantisX to any Picatinny-enabled handgun, just like you would any other firearm attachment.

  • Then install the MantisX smartphone application, turn on MantisX, and pair the device with a phone via Bluetooth. Available for both Android and iOS.

  • All that’s left is to collect the data and evaluate shooting performance, identify areas of improvement, and track progress over time.

What Exactly does the Mantis MantisX Training System Do?

Analyzation:MantisX detects each shot you make, analyzes the movement of the firearm during the trigger pull, and assigns a score to each shot that signifies deviation from the aiming position.

Coaching: Based on the movement patterns of the firearm, MantisX identifies areas of improvement and provides coaching that will improve your mechanics, your score, and your precision. 

Tracking: MantisX keeps track of all your shooting sessions and generates useful reports that will help you identify your shooting trends, gauge your progress, and set adequate improvement goals. 

Who is the Mantis MantisX Training System Made For?

Individuals: With MantisX, practice anytime and anywhere. Analyze each shot you make, keep tabs on your performance overtime, and hone your shooting mechanics by following our data-driven suggestions. Can be used with virtually any gun that has a rail system, even airguns like Airsoft and BB pistols

Instructors: As an instructor, manage your students more efficiently with MantisX, spending more time on actually coaching rather than watching people shoot. MantisX also provides hard data for students to see. 

Agencies: Agencies help their cadets and employees gain and maintain excellent marksmanship skills necessary for military and law enforcement service. MantisX also assists in training for qualification exams.

Next I am going to play around with the Mantis MantisX Training System and see who it works, I am not sure if I will have the chance to use it with my “real guns” but I kind of wanted to focus more on who it works with Airguns related products anyways.

Use Coupon Code "ReplicaAirguns" to get free shipping!

Categories: Accessory, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Mantis, MantisX

Mike's Personal Guns For Sale - PAL and Paintball

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I am showcasing here on the Replica Airguns website and over on the Replica Airguns YouTube channel a series of videos I will be making for the purpose of selling some guns out of my personal collection. I simply have no more room for the new guns and in some cases I either have duplicate guns or very similar versions so there is no need to have both. Some guns I am less attached to and as I already stated I need to make room for some of the new stuff I will be reviewing and or buying for myself.

In this second Mike's Personal Guns For Sale video I am offering three rifles, two of which will require a Canada PAL Firearms License since one is a 22LR rimfire rifle and the other is a high powered .22 caliber break barrel pellet rifle. The last item up for bid is an AK-47 styled .68 caliber paintball rifle.

Make sure to watch my above YouTube video to see these three rifles I am selling and instructions on how you can take part in the sale and purchase of them. By the way I am only selling to Canadian residents since shipping cross borders is a little sketchy.

Here is a list of the these three rifles I am selling from my personal gun collection:

ISSC MK22 22LR (FN SCAR) Rifle - $625 PAL Required

Benjamin Sheridan Super Streak .22 Caliber Break Barrel Rifle $250 PAL Required

Tacamo T68 AK-47 .68 Cal. Paintball Rifle $275

Categories: .22 cal, .68 cal, Break Barrel, Bulk Air, CO2, Paintball, Pellet, Real Gun, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Benjamin Sheridan, ISSC MK22 SCAR 22LR, Super Streak, T68-AK, Tacamo

Can I put real 1911 Grips on my KWC-Cybergun 1911 BB-Airsoft Gun?

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With the popularity of the KWC - Cybergun 1911 Blowback CO2 Pistols and how super realistic they are in so many ways, it is no surprise that people often ask me if they can replace the original grips with grips made for a real 1911.

The short answer is yes you can! You will have to be prepared to remove just a little bit of material from the backside of both grips near the bottom of the handle where there is an area that has been flared out to accommodate the CO2. Not really a big deal, you can use a Dremel for the quick and easy approach or even some sand paper if you don't mind taking a little more time.

In this Vimeo Video I demonstrate using grips that fit a real 1911 and show you just exactly where you will need modify them to fit on the KWC and Cybergun CO2 Blowback 1911 pistol series.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, How To, Modification, Pistol, Real Gun, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Colt Government 1911, Cybergun, KWC, Model 1911, Tanfoglio Witness 1911

Top 10 Most Common Airgun Questions and Discussions

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Categories: .22 cal, .43 cal, .68 cal, 380, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, 8mm, 9mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, Break Barrel, Bulk Air, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, GBB, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Multi-pump, Non Airguns, PCP, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags:

Why Would You Want a Blank Gun?


What is a Blank Gun?

The best way to describe a Blank Gun is to imagine it as a real gun in just about every way except one… There are no dangerous bullets flying out the front of it. That’s right, a Blank Gun just like a real gun uses a brass or metal shells, loaded with a primer and gun powder, but for what ever reason reason, some rocket scientists forgot to put a bullet at the end of the Blank shell. 

Why Would You Want a Blank Gun?

Isn’t the entire purpose of a gun to shoot something? So why on earth would you buy a gun that doesn't  shoot anything at all, what purpose would it serve? Even Nerf guns, water guns, potato guns all shoot something…

One way to look at a Blank Gun is to imagine it as a cap gun, but for grown ups. Similar to how kids like to shoot their cap guns because they go bang and sparks and smoke fly out of them, Blank Guns do the same thing but on a much grander scale and in most cases they look and sound a lot more like a real gun than a cap gun does.

So Blank Guns don’t actually do the main function of a real gun (that is to shoot a bullet), but they do look and sound the part of a gun. So how could this be of practical use to anyone?

Signalling Devices:

First off, have you ever heard of a Starter Pistol or a Flare Gun? Blank Guns have been historically used to signal the start of races. Many Blank Guns also have the ability to shoot flares by adding a flare adaptor to them so a person can shoot a flare into the air to signal distress if they are lost or hurt.

Gun Handling and Training:

Since many Blank Guns look, operate and feel almost exactly like real guns, Blank Guns are a great place to start out when training a person on proper gun handling and operation. If they make a mistake while using a Blank Gun, the consequences are far less severe than with a real gun. There is also much less kick from a Blank Gun so shooting a Blank Gun is less scary or intimidating for new shooters.

Dog Training:

Dogs used for police, military and hunting are required to stay calm around loud noises like gun shots, trained dogs also need to get used to the presence of guns and even how to attack the gun hand of a person who could be a potential threat. Again using Blank Guns in this training situation is a much better option than using a real gun for obvious reasons.

Movies, Video TV and Stage:

Introducing live ammunition on a movie set would be ridiculous, there is absolutely no need to shoot a bullet in this type of situation. Blank Guns make perfect stage props since they again look the part and sound the part without the dangerous bullets flying all over the place…


Many collectors want to own guns but for reasons like gun restrictions in their area, they may not be able to own a real gun or certain types of real guns. Blank Guns can offer a person with heavy gun restrictions in their area the ability to own similar Blank Gun versions. Perhaps they can own real guns but just simply don’t want to go through the licensing and registration hassle of owning a real gun. Blank Guns can generally be purchased for far less money than a real gun which is appealing to collectors who in many cases may not even shoot them.


In places like Turkey, people celebrate holidays and events by shooting Blank Guns into the air, at one time they actually shoot real guns, but people where getting injured or even killed by the falling bullets. Because of this, Blank Gun production became an industry in places like Turkey as Blank Gun manufacturers like EKOL, Retay and Zoraki (also know as ATAK Arms) are Turkish companies.

So now you know some of the reasons why a person would want to own a Blank Gun. I have Blank Guns and I also own real guns too. One reason is because there are many Blank Guns I own that I can not own in their real steel versions because of Canadian gun restrictions so obtaining a similar version in a Blank Gun allows me to own these models.

If a Blank Gun is not for you, then by all means get a real gun, but please understand that there is a place for Blank Guns, and in those environments, a Blank Gun is actually a better choice than a real gun.

Categories: .22 cal, 8mm, 9mm, Blank Gun, Comparison, Full Auto, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

2013 Blued Baikal Makarov MP-654K CO2 BB Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: BB air pistol.


Model: MP-654K.

Materials: Weapons grade steel slide, frame and most parts.

Weight: 1.7 pounds.

Barrel: 3.8 inches, metal-rifled.

Propulsion: CO2 x 1.

Action: Semi auto, double and single action.

Ammunition Type: Steel/Lead BB's 4.5mm.

Ammunition Capacity: 13 rounds.

FPS: 380.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the 2013 Blued Baikal Makarov MP-654K CO2 BB Pistol is good in single action mode (When cocked), when shooting in double action mode it is a bit heavy but it seems like over time the gun is working its self in a bit as the metal is hard and as with many Russian made guns, they need some break in period. The trigger springs are heavy so don't expect light trigger pulls.

Accuracy: The accuracy and true feet per second performance will be tested when I do my future Field Test Shooting review.

Build Quality: Excellent, the Baikal Makarov MP-654K CO2 BB Pistol is made side by side using the same machine sand same materials as the original Makarov PM (9x18) firearm that it is Replica of. There simply is not another airgun made to this quality level or that is as accurate a replica of it's real steel version.

Realism: You simply can not get any closer to how close this gun resembles the original Makarov PM (9x18). You can even field strip this gun exactly like the original. The only acceptation is when it come time to fire the BB gun version, The Baikal MP-654K is not designed to have blowback operation which is understandable as it would be impossible to fabricate this gun so close to the original and still give it blowback operation.


  • All Steel construction

  • Made side by side in the factory to the real steel version with same build quality and on same machines.

  • The closest BB gun to a real gun you can get in terms replicating the parts and being made out of the same materials as the real version.

  • Can filed strip like the real version.

  • New 2013 version has recessed barrel.

  • New 2013 version has the flush CO2 screw.

  • New 2013 version is the PM style with narrower handle and PM grips.

  • Can field strip like the real version.

  • Shoots in single and double action.

  • Safety works as a de-cocker.

  • Made in Russia!


  • Expensive compared to other airguns.

  • No blowback operation.

  • Only a 13 round magazine.

  • Gun requires some breaking time.


The new 2013 Blued Baikal MP-654K PM Styled BB Air pistol is one of those must have airguns if you are a collector, sure the price is a lot more than most airgun replicas out there but the 2013 Blued Baikal MP-654K is built like no other airgun. Rather than creating a replica gun around existing airgun parts, Baikal takes a different approach and reworks a real Makarov backwards so it is made to shoot steel BB's using CO2 rather than 9mm rounds. You could say it is a real Makarov but chambered to shoot steel BB's and use CO2. These guns are rarely available in Canada since they often get stuck in customs because they are so realistic. I was actually very surprised when we located a secure that had some that they where willing to give up!

My Vimeo Video Review for the 2013 Blued Baikal Makarov MP-654K CO2 BB Pistol:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Baikal, MP-654K, Makarov

Range Day - Shooting All Kinds of Real Guns

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It has been way too long since I got to go to the gun range and shoot my "big boy" guns! I say that sarcastically, sure my real steel guns are fun to shoot but it sure costs a lot of money and basically all we really do is shoot paper targets. Shooting at papper targets is fun for a while but I kind of enjoy shooting my airguns at pretty much any type of target I choose to shoot at. And of course any time I want to and for pennies per shot.

So getting back to Range Day shooting my real steel big boy guns ;) I went with a couple of buddies of mine and we shot a nice variety of guns. My Norinco NP-30 double stack 45 cal 1911, my Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm, a couple of my friends Glock 40 cals, my Norinco NP-34 P228 and Norinco Tokarev Type 54 9mm pistols, my Chiappa 1911-22 and ISSC M22 22LR pistols, a nice Sig Mosquito 22LR, my buddies S&W M&P 15-22 22LR rifle along with my ISSC MK22 SCAR 22LR rifle and my friends mighty custom Ruger Mini 14 in .223 caliber...

It was a cold day but a really fun day and it gave me a chance to really use my iPhone 6 plus camera for its slow-motion capabilities in a decent lighting situation.

Enjoy the footage of these "real guns" shooting in real time and slowed down.

Categories: .22 cal, 10mm, 9mm, Field Test, Pistol, Real Gun, Rifle, Scope, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Chiappa, ISSC M22, ISSC MK22 SCAR 22LR, Norinco, S&W M&P, Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm

What is an Uncontrolled Firearm in Canada?


This Article and Video expresses my views and opinions on this matter and should not be taken as legal advice.

Main points covered:

  • Uncontrolled Firearms do not require a Firearms License within Canada to own and operate.

  • What is an Uncontrolled Airgun and Airsoft Gun?

  • What is an Uncontrolled Blank Gun / Starter Pistols?

  • What about Fully Automatic Airguns and Airsoft Guns?

  • What about Replica Guns?

NOTE: Controlled Firearms require a POL (Possession Only License) , PAL (Possession Acquisition License) or R-PAL (Restricted Possession Acquisition License) within Canada to own and operate. 


Firearm – a barreled weapon from which any shot, bullet, or other projectile can be discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person, and includes any frame or receiver of such a barreled weapon and anything that can be adapted for use as a firearm.

“Uncontrolled”firearms are those devices that, although falling within the definition of a firearm in the Criminal Code, are exempt from specific legal requirements of the Firearms Act and its regulations, as well as from other legislative provisions. “Uncontrolled” firearms should not be subdivided into any of the non-restricted, restricted, or prohibited classes. The following types of firearms are deemed “uncontrolled”:

Flare, blank, rivet and industrial guns: Any device that is designed exclusively for signaling, for notifying of distress, or for firing blank cartridges or for firing stud cartridges, explosive-driven rivets or other industrial projectiles, provided that the importer intends to use it only for the purpose for which it is designed.

NOTE: (Toy guns and starter pistols do not generally qualify as firearms. However, some toy or model guns and starter pistols may be designed with very realistic mechanisms or appearances (e.g., color, size, scale, translucency) and resembling a real make and model of a firearm. In such cases, they may be considered replica firearms even if they are made of plastic, die cast zinc, or other material.)

Low muzzle velocity/energy guns: Any barreled weapon that is not designed or adapted to discharge projectiles at a muzzle velocity exceeding 152.4 meters per second (500 feet per second) and at a muzzle energy exceeding 5.7 Joules, or to discharge projectiles that are designed or adapted to attain a velocity exceeding 152.4 meters per second (500 feet per second) and an energy exceeding 5.7 Joules. Both thresholds of 152.4 mps and 5.7 Joules must be exceeded for the firearm to be considered “controlled”. This requirement exempts firearms that fire below the threshold velocity with a standard projectile, but exceed the threshold velocity when fired with a high-velocity projectile. 

Airsoft guns and certain types of paintball guns or markers may qualify as a replica firearm, if the muzzle velocity of the projectile does not cause serious bodily harm and their external features are clearly designed to resemble a specific and readily identifiable make and model of a firearm. To be considered a firearm, within the meaning of the Criminal Code, an airsoft gun must have a muzzle velocity in excess of 111.6 meters per second (366 feet per second).

NOTE: This memorandum used to state when using a .20 gram BB but does not specify this BB weight anymore?

NOTE: The term air gun is a colloquial term referring to BB or pellet guns. Such guns operate either as spring- powered, gas-powered, or electrically powered. If the muzzle velocity of the air gun is less than 152.4 mps (500 fps)/5.7 joules but still able to cause serious bodily injury to a person, it may be considered an “uncontrolled” firearm. Airsoft guns and certain types of paintball guns may qualify as a replica firearm (see paragraph 49 of this memorandum).

Replica firearms:

“Replica firearm” is defined as any device that is designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, a firearm, and that itself is not a firearm, but does not include any such device that is designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, an antique firearm.

For a device to be a replica firearm it must meet all three requirements:

  • (a) it cannot be a firearm, meaning it does not discharge a projectile with sufficient energy to cause serious bodily injury or death to a person. If the device is a firearm, then it cannot be a replica firearm (and vice versa);

  • (b) it must resemble exactly, or with near precision, a real existing firearm of an identifiable make and model. With respect to visual examination, note that the maximum observing distance is one at which the equivalent make and model of the firearm can be identified. This distance will vary from one firearm make to the next. For example: A Luger pistol has a very distinctive silhouette as compared to other makes and is therefore more readily identified from further away. The examination of the object is something more than casual, but less than detailed. The device does not need to be so close that markings are identifiable; and

  • (c) it cannot be designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, an antique firearm. 

RCMP Website "Air Guns"

1. Air guns that are "Controlled" Firearms for purposes of both the Firearms Act and the Criminal Code

These are air guns with both a high muzzle velocity (greater than 152.4 meters or 500 feet per second) and a high muzzle energy (greater than 5.7 joules or 4.2 foot-pounds). The "muzzle velocity" is the speed of a projectile at the instant it leaves the muzzle of a gun, normally expressed in meters per second or feet per second. The "muzzle energy" is the energy of a projectile at the instant it leaves the muzzle of a gun, expressed in joules or foot-pounds. Air guns need to meet both standards to be classified as "Controlled" firearms for purposes of the Firearms Act.

These high-powered air guns are subject to the same license and registration requirements as a conventional "Controlled" firearm. Owners and users are also required to store, transport, display and handle them safely in accordance with the regulations supporting the Firearms Act.

Usually, the manufacturer's specifications are used to determine what muzzle velocity and muzzle energy an air gun was designed to have. This information may be available in the user's manual or on the manufacturer's website. If the information is not available, individuals can call the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) at 1-800-731-4000 and ask to speak to a firearm technician to find out if the air gun is considered to be a firearm for purposes of the Firearms Act.

High-powered air rifles are generally classified as non-restricted firearms. However, the classification depends on the exact design of the air gun. Air rifles manufactured to resemble an assault rifle could be non-restricted, restricted or prohibited depending on the exact model imitated. High-powered air rifles would also be prohibited firearms if fully automatic or if they have a sawed-off barrel. They could also be restricted firearms if they have a folding stock that reduces the overall length to less than 660mm. 

Additional thought on this subject: Even though Uncontrolled Firearms are not governed by the same laws that apply to Controlled Firearms within the Firearms act and do not need to be handled or stored similar in the same way you are required to handle, transport and store a Controlled Firearm, we need to treat our Uncontrolled Airguns, Airsoft Guns and Blank guns with care and go over and above what is expected when had handle, transport and store them.

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Non Airguns, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Revolver, Rifle, YouTube Video Tags:

Is an Airgun Good for Self Defense?


Is an Airgun Good for Self Defense? Another one of those questions I get asked fairly often that's a bit hard to answer in a few sentences... Not all of us have easy access to a 9mm pistol or even a rifle but many of us can get our hands on an airgun fairly easily and they look real enough, I guess that is one thing they have going for them.

But what if the mere sight of what looks like a gun does not scare an intruder off? If you where hoping that would be enough, you may just be out of luck and what if you just brought an Airgun to a "real" gun fight? You are going to be drastically "outgunned" pun intended and here's why. A 4.5mm Steel BB weighs about 5.1 grains and generally you are looking at about 2-3 foot pounds of energy from a CO2 BB gun. Even a .177 caliber lead pellet is only marginally heavier at around 7-8 grains and if you're really lucky you might just get 4 foot pounds of energy out of a CO2 pellet pistol.

So let's take a look at a fairly conservative "real pistol" rounds, the 9mm. The 9mm rounds come in different bullet weighs but you can get a 120 grain 9mm in a plus p ammo with as much as 400 foot pounds of energy and even with that much raw power, many people claim that a 9mm round does not always have enough stopping power to put down a person even when shot multiple times center mass. It just depends what vital organs or arteries you hit that determines if he gets lucky or you get lucky.

Your 5.1 grain 4.5mm Steel BB is not going to do anything if it hits any type of clothing and even if you find some flesh it's just going to piss off the intruder.

My suggestion is to consider a bat or a golf club or a really big knife or just about anything other than an airgun because if the sight of the airgun replica does not scare an intrude away then you are really buggered.

Keep in mind that you need to abide by any laws regarding the use of self defense in your areas. Even just physical force could be considered a crime and at the end of the day you are ultimately accountable for your actions.

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Gun Law, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

Will this Ammunition Work in my Gun - Can I Convert a Blank Gun to a Real Gun?


Two questions that come up over and over again and to be honest I just hate answering, mainly because both of these questions to me are kind of common sense questions. I feel if someone where to stop and actually think about teh question, the answers would become obvious.

That said, common sense has to be learned somewhere and not all of us are exposed to the same life experiences so here goes...

The two questions are:

  • Will this Ammunition Work in my Gun?

  • Can I Convert a Blank Gun to a Real Gun?

The answer for both of these question is actually the same! Use the ammo made for your gun and do not try to use anything other than the ammo that was made for your gun. Do not try to modify your gun to shoot anything other than the ammo that was made for it, if you do, you may be breaking the law and could land yourself in jail. If you can follow these rules then your ammo and gun will work as intended :)

So that's pretty much it in a nutshell, watch my YouTube video below as I show you examples of ammo types with visuals on exactly why you need to use the ammo made for your gun. I also talk about the dangers of attempting to modify a blank gun to shoot some sort of real bullet and why it is a very bad idea in so many ways to try and convert a blank gun into a real gun.

rohm RG-88.jpg
Categories: Gun Law, Gun Safety, How To, Real Gun, YouTube Video Tags:

Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol Chronograph Test


As promised I did a redo of my Original Chronograph Test for my Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol. The first time around I just could not get my Chronograph to read in the poor lighting I had going on that day. I spent a fair bit of time doing some testing with my Chronograph since it is that time of year when the lighting is poor and determined that I need to use the white defusing panels as it seems that my roofline and the low light are playing havoc with the Chronograph readings.

Once I sorted this all out my Chronograph worked perfectly and I was able to get some readings for you with my Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol. As I assumed I did not get much over 350 fps. I also got a lot of variation in the fps, most likely due to the fact that I had to roll down the pellets a bit on the backside in order to feed them in the barrel from front to back, some pellets where tight and some where a bit looser, the looser ones seemed to shoot a bit faster as less of the pressure may have escaped out the back where the primer was situated.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Field Test, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Pedersoli Derringer Guardian

Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol Field Test Shooting Review

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It's a bird, it's a plan, no wait... It's a pellet gun, no it's a cap gun, or is it a blank gun or maybe it's a real gun? Well it shoots lead bullets out of the barrel using gun powder so who really know's what we should call it? At least here in Canada you don't need a license to buy or own the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol so that's a good thing :)

If you have not already watched my Table Top Review for the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol, make sure to do so to find out a bit more info on it since I don't go over too much in this Field Test Shooting Review.

So on with the Field Test Shooting Review results... Right off the top, I have no Chronograph test result, try as I did I could not get my Chronograph to read the pellet speed in the rather low light situation I had today, even with a bunch of added extra lights :( I would say off hand that it was shooting somewhere in the 350-450 fps range and when I do get a brighter day I will pop outside and shoot a couple rounds off and post the updated info here for you all, so check back in a bit if this interests you.

What I can tell you for sure is how this gun shot in terms of accuracy. I was expecting to spray pellets all over the target because there is no back sight on the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol, there is just a post sight up front.  I was not even sure if I was going to get all the pellets on the paper. I even setup my target at the 20 foot mark just to be safe and as per usual I was using a semi-rested position by placing a sand bag to rest my hands on and then sitting on my knees in the back, pretty stable all around.

I started off the target test by aiming dead center but quickly found that I was shooting about 6 inches high, so my next 5 shots I aimed 6 inches below the bullseye and low and behold 4 out of 5 of the shots landed within 1.5 inches of each other. So I guess having a rear sight is over rated! If you can figure this gun out, the rifled barrel will direct each pellet straight and true so I think it really comes down to knowing how to line up the front sight with an imaginary rear sight and don't try to shoot really small targets far away. Once you get used to where to point the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol, you should easily be able to hit a pop can out to 20-30 feet with no problems.

Of course you have to reload this pistol before each shot which consists of cocking the hammer, placing a pellet in the front of the barrel and pushing it to the back with the loading ram rod and then positioning a #11 percussion cap on the primer nipple. Not a rapid fire gun at all but you do appreciate each shot considering the work involved. I also found pre-rolling the back side off my pellets helped to reduce the rear diameter so that the pellets loaded into the barrel much easier. You may have to blow out some residue between each shot which is not something I would recommend with most guns but it's very clear that this pistol is safe since in order to see the barrel obstruction there would be no percussion cap loaded onto the gun.

The Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol is a very unique pellet pistol and actually kind of fun to shoot since it involves a bit of work for each shot and of course some hands on time to figure out exactly how and where to point it to get accurate target results.

Make sure to watch my second Chronograph Test where I was able to get some readings for you!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Pedersoli Derringer Guardian

Range Day - Shooting the Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm Plus a Few More Guns


I finally got out to shoot my Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm S.S. and it worked pretty well for me, the kick was hard but the design of this 10mm pistol helps reduce recoil so the recoil was not really all that much more than shooting a .45 or .40 caliber. If you have not watched my Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm S.S. Pistol Real Steel Overview then make sure to do so... I did have a few of my reload rounds that seemed to give me a bit of trouble but other than that the Wyoming Arms shot very well for me and was extremely accurate.

I also got the chance to shooting my Norinco Type 54 Model 213 9mm Tokarev copy, another nice gun to shot but even though it was only a 9mm it felt pretty jumpy, perhaps due to it's much smaller size and weight. Again you can also check out my Norinco Tokarev Type 54 Model 213 9mm Pistol Overview for more information on this one.

I also brought along my little ISSC M22 .22LR shooting Glock look-a-like to keep some of my shooting costs down since the 10mm are so expensive I needed to recoup some of my costs shooting the super affordable .22LR ammo. And yes I have a full Table Top Review for the ISSC M22 so check that one out if you're in the market for a fairly low cost .22LR that looks a lot like a Glock.

I had a great time and we got to shot some other guns while we where at the gun range; Walther P38 9mm, Glock 22 .40 Caliber, Sig Sauer Mosquito .22LR and the Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 .22LR in all.

Categories: .22 cal, 10mm, 9mm, Pistol, Real Gun, YouTube Video Tags: ISSC M22, M213, Norinco, Tokarev, Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm