Entries in Real Gun,Airsoft News

Supreme Court Of Canada Rules That Air Guns Are Firearms


Here is a Press Release taken from the NFA website, I have also made a YouTube Video going over all of this in my own words and what it really means for us law abiding airgun owners in Canada so make sure to watch my video below for further explanation...

"On Wednesday, November 5, the Supreme Court of Canada issued its ruling R. v. Dunn, finding that most air guns are considered “firearms” for all purposes in the Criminal Code except for licensing and registration.

The Court affirmed the previous decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal, which itself had overruled a decade of its own jurisprudence in finding that air guns are “firearms”. Prior to this case, the courts had held that air guns are not treated as “firearms” unless they are used for some offensive or unlawful purpose.

This decision applies to all air guns that are capable of causing serious bodily injury or death. Most courts have found that any air gun with a velocity of more than 214 feet-per-second meets this threshold. The vast majority of air guns sold across the country are capable of such a velocity.

This decision will have numerous significant impacts on those who buy and use air guns lawfully in Canada.

First of all, the Criminal Code provisions regarding careless storage, use and transportation of firearms now apply to air guns. Therefore, it is an offence to store or transport an air gun in a “careless” manner. However, because the ordinary firearms Storage Regulations do not apply to air guns, air gun owners are left with absolutely no guidance as to what precisely constitutes careless storage of an air gun.

It will be left up to police, prosecutors and courts to determine what charges will be laid, which will be prosecuted and ultimately who will be found guilty of this nebulous and ambiguous offence.

Moreover, as air gun owners do not require a license or a firearms safety course to possess these items, law-abiding Canadians will not be put on notice of the new legal requirements for air gun use, storage, transportation, etc.

Secondly, the offence of “carrying a concealed weapon” now applies to air guns, regardless of whether or not the air gun owner acts in an otherwise lawful manner. Placing an air gun in a backpack, a pocket or other concealed place will now be a criminal offence.

As the Supreme Court has ruled on this issue, the only route forward is through legislative amendment. Canada’s National Firearms Association has been extremely active on this front and will continue to pressure the government and provide all assistance in order to see that this decision be responded to by Parliament."

Canada’s National Firearms Association is this country’s largest and most effective advocacy organization representing the interests of firearms owners and users.

My big concern with this new Supreme Court of Canada ruling is that it really only effects law abiding Canadians. The criminals are not going to be worrying about how they store, transport and handle an airgun and since this new "airgun rule" does not change how an airgun can be purchased, or the fact that a criminal can still be charged with a gun crime while using an airgun in a crime, nothing has really changed by this new law from a criminals perspective.

Even more disturbing is the fact that the vast majority of airgun owners are now criminals since most will not be storing their airguns in the same way a firearm needs to be stored. Most Airgun owners do not have a PAL Firearms license, so they will have no idea of this new airgun ruling or even be educated on firearms handling and regulations, making most airgun owners criminals because for the most part, they will be storing, transporting and handling airguns in an unlawful manner now according to this new airgun ruling.


Categories: Airgun News, Airsoft News, Gun Law, Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video Tags:

What is an Uncontrolled Firearm in Canada?


This Article and Video expresses my views and opinions on this matter and should not be taken as legal advice.

Main points covered:

  • Uncontrolled Firearms do not require a Firearms License within Canada to own and operate.

  • What is an Uncontrolled Airgun and Airsoft Gun?

  • What is an Uncontrolled Blank Gun / Starter Pistols?

  • What about Fully Automatic Airguns and Airsoft Guns?

  • What about Replica Guns?

NOTE: Controlled Firearms require a POL (Possession Only License) , PAL (Possession Acquisition License) or R-PAL (Restricted Possession Acquisition License) within Canada to own and operate. 


Firearm – a barreled weapon from which any shot, bullet, or other projectile can be discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person, and includes any frame or receiver of such a barreled weapon and anything that can be adapted for use as a firearm.

“Uncontrolled”firearms are those devices that, although falling within the definition of a firearm in the Criminal Code, are exempt from specific legal requirements of the Firearms Act and its regulations, as well as from other legislative provisions. “Uncontrolled” firearms should not be subdivided into any of the non-restricted, restricted, or prohibited classes. The following types of firearms are deemed “uncontrolled”:

Flare, blank, rivet and industrial guns: Any device that is designed exclusively for signaling, for notifying of distress, or for firing blank cartridges or for firing stud cartridges, explosive-driven rivets or other industrial projectiles, provided that the importer intends to use it only for the purpose for which it is designed.

NOTE: (Toy guns and starter pistols do not generally qualify as firearms. However, some toy or model guns and starter pistols may be designed with very realistic mechanisms or appearances (e.g., color, size, scale, translucency) and resembling a real make and model of a firearm. In such cases, they may be considered replica firearms even if they are made of plastic, die cast zinc, or other material.)

Low muzzle velocity/energy guns: Any barreled weapon that is not designed or adapted to discharge projectiles at a muzzle velocity exceeding 152.4 meters per second (500 feet per second) and at a muzzle energy exceeding 5.7 Joules, or to discharge projectiles that are designed or adapted to attain a velocity exceeding 152.4 meters per second (500 feet per second) and an energy exceeding 5.7 Joules. Both thresholds of 152.4 mps and 5.7 Joules must be exceeded for the firearm to be considered “controlled”. This requirement exempts firearms that fire below the threshold velocity with a standard projectile, but exceed the threshold velocity when fired with a high-velocity projectile. 

Airsoft guns and certain types of paintball guns or markers may qualify as a replica firearm, if the muzzle velocity of the projectile does not cause serious bodily harm and their external features are clearly designed to resemble a specific and readily identifiable make and model of a firearm. To be considered a firearm, within the meaning of the Criminal Code, an airsoft gun must have a muzzle velocity in excess of 111.6 meters per second (366 feet per second).

NOTE: This memorandum used to state when using a .20 gram BB but does not specify this BB weight anymore?

NOTE: The term air gun is a colloquial term referring to BB or pellet guns. Such guns operate either as spring- powered, gas-powered, or electrically powered. If the muzzle velocity of the air gun is less than 152.4 mps (500 fps)/5.7 joules but still able to cause serious bodily injury to a person, it may be considered an “uncontrolled” firearm. Airsoft guns and certain types of paintball guns may qualify as a replica firearm (see paragraph 49 of this memorandum).

Replica firearms:

“Replica firearm” is defined as any device that is designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, a firearm, and that itself is not a firearm, but does not include any such device that is designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, an antique firearm.

For a device to be a replica firearm it must meet all three requirements:

  • (a) it cannot be a firearm, meaning it does not discharge a projectile with sufficient energy to cause serious bodily injury or death to a person. If the device is a firearm, then it cannot be a replica firearm (and vice versa);

  • (b) it must resemble exactly, or with near precision, a real existing firearm of an identifiable make and model. With respect to visual examination, note that the maximum observing distance is one at which the equivalent make and model of the firearm can be identified. This distance will vary from one firearm make to the next. For example: A Luger pistol has a very distinctive silhouette as compared to other makes and is therefore more readily identified from further away. The examination of the object is something more than casual, but less than detailed. The device does not need to be so close that markings are identifiable; and

  • (c) it cannot be designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, an antique firearm. 

RCMP Website "Air Guns"

1. Air guns that are "Controlled" Firearms for purposes of both the Firearms Act and the Criminal Code

These are air guns with both a high muzzle velocity (greater than 152.4 meters or 500 feet per second) and a high muzzle energy (greater than 5.7 joules or 4.2 foot-pounds). The "muzzle velocity" is the speed of a projectile at the instant it leaves the muzzle of a gun, normally expressed in meters per second or feet per second. The "muzzle energy" is the energy of a projectile at the instant it leaves the muzzle of a gun, expressed in joules or foot-pounds. Air guns need to meet both standards to be classified as "Controlled" firearms for purposes of the Firearms Act.

These high-powered air guns are subject to the same license and registration requirements as a conventional "Controlled" firearm. Owners and users are also required to store, transport, display and handle them safely in accordance with the regulations supporting the Firearms Act.

Usually, the manufacturer's specifications are used to determine what muzzle velocity and muzzle energy an air gun was designed to have. This information may be available in the user's manual or on the manufacturer's website. If the information is not available, individuals can call the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) at 1-800-731-4000 and ask to speak to a firearm technician to find out if the air gun is considered to be a firearm for purposes of the Firearms Act.

High-powered air rifles are generally classified as non-restricted firearms. However, the classification depends on the exact design of the air gun. Air rifles manufactured to resemble an assault rifle could be non-restricted, restricted or prohibited depending on the exact model imitated. High-powered air rifles would also be prohibited firearms if fully automatic or if they have a sawed-off barrel. They could also be restricted firearms if they have a folding stock that reduces the overall length to less than 660mm. 

Additional thought on this subject: Even though Uncontrolled Firearms are not governed by the same laws that apply to Controlled Firearms within the Firearms act and do not need to be handled or stored similar in the same way you are required to handle, transport and store a Controlled Firearm, we need to treat our Uncontrolled Airguns, Airsoft Guns and Blank guns with care and go over and above what is expected when had handle, transport and store them.

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Non Airguns, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Revolver, Rifle, YouTube Video Tags:

Is an Airgun Good for Self Defense?


Is an Airgun Good for Self Defense? Another one of those questions I get asked fairly often that's a bit hard to answer in a few sentences... Not all of us have easy access to a 9mm pistol or even a rifle but many of us can get our hands on an airgun fairly easily and they look real enough, I guess that is one thing they have going for them.

But what if the mere sight of what looks like a gun does not scare an intruder off? If you where hoping that would be enough, you may just be out of luck and what if you just brought an Airgun to a "real" gun fight? You are going to be drastically "outgunned" pun intended and here's why. A 4.5mm Steel BB weighs about 5.1 grains and generally you are looking at about 2-3 foot pounds of energy from a CO2 BB gun. Even a .177 caliber lead pellet is only marginally heavier at around 7-8 grains and if you're really lucky you might just get 4 foot pounds of energy out of a CO2 pellet pistol.

So let's take a look at a fairly conservative "real pistol" rounds, the 9mm. The 9mm rounds come in different bullet weighs but you can get a 120 grain 9mm in a plus p ammo with as much as 400 foot pounds of energy and even with that much raw power, many people claim that a 9mm round does not always have enough stopping power to put down a person even when shot multiple times center mass. It just depends what vital organs or arteries you hit that determines if he gets lucky or you get lucky.

Your 5.1 grain 4.5mm Steel BB is not going to do anything if it hits any type of clothing and even if you find some flesh it's just going to piss off the intruder.

My suggestion is to consider a bat or a golf club or a really big knife or just about anything other than an airgun because if the sight of the airgun replica does not scare an intrude away then you are really buggered.

Keep in mind that you need to abide by any laws regarding the use of self defense in your areas. Even just physical force could be considered a crime and at the end of the day you are ultimately accountable for your actions.

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Gun Law, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

Will this Ammunition Work in my Gun - Can I Convert a Blank Gun to a Real Gun?


Two questions that come up over and over again and to be honest I just hate answering, mainly because both of these questions to me are kind of common sense questions. I feel if someone where to stop and actually think about teh question, the answers would become obvious.

That said, common sense has to be learned somewhere and not all of us are exposed to the same life experiences so here goes...

The two questions are:

  • Will this Ammunition Work in my Gun?

  • Can I Convert a Blank Gun to a Real Gun?

The answer for both of these question is actually the same! Use the ammo made for your gun and do not try to use anything other than the ammo that was made for your gun. Do not try to modify your gun to shoot anything other than the ammo that was made for it, if you do, you may be breaking the law and could land yourself in jail. If you can follow these rules then your ammo and gun will work as intended :)

So that's pretty much it in a nutshell, watch my YouTube video below as I show you examples of ammo types with visuals on exactly why you need to use the ammo made for your gun. I also talk about the dangers of attempting to modify a blank gun to shoot some sort of real bullet and why it is a very bad idea in so many ways to try and convert a blank gun into a real gun.

rohm RG-88.jpg
Categories: Gun Law, Gun Safety, How To, Real Gun, YouTube Video Tags:

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 Miscellaneous


I stopped by the ICS Booth, we don't sell too much of their products but have carried a few items from time to time. ICS caries some nice quality Airsoft guns including the M1 Grand with real wood stock, and some AK & AR variants.

One of our suppliers had the new FN Herstal Five-seveN Blowback Airsoft pistol, I believe made by Marushin. Like the real FN Herstal Five-seveN, the pistol is pretty much all polymer including the slide and frame. This pistol also uses CO2 in the full size drop out magazine which should make it fairly powerful.

Looks like there is another Dan Wesson contender available now in the form of a Swiss Arms S&W 357 Magnum 4 inch and 6 inch barreled version, they look really nice and like the Dan Wesson have the realistic reusable brass shells that hold the 4.5mm Steel BB's.

Ever considered owning a  mobile Gunsmith vehicle, look no further, I came across this pimped out Firearms Van complete with machine guns mounted in the front :) Inside was a complete firearms workshop.

Last but not least, we had some fun while in Vegas. I go down for the SHOT Show for business but I also bring my wife and we make time for some non business related activities. I generally stay at the WorldMark resort each time and this year the weather was pretty nice so we where able to get some sun by the pool a couple of days and I even got a tan line! Of course the food and entertainment is always awesome in Vegas.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Pellet, Pistol, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: 357, FN Herstal Five-seveN, ICS, Marushin, SHOT Show, Swiss Arms

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 G&G Booth


We carry a lot of the G&G line and perhaps have as much in stock as you would find at the G& G booth ;) I did see a few items we do not have in stock so I will have to see what I can do about that. Some products that I hope to see added to our Canada Replica Airguns Store would for sure be the M1 Grand and our Canadian Military Colt C7A1/2.

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Airsoft News, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Pistol, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: Colt C7A1, G&G, M1 Grand, SHOT Show

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 Inokatsu Airsoft


One company I took notice of was Inokatsu, they make super high quality Airsoft guns. I was drawn to their Sig Sauer P229 and 1911 pistols that by the way are made out of real steel and as close to the real version as possible without it being a real gun. The Inokatsu pistols I looked at are not cheap and will set you back over a grand but are as close as you can get to a real sidearm as possible in an Airsoft version. They feel amazing to shoot with heavy blowback and that sound real steel makes when the slide snaps back.

Let me know if you're like me and would be willing to part with a substantial amount of money for one of these treasures? 

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Airsoft News, Blowback, CO2, GBB, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: Inokatsu, Model 1911, SHOT Show, Sig Sauer P229.

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 ASG Booth


I also visited my friends at the ASG booth but for some reason I did not get a photo  of their booth? I do have some video walk through stuff I will show you in my YouTube Video coverage of this years Vegas SHOT Show. Most importantly I have lots of gun photos so let's take a look at them...

One of my favorite ASG pistols is the Bersa BP9CC, I have already reviewed it and I just really like how this gun looks and holds, ASG took it one step further this year by adding a two-tone silver version and I have to say it looks awesome in person, my photos do not do it justice at all :(

A new handgun to the ASG blowback pistol series is the CZ P-09 Duty Pellet pistol. Basically it shares similar mechanics to the Umarex PX4 and Gamo PT-85 using the double sided rotary pellet magazine with 8 shots located on each end of the stick magazine. The ASG CZ P-09 Duty features a metal slide, working hammer and safety.

Another pellets pistol that should be very familiar to most of you is the new .177 caliber pellet shooting Dan Wesson in 6 inch silver and 8 inch black versions. ASG added a rifled barrel and redesigned solid brass shells that hold pellets instead of 4.5mm Steel BB's. Expect to take a little bit longer to reload the pellets as unscrewing the tip of each shell is required to place a .177 caliber pellet in each bullet tip.

Of course ASG has tons of licensed pistols to choose from, many on both 4.5mm Steel BB and 6mm Plastic Airsoft!

One new rifle that stood out to me was the ASG CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1 AEG Airsoft Rifle, the Scorpion features an intelligent AEG system that detects when there may be a potential feeding problem and also when the magazine is out of ammo.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Revolver, Semi Auto Tags: ASG, Bersa, CZ P-09 Duty Pellet, CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1, Dan Wesson Pellet, SHOT Show

Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol Chronograph Test


As promised I did a redo of my Original Chronograph Test for my Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol. The first time around I just could not get my Chronograph to read in the poor lighting I had going on that day. I spent a fair bit of time doing some testing with my Chronograph since it is that time of year when the lighting is poor and determined that I need to use the white defusing panels as it seems that my roofline and the low light are playing havoc with the Chronograph readings.

Once I sorted this all out my Chronograph worked perfectly and I was able to get some readings for you with my Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol. As I assumed I did not get much over 350 fps. I also got a lot of variation in the fps, most likely due to the fact that I had to roll down the pellets a bit on the backside in order to feed them in the barrel from front to back, some pellets where tight and some where a bit looser, the looser ones seemed to shoot a bit faster as less of the pressure may have escaped out the back where the primer was situated.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Field Test, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Pedersoli Derringer Guardian

Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol Field Test Shooting Review

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It's a bird, it's a plan, no wait... It's a pellet gun, no it's a cap gun, or is it a blank gun or maybe it's a real gun? Well it shoots lead bullets out of the barrel using gun powder so who really know's what we should call it? At least here in Canada you don't need a license to buy or own the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol so that's a good thing :)

If you have not already watched my Table Top Review for the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol, make sure to do so to find out a bit more info on it since I don't go over too much in this Field Test Shooting Review.

So on with the Field Test Shooting Review results... Right off the top, I have no Chronograph test result, try as I did I could not get my Chronograph to read the pellet speed in the rather low light situation I had today, even with a bunch of added extra lights :( I would say off hand that it was shooting somewhere in the 350-450 fps range and when I do get a brighter day I will pop outside and shoot a couple rounds off and post the updated info here for you all, so check back in a bit if this interests you.

What I can tell you for sure is how this gun shot in terms of accuracy. I was expecting to spray pellets all over the target because there is no back sight on the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol, there is just a post sight up front.  I was not even sure if I was going to get all the pellets on the paper. I even setup my target at the 20 foot mark just to be safe and as per usual I was using a semi-rested position by placing a sand bag to rest my hands on and then sitting on my knees in the back, pretty stable all around.

I started off the target test by aiming dead center but quickly found that I was shooting about 6 inches high, so my next 5 shots I aimed 6 inches below the bullseye and low and behold 4 out of 5 of the shots landed within 1.5 inches of each other. So I guess having a rear sight is over rated! If you can figure this gun out, the rifled barrel will direct each pellet straight and true so I think it really comes down to knowing how to line up the front sight with an imaginary rear sight and don't try to shoot really small targets far away. Once you get used to where to point the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol, you should easily be able to hit a pop can out to 20-30 feet with no problems.

Of course you have to reload this pistol before each shot which consists of cocking the hammer, placing a pellet in the front of the barrel and pushing it to the back with the loading ram rod and then positioning a #11 percussion cap on the primer nipple. Not a rapid fire gun at all but you do appreciate each shot considering the work involved. I also found pre-rolling the back side off my pellets helped to reduce the rear diameter so that the pellets loaded into the barrel much easier. You may have to blow out some residue between each shot which is not something I would recommend with most guns but it's very clear that this pistol is safe since in order to see the barrel obstruction there would be no percussion cap loaded onto the gun.

The Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol is a very unique pellet pistol and actually kind of fun to shoot since it involves a bit of work for each shot and of course some hands on time to figure out exactly how and where to point it to get accurate target results.

Make sure to watch my second Chronograph Test where I was able to get some readings for you!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Pedersoli Derringer Guardian

Cybergun Swiss Arms P1911 & P92 Update Video

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Yet another option for you when looking to purchase a KWC/Cybergun Colt model 1911 or Beretta/Taurus M92. We started out with the Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 and GSG 92, then added the KWC non-licensed versions. Now we give you yet another option, the Cybergun distributed Swiss Arms P1911 and Swiss Arms P92, same BB guns but brandishing the Swiss Arms markings and licensing.

At the end of the day all of these blowback air pistols  are basically the same, all of them are made by KWC, all are made to the same quality and all are totally awesome.

It may just come down to which one we have in stock or if you want that super clean look then go for the KWC model as the slides on the non-licensed versions tend to have no markings or warning instructions on them.

And yes we have all of these guns available in either our online Canada Replica Airguns Store or US Replica Airguns Store.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, GSG 92, KWC, P1911, P92, Tanfoglio Witness 1911

Range Day - Shooting the Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm Plus a Few More Guns


I finally got out to shoot my Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm S.S. and it worked pretty well for me, the kick was hard but the design of this 10mm pistol helps reduce recoil so the recoil was not really all that much more than shooting a .45 or .40 caliber. If you have not watched my Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm S.S. Pistol Real Steel Overview then make sure to do so... I did have a few of my reload rounds that seemed to give me a bit of trouble but other than that the Wyoming Arms shot very well for me and was extremely accurate.

I also got the chance to shooting my Norinco Type 54 Model 213 9mm Tokarev copy, another nice gun to shot but even though it was only a 9mm it felt pretty jumpy, perhaps due to it's much smaller size and weight. Again you can also check out my Norinco Tokarev Type 54 Model 213 9mm Pistol Overview for more information on this one.

I also brought along my little ISSC M22 .22LR shooting Glock look-a-like to keep some of my shooting costs down since the 10mm are so expensive I needed to recoup some of my costs shooting the super affordable .22LR ammo. And yes I have a full Table Top Review for the ISSC M22 so check that one out if you're in the market for a fairly low cost .22LR that looks a lot like a Glock.

I had a great time and we got to shot some other guns while we where at the gun range; Walther P38 9mm, Glock 22 .40 Caliber, Sig Sauer Mosquito .22LR and the Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 .22LR in all.

Categories: .22 cal, 10mm, 9mm, Pistol, Real Gun, YouTube Video Tags: ISSC M22, M213, Norinco, Tokarev, Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm

Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm S.S. Pistol Real Steel Overview


I do get requests from many of my viewers to do some real steel reviews and so far I have pretty much stuck with 22LR real steel reviews and my Tokarev real steel review. I recently purchased an interesting 10mm semi auto handgun used at a local used gun show and so I though I would share this rather interesting and no longer in production pistol with you. The handgun we are looking at today is the Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm S.S. At first place it looks a lot like a 1911 but it is different in several ways. the obvious traits are the safety on the slide and lack of a grip safety, it also has a very different looking handle and there are some internal differences also.

What drew me to the Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm S.S. was it's 1911 looks, the very nice stainless steel finish and the rather unusual 10mm ammo it was chambered to shoot. If your not familiar with the 10mm round it was developed by the FBI for sue by their field agents but was later determined to be a bit too much to handle for some of their smaller but later agents. The 10mm was then detuned and turned into the S&W 40 caliber which is essentially a shorter less powerful version of the 10mm.

Here are a bunch more photos that really show off the beauty of this pistol!

Definitely make sure to watch this video as I go through the gun and show you around, I also do a field strip and talk a bit more about the Miami Shootout that was the FBI's reason to look into the development of the 10mm Auto round.

Categories: 10mm, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm

Shooting Henry 22LR - Savage 7mm Magnum - Norinco 12 Gauge with my Dad

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Earlier this week my father called me up and asked if I wanted to head out with him to go do some hunting/shooting. He has his bear tag but for the most part, hunting with my Dad consists of driving around in his truck hoping to stumble on something since he can not walk all that far these days.

We had a great time just enjoying each others conversation and of course the beauty of Canada BC's Harrison Lake area. We also got to shoot some guns to "make sure they where sighted in and working correctly". I brought my Norinco 12 Gauge Homeland Security 780 which I needed to test out and I'm glad I did since it needs some TLC to get working smoothly. I also brought along my little Henry Lever Action 22LR which is always a blast to shoot. My Dad brought his Savage Arms 7mm Magnum just in case we did see a bear on this outing.

Long story short we didn't bring any meat back home with us but we did see some out of season doe and of course had some nice father-son time together...

Categories: .22 cal, Field Test, Real Gun, Rifle, Scope, YouTube Video Tags: Henry Lever Action, Norinco

More NcSTAR Products added to the Replica Airguns Canada Store

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We just added a nice sellection of new NcSTAR accessories to the Canada Replica Airguns Store!



Categories: Accessory, Airgun News, Airsoft News, Replica Airguns News Tags: NcSTAR

Replica Airguns at SHOT Show Vegas 2013 Highlights


I am happy to report back to you on all the new cool stuff I got to see at this years 2013 SHOT Show in Las Vegas. Make sure to also watch my Vimeo video at the bottom of this post for some first person styled play by play of my experience at the Vegas SHOT Show 2013. (like you're there with me ;)

First up I want to cover a new gun from ASG, I have been wanting to get my hands on the 4.5mm Bersa BP9CC and I finally got to, not only did I get my hands on it but ASG was kind enough to supply me with one to take home for review. You can get the Bersa BP9CC in both Blowback and non-blowback versions and also in either BB or Airsoft. I opted for the 4.5mm BB Blowback version. I will be reviewing this BB gun very soon!

ASG also had a very cool prototype of an Airsoft CZ Scorpion EVO 3A1 hopefully coming out soon.

While roaming around SHOT Show 2013, I came across an interesting booth from FlashFog Security. I often get people asking me about using an airgun as a home defense weapon and I strongly advise against this. If the intruder is not scared off by the gun there is little an airgun can do to actually stop them. The FlashFog system works by rapidly filling a room with dense fog combined with a strobe light effect which blinds and disorients intruders completely. There is little an intruder can do other then try and get the heck out of there!

UPDATE: FlashFog just added a new section to their website specifically for School Security to help keep our schools safer from potential safety threats! So check it out: School Security Smoke Screen

I was a bit surprised by Gamo this year, they tend to stay away from actual Replica's and generally make BB/Pellet guns that look like popular guns but not any gun in particular. Gamo has a new BB/Pellet MP9 based machine pistol that uses a similar mechanism to their P-25 and PT-85 so it can shoot both 4.5mm BB's and .177 caliber Pellets using a double ended 16 shot rotary magazine. It also has an internal blowback system so it should have some recoil feel to it! I am pretty sure it is semi auto only but still a nice addition to their lineup!

Gamo also brought out a new 4.5mm BB Blowback pistol called the C-15 which has a metal slide and plastic frame, it kind of reminds me of the Umarex HPP in how it looks and feels.

Umarex had several new products that I am sure everyone is going to like! One that I think will do really well is the Steel Force, the Steel Force is designed around the 4.5mm BB shooting Steel Storm platform so it has a 6 round burst blowback operation and holds the 2x12 gram CO2 in the magazine while the BB's go in a 300 round hopper that feeds into a 30 round spring fed internal magazine. Like the Steel Storm it will shoot around 430 fps. The Steel Force has the advantage of being styled after the AR platform so it has a collapsible stock which will make shooting very easy.

Another often asked for airgun replica is the historic German Luger. This year Umarex stepped up to the plate and introduced the Umarex P.08 4.5mm BB pistol. Sorry, no blowback or even a working slide on this one but it is all metal and has a very good weight and feel to it.

If you're a fan of the entry level Umarex XBG then you may be interested in the new Umarex T.D.P. 45 which is very similar to the XBG in looks and features but with a slightly different look to it.

If you've ever wanted to turn your pistol into more of a PDW styled gun, you may be able to depending on which Umarex gun you have? Umarex added a very cool accessory called the T.A.C Converter that converts your Umarex HK USP (BB-Airsoft), SW MP40 (BB), XBG (BB), CZ Enforcer (Airsoft) and Walther P99 DOA (Airsoft) into more of a tactical (PDW) or Personal Defense Weapon complete with for-grip, adjustable rear sight, lots of rail options and a foldable stock.

I am assuming the Crosman M4-177 Pellet/BB Rifle has been doing well for Crosman as they have expanded with some more similar assault styled air rifles. The Crosman MSR77NP pretty much looks like a classic M16 but is in fact a Nitro Piston break barrel pellet rifle able to shoot .177 caliber pellets at 1200 fps (I hope there is a 499 fps Canada version planned too?).

A new takeoff of the M4-177 is the MK-177 which also shoots .177 caliber pellets and 4.5mm BB's using a multi-Pump System but it uses an upgraded more efficient pump system that squeaks out more fps with less pumps. The Crosman MK-177 is designed after the FN SCAR and is available in an adjustable iron sight version or a Red Dot equipped kit version.

One thing you can never get enough of in my opinion is another 1911 pistol! Crosman is introducing their GI Model 1911BB Blowback 4.5mm CO2 pistol, the one they had on hand was more of a prototype so the slide was not operational but it will feature an all metal design, blowback operation, 450 fps and a 20 round drop out magazine. I am sorry to say but it looks like the Crosman C51 has been dropped from Crosman's lineup but if you want a similar styled gun you can checkout the KWC SW40F which is a very close airsoft version.

We recently started carrying G&G Armament Airsoft guns, you can checkout my review of the Xtreme 45. I did stop by their booth and they had some new products on display, the M1 Grand (all wood stock) Airsoft had it's magwell all wrapped up as G&G had a propriety magazine system they did not want their competition to see. G&G also had some very interesting targets that light up, when shot they would react by individually turning off so you could see if you hit it or not.

There was a rather large crowd at the KWA booth but it was a shared booth so it's hard to say what everyone was looking at, the KWA area was pretty full, I did talk to the KWA rep and asked him point blank if KWC and KWA where the same or sister companies and the answer was not at all. There are often a lot of guns that look like they could be from the same company, I guess there is a lot of copying going on ;) One gun from KWA I would love to get my hands on is the Kriss SMG!

Now keep in mind many of these guns I have highlighted today are not available yet and a lot of them should be coming out in the spring time frame so please try to refrain from repeatedly asking when I will review them and have them in the store, it takes time and as much as we all want them now, they get here when they get here! 

Watch my Vimeo video of the Replica Aiguns at SHOT Show Vegas 2013

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, 9mm, AEG, Accessory, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, Break Barrel, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Multi-pump, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Repeater, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Scope, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Crosman, G&G, Gamo, KWA, Umarex

Norinco Tokarev Type 54 Model 213 9mm Pistol Overview


I first want to say this isn't exactly a review, more of an overview. I do show you around this Chinese made Norinco Type 54 Model 213 9mm Tokarev copy but I don't shoot it or even talk too much about shooting it. I have shot my Norinco M213 and it's quit nice, especially when you consider this gun was designed back in 1930. The Original Russian made Tokarev was built to replace the aging Nagant M1895 revolver that the Soviet troops used as their sidearm.

The Tokarev looks a lot like the Browning FN Model 1903 and was more than likely based off of it but it is different internally utilizing a short recoil dropping barrel similar to what is used in a 1911. The original Tokarev was not normally chambered in 9mm but rather the Russian made 7.62mm round. Being that the original 7.62 round is longer than a 9mm Lugar, Norinco had to place a block inside the magwell to accommodate the smaller magazine. I think it's a good tradeoff so I can use my readily available 9mm rounds in it. Each magazine hold 7 rounds as they are single stack design, this does make the profile of the entire gun very slim.

Another feature to note, that is found on the Chinese Norinco Type 54 Tokarev copy is the addition of a safety. The original Tokarev did not have a safety on it. The safety is similar to what you would find on a Makarov.

I have several Norinco guns and from what I have seen, people either love them or hate them and it's usually the people that own them that love them and the people that don't own them that don't like them. This may be based on first impressions as many Norinco guns are not as refined as what you would see in a Smith & Wesson, Sig Sauer and many other higher end firearms. With that said the Norinco firearms kind of remind me of many Russian made guns which are more about how they work and less about how they look. The Norinco metal is tuff as nails and has a very high nickel content in it which is what makes it harder to refine.

Even today the Tokarev is a decent gun and I really love the history behind it, once you get used to it's unusual looks it really does start to grow on you and you can pick one up for pretty cheap these days, I only paid just over $200 for mine and it even came with 4 magazines.

Watch my Vimeo Video Overview of the Norinco Type 54 Model 213 9mm Tokarev:

Categories: 9mm, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, YouTube Video Tags: M213, Norinco, Tokarev

CBSA Reclassification of Airsoft Guns Over 366fps


The CBSA (Canada Customs) has posted some good news for a change about the Reclassification of Airsoft Guns that shoot over 366fps! (Customs Notice 12-005)

So what does this mean? In a nutshell, any Airsoft gun that shoots a .20 gram airsoft BB at over 366 fps is now considered an uncontrolled firearm just like a regular airgun. And so it can be made out of full metal and look exactly like a real gun even without the red tip. (before the threshold was .22 gram BB had to shoot over 407 fps)

This means we will now be able to bring a lot more "All Metal Replica" Airsoft guns into Canada that where previously not allowed because of our much higher feet per second restrictions.

Here is the official statement from the CBSA:

1. The purpose of this notice is to advise of changes affecting the classification of 6mm calibre airsoft guns.

2. Section 2 of the Criminal Code defines a firearm as “a barrelled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other projectile can be discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person, and includes any frame or receiver of such a barrelled weapon, as well as anything that can be adapted for use as a firearm”.

3. As outlined in Memorandum D19-13-2Importing and Exporting Firearms, Weapons and Devices, it was previously established that an airsoft gun, firing a .22g 6mm plastic pellet, must have a muzzle velocity in excess of 124 m/s (407 fps), in order to be considered a firearm.

4. Based on the latest research, it is now established that the muzzle velocity at which a .20g 6mm plastic airsoft projectile is capable of causing serious bodily injury is 111.6 m/s (366 fps).

5. Airsoft guns, firing a .20g 6mm plastic pellet, with a muzzle velocity above 111.6 m/s (366 fps), will be classified as firearms. Please refer to D19-13-2 for the import requirements of low muzzle velocity firearms, including low muzzle velocity “uncontrolled” firearms.

6. If an airsoft gun, firing a .20g 6mm plastic pellet, shoots below 111.6 m/s (366 fps), and resembles with near precision an existing make and model of a firearm, other than an antique firearm, it will be classified as replica firearm. Replica firearms are prohibited devices and must meet import requirements as listed in D19-13-2.

7. Inquiries and comments about this notice should be directed to: Other Government Department Programs Unit Programs Branch Canada Border Services Agency E-mail: faw-aaf@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Airsoft News, Gun Law, Replica Airguns News Tags:

Chiappa - Puma 1911-22 Tactical Colt 1911 Styled 22LR Pistol Review


Type: .22 caliber pistol.


Model:1911-22 Tactical.

Materials: Metal (Chiappalloy & Steel).

Weight: 2 pounds.

Barrel: 5 inches, metal rifled.

Propulsion: Gun Powder.

Action: Semi auto, single action only.

Ammunition Type: .22LR caliber rimfire.

Ammunition Capacity: 10 round magazine.

FPS: 1,138 - 1255.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Chiappa - Puma 1911-22 Tactical semi auto pistol is fairly heavy at the start of it's life at close to 10 pounds! This is a bit distracting but it has been reported that as the metals harden and the gun breaks in (Closer to the 2000-3000 round mark), you can expect a much lighter trigger pull of closer to 5 pounds.

Accuracy: I put about 500 rounds through the Chiappa - Puma 1911-22 and took some time getting used to how it felt and also shot several groups on target before I did my final test group. I shot two full magazines (20 shots) and was able to get a 6-7 inch group from 10 yards out (30 feet). I was shooting in a standing unrested position using the open sights unadjusted and my grouping was well center but just a tad bit high and to the left. Interestingly enough I had a nice tight 5 shot sub-group that all landed within each other almost dead center on target.

Build Quality: The Chiappa - Puma 1911-22 Tactical 22LR is not built out of the same hardened steel material (with the exception of some key high stress areas) as you would find in a large caliber hand gun as it is not necessary with the lower pressure of 22LR rimfire ammunition, but it is an almost all metal gun and seems to have decent fit and finish. Chiappa utilizes a special proprietary metal they call Chiappalloy throughout much of the pistol to make the 1911-22 look, feel and weigh about the same as a conventional 1911 45 auto. 

Realism: The Chiappa - Puma 1911-22 Tactical looks the part for sure of a real 1911 A1 styled 45 auto. It even feels about the same weight and has a similar balance to it. On the outside you can tell because of the smaller diameter .22 caliber barrel and the lack of a working grip safety. Internally the 1911-22 has a fixed barrel which is not true to the original 1911 design but it does make the 22LR version more accurate and simpler in design.

Purchased From: Wholesale supplier.


  • Inexpensive to purchase and shoot but still has that "1911" look and feel.

  • Came with two 10 round magazines.

  • Comes in a nice hard shell case.

  • Can add an accessory rail under the barrel.

  • Adjustable rear sight for windage.

  • Fixed barrel for better accuracy and less moving parts.

  • Nice realistic weight adn ballance to it.

  • Very easy to take down and clean.

  • Similar dimensions to a real 1911 and should fit most holsters and add-ons.

  • Has a secondary "tool based" firing pin lock for safe storage.

  • Made in Italy.

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  • Trigger is very heavy at first - needs to be broken in!

  • Slide spring is very light which can lead to some cycling problems if you are not careful.

  • No working grip safety like the real 1911.

  • Plastic magazines.


My Chiappa - Puma 1911-22 Tactical first impression was that it kind of had a blank gun look and finish too it which is not a bad thing but I wondered if it would take the abuse of constant 22LR rounds being shot through it and it most certainly did. Chiappa has put hardened steel where it needs to be and used their proprietary Chiappalloy where it is best suited. after about the first 100 rounds the 1911-22 stated performing consistently for me using a couple of brands of 22LR I brought with me and cycled both 22LR Standard Velocity and High Velocity just fine. I did notice it started to act up at around the 400 round mark but on inspection, the Chiappa 1911-22 just needed a cleaning to clear the debris that was forming in the breach area. I would also suggest keeping the magazines loaded up fore a few weeks to decrease the spring tension which helps with chambering the first couple of rounds out of a new magazine. Overall, I am really happy with my Chiappa 1911-22 purchase and plan to shoot this gun often and extensively!

My Vimeo Video Review for the Chiappa 1911-22 Tactical .22LR Pistol:

Categories: .22 cal, Field Test, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: 1911-22, Chiappa

ISSC M22 22LR Glock Copy Table Top Review


Type: .22 caliber pistol.



Materials: Metal & Polymer.

Weight: 1.5 pounds.

Barrel: 4.17 inches, metal rifled.

Propulsion: Gun Powder.

Action: Semi auto, single action.

Ammunition Type: .22LR caliber rimfire.

Ammunition Capacity: 10 round magazine.

FPS: 1,138 - 1255.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the ISSC M22 semi auto pistol is fairly light at about 4.4 pounds and it has a nice predictable break point. Some people claim the trigger itself is a bit edgy but I did not find this the case for myself at least when shooting off several hundred rounds at a time. No blisters for me :)

Accuracy: I put about 500 rounds through the ISSC M22 and took some time getting used to how it felt and also shot several groups on target before I did my final test group. I shot two full magazines (20 shots) and most of my shots (17 out of 20) landed within a 3 inch group from 10 yards out (30 feet). I was shooting in a standing unrested position using the open sights unadjusted and my grouping was well center but just a tad bit high. I was very happy with these results.

Build Quality: The ISSC M22 is a very well made pistol in just about every way. The materials are very good and the fit and finish is excellent. There is nothing cheap about this gun and even after over 500 shots through the M22, it still looked brand new (after a well needed cleaning of course) with barely any wear marks to speak of. I especially liked the solid aluminum magazines. I have no doubt this 22 caliber pistol will last me for a long time.

Realism: The ISSC M22 may not be a bang on copy of a Glock but it certainly looks the part with only a few exceptions like the rear hammer, safety and fixed internal barrel. I have even heard you can use real Glock accessories with this semi auto pistol! Even the kick kind of surprised me, I was using high velocity 22LR rounds and they gave me a nice crisp recoil that of course was not as hard as a 9mm but never the less it was enough for working on double taps and rapid sight acquisition.

Purchased From: Wholesale supplier.


  • Inexpensive to purchase and shoot but still has that "Glock like" look and feel.

  • Came with two 10 round magazines.

  • Very well made - no quality issues as far as I can tell.

  • Accessory rail under the barrel.

  • Very usable sights similar to a real Glock. (also fully adjustable).

  • Ambidextrous safety and de-cocker.

  • Similar trigger safety as a real Glock.

  • Very easy to take down and clean.

  • Nice compact and light weight.

  • Similar dimensions to a Glock and may work with many of the same accessories.

  • Made in Austria like the Glock.

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  • Can come off of safety kind of easy.

  • Some Glock users may not like the external hammer and safety setup?

  • Some people have commented on it being a bit picky with certain ammo and the trigger being a bit edgy.


I really fell in love with the ISSC M22 22LR Glock copy. I know this gun is going to get a lot of use and to be honest I'm not even worried about it. With the low cost of 22LR ammo I will be shooting this gun more than any of my other pistols simply because it's totally fun, and gives me almost the exact same experience as my larger caliber semi auto shooters at about 1/10th the price to shoot. I'm pretty sure I will even get out to the range more often knowing that I can shoot the entire day for about $20! I found the M22 to be reliable, accurate and comfortable while shooting so as far as I'm concerned the ISSC M22 is a real winner!

My Vimeo Video Review for the ISSC M22 Glock Copy .22LR Pistol:

Categories: .22 cal, Field Test, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ISSC M22