ISSC M22 Glock & Chiappa 1911-22 22LR Pistol Preview

As you know I have been doing some reviews of my 22LR "Real Steel" guns and I added a couple more to the collection I want to share with you all. From my past experience, airguners also like the low cost 22LR guns for a variety of reasons including reduced operating cost, low recoil, lots of places to shoot them and so on...
Today I bring to you a quick preview of my ISSC M22 Glock Copy in 22LR and also my Chiappa 1911-22 1911 22LR Copy. You may also remember the review I did a while back of the ISSC MK22 SCAR styled 22LR.
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I took both these guns to the gun range and put several hundred rounds through them and by the end they where both shooting very reliable using inexpensive box Blazer 22LR ammo. I stuck with this ammo because it seemed to be working well. The Chiappa 1911-22 was a bit pickier at first but I think it was mainly to do with a rather stiff magazine spring, making it difficult for the first couple rounds to chamber, again most of this sorted itself out by the end of the shooting day.
My ISSC M22 really performed well, the slide was a bit tight at first creating a few failures to chamber and eject but after a few magazines it settled right down and would hammer through all 10 rounds with no problems. I am really loving this little 22LR Glock replica!
Stay tuned for my full reviews on both of these guns and enjoy my Vimeo preview video for now!