Entries in Pump,Airsoft News

Air Venturi SHOT Show 2019 Interview

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Air Venturi announced their new Springfield Armory lien of BB and Airsoft guns at SHOT Show 2019 and of course I stopped by to talk with Scott and see what these new products where all about!

First off we have the Springfield Armory M1 Carbine Rifle. You will be able to get it in either 4.5mm Steel BB or 6mm Airsoft versions. Both will have full drop out metal magazines that hold the 12 gram CO2 and either 15 BB or Airsoft rounds. You can expect around 40-60 shots per CO2 since the Springfield Armory M1 Carbine is a full blowback Airgun. The standard version will come with a synthetic wood stock that is very believable but for around $100 more you will have the option of a real wood stock which does add a bit to more weight to the rifle.

Continuing on with some more Springfield Armory Airguns. Air Venturi will be distributing the XDM pistol in a compact and full size configuration, again both 4.5mm Steel BB and Airsoft versions. There will be a solid black version and a two tone silver slide version so lots of options to pick from. The 4.5mm Steel BB version will use a 12 gram CO2 while the Airsoft version will allow for Green Gas or CO2 mags.

I wanted to mention one more product Scott showed me that is still in production, a reactive target system called the Bata-Bang that connects to your phone via Bluetooth allowing you to time your shooting and play shooting games with it and others even online. Hopefully we see this product soon from Air Venturi!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: AirVenturi, Springfield Armory, M1 Carbine, XDM

Umarex SHOT Show 2019 Interview

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This year at SHOT Show Las Vegas 2019 Umarex introduced some new Glock's, a New Beretta and a new Pellet Rifle which unfortunately was not brought to my attention when I did my Interview so sorry now coverage of the Ruger 10/22 CO2 Pellet Rifle :(

Starting with two new CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB Glocks, Umarex now has a Glock 17 Generation 3 partial blowback CO2 BB Glock with a full size drop out metal magazine. This setup will increase the fps a bit since it uses the more efficient partial blowback system. If you would rather have a full Blowback CO2 BB Glock then Umarex has it in a Glock 17 Generation 4 version that functions pretty much like a traditional Airsoft Blowback gun but instead this one uses 4.5mm steel BB’s.

In terms of Blowback Airsoft Glocks Umarex has a two Glock 17’s, yo can get them in generation 3 or 4 an both are full blowback with full size drop out metal magazines.

Umarex introduced a really nice M9A3 Beretta this year at SHOT Show 2019. The Umarex Beretta M9A3 comes in the FDE color scheme and has an extended threaded barrel that should be able to take a much suppressor. The Beretta M9A3 is full blowback with a full size dropout metal magazine and can be shot in semi or full auto.

Now for the Umarex Ruger 10/22 Pellet Rifle I completely missed at the Umarex booth… Well if you didin’t know there was a pellet version of this rifle you would be hard pressed to be abel to tell the difference between it and the real 22LR version! The Umarex Ruger 10/22 Pellet Rifle utilizes twin 12 gram CO2 cartridges to fire .177 caliber pellets. It has a 10 round drop out magazine with interchangeable rotary nmagzines that can be pre-loaded. And yes the Umarex Ruger 10/22 Pellet Rifle is a blowback Airgun!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Gas, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: SHOT Show 2019, SHOT Show, Umarex, Umarex Glock, Umarex Beretta M9A3, Umarex 10/22

SHOT Show Las Vegas 2019 Teaser

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I’m back from SHOT Show Las Vegas 2019 and as always I had an awesome time. I love January since I get to go to SHOT Show each year. What an awesome job!

This year was another great show with lots of new products from the Airgun companies. I managed to get seven interviews in this year so I have my work cut out for me editing and uploading all of these informative YouTube Videos.

For now here is a SHOT Show Las Vegas 2019 Teaser Video along with some photos…

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, Bulk Air, CO2, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, PCP, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, Scope, YouTube Video Tags: SHOT Show, SHOT Show 2019

December Christmas Update Video 2018

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In this December Update Video I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. If you have other beliefs and perhaps don’t celebrate Christmas in the traditional Canadian fashion then I wish you a Happy Holiday!

I received a number of products lately and really don’t have time to do full reviews of them as the Holliday season is on us which is going to limit how many videos I can pump out over the next couple of weeks so hopefully this Update video will keep everyone excited about the future Replace Airgun Videos.

Here are the items I talk about in this December 2018 Update Video:

Sig Sauer ASP M17 CO2 Blowback Pellet Pistol

Sig Sauer Fake Suppressor for P226 ASP Pellet Pistol

Umarex Steel Strike Full Auto BB Rifle

ROHM RG-89 .380 Caliber Blank Revolver

Umarex Legends WildCard Airsoft SAA Revolver

Umarex WW2 Limited Edition P08 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol

Umarex WW2 Limited Edition M712 Full Auto CO2 Blowback BB Pistol

Webley Mark VI CO2 Pellet Revolver

John Wayne Signature SAA Revolver Solid Maple Wood Case

Categories: 380, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Accessory, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, Blank Gun News, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Sig Sauer ASP

Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph First Field Test

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I am happy to say that the first Field Test using my new Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph  went really well for me today. Perhaps I have found a new brand of Chronograph that will last longer than a year or so and give me reliable results that I can count on...

In my testing I tried out four different airguns, I picked airguns for the most part that I have not done Chronograph testing with yet so I could at least get you some hard results for these new guns waiting for their Field Test Shooting Video Reviews. First I tested the Umarex Glock 19 4.5mm Steel BB Pistol and I got five results out of five shots averaging 389 fps. Next up was the AW Custom AG-HX2003 Double Stack Tactical 1911 Full Blowback CO2 BB Pistol, again a put five shots through my Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph and got five good results with an average fps of 329.

I then moved on to an Air Rifle, the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle and placed six shots through my Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph resulting in five good readings, there was one error in this string of shots but it may have been an alignment issue on my part? My average fps for the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle was 387. Last of the guns I tested was the Air Venturi V10 Match Pellet Pistol which is a single pump airgun. My pellet choice was RWS 6.9 grain lead pellets and all three of my test shots delivered near exactly the same results averaging 374 fps.

So other than that one chronograph reading error for the day which may have been an alignment issue on my part, the Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph performed excellent for me. I would also like to note that I was using the same Caldwell LED Lighting System I have been using in my Sea Can Indoor Airgun range which as expected fit perfectly onto their own Chronograph system and worked well.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Pump, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman, Crosman Remington DPMS SBR, Umarex, Umarex Glock, Glock 19, AW Custom, AirVenturi, V10 Pellet Pistol

You Are Going to Want to Watch This Update Video!

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In this video I have some really cool stuff to show you guys, many items I have been waiting to get my hands on for some time now...

Right off the bat I need to let you all know I got my Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB M4/AR Full Auto Airgun and it is simply awesome! It's really everything we have all been asking for, A full scale M4 Replica with Blowback operation and semi and full auto, with quality material throughout and realistic working parts. You can even split the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB M4/AR Full Auto Airgun into its upper and lower sections for cleaning and possible BB jams. Look forward to several upcoming videos featuring the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB M4/AR Full Auto Airgun.

Next up in this weeks news is... Can you believe it, after two years I now have my hands on a Gletcher M1944 Mosin Nagant, not the short stock and short barreled M1891 Sawn Off Version but the full size rifle version complete with working metal bayonet :) I love it when I first saw it at SHOT Show over two years ago and still love it today. I expect it to shoot similarly to the M1891 Sawn Off M1891 Version I already reviewed a few times but with perhaps more power and a bit better accuracy?

KWA Logo Performance Industries.png

Some other very cool news, we are now selling KWA Airsoft Guns, I have been a big fan of KWA for a long time and enjoy visiting their booth at SHOT Show, they have excellent high quality detailed Airsoft guns and carry a great combination of Blowback and AEG Airsoft Guns. Once I get through my Crosman and Gletcher reviews I will focus on showcasing the new KWA lineup we are selling.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman, Crosman Remington DPMS SBR, KWA, Gletcher, Mosin Nagant, M1944

Air Venturi V10 Match Pellet Pistol Field Test Review

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When it comes to accuracy, match grade pellet pistols are going o be your best bet, not always the most powerful but they are sure good at driving pellets down range with super small groupings. The Air Venturi V10 Match Pellet Pistol is no exception to this statement and considering all that it offers it is fairly reasonably price for a match grade pellet pistol of this caliber.

Right off the bat I have to admit that my Chrony Chronograph stopped working, all I get is gibberish on the screen (Strike two for Chrony!). So I was not able to get any personal Chronograph results even though I even tried using my Airsoft Chronograph without success :( I did however watch a few other Youtube Video reviews where users tested out the FPS using a similar Chronograph and the Air Venturi V10 Match Pellet Pistol should get right around 390 fps using 7 grain lead pellets, this is close to the 400 fps claimed velocity.

Now for my shooting results that I was able to deliver on... I shot about 6-7 rounds downrange on a fresh paper target setup around 30 feet away. Sitting with a sandbag up front for stability, my Air Venturi V10 Match Pellet Pistol shot 6 out of the 7 rounds all in one hole that stretched out to about 1/4 of an inch. I did get one flyer that extended the grouping to about an inch, but this gun is a accurate no doubt even with my limited shooting skills.

The Trigger, sights and even the pistol grip on the Air Venturi V10 Match Pellet Pistol are fully adjustable so you can setup your Air Venturi V10 Match Pellet Pistol pretty much any way you like but it is made for a left handed shooter, at least the one I had tested out. The trigger is very light weigth out of the box and should be good to go for most people. It's also nice that you only need one pump for full power which saves you a bit of time in-between shots. All in the Air Venturi V10 Match Pellet Pistol is a great well priced match grade target pistol ready to drive virtually anything you point it at!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Field Test, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Single Shot, YouTube Video, Pump Tags: AirVenturi, V10 Pellet Pistol

SHOT Show 2018 ASG Interview

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This year at SHOT Show 2018 I had the please to interview Bob from ASG yet again, Bob always has a ton of info to share about ASG new products so make sure to watch this video as it has a lot of info!

To summarize what Bob shared, ASG has their line of CZ P-09 and SP-01 Shadow Steel BB and Airsoft Full Blowback pistols with full size drop out metal magazines. And you'll be happy to know the Canadian CZ P-09 Airsoft version not only will have a threaded barrel but it will come with both a black and red barrel tip cover.

Another new air pistol from ASG is the Dan Wesson licensed none blowback pellet firing 1911, similar to what Crosman is offering that utilizes a full size drop out metal magazine combined with a two sided 6 shot rotary magazine that flips 180 degrees for a total of 12 shots per .177  caliber pellet load. the ASG Dan Wesson Pellet shooting 1911 has a nice heavy weight to it's metal slide and frame design.

Lastly Bob shared with us a new ASG ICS Hera Arms CQR Airsoft Rifle, this ASG Airsoft Rifle is still in the design and production state but look forward to it later on this year!


Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Airgun News, AEG, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, SHOT Show 2018, CZ P-09, CZ SP-01 Shadow, Dan Wesson 1911

SHOT Show 2018 Umarex Interview


Umarex presented at SHOT Show this year a license I think we all thought was never going to happen! That would be Glock, for years Glock has been steadfast about not allowing their handguns to be licensed by anyone other than them. Glock has been very protective about their brand and intellectual properties as they are entitled to. I'm not sure what Umarex said to Glock but somehow they where able to get Glock to agree to letting Umarex license Glock pistols to be made into BB and Airsoft versions. The first BB and Airsoft models I was able to checkout at this years SHOT Show are pretty basic in design and are styled after the Glock 19.

The new Umarex Glock 19 licensed BB and Airsoft pistols are CO2 powered as expected but don't have blowback operation and have a fixed metal slide and a drop out stick magazine. The new Glock Licensed Umarex pistols do however look and feel really good, picking them up you would think you are holding a real steel Glock until you try and rack the slide or drop the magazine. Umarex did indicate there will be more licensed models coming out down the road with full blowback operation and full size drop out metal magazines, we just need to be patient as Glock is very particular about the quality control.

Another show stopper for me at the Umarex Booth was the Legends Cowboy Lever Action Shell loading BB Rifle. I love shooting my Red Ryder BB Rifle but I have to admit the Red Ryder kind of looks a bit like a kids beginner airgun. The new Umarex Legends Cowboy Lever Action Shell loading BB Rifle look, feels and operates like the real deal so it's not only going to be super fun to shoot but an awesome replica to own especially if your into the old west guns.

The Umarex Legends Cowboy Lever Action Shell loading BB Rifle uses two 12 gram CO2 cartridges and can hold 10 BB loaded shells in its tube styled magazine, working the lever action elects the empty shells. Umarex claims around 410 fps so the Umarex Legends Cowboy Lever Action Shell loading BB Rifle will be Canada legal without the need for a PAL. I thought the stock was real wood but was correct, it's actually made out of plastic, but I think just about anyone looking close up would have a hard time believing Umarex didn't use real wood.

Thanks to Mark Davis from Umarex for making himself available to interview!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airgun News, Airsoft News, Airsoft, BB, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Umarex, Glock, Glock 19, Legends Cowboy Rifle, Umarex Glock, SHOT Show 2018, SHOT Show

SHOT Show 2018 Las Vegas Teaser Video

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So it begins, I have been to this years SHOT Show in Las Vegas and checked out the new products from Umarex, Crosman, Sig Sauer and ASG. I have taken video and Interviewed the main Airgun companies. Now it's time to report back to everyone what I saw and learned. To start with here is a Teaser Video with some scenes from Vegas, inside SHOT Show and of course some of the highlight products from each airgun company.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Gas, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: SHOT Show, SHOT Show 2018, Sig Sauer, Crosman, Umarex, ASG

My Favorite Picks From SHOT Show 2017 in Las Vegas

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This year at SHOT Show 2017 in Las Vegas, I found there wasn’t a lot of new Airgun products but as always there are some that stood out for me. If you want more info on each Airgun Company then make sure to watch my full interviews for this years SHOT Show 2017. So without prolonging this video any longer let’s get right into it…

Umarex Legends MP CO2 Full Auto German MP40 Replica Machine-gun:

What’s not to like about the Umarex Legends MP? It has lots of metal parts weighing in at 7.7 pounds, a 60 round steel BB magazine with a dual 12 gram CO2 system. You also get your choice of shooting either in semi auto or full auto at up to 400 fps. Personally the Umarex Legends MP was the most interesting Airgun at the show this year for me and I really think it is going to be a hit!

Umarex SA10 Blowback Pellet and BB CO2 Pistol:

Another interesting product from Umarex this year was the SA10, I am not really sure what it is exactly styled after, it’s more of a futuristic looking gun with slide venting and a thread barrel for adding a mock suppressor or compensator. What appealed to me most about the Umarex SA10 was the new magazine design that incorporates a full size drop out metal magazine with 4 rotary 8 round magazines that can be loaded with either pellets or BB’s. When you empty one 8 shot magazine you simply drop the entire mag out and swap your empty 8 shot rotary magazine for a full one. The SA10 has a nice weight of around 2 pounds and shoots up to 426 fps.

Sig Sauer ASP P320 CO2 Blowback Pellet Pistol:

Sig Sauer introduced their new Sig Sauer ASP P320 CO2 Pellet Pistol this year that will be replacing the P250. Like the P250 the Sig P320 has a metal slide and polymer frame but instead of a double sided 16 shot rotary magazine, the Sig ASP P320 has a newly designed and very unique 30 round belt fed magazine. That’s nearly double the capacity without having to flip the magazine around part way through shooting. It’s great to see innovations like this happening in the airgun market.

Crosman Remington 1875 Shell Loading CO2 Pellet and BB Revolver:

Crosman introduced their own Single Action Old West Revolver this year in the form of the Remington 1875. Like the super popular Umarex Single Action Army Revolvers, the Remington 1875 is also shell loading and uses 12 gram CO2. You have the option of shooting either Pellets or BB’s out of its smooth bore barrel. I expect the Crosman Remington 1875 Shell Loading Revolver to be another popular Old West Airgun Revolver.

Crosman PSM45 Single Shot Spring Powered BB Pistol:

The Crosman PSM45 at first glance may not seem that interesting, after all it’s all plastic on the outside and only shoots about 200 fps! On the plus side it kind of looks like a Glock and we all know how hard it is to find airguns these days that resemble a Glock. I also like the fact that there is no need for any CO2, and most springers out there look like springers while the Crosman PSM45 looks like a real semi auto pistol. The PSM45 even has pretty decent weight to it since there are lots of internal metal parts and a full size drop out metal magazine which was a real surprise in such an entry level low cost pistol. If you’re looking for a fun inexpensive replica plinker than the Crosman PSM45 should fit the bill. On a side not the PSM45 would also make a really great low cost prop since the slide does work and it has that full size drop out magazine!

ASG Dan Wesson 715 2.5 and 4 inch Shell Loading CO2 Revolvers:

The ASG Dan Wesson Revolver has always been a popular choice, and then the Dan Wesson 715 came out improving on the design by adding extra weight and smoothing out the mechanics. How do you top that? Well by giving us some more options like barrel lengths. You now have your choice of a 2.5, 4 or 6 inch barrel for the Dan Wesson 715 and of course you will be able to buy your 715 pick in 4.5mm Steel BB, 6mm Plastic Airsoft or .177 Caliber Pellet ammunition versions. My personal choice may be the 4 inch Dan Wesson 715 since it has the addition of an integrated accessory rail machined into the outer barrel for lasers or tach lights.

Gletcher M1944 Mosin Nogant CO2 BB Rifle:

The Gletcher M1944 Mosin Nogant CO2 BB Rifle is not a new replica gun this year but it has been a hard one to get your hands on. In fact up until SHOT Show 2017 I had never seen one in person and so the Gletcher M1944 is new to me. I was very impressed with the quality of the Gletcher M1944 Mosin Nogant, it has a lot of metal parts including the swing out bayonet and even the simulated wood stock looks like real wood. I even had to take a second look and ask before confirming that the stock is in fact plastic on the Gletcher M1944 Mosin Nogant. I am looking forward to reviewing this rifle in the future when I do finally get one!

Of course there where other interesting products at SHOT Show 2017 this year but those are the products that stood out the most for me. Again make sure to watch my full interview videos to find out more about all the new products at this years SHOT Show.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Crosman, Gletcher, SHOT Show, SHOT Show 2017, Sig Sauer, Umarex

SHOT Show 2017 KWA Booth

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And finally my last Vimeo video from SHOT Show 2017 in Las Vegas! Sorry there is no Interview this time with KWA but I did talk a lot with the KWA folks over at SHOT Show this year and I even got to test out their Laser Targeting System designed to be used with several specifi KWA guns by laser-ammo.com.

Unfortunately we don't carry the KWA brand in the replica Airguns store, a few models sneak in when being distriubted by another company like ASG in the case of the ASG MP9. I would love to carry KWA Airsoft Products in the future since they really do make very high quality Airsoft guns.

KWA has a great selection of Airsoft pistols and rifles in both Gas Blowback and AEG formats. The quality reminds me of the KJWors Airsoft guns we sell in the Replica Airguns Canada Store, you can really feel the quality when you pick them up and hold them for yourself.

Categories: Airsoft, Airsoft News, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Gas, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWA, SHOT Show, SHOT Show 2017

SHOT Show 2017 ASG Interview

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Another SHOT Show 2017 interview video, this interview is with Bob Li from ASG (Action Sport Games), Bob shares with me some updates to the super popular Dan Wesson 715 along with the reintroduced EVO Scorpion Inferno powered Airsoft Rifle. Bob finishes up with a new X9 Classic which is a Beretta M9 in 4.5mm Steel BB.

You may have thought the Dan Wesson 715 was already pretty much perfect as is so what could ASG to make it even better? How about different barrel lengths. ASG has introduce the Dan Wesson 715 in both a new 2.5 inch and 4 inch version. Both lengths will be hitting stores shortly and will come in .177 caliber pellet and 4.5mm steel BB options. 6mm Airsoft will be out later on. The 4 inch version also includes an integrated accessory rail machined into the outer barrel for those of you wanted to add items like lasers and tactical lights to your Dan Wesson 715.

Last year at SHOT Show ASG introduced the EVO CZ Scorpion 3 A1 Inferno powered Airsoft Rifle but is again reintroducing it this year since they decided to take their time and get it perfect before releasing it in stores this March. The EVO CZ Scorpion 3 A1 is Inferno powered using an HPA system with a custom chip set that allows for a three round burst option an empty magazine detection.

ASG has sourced out not just any 4.5mm Steel BB shooting M9, they are actually getting their new ASG X9 Classic built by KJWorks. KJWorks is known for their Airsoft guns and I have reviewed several of them to date. If you have been looking for a KJWorks M9 but would prefer it to be in 4.5mm Steel BB then the new X9 Classic 4.5mm Steel BB KJWorks M9 exclusive to ASG is where you can get one!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pellet, Pistol, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Beretta, CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1, Dan Wesson 715, M9, SHOT Show, SHOT Show 2017, X9 Classic

SHOT Show Las Vegas 2017 Teaser

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Last week I was in Las Vegas to attend this years 2017 SHOT Show. As always I look forward to this event since I not only get to look at all the new Airgun related products, but I also meet with the big Airgun companies and talk face to face with many of the good folks I have been emailing back and forth with.

This first video will hopefully get you excited to watch my upcoming Interview videos I will be making for companies like: Sig Sauer ASP, Umarex, ASG, Crosman and Gletcher. I also have some additional video of the KWA booth where they had a laser sighting system set up for people to test out their Airsoft guns on a simulated targeting system.

For now here are some photos and of course checkout my Preview Teaser Video of SHOT Show 2017 in Las Vegas.

Categories: Airgun News, Airsoft News, Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Crosman, Gamo, Gletcher, KWA, SHOT Show, SHOT Show 2017, Sig Sauer, Umarex

SHOT Show 2016 - ASG Airbow Interview

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In this 2016 SHOT Show Interview I talk with Chip Hunnucutt from Crosman Corporation. Chip was eager to show off Crosman's new Airbow which is a essentially a hybrid PCP Air Rifles combined with a Crossbow. SO take away the bow and replace the power source with a 3000 PSI compressed air system that is capable of shooting standard archery arrows at 450 fps with 160 foot pounds of energy using 375 grain arrows.

The Crosman Airbow on a full 3000 PSI charge can deliver 8 consecutive shots @ the regulated 450 fps. The Airbow also weighs in at 7 pounds and being that it is a Bullpup design it is only 33.5 inches long so nice and compact for an arrow shooter.

Since the power is generated by the PCP compressed air system there is no heavy cocking rope so a simple lift of the ambidextrous cocking bolt is all that is needed to charge the Crosman Airbow. The Airbow also comes standard with a CenterPoint® 6x40 mm scope specially designed with the Airbow in mind.

Since the Crosman Airbow is technically an under 500 fps airgun, it should be considered an uncontrolled firearm here in Canada which means no PAL license will be required to buy and own the Crosman Airbow in Canada. In terms of using the Airbow for hunting as it is not a bow but rather an Airgun, that is yet to be determined here in Canada.

Categories: Airgun News, Airsoft News, Crossbow, Non Airguns, PCP, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Scope, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Airbow, Crosman, SHOT Show

SHOT Show 2016 - ASG Airguns Interview

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In this 2016 SHOT Show Interview I talk with Bob Li from Action Sport Games. Bob shows me some of the new products this year from ASG. Some of ASG's newer pistols are the Dan Wesson 715, the CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow, the CZ P-09. New to the rifle line is the CZ Bren 80, also a couple of sniper rifles, the M40A5 and M40A3. ASG is also coming out with a an Inferno HPA version of their CZ Scorpion EVO 3A1.

The ASG Dan Wesson 715 has ot me my favorite product from ASG, you need to hold it in your hand to really understand how solid this pistol really is at close to 3 pounds. Everything about it is an improvement over previous Dan Wesson models including the trigger and hammer action, crane setup and the more actuate frame length with the new more compact internal CO2 valve. The ASG Dan Wesson 715 will be shipping in 4.5mm Steel BB, 6mm Plastic Airsoft and .177 caliber pellet versions.

ASG's two new Full blowback CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow, the CZ P-09 pistols should be coming out shortly, both will be available in 4.5mm Steel BB and 6mm Plastic Airsoft. Both pistols feature a metal slide and frame with full size drop out metal magazines and will have CO2 and Green Gas magazine configurations. The CZ P-09 will have a threaded barrel and barrel protector.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, Bulk Air, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, CZ 75 P-09, CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow, Dan Wesson 715, SHOT Show

SHOT Show 2016 Teaser Video

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This is my SHOT Show 2016 Teaser Video! You will get to see some new gun highlights from companies like Umarex, ASG, Crosman, Sig Sauer, KWA and ISC. I will be following up this video with some interview videos very soon so do make sure to check back for those uploads. All I can say about the show is it’s huge! So much to see, so much walking and too much to take in…


As always, ASG had some new products this year. The all new Dan Wesson 715 357 Magnum shell loading Revolver! This gun feels absolutely amazing in the hand and will be available in Steel BB, Airsfot and even Pellet shooting versions. Also new are the CZ P-09 and CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow Full Blowback BB and Airsoft Pistols.


Big at Crosman this year was their PCP Airbow, Crosman put a lot of focus on this product and even had a lot of crossbows on display to go with their new PCP Airbow. Crosman also introduced their low cost entry level Benjamin Maximus PCP rifle in .177 and .22 calibers offerings. Not really much in the way of replica pistols from Crosman this year, but then again last year was kind of the same?

Sig Sauer:

I finally made it to the Sig Sauer Booth this year to checkout their new CO2 Pellet gun line. All new Sig Airguns are made true to size and weight with similar trigger actions as their real steel versions. The Sig MPX is their more compact (shorter barreled) pellet shooting CO2 rifle with internal blowback and belt fed 30 round magazine. The Sig MCX is the longer barreled rifle version but built much the same as the MPX. Sig also introduced two new pellet shooting CO2 Blowback Pistols, the P226 and the P250. Both use similar double ended rotary magazines as the Umarex PX4.


Umarex always seems to have some new exciting Airguns products to offer at SHOT Show. The PPK is back with a few updates including no more ugly CO2 tab sticking out of the bottom! And yes the Beretta Model 92A1 will finally be shipping soon, I believe in February! My favorite product this year from Umarex would have to be the Full Blowback, Full size drop out magazine S&W M&P 40 CO2 BB Pistol. Umarex released yet another 1911 on the market, this version does come with a stick mag and sports pretty high fps and more shots per CO2 then the KWC based 1911’s. The super popular Colt SAA Revolver is now available in a pellet shooting version with a rifled barrel :) Umarex had on display another low cost revolver, the ultra futuristic looking Brodax CO2 BB Revolver.


KWA always has really nice high quality products to showoff at there booth each year, we may even start carrying some of KWA's products this year, fingers crossed on that one… New to the KWA line are some AEG rifles with simulated blowback action, I really liked the Blowback AEG AK they had on display. KWA also released a new Airsoft shell loading revolvers that had some of the nicest looking brass and aluminum shells. On display under a glass cover was a very solid Gas Blowback Thompson Machine-gun with real wood stock, it was absolutely gorgeous!


ISC known for their top quality AEG internals, had their full line of high quality Airsoft rifles on display. And new this year to ICS was their first ever Airsoft pistol, the blowback BLE Alpha. The BLE should be out mid year and looked and felt really nice. The trigger on it was super short and light.

I have some really awesome Interview videos I’m working on, I will be uploading them shortly so stay tuned for those…

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Accessory, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, Break Barrel, Bulk Air, CO2, Crossbow, Full Auto, GBB, PCP, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Scope, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Crosman, ISC, KWA, SHOT Show, Sig Sauer, Umarex

Supreme Court Of Canada Rules That Air Guns Are Firearms


Here is a Press Release taken from the NFA website, I have also made a YouTube Video going over all of this in my own words and what it really means for us law abiding airgun owners in Canada so make sure to watch my video below for further explanation...

"On Wednesday, November 5, the Supreme Court of Canada issued its ruling R. v. Dunn, finding that most air guns are considered “firearms” for all purposes in the Criminal Code except for licensing and registration.

The Court affirmed the previous decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal, which itself had overruled a decade of its own jurisprudence in finding that air guns are “firearms”. Prior to this case, the courts had held that air guns are not treated as “firearms” unless they are used for some offensive or unlawful purpose.

This decision applies to all air guns that are capable of causing serious bodily injury or death. Most courts have found that any air gun with a velocity of more than 214 feet-per-second meets this threshold. The vast majority of air guns sold across the country are capable of such a velocity.

This decision will have numerous significant impacts on those who buy and use air guns lawfully in Canada.

First of all, the Criminal Code provisions regarding careless storage, use and transportation of firearms now apply to air guns. Therefore, it is an offence to store or transport an air gun in a “careless” manner. However, because the ordinary firearms Storage Regulations do not apply to air guns, air gun owners are left with absolutely no guidance as to what precisely constitutes careless storage of an air gun.

It will be left up to police, prosecutors and courts to determine what charges will be laid, which will be prosecuted and ultimately who will be found guilty of this nebulous and ambiguous offence.

Moreover, as air gun owners do not require a license or a firearms safety course to possess these items, law-abiding Canadians will not be put on notice of the new legal requirements for air gun use, storage, transportation, etc.

Secondly, the offence of “carrying a concealed weapon” now applies to air guns, regardless of whether or not the air gun owner acts in an otherwise lawful manner. Placing an air gun in a backpack, a pocket or other concealed place will now be a criminal offence.

As the Supreme Court has ruled on this issue, the only route forward is through legislative amendment. Canada’s National Firearms Association has been extremely active on this front and will continue to pressure the government and provide all assistance in order to see that this decision be responded to by Parliament."

Canada’s National Firearms Association is this country’s largest and most effective advocacy organization representing the interests of firearms owners and users.

My big concern with this new Supreme Court of Canada ruling is that it really only effects law abiding Canadians. The criminals are not going to be worrying about how they store, transport and handle an airgun and since this new "airgun rule" does not change how an airgun can be purchased, or the fact that a criminal can still be charged with a gun crime while using an airgun in a crime, nothing has really changed by this new law from a criminals perspective.

Even more disturbing is the fact that the vast majority of airgun owners are now criminals since most will not be storing their airguns in the same way a firearm needs to be stored. Most Airgun owners do not have a PAL Firearms license, so they will have no idea of this new airgun ruling or even be educated on firearms handling and regulations, making most airgun owners criminals because for the most part, they will be storing, transporting and handling airguns in an unlawful manner now according to this new airgun ruling.


Categories: Airgun News, Airsoft News, Gun Law, Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video Tags:

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 Miscellaneous


I stopped by the ICS Booth, we don't sell too much of their products but have carried a few items from time to time. ICS caries some nice quality Airsoft guns including the M1 Grand with real wood stock, and some AK & AR variants.

One of our suppliers had the new FN Herstal Five-seveN Blowback Airsoft pistol, I believe made by Marushin. Like the real FN Herstal Five-seveN, the pistol is pretty much all polymer including the slide and frame. This pistol also uses CO2 in the full size drop out magazine which should make it fairly powerful.

Looks like there is another Dan Wesson contender available now in the form of a Swiss Arms S&W 357 Magnum 4 inch and 6 inch barreled version, they look really nice and like the Dan Wesson have the realistic reusable brass shells that hold the 4.5mm Steel BB's.

Ever considered owning a  mobile Gunsmith vehicle, look no further, I came across this pimped out Firearms Van complete with machine guns mounted in the front :) Inside was a complete firearms workshop.

Last but not least, we had some fun while in Vegas. I go down for the SHOT Show for business but I also bring my wife and we make time for some non business related activities. I generally stay at the WorldMark resort each time and this year the weather was pretty nice so we where able to get some sun by the pool a couple of days and I even got a tan line! Of course the food and entertainment is always awesome in Vegas.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Pellet, Pistol, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: 357, FN Herstal Five-seveN, ICS, Marushin, SHOT Show, Swiss Arms