ASG - Marushin CZ 75 Blowback Shell Ejecting Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

Type: Shell Ejecting 6mm Plastic BB Airsoft Pistols.
Model: CZ 75
Materials: Plastic slide & frame, some metal parts.
Weight: 1.4 pounds (616 grams).
Barrel: Metalnon-rifled smooth bore.
Propulsion: Propane, green gas.
Action: Blowback, single action only.
Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 8 rounds.
FPS: 279+ fps.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the ASG CZ 75 Shell Ejecting Airsoft Replica is single action only, unlike the real steel version that actually has a single and double action trigger. The single action trigger has a light to medium pull but does have a fair bit of take-up to it.

Accuracy: I did not pre-test the ASG CZ 75 as the shells fly everywhere and you really need to be able to retrieve them afterwards as the cost to replace the shell casing is rather high. I do plan to do a full Shooting Field Test where I will shoot the ASG Shell Ejecting CZ 75 through the chronograph, place some shots on a target and also capture the action of this pistol in slow motion with a high speed camera. So stay posted for that. I can say that from the few shots taken in my house, that it seems to shoot pretty hard and the shells really com flying out of this gun with force, I also noticed that a BB does have to be loaded into each shell for there to be enough back pressure to allow for a full slide blowback and ejection of each shell.
Click here to watch my Field Test Video Review for the ASG CZ 75 Shell Ejecting Airsoft Pistol.

Build Quality: Even though this gun is made mostly out of plastic and from what I can tell is also made in Taiwan, it has a very good overall fit and finish. The slide slop is next to none and the licensing and markings look great. There are metal parts where they really need to be like in the barrel, hammer, trigger, safety, slide catch, magazine and a few other internal parts.

Realism: The ASG Shell Ejecting CZ 75 Airsoft Pistol is one of the most ultra realistic Airsoft pistols I have seen and mimics a real steel gun right down to the shells being ejected, how cool is that! If it had more metal then that would really top it off. Even with the plastic slide and frame it is very realistic in almost every way and even field strips just like a real CZ 75 and is fully licensed. The only feature not true to the actual CZ 75 would be the single action only trigger.
Purchased from YouTuber: FuzzyDicePimp

- Very cool blowback with ejecting shell cases.
- Excellent fit and finish - tolerances are very good.
- Very believable working replica of the real steel CZ 75.
- Fully licensed.
- Fully field strip-able.
- Nice heavy full size drop out metal magazine helps give it some needed weight.
- Has metal parts where they need to be.
- Plastic slide and frame.
- A bit low in the FPS department.
- Only 8 rounds in the magazine.
- Can not really use in the field, would lose too many shells.

The ASG CZ 75 Shell Ejecting Blowback Airsoft Pistol is a very unique Airsoft gun, not very many Airsoft guns actually have ejecting shells. Just because of that I had to have it! Overall it is a pretty decent gun but I have yet to really test it out and that is the biggest shortcoming with this gun, you can't just shoot it anywhere as you need to shoot it in a place where you can recover your spent shell casings, unless of course you have all the money and shell cases in the world... That said it has a lot going for it other than the ejecting shells; Fully licensed and trademarked, blowback operation, full size drop out metal magazine and it's fully field strippable. I am sorry to say we don't offer it in out Canada or USReplica Airguns Store but we do have a similar all metal CZ 75 Airsoft offering in the form of the KJWorks KP-09 which I have done both a Table Top and Shooting Review for.