Entries in Field Test,Nerf High Impact Round

ASG Dan Wesson 8 inch Revolver vs Umarex S&W 327 TRR8 Head to Head Shootout

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This post is really all about watching the YouTube video and seeing how these two similar CO2 4.5mm Steel BB revolvers compare to each other. I was working with a new Chronograph since again it was really dark outside and my old Chronograph does not like darkness. I did get some usable Chrony results with the new one but I did have to work for it ;)

Make sure to checkout my other posts for my Dan Wesson revolvers and also the Umarex S&W 327 TRR8.

Watch the video below to see the Dan Wesson 8 inch 4.5mm Steel BB Revolver go head to head against the Umarex S&W 327 TRR8 in both a test of the feet per second performance and accuracy shooting at 30 feet using a semi rested position.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Dan Wesson, S&W 327 TRR8, Umarex

Commonly Asked for Head to Head Gun Shootouts

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I get many question over on my Vimeo Channel, lots of times people asking me which gun is better and in most cases it really comes down to personal preference. But in some situations the comparisons are really close and to be honest it's even hard for me to decide which gun I think is better.

I get asked which one has higher fps, or is more accurate, or has harder blowback recoil... the list goes on. Without actually taking both gun outside and doing a head to head test using the same exact situations, I really can not honestly tell you! So that's exactly what I am going to do. Take some of the most commonly asked about gun comparisons and have a showdown.

Over the next while I will be making a total of five separate videos where I compare the following CO2 BB pistols head to head:

Make sure to come back and check out these upcoming head to head field test shooting videos!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Cybergun, Gamo, KWC, Umarex

ME 9 Mini-Para 9mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol Field Test Shooting Review

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As promised, here is my Field Test Shooting Video for the ME 9 Mini-Para 9mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol. Make sure to checkout my full Table Top Video Review for more details and specifications along with some high resolution photos and of course my full video where I show you around the ME 9 Mini-Para 9mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol and even perform a field strip.

In this Field Test Shooting Review I do actually shoot the ME 9 Mini-Para 9mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol which is what many of you want to see :) I shoot 5 rounds through the ME 9 Mini-Para 9mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol until the slide locks out and capture all of this using my Nikon 1 1080p HD camera along with my Casio EX-ZR1000 slow motion 240 frames per second camera.

My ME 9 Mini-Para 9mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol even though it could be as old as 10+ years still performed perfectly with no misfires or failures to load or eject, a testament to the West German build quality!

rohm gun.jpg
Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ME, ME 9 Mini-Para

Gamo MP9 Blowback CO2 Pellet and BB Tactical Airgun Field Test Shooting Review


After posting my Table Top Review for the Gamo MP9 Blowback CO2 Pellet and BB Tactical Airgun, It seemed like most people where pretty interested with it and where looking forward to my Field Test Shooting Review. So I wanted to get this one out before the Holidays! Thought I would wear my Santa hat for this one :)

I did manage to get my Chronograph problem figured out so for this test I got reads on all 8 shots which was awesome! So how did my Gamo MP9 Blowback CO2 Pellet and BB Tactical Pistol perform? Pretty nicely overall, since it has 8 shots at each end of teh 16 shot rotary magazine I decided to base my testing on 8 shot groups. The first 8 shots where aimed through my Chronograph resulting in an average 415 fps using 7 grain RWS lead pellets. Not bad considering how cold it was and the fact that I was not using the super light weight PBA® Platinum Pellets. I would expect even lead pellets to hit 450 fps on a warm day.

The next 8 rounds where designated for the paper target which was setup 30 feet from my semi rested position (rested on sand bag and standing in the back). All 8 rounds shot within 1.5 inches and I am pretty sure I could do this all day long with this pellet shooter. I then emptied the other half o my magazine on my swinging steel targets and it appears I hit them most of the time looking back on my video.

The blowback is minimal with this CO2 blowback pistol, I don't think the internal blowback mechanism caries that much weight to it but you do feel some blowback when the CO2 is new and full. Gamo claims the trigger to be around 9.5 pounds worth of pull but to me it feel much lighter, combine that with the pull length being fairly short and you can shoot 8 rounds off at a time in a hurry with this Gamo MP9 Blowback CO2 Pellet and BB Tactical Airgun.

If I could have my way I would have liked to have seen a working ejection port like the Umarex MP5K PDW and perhaps a bit more blowback feel but other than that the Gamo MP9 Blowback CO2 Pellet and BB Tactical Pistol is a great replica CO2 Blowback pellets gun for the money.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Gamo, MP9

Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol Chronograph Test


As promised I did a redo of my Original Chronograph Test for my Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol. The first time around I just could not get my Chronograph to read in the poor lighting I had going on that day. I spent a fair bit of time doing some testing with my Chronograph since it is that time of year when the lighting is poor and determined that I need to use the white defusing panels as it seems that my roofline and the low light are playing havoc with the Chronograph readings.

Once I sorted this all out my Chronograph worked perfectly and I was able to get some readings for you with my Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol. As I assumed I did not get much over 350 fps. I also got a lot of variation in the fps, most likely due to the fact that I had to roll down the pellets a bit on the backside in order to feed them in the barrel from front to back, some pellets where tight and some where a bit looser, the looser ones seemed to shoot a bit faster as less of the pressure may have escaped out the back where the primer was situated.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Field Test, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Pedersoli Derringer Guardian

Daisy Power Line 2003 Blowback Pellet Pistol Field Test Shooting Review

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It's that time of the year again where I dread having to go outside and do my Field Test Shooting Reviews, it's way too cold so the CO2 guns are not performing at their very best, neither am I since all I'm thinking about is "let's get this over so I can go inside and warm up with a nice cup of coffee ;)". It's also dark and dreary which means the lighting is not so good for the cameras or the chronograph, even with a bunch of extra lights setup, it's just not the same as what a nice bright day can do to spruce up the video and get the chrony to read the pellet speeds.

Anyways, enough wining, let's get back to my Daisy Power Line 2003 Blowback Pellet Pistol Field Test Shooting Review results...

After some playing around with the lighting, I did manage to get my Chronograph to read a couple of shots and it shot just a bit above 350 fps, I would imagine the Daisy Power Line 2003 Blowback Pellet Pistol should get 400" fps easy on a warm day with a fresh CO2. At least we have an idea of whereabouts it shoots.

Once I finished playing around with my temperamental chronograph, I headed back to the 30 foot mark and took aim at my paper target using a semi rested position (sand bag rest up front, standing in the back). I shot the rest of the magazine, which was around 10 rounds left since I was originally loaded up with 30 rounds and ended up using a lot of them trying to get my Chronograph to read for the first part of the field shooting test.

Even with the fairly wide open sights, I managed to get a very consistent 1.5 inch grouping out my Daisy Power Line 2003 Blowback Pellet Pistol which kind of surprised me since I did not really feel the sight picture was suited for accuracy. Too much open space side to side but none the less it shoot straight and true and even very well centered on target with only a bit of pull to the left.

In terms of shoot-ability, the Daisy Power Line 2003 Blowback Pellet Pistol felt pretty good, the trigger is not the lightest for a single action only trigger but it is short and the break is clean. I had no miss-feeds or jams which I have heard this gun is prone to with some pellets. I did notice when shooting rapid fire without any pellets in the gun, it wanted to go into short full auto bursts, this may have been the cold weather and/or low CO2 playing into things.

All-in-all the Daisy Power Line 2003 Blowback Pellet Pistol is a nice air pistol to shoot even though it is a bit unorthodox looking, kind of a shame it's no longer in production. If you can find one in good working condition at the right price, pick it up because you may not get another chance.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Daisy, Power Line 2003

G&G GS-801 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol Field Test Shooting Review


I struggled a bit with this pistol during this Field Test Shooting review, mainly just in the accuracy portion. Perhaps the G&G GS-801 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol did not like the .36 gram BB's I was using, maybe a bit too heavy or perhaps the hop-up did not agree with the size of this Airsoft round. Either way, my accuracy test did not do so well! I may give this gun another go at some point using a different Airsoft BB and perhaps simply using the iron sights over the built in laser just in case that was the issue?

As per usual, I tested this pistol out using my Chronograph to see what kind of actual feet per second rating I get from it. I fired 5 rounds from the G&G GS-801 using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's and this CO2 semi auto blowback pistol shot a very speedy 415 fps average.

Next up was the accuracy test, I decided to setup at the 30 foot mark and I shot a total of 10 rounds from my G&G GS-801 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol using a semi rested position, (sand bag for a hand rest and standing in the back). My grouping was all over the place vertically (about 6 inches) but not so bad horizontally (about 2 inches). It makes me wonder if the hop-up was playing into it or maybe my laser sight was moving around up and down?

The trigger pull on the G&G GS-801 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol is kind of different, it is single action only since the blowback action cocks the hammer back with each shot. There is a fair amount of take up with next to no resistance followed by the release point which seems kind of heavy after the soft take-up section, you need to keep applying pressure and then with no real movement it will just suddenly release so it's kind of hard to predict without practice. During the take-up portion of the trigger pull, a BB is loaded into the barrel and the laser sight will automatically turn on if you have the laser in the active position.

Over all the G&G GS-801 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol is a well put together Semi Auto Pistol, it looks good, performs nice and hot and is a lot of fun to shoot, I would have liked to have seen better accuracy from it but in a heated Airsoft battle at close range, the built in laser will get you on target quickly and as long as you are not shooting at really long ranges you should be just fine.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: G&G, GS-801

ASG Dan Wesson 2.5 inch Gold - G&G G731 2.5 Airsoft Revolver Field Test Shooting Comparison

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Since both the Gold ASG Dan Wesson and the G&G G731 Airsoft Revolvers both have the 2.5 inch barrels on them and in many ways are very similar (at least mechanically), I thought I would not only do my Table Top Review but also my Field Test Shooting Review using both guns side by side so we can really get an idea of how they perform and compare.

As per usual, I test both pistols out on my Chronograph to see what kind of real world feet per second rating I get, since they are 6 shot Revolvers, I fired 6 single action rounds from each gun using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's and averaged out the string. Both guns shot a little bit over 400 fps with the Dan Wesson having just a bit of a higher fps over the G&G G731.

Next up was the accuracy test, I decided to setup at my 30 foot mark so that any accuracy differences would be more noticeable, again I shot 6 rounds from each gun while I used a semi rested position, (sand bag for a hand rest and standing in the back). This time I would have to give the slight edge to the G&G G731 as it seemed to shoot just a bit tighter grouping over my Dan Wesson Gold. Both guns shot pretty close to a 2 inch 6 shot group.

Both pistols have pretty decent single and double action triggers, there is a some noticeable friction when shooting in double action due to the way the barrel seals against the cylinder so you may want to shoot in single action when going for the most accurate of shooting.

When it comes to sight picture the Dan Wesson does have a fully adjustable rear sight but the G&G G731 gets the job done with it's simple yet effective grove sight which I kind of preferred with this style of short barreled revolver.

If you want more of that combat look with some Gold Bling than perhaps the Gold ASG Dan Wesson is the one for you? Perhaps you want something like the G&G G731, as compact and simple as it gets that you know you can count on as a backup ready sidearm. There isn't a bad choice here with either of these nice compact Airsoft Revolvers.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Dan Wesson, G&G, G731

KWC Cybergun M92 Swiss Arms CO2 Blowback BB Pistol Field Test Review

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Another quick revisit of the KWC/Cybergun M92 Beretta - Taurus full metal, full blowback, CO2 4.5mm Steel BB pistol series. They come in several flavors but are all made by KWC and in many cases redistributed licensed by Cybergun. This Field Test Shooting Video Review focuses on the Cybergun Swiss Arms P92 version.

I have several videos I made for the Cybergun GSG 92 version showcasing an early on Table Top Review, Field Test Review and even a Full Auto Mod Video.

Now that I have a more standardized Field Test Shooting format, I though I would revisit this series of KWC/Cybergun Beretta - Taurus Replica BB Pistols and do a follow up Field Test to get some more camera angles and hopefully a nice tight target grouping using my standard semi rested position from 20 feet away.

I also incorporate some high speed video near the end of this Field Test Shooting video Review to go along with the Chronograph and target portion of the Filed Test Shooting review.

The KWC - Cybergun Full Blowback All metal serious of Replica CO2 BB Pistols has been hugely popular over here at Replica Airguns and for good reason, they are very realistic in looks and operation, are priced very respectably and replicate several of the more popular semi auto pistols.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Modification, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, GSG 92, KWC, P92, Swiss Arms

KWC Cybergun P1911 Swiss Arms CO2 Blowback BB Pistol Field Test Review


So this is not the first time I've reviewed the KWC/Cybergun Series of full metal, full blowback CO2 4.5mm Steel BB pistols. The most popular version being the Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 since it was the first one on the scene. These BB shooting 1911 replicas come in several styles and can be found in both 4.5mm Steel BB and 6mm Airsoft versions.

They are made by KWC but can also be found redistributed by Cybergun with either the Tanfoglio Witness or Swiss Arms licensing on them.

Today I revisit my Field Test Review since it has been a long time and the way I conduct my field tests has changed a bit so I wanted to test this popular 1911 CO2 Replica using multiple cameras and a more scientific testing approach.

In a nutshell, the KWC/Cybergun Swiss Arms P1911 with it's true 1911 single action trigger and full blowback shoots much like its real steel counterpart with less kick of course. It is capable of nice 1.5 inch groups from a 20 foot semi rested shooting position and shoots right around 300 fps which will put a steel BB right through both sides of a water filled pop can.

You really can't find a more fun and realistic BB pistol out there, probably why this air pistol has been such a favorite with replica airgun fans.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, KWC, P1911, Swiss Arms

King Arms Thompson Gold M1A1 Military AEG Airsoft Machine Gun Field Test Review


I am jumping the gun so to speak with this field test review and showing you my field test video review for the King Arms Thompson Gold M1A1 Military AEG Airsoft Machine Gun before I've even done the table top review... Guess I just wanted to shoot this one :)

I decided to perform my field test shooting review using just the Thompson M1A1 version since the 1928 style has the same internal mechanics, there really was no point in testing them both. Other than a few cosmetic changes like a stick magazine versus the drum magazine and the forward stock pistol grip on the 1928 version, these guns are pretty much the same. I also opted for the most flashy 23 karat Gold version, well... because "Gold is Best!"

So let's get to the results! As with most of the guns I field test, I shot 5 rounds through my chronograph, this time I decided to use .25 gram Airsoft BB's for both my chronograph and target portions of this shooting review since fishing the ammo out of the stick mag was a bit of a pain ;) I was able to get a respectable 360 fps average 5 shot Chrono test which makes this AEG Airsoft rifle bang on for just about any Airsoft battle situation. I would expect to get right around 380-400 fps if I was using the lighter .20 gram BB's.

Once I stepped back to the 30 foot semi rested target position, I shot 10 rounds first in semi auto which got me a pretty nice tight 1 inch group (if you throw out the couple of fliers). In Full Auto the shot placement also stayed nice and tight spreading out to about 2 inches or so. This Classic Thompson AEG Airsoft Machine Gun definitely hits what every you are shooting at and has a nice rate of fire that's not too wasteful of BB's but still offers plenty of cover when required.

At the end of this field test shooting review for the King Arms Thompson Gold M1A1 Military AEG Airsoft Machine Gun, I shoot some water filled cans while capturing the experience in slow motion using my new iPhone 5's 720p 120 frames per second 4 times slow-motion feature.

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Field Test, Full Auto, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: King Arms, Thompson 1928, Thompson M1A1

ASG Ruger MK 1 Gas 6mm Airsoft Pistol Field Test Shooting Review


I finally got my Official Field Test Shooting Review for the ASG Ruger MK 1 Gas 6mm Airsoft Pistol, make sure to also check out my Table Top Review for this Airsoft Pistol for more information on features, specifications and high quality photos taken by yours truly!

In this Field Test Shooting Reviews I test out the ASG Ruger MK 1 Gas Airsoft Pistol and put five rounds through my Chronograph to find out what the average fps is using .20 gram BB's and propane gas. ASG claims a pretty conservative 328 fps, I was expecting much higher and got much higher even on this rather mild fall BC day.

I shoot the ASG Ruger MK 1 Gas 6mm Airsoft Pistol from the 20 foot range since I hadn't done a pre-test of any sort. While shooting from a semi rested position at 20 feet back, I was able to get a 2.5 inch 10 shot group that kind of separated its self into two sub groups, one nicely centered right in the bulls eye and then another group of four that drifted a bit high and to the right a bit. The trigger pull on the ASG Ruger MK 1 Gas 6mm Airsoft Pistol is double action only and kind of on the long side but it is very smooth and has a nice satisfying metallic click to it, I found it pretty easy to shoot.

If you are a Ruger 22LR shooter than you may just want to get your hands on one of these and have the freedom of being able to shoot it just about anywhere!

My Vimeo Field Test Video Review for the ASG Ruger MK 1 Gas 6mm Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Field Test, Gas, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Ruger MK1

ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro CO2 BB Pistol Field Test Shooting Review

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This is my Official Field Test Shooting Review for the ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro CO2 BB Pistol, make sure to also check out my Table Top Review for this Air Pistol for more information on features, specifications and some nice high quality photos.

In this Field Test Shooting Reviews I test out the ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro and put five rounds through my Chronograph to get a real world average fps using a brand new CO2. ASG claims around 400 fps and I got pretty close even thought the fall weather here in BC is getting kind of cooler so there may be room for a bit higher fps during warmer summer time weather situations.

I shoot the ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro 4.5mm Pistol from the 20 foot range since I hadn't done a pre test to date. While shooting from a semi rested position at 20 feet back, I was able to get a 2 inch 11 shot group and if I eliminated the two fliers it would have been closer to a 1 inch group. The Thunder 9 Pro BB Pistol shot pretty well centered on target getting 9 out of the 11 shots right in the black center ring. The trigger pull is very typical for this style of double action only trigger, kind of long with a slight sticky click in the middle while the BB chambers and then some more trigger pull with a fairly predictable release right near the back.

You can expect to get right around 6-7 consistent magazines worth of shots before having to change the CO2, that's well over 100+ shots! And even on the last magazine the fps seemed to stay pretty consistent.

Overall the ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro is well priced yet offers a realistic looking alternative to the real steel Bersa Thunder 9 Pro and still delivers decent power, more than adequate accuracy and lots of shots out of a single CO2.

My Vimeo Field Test Video Review for the ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro CO2 BB Pistols:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Bersa Thunder 9 Pro

Umarex XBG and TDP 45 CO2 BB Pistol Field Test Shooting Review

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This is my Official Field Test Shooting Review for both the Umarex XBG and Umarex TDP 45 CO2 BB Pistols, make sure to also check out my Umarex XBG and TDP 45 Table Top Review for more information on features, specifications and photos.

As usual with my Field Test Shooting Reviews I test out both Umarex pistols using my Chronograph and put five rounds through it with each CO2 BB Pistol to get a real world average fps. Umarex claims around 410 and I got pretty close with both pistols using a brand new Umarex CO2 cartridge in each gun. The temperature was not overly warm as we are now into fall here in Canada BC but so there may be room for a bit higher fps out of each Umarex CO2 BB pistol.

I decided to shoot both 4.5mm Pistols at the 20 foot target potion of this review since I had not done any pre tests. While shooting from a semi rested position at 20 feet back I was able to get pretty much a 2 inch 10 shot group with each gun, the XBG seemed to group a bit tighter for me than the TDP 45 and both BB Pistols shot pretty well centered on target. The trigger pull is very typical for this style of double action only trigger, kind of long with a slight sticky click in the middle while the BB chambers and then some more trigger pull with a fairly predictable release right near the back.

Both Umarex BB Pistols should get right around 6-7 consistent magazines worth of shots before having to change the CO2, that is 120+ shots! And even on the last magazine the fps seemed to stay nice and high.

Both Umarex CO2 BB pistols performed pretty well considering the super low cost and make great inexpensive plinkers that will get you decent power, more than adequate accuracy and lots of shots out of a single CO2.

My Vimeo Field Test Video Review for these Umarex CO2 BB Pistols:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: TDP 45, Umarex, XBG

Airsoft - Paintball Tactical Smoke Grenade Field Test Review

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I thought I would try some Sport Smoke Tactical Airsoft - Paintball Smoke Grenades (TSG) and show you how they work out in an open area and also when in an enclosed area (indoors). These Tactical Smoke Grenades put out a lot of smoke but will require either a non windy day or an area where the smoke can accumulate to give you good coverage. Either way they do a greta job of causing a distraction that will allow you to get into a better position.

Here is some info on the Sport Tactical Smoke Grenades for Airsoft and Paintball:

The Sport Smoke Tactical Smoke Grenade (TSG) is designed to meet the extreme needs of today's paintball and Airsoft enthusiasts. These high quality smoke grenades are very affordable, producing a thick white plume of smoke to cover your movement and provide a major strategic advantage.

  • Pull ring igniter.
  • Thick white smoke.
  • Good hang time.
  • Easy to handle and carry.
  • Biodegradable.
  • Cool burning, Non-Pyrotechnic Smoke.
  • Made in the USA.
  • Smoke Output: 10,000 cubic feet
  • Duration: 75 sec
  • Dimensions: 2.75"×1.5"
  • Weight (lb.): .2
Right now we sell these bad boys in our Canada Replica Airguns Store!
Categories: Accessory, Airsoft, Field Test, Paintball, Replica Airguns News, Review, YouTube Video Tags: Smoke Grenade

Repost - WE AK-74UN Airsoft Assault Rifle Field Test Review

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I originally made this Field Test Review Video a few months ago but had to pull it down because it featured two WE Products. The WE AK74-UN and the WE G18C which unfortunately looks a bit like a Glock. If you are not familiar with the video I made on the Glock Trademark Infringement Cease Order I received then you should probably watch that video, it will fill in some of the gaps on why I had to cut out the WE G18C portions from this video and repost it with only the parts that showcase the WE AK74-UN.

Anyways you can still read my Original Field Test Review post minus the video and photos of the WE G18C.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Field Test, Full Auto, GBB, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, Spring Piston Tags: Kalashnikov AK74UN, WE

Umarex Steel Force CO2 Blowback BB Rifle Full Review


Type: BB Machine Gun/Rifle.

Manufacturer: Umarex USA.

Model:Steel Force (AR Platform).

Materials: Plastic and some Metal.

Weight: 3.37 pounds (1529 grams).

Barrel: Metal non-rifled.

Propulsion: CO2 x 2.

Action: Semi and 6 round burst blowback, single action only.

Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 300/30 round hopper/magazine.

FPS: 430+.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex Steel Force CO2 BB Machine gun is single action only, so you will need to charge the rifle by pulling back the charging handle first, one this is done the trigger is reset and ready the gun is ready to shoot. The blowback operation charges the internal bolt automatically afterwards so keep this in mind, to release the bolt you will need to take out the CO2 magazine and press the  trigger. The trigger is fairly light but has some initial take up and then a bit of creep before it releases the bolt.

Accuracy: I shot the Umarex Steel Force at a target from 30 feet away in a semi rested position using both the semi auto and 6 round burst modes, the Steel Force performed very good getting around a 1.5 inch 10 shot grouping in semi auto and then spreading out a bit in 6 round burst mode which was to be expected, still a respectable grouping. Shots where well centered on the target but I did have the advantage of using a red dot scope, I found when using the none adjustable open sights that come with the Umarex Steel Force that I was shooting under the target at closer ranges. My Chrony testing did not go exactly as planned due to my temperamental Chronograph but I was able to get two shots to read and they average out at 466 fps, well over the 430 claimed fps.

Build Quality: The Umarex Steel Force CO2 BB Rifle is mostly plastic on the outside with most of it's metal parts on the inside, you will find a metal flash hider, metal trigger and metal trigger guard but other than that everything else externally is plastic. The plastic seems durable enough but it has just a bit too much shine for me which I think makes it look less like metal and more like plastic. Everything seemed to function as expected but again I would have liked to have seen a bit more metal, not necessarily the outer shell, but I feel the selector switch, sights, magazine release, charging handle and front and back sights could have been made out of metal and would have given this Umarex rifle a bit more weight and balance.

Realism: The Umarex Steel Force CO2 BB Rifle is designed on the AR platform and for the most part is about the right size shape and look of an AR pr M16 rifle. Even the selector switch, magazine release, rear adjustable stock and Charging handle function just like a real AR! Some parts are model in just for looks like the bolt release, dust cover and forward assist but at least they fully look the part. The plastic for me was the real tell here as it kind of looks like plastic where as some plastic guns are really hard to tell they are not metal, but other than that this is a pretty decent replica of an AR Rifle.

Available From: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • Higher than claimed fps.

  • Good accuracy in both semi and 6 round burst mode.

  • Got lots of shots per dual CO2 (Full Hopper).

  • Love the adjustable AR stock which was missing and needed on the Steel Storm.

  • Not a bad replica of an AR platform gun.

  • Full auto has a very high rate of fire.

  • Internal blowback does give a bit of recoil feedback feel.

  • Lots of rials for adding on accessories.

  • Price point is good for a fun dull auto BB rifle.


  • Sights are non adjustable.

  • Plastic finish could have been a bit higher grade, like what most Airsoft AR's use.

  • Just a bit more metal would have been nice and added to the overall weight a bit: Selector, Magazine Release, Sights, Charging handle.


The Umarex Steel Force CO2 BB Machine Gun is for sure an improvement over the Steel Storm, first of all it is a true replica of a real rifle in production (The AR/M16 platform), it also has a rear stock that is adjustable which makes shooting this gun on target so much more easier. Overall I feel it shoots better than the Steel Storm with improved accuracy and performance. With that said the Steel Storm is still a great BB machine gun if your looking for more of a pistol SMG design. For the low cost of the Steel Force you really can not go wrong, this BB machine gun will put a smile on your face every time you take it out to shoot it.

My Vimeo Table Top and Field Test Videos for the Umarex Steel Force BB Machine Gun:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Steel Force, Umarex

Umarex Legends P08 Luger CO2 BB Pistol Field Test Shooting Review

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This is my Official Field Test Shooting Review for the Umarex Legends P08 Luger CO2 BB Pistol, make sure to also check out my Umarex Legends P08 Luger Table Top Review for more information on features and specifications.

As usual with my Field Test Shooting Reviews I test out the Umarex Legends P08 Luger using my Chronograph and put five rounds through it to get a real world average fps. Umarex claims around 410 but I got a bit higher results of 435 using a brand new Umarex CO2 cartridge. The temperature was warm but not hot so there may be room for even up to 450 fps on this CO2 BB pistol Replica.

I decided to step back to the 30 foot mark for my target potion of this review since in my pre-test I was at 20 feet and I got a 1.5 inch grouping. While shooting from a semi rested position at 30 feet back I was able to place pretty much a 2 inch 10 shot group which is very good considering the rather heavy 10 pound trigger on the Umarex Legends P08 Luger BB Pistol. You will want to use a double handed grip with this gun to get good accuracy so you can relax with your trigger hand and grip tight with your supporting hand.

You can expect to get right around 6 really good and consistent magazines worth of shots before having to change the CO2, that is over 120 shots! And even on the last magazine the fps seemed to stay nice and high.

Some people have criticized the heavy trigger on this pistol but I see it as an opportunity to work on your double action shooting since some real world guns have trigger pulls up into the 10 pound range, so you never know what to expect when shooting a new gun. If you can lay down constant shots with the Umarex Legends P08 Luger CO2 BB Pistol then you should have no problems shooting other heavy triggered guns.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Luger P08, Umarex

Umarex Legends P08 Luger CO2 BB Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: BB air pistol.

Manufacturer: Umarex USA.

Model:P08 (Luger).

Materials: Almost all metal.

Weight: 1.7 pounds (808 grams).

Barrel: Metal non-rifled.

Propulsion: CO2 x 1.

Action: Semi auto non-blowback, double action only.

Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 21 round metal stick magazine.

FPS: 410.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex P08  CO2 BB Replica is rather heavy but since it is a double action only trigger, I did not expect it to be light. There is a fair amount of take up with the entire pull being about 9-10 pounds with the release point happening right at the very back almost touching the trigger well. The release is not very predictable when trying to shoot slow but this does teach a firm yet relaxed grip to get consistent shots. This type of trigger I would consider to be a great double action training aid as it teaches proper grip and trigger control while building stregth.

Accuracy: I shot the Umarex P08 BB Pistol at a target from 20 feet away in a semi rested position, and it performed very good getting a solid 1.5 inch 10 shot grouping that was very well centered on the target. The P08 almost got a 1 inch group with the acceptation of two flyers. The sights are non-adjustable so adjusting the Umarex P08 BB gun is not possible unless using a modified aim point! My initial Chrony testing puts this classic BB replica at right around 430 fps which was higher than the claimed 410, and keep in mind my test day was not a super hot day so there is more room for higher fps with this air pistol. I managed to get six 21 round magazines worth of shots which is a very respectable 120+ shots per single CO2.

Build Quality: The Umarex P08 CO2 non-blowback BB Pistol is almost all metal with the exception of the grips which is always nice to see! I found the fit and finish to be very good with a black-grey-ish satin paint job , I did notice the paint was wearing off kind of quickly on the high points which I don't mind with this airgun since it will give it a more aged look that I feel is more fitting for this classic World War replica.

Realism: The Umarex Legends Luger P08 CO2 BB Airgun is very close to the real steel P08 (Luger) and even has the P.08 markings on it. If you where to put a real P08 side by side they would look like mirror images so in terms of looks this replica gun has it. If you're looking for working parts there are not a lot other than the trigger, magazine release, and safety. But then again there is less to go wrong!

Available From: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • Pretty much all metal and has a nice heavy weight to it.

  • Accuracy to the original is very good, lots of detail.

  • Magazine release and safety work like the real version.

  • Nice wide open recessed barrel adds to the believability.

  • Good concealment of CO2 cartridge and tab.

  • Got well over the claimed 410 fps, more around 430 fps.

  • Got 120 plus shots out of 1 CO2 Cartridge.

  • Very good accuracy (1.5 inches) and well centered on target.

  • Glad to see another World War BB replica pistol!


  • No blowback and not a lot of moving parts.

  • Finish seems to wear off pretty quick on the high points but this may enhance the look for some?

  • Pretty heavy double action trigger, around 9-10 pounds.


There are not too many older Classic Airguns out there from the World War era so it was great to see this one added to the Umarex lineup, now all we need is a Single Action Army Revolver ;) I am glad that Umarex made sure to make this gun look authentic, maybe even perhaps over functionality since there are not a lot of working parts. With that said, everything that does work, works well and you can expect to get lots of accurate and powerful shots from a single CO2. The fps consistency is really good on this one. Being that there are not many World War replica airguns on the market this is a must have for any collector of such guns.

My Vimeo Video Review for this great Umarex Replica P08 CO2 BB Pistol:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Luger P08, Umarex

Cybergun Blackwater BW1911 R2 Blowback BB Pistol Field Test Review


I have not done a Table Top Review for the Blackwater BW1911 R2 Blowback BB Pistol but I have done a full Table Top and Field Test review for the KWC M1911 Model 1911 Tac A1 which is essentially the exact same gun as the Blackwater BW1911 R2 but without the silver highlights and Blackwater licensing.

I did want to take the Blackwater BW1911 R2 back a bit further than usual and shoot it from 30 feet out to see what kind of results I would get and got pretty close to a two inch group that was well centered but just a bit under the bulls eye. This is not going to be the hottest gun in terms of fps as my Chronograph confirmed for us coming in at just a bit over 300 fps. I can see this BB pistol hitting the claimed 320 fps and even faster on a hotter test day.

The beauty of the KWC/Cybergun 1911 serious is the true single action trigger and full blowback operation, these airguns look, operate and shoot just like a true model 1911 45 auto but of course with a bit less kick ;)

I did have one hiccup during my testing when the heavy blowback in combination with my high thumb position, knocked the safety into the safe position, other than that this CO2 Blowback BB Pistol performed very well for me and like the other KWC/Cybergun 1911's was a total joy to shoot.

Watch my full Video Field Test Shooting Vimeo Video below:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Blackwater 1911 R2, Cybergun, KWC