Trigger Pull: The ASG Dan Wesson 357 Revolver has a smoother trigger than the previous non 715 Dan Wesson Revolvers. There seems to be less of that friction while the cylinder rotates past the spring engaged inner barrel. Even the Hammer has a nicer fell to it with less side to side wiggle. Single action is really nice with a very short take up and light release point.
Accuracy: I have not had a chance to test out the ASG Dan Wesson 715 6 Inch Silver CO2 BB Revolver so far since the outside whether has been rather cold and wet. In terms of accuracy I would expect at least a 1-2 inch grouping from 30 feet out and the clamed fps of 430 seems to be in line with what we should see from the 4.5mm BB shooting Dan Wesson 715. I guess we will have to find out later on when I do my Field Test Shooting video to be sure...
Build Quality: I thought the previous generation Dan Wesson Revolvers where built really nice but the new Dan Wesson 715 takes this up several notches higher. All you need to do is pick this gun up and immediately you are in a state of wow! You almost need to ask yourself if it is in fact the Real Steal Dan Wesson 715 357 Magnum Revolver it feels that good. ASG has beefed up the barrel assembly to a solid component that adds a lot of forward weight which would be just like what you would expect from the 357 Magnum shooting version. To balance it all off the forward weight, the grips section is also reinforced with metal underneath the Hogue Styled rubber finger grips which again are another huge improvement over the plastic pistol grips found on previous models of the ASG Dan Wesson's. The stainless finish is of course awesome and this guns simply looks and feels great!
Realism: Again referencing the new ASG Dan Wesson 715 6 Inch Silver CO2 BB Revolver to it's predecessors, the Dan Wesson 715 is a true replica of the Dan Wesson 715 357 Magnum Revolver in almost every aspect and not just the Dan Wesson name. I could tell you everything that was the same but it's simply much easier to point out the only real difference I was able to point out and that would be the two pins that connect the barrel assembly to the frame of the BB version of the Dan Wesson 715. Not a deal breaker by any means and the pins really don't take away from this gun in my opinion.
Another great shell loading revolver, perhaps one of the nicest modern BB revolvers to date!
Almost all metal design, super heavy, feels like a real gun in the hand.
Lots of detail in this gun, very well made, fit and finish is excellent.
Dan Wesson Licensed and an excellent replica overall.
Adjustable rear sight for windage and elevation.
Rubber Hogue style finger grips, huge improvement over previous Dan Wesson grips.
Well hidden CO2 screw and Allen key built into the removable grip.
Much improved hammer and trigger action, smoother trigger and less wiggle in hammer.
Barrel opening is very realistic, even has simulated rifling.
Safety design is well hidden and easy to use.
Two pins to attach the barrel assembly to the frame are not in line with the real steel version.
Trigger still has a bit of that initial friction in double action mode because of the spring loaded internal barrel.
I was already a big fan of the Dan Wesson line of Revolvers, this new 715 version of the Dan Wesson takes it to a whole new level! In terms of the modern shell loading CO2 Revolvers out there the ASG Dan Wesson 715 6 Inch Silver CO2 BB Revolver is by far my new favorite. ASG completely redesign their new ASG Dan Wesson 715 6 Inch Silver CO2 BB Revolver basing it entirely on the real steel version and capturing the quality, look and feel nearly exactly. if you already have a Dan Wesson Revolver and think that perhaps you can pass the new version by, well I would think again or you may be missing out on one of the best BB Revolvers out there at this time.
My Vimeo Video Table Top Review for the Dan Wesson 715 CO2 BB Revolver:
I am showcasing here on the Replica Airguns website and over on the Replica Airguns YouTube channel a series of videos I am making for the purpose of selling some guns out of my personal collection. I simply have no more room for the new guns and in some cases I either have duplicate guns or very similar versions so there is no need to have both. Some guns I am less attached to and as I already stated I need to make room for some of the new stuff I will be reviewing and or buying for myself.
In this third Mike's Personal Guns For Sale video I am offering four BB rifles, three of which have full auto or at least burst mode ability and the fourth BB rifles is more of a Shotguns with the ability to shoot three BB's at once. Most of these BB rifles are really hard to get here in Canada now since one is not made anymore and the two are simply not currently being imported into Canada.
Make sure to watch my above YouTube video to see these four BB rifles I am selling and instructions on how you can take part in the sale and purchase of them. By the way I am only selling to Canadian residents since shipping cross borders is a little sketchy.
Here is a list of the BB Rifles I am selling from my personal gun collection:
I am showcasing here on the Replica Airguns website and over on the Replica Airguns YouTube channel a series of videos I will be making for the purpose of selling some guns out of my personal collection. I simply have no more room for the new guns and in some cases I either have duplicate guns or very similar versions so there is no need to have both. Some guns I am less attached to and as I already stated I need to make room for some of the new stuff I will be reviewing and or buying for myself.
In this second Mike's Personal Guns For Sale video I am offering three rifles, two of which will require a Canada PAL Firearms License since one is a 22LR rimfire rifle and the other is a high powered .22 caliber break barrel pellet rifle. The last item up for bid is an AK-47 styled .68 caliber paintball rifle.
Make sure to watch my above YouTube video to see these three rifles I am selling and instructions on how you can take part in the sale and purchase of them. By the way I am only selling to Canadian residents since shipping cross borders is a little sketchy.
Here is a list of the these three rifles I am selling from my personal gun collection:
Another preview video with some pistols from Umarex, ASG and Gletcher. Two of these Airguns I got to see whiel I wa sin SHOT Show this year so it was nice to be able to spend a bit more time with each one now that I have them in person for review :)
Lets start off with the ASG Dan Wesson 715, mine happens to be the Stainless version in 4.5mm Steel BB. What an upgrade over the original Dan Wesson Revolver and I thought those where already really good! The all new ASG Dan Wesson 715 is super solid coming in close to three pounds with its mostly solid metal construction.
Next up is the Umarex Combat Vet 1911 which is essentially a KWC 1911 distributed and Colt licensed via Umarex. The Umarex Combat Vet 1911 is a limited edition product made to look weathered and used and it does look amazing!
Lastly the Gletcher Stechkin in a Gold finish shipped in a real wood box with velvet lining. This is the same Airgun as the Gletcher APS but blinged out a bit, the Gold finish is lined with black etching to really make this gun look unique.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm steel BB's. or .177 cal. pellets.
Ammunition Capacity: 6 rounds.
FPS: (BB 410) (Pellet 380).
Trigger Pull: Trigger pull on the John Wayne Duke Colt SAA BB and Pellet Revolver is the best I have ever come across in an airgun. Being that these Single Action Army Revolvers are single action only, most of the work is done while you pre-cock the hammer. The trigger pull is under 2 pounds and has virtually no take up with a crisp release. I love the ratcheting sound as you pull back the hammer just like using a real SAA Revolver!
Accuracy: I have not yet tested these John Wayne Duke Colt SAA BB and Pellet Revolvers so far but expect the BB version to perform for the most part just like the Umarex only versions I tested previously. Here are my notes from my previous testing:
"I tested both 4.5mm steel BB's and 4.7mm Lead ball BB's in the Umarex Colt Single Action Army Shell Loading BB Revolver. With the Steel 4.5mm BB's I shot just under a 2 inch 6 shot grouping when shooting from a 30 foot distance using a semi rested position (Sand bag up front, standing in the back). The shots where pretty well center hitting the paper target just a little bit high, they did seem to stray a little more left and right rather then up and down. When I switch ammo to the 4.7mm Lead BB's I got a similar 2 inch grouping but they hit the target a bit lower and tended to shoot tighter from side to side with more variation up and down, perhaps because the lead BB's did not seem to shoot at a vary consistent velocity. My Chronograph testing for the Steel BB's was right around 400 fps while the Lead BB's being heavier shot a bit slower at just under 300 fps."
Build Quality: The John Wayne Duke Colt SAA BB and Pellet Revolvers have a mostly all metal construction other than the plastic grips and any seals. The fit and finish is excellent with a great overall weight in the hand. Whether you get the Nickel or Weathered version. The mechanical action of the hammer and trigger feels just like it would on a real single action army revolver.
Realism: In terms of replicating a real steel Colt Single Action Army Revolver, these guns are absolutely amazing replicas. It's really hard to tell the airgun version from the real steel version, except for the smaller in diameter shells and the discreet safety switch located under the frame. Even the barrel is nicely recessed and has some fake rifling twists in it to give the appearance of a large caliber round. The CO2 is well hidden with the Allen key built into the handle so no ugly CO2 screw tab hanging down.
Still the best airgun reproduction of the Single Action Army Revolver, a very accurate replica of the real steel old west version.
Recessed barrel has the look of a large caliber bullet.
Great weight and feel in the hand.
Shell loading design that loads from the back so no need to remove shells if you wish not to.
Hammer and trigger action is about perfect, no take-up, very crisp and super light (under 2 pounds).
Finish on both the Nickel and Blued is very nice.
Colt and John Wayne Duke licensing.
Very well concealed CO2 with built in Allen key.
Discreet safety location.
If you prefer pellets over steel BB, now you have the option.
Still has the warming instruction on the right side of the barrel but not super obvious especially on the Nickel version.
Real version would shoot 45 caliber, dummy shells are actual closer to 357 so a bit smallish.
Wood grips to me look a little fake up close but the John Wayne emblem kind of makes up for it.
Shell loading BB and Pellet revolvers have been out for a while now and have changed the way many of us feel about airgun revolvers. Airgun revolvers used to be kind of overlooked because they where not the most exciting replica airguns out there but now we have not only the new Dan Wesson 715 shell loading revolvers but also these Colt Single Action Revolvers with Colt and John Wayne Duke licensing on them available in both BB and pellet shooting versions! There is something special about these old cowboy day classic revolver that makes them so elegant and just a real work of art you can not only own and look at but also take out and shoot whenever the spirit moves you to do so!
My Vimeo Table Top Review for the John Wayne Duke Colt SAA BB and Pellet Revolver:
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Air Venturi ISSC M22 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol is pretty decent overall. Unlike the original 22LR ISSC M22 that is single action only, the BB version shoots on both single and double action. When shooting in double action, the trigger pull is a little bit heavier since the hammer is not pre-cocked but shooting in single action does require full trigger pull length since the first stage of the trigger pull chambers a BB into the breach area. The second stage when shooting in single action releases the hammer.
Accuracy: I have only shot the Air Venturi ISSC M22 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol briefly, and only using a free standing position shooting at some pop cans. I did notice the Air Venturi ISSC M22 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol shot a little bit low at 20 feet but was well centered side to side. The BB's seemed to travel pretty quick and the blowback action was snappy and allowed for some pretty decent rapid fire action. I will be following up this table top review with a field test shooting video down the road.
Build Quality: I was impressed with this pistol right out of the box, being an owner of the real steel 22LR version, I was actually rather surprised at how accurate of a reproduction in terms of build quality the Air Venturi ISSC M22 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol was. The BB ISSC M22 has a good weight and feel to it and metal and plastic parts in pretty much all the same places you would find them in the 22LR shooting version. The plastic frame feels solid and well made while the metal slide has very close tolerances and the black satin finish looks good and seems to be wearing pretty well.
Realism: Again as an owner of the first generation real steel 22LR ISSC M22, and placing these guns side by side, they are nearly undistinguishable other than the changes Glock had ISSC make to the current versions so yes there are some cosmetic differences between my first generation M22 and the current version of this replica BB ISSC M22. That aside if you are an owner of the 22LR ISSC M22, then you are going to have to have one of these Air Venturi ISSC M22 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol to go along with it for even cheaper cost per shot then 22LR ammo. In terms of working parts, everything is the same except for the de-cocker since the BB model de-cocker is moulded into the slide and none functioning. I wish the Air Venturi ISSC M22 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol was easily filed stripable but I guess you can not have everything :)
Really great overall replace of the 22LR ISSC M22.
Metal and plastic parts in all the same places as the 22LR ISSC M22.
Full blowback operation with single action trigger.
Full size drop put metal magazine that holds the CO2 and BB’s
Almost all mechanical parts work the same as the 22LR ISSC M22. (exception of slide safety)
ISSC m22 licensed.
Adjustable rear sigh for windage.
Accessory rail for addons.
One of the closest 4.5mm Steel BB pistols to a Glock that we have available to us.
Does not seem to field strip at least easily.
Slide safety is module into slide and none functioning.
All in all this may just be my new favorite blowback BB pistol, I obviously like the design since I already own the 22LR version and it does look a lot like a Glock so that may be a benefit to you Glock lovers out there. The Air Venturi ISSC M22 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol really does seem to have a lot going for it... Blowback operation, a full size drop out metal magazine that holds the CO2 and BB's, decent fps and accuracy, an adjustable rear sight, working parts where they are supposed to work on the real steel version and that Glock look and feel but without the worries of Glock coming after you for violations of their copywrite since this is a licensed ISSC M22 replica.
My Vimeo Video Review for the Air Venturi ISSC M22 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol:
In this 2016 SHOT Show Interview I talk with Chip Hunnucutt from Crosman Corporation. Chip was eager to show off Crosman's new Airbow which is a essentially a hybrid PCP Air Rifles combined with a Crossbow. SO take away the bow and replace the power source with a 3000 PSI compressed air system that is capable of shooting standard archery arrows at 450 fps with 160 foot pounds of energy using 375 grain arrows.
The Crosman Airbow on a full 3000 PSI charge can deliver 8 consecutive shots @ the regulated 450 fps. The Airbow also weighs in at 7 pounds and being that it is a Bullpup design it is only 33.5 inches long so nice and compact for an arrow shooter.
Since the power is generated by the PCP compressed air system there is no heavy cocking rope so a simple lift of the ambidextrous cocking bolt is all that is needed to charge the Crosman Airbow. The Airbow also comes standard with a CenterPoint® 6x40 mm scope specially designed with the Airbow in mind.
Since the Crosman Airbow is technically an under 500 fps airgun, it should be considered an uncontrolled firearm here in Canada which means no PAL license will be required to buy and own the Crosman Airbow in Canada. In terms of using the Airbow for hunting as it is not a bow but rather an Airgun, that is yet to be determined here in Canada.
In this 2016 SHOT Show Interview I talk with Bob Li from Action Sport Games. Bob shows me some of the new products this year from ASG. Some of ASG's newer pistols are the Dan Wesson 715, the CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow, the CZ P-09. New to the rifle line is the CZ Bren 80, also a couple of sniper rifles, the M40A5 and M40A3. ASG is also coming out with a an Inferno HPA version of their CZ Scorpion EVO 3A1.
The ASG Dan Wesson 715 has ot me my favorite product from ASG, you need to hold it in your hand to really understand how solid this pistol really is at close to 3 pounds. Everything about it is an improvement over previous Dan Wesson models including the trigger and hammer action, crane setup and the more actuate frame length with the new more compact internal CO2 valve. The ASG Dan Wesson 715 will be shipping in 4.5mm Steel BB, 6mm Plastic Airsoft and .177 caliber pellet versions.
ASG's two new Full blowback CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow, the CZ P-09 pistols should be coming out shortly, both will be available in 4.5mm Steel BB and 6mm Plastic Airsoft. Both pistols feature a metal slide and frame with full size drop out metal magazines and will have CO2 and Green Gas magazine configurations. The CZ P-09 will have a threaded barrel and barrel protector.
In this 2016 SHOT Show Interview I talk with Nichol Goines from Umarex USA. Nichol and I discuss some new and somewhat revised products from Umarex like the Full Blowback Smith & Wesson M&P40, the soon to finally be released Beretta Model 92 A1, a new Pellet version of last years Colt Single Action Army Revolver and a reappearance and revision of the Walther PPK CO2 Blowback BB pistol.
Last year Umarex introduced their Colt Single Action Army CO2 BB Revolvers and I would say last year they where on of my highlight airguns for the show. They have been selling like gang-busters! One question people have been asking is if there will be a pellet shooting version? Well now there is and like the Steel BB version the pellets load from the back of the shell making it super easy to reload the removable brass shells. The new Pellet SAA Revolver also has a rifled barrel to help with accuracy.
I would have to say this years gun highlight well at least from Umarex is their new Smith & Wesson M&P40 full blowback CO2 BB Pistol. It is a perfect copy of the real steal version complete with a full size drop out magazine and full Beretta licensing. I really hope this one ships soon and does not get delayed like the Beretta Model 92 A1 introduced last year and still yet to be shipped :(
Speaking of the Beretta Model 92 A1 CO2 Blowback BB pistol. It is finally getting released this February and like the S&W M&P40, is a virtual identical replica of the original Beretta Mod. 92 A1 complete with full blowback, a full size drop out magazine and of course all the trades and licensing in all the right locations.
Last and not least but still worth noting is the CO2 Blowback BB shooting Walther PPK. It kind of dropped out of productions which is a real shame since it was the replica BB pistol that got all of this started for me several years back and to this day is still a lot of fun ot shoot! Even James Bond went back to the PPK for the latest 007 movie! Well it's back and this time Umarex got rid of the ugly CO2 tab and replaced it with a discreet Allen key screw. Saves us all from doing the CO2 screw mod :)
In this 2016 SHOT Show Interview I talk with Dani Navickas from the Airgun division of Sig Sauer. Dani and I discuss Sig's new line of CO2 Blowback Pellet rifles and pistols. Dani talks about some of the behind the scenes information that went into the development and manufacturing of Sig's new line of CO2 Airguns.
Sig CO2 P226 and P250 Air Pistols along with their Sig MPX and MCX Air Rifles have been developed in house by Sig.Sig has been working very closely with a Japanese manufacturer to make sure that every stage of development is to Sig's high standards. The new Sig CO2 Blowback rifles and pistols are made to match the real steal version in almost every way including dimension, weight, functionality, materials used and even trigger pull.
Sig's new Sig MPX and Sig MCX Pellet Rifles have a brand new patented belt fed 30 round pellet magazine that is indexed via the internal blowback action of these rifles smoothing out the trigger action. The Sig P226 and Sig P250 pistols use a double ended 16 round pellet magazine similar to what you would find on Umarex's PX4 Strom blowback pellet pistol.
Look for Sig's new line of CO2 Blowback Pellet Airguns coming out shortly.
This is my SHOT Show 2016 Teaser Video! You will get to see some new gun highlights from companies like Umarex, ASG, Crosman, Sig Sauer, KWA and ISC. I will be following up this video with some interview videos very soon so do make sure to check back for those uploads. All I can say about the show is it’s huge! So much to see, so much walking and too much to take in…
As always, ASG had some new products this year. The all new Dan Wesson 715 357 Magnum shell loading Revolver! This gun feels absolutely amazing in the hand and will be available in Steel BB, Airsfot and even Pellet shooting versions. Also new are the CZ P-09 and CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow Full Blowback BB and Airsoft Pistols.
Big at Crosman this year was their PCP Airbow, Crosman put a lot of focus on this product and even had a lot of crossbows on display to go with their new PCP Airbow. Crosman also introduced their low cost entry level Benjamin Maximus PCP rifle in .177 and .22 calibers offerings. Not really much in the way of replica pistols from Crosman this year, but then again last year was kind of the same?
Sig Sauer:
I finally made it to the Sig Sauer Booth this year to checkout their new CO2 Pellet gun line. All new Sig Airguns are made true to size and weight with similar trigger actions as their real steel versions. The Sig MPX is their more compact (shorter barreled) pellet shooting CO2 rifle with internal blowback and belt fed 30 round magazine. The Sig MCX is the longer barreled rifle version but built much the same as the MPX. Sig also introduced two new pellet shooting CO2 Blowback Pistols, the P226 and the P250. Both use similar double ended rotary magazines as the Umarex PX4.
Umarex always seems to have some new exciting Airguns products to offer at SHOT Show. The PPK is back with a few updates including no more ugly CO2 tab sticking out of the bottom! And yes the Beretta Model 92A1 will finally be shipping soon, I believe in February! My favorite product this year from Umarex would have to be the Full Blowback, Full size drop out magazine S&W M&P 40 CO2 BB Pistol. Umarex released yet another 1911 on the market, this version does come with a stick mag and sports pretty high fps and more shots per CO2 then the KWC based 1911’s. The super popular Colt SAA Revolver is now available in a pellet shooting version with a rifled barrel :) Umarex had on display another low cost revolver, the ultra futuristic looking Brodax CO2 BB Revolver.
KWA always has really nice high quality products to showoff at there booth each year, we may even start carrying some of KWA's products this year, fingers crossed on that one… New to the KWA line are some AEG rifles with simulated blowback action, I really liked the Blowback AEG AK they had on display. KWA also released a new Airsoft shell loading revolvers that had some of the nicest looking brass and aluminum shells. On display under a glass cover was a very solid Gas Blowback Thompson Machine-gun with real wood stock, it was absolutely gorgeous!
ISC known for their top quality AEG internals, had their full line of high quality Airsoft rifles on display. And new this year to ICS was their first ever Airsoft pistol, the blowback BLE Alpha. The BLE should be out mid year and looked and felt really nice. The trigger on it was super short and light.
I have some really awesome Interview videos I’m working on, I will be uploading them shortly so stay tuned for those…
I just got some really interesting new guns and shooting accessories I wanted to share with everyone in this Vimeo Video Preview!
First off, I have some metal targets designed for Airguns, you can shoot them with lead pellets and heavy gram Airsoft BB's but be sure not use standard 4.5mm steel BB's as they can ricochet and come back at you at high velocity. That is unless you are using the new Excite Low Ricochet Smart Shot BB's I also showcase in this video.
A couple other accessories I highlight are a Western Leather Gun Slinger Belt and Holster which pair up perfectly with the first BB gun I have to show you today. Most of you should be familiar with the Umarex Colt Single Action Army Revolvers I have made several reviews and videos for, they are super popular and for good reason. How about a John Wayne Duke Version available in Stainless and Antique versions? I thought you would like that!
Next up and probably the item I am most excited to introduce to everyone is the ISSC M22 4.5mm CO2 BB Pistol. I actually own the first generation ISSC M22 in 22LR, the same gun this BB pistol is based on. It seems to have everything going for it and I was happy to discover after making this video that it does in fact have blowback operation even though this is not state on the box or in the manual? The ISSC M22 really is a beautiful pistol and I am totally looking forward to reviewing it. If you're a Glock fan this is about as close as we can legally get to owning a replica Glock BB pistol since Glock has OK'd production of the real steel ISSC MK22 in its new form.
I will be working with my suppliers to make these items available in our Replica Airguns Stores as soon as we can...
When I say Airguns, I am referring to pretty much all BB, Airsoft, Pellet, Paintball and even Blank guns for most of the topics listed here.
Treat your Airgun just like you would a real gun. If something goes wrong, perhaps the outcome will not be as severe but do you really want to take a trip down to your local emergency ward to get a BB or Pellet removed?
Always assume your airgun is loaded, for some reason it always seems those empty guns are the ones that do the most damage.
Be discrete, If it looks like a gun other people will think it is a gun so don’t flash your airguns around in public. Keep it in a case when transporting and shoot it in an area that will not alarm other people.
Always wear eye protection when shooting your Airgun. Do you really want to shoot your eye out? No Joke!
Be aware of your surroundings like windows, hard objects that could make your ammo bounce back at you. Make sure you are shooting your Airgun in a safe direction at all times, know your target and beyond.
Use Airguns to teach others and learn how to safely and effectively shoot a gun. Airguns can be less intimidating then a real gun (Not so loud and very little recoil) and make for great start out and transitions guns.
Use Airguns to get more inexpensive trigger time and become a more experienced shooter. Airguns cosy only pennies per round to shoot and can be shot in way more areas than a real gun can, practice makes perfect so get shooting!
Use Airguns in areas where real guns may not be allowed or safe to use. Again, Airguns can be shot in all kinds of places, in your back yard or even in a properly setup indoor home range.
Use Airguns with adequate power for safe and humane pest control where real guns may be prohibited.Airguns are quiet and less likely for the bullet to travel long ranges which makes them ideal for close range pest control in areas where real guns are too loud and to powerful.
Do not assume because it is an airgun it is not dangerous or simply a toy. Many Deaths have been caused by Airguns along with a lot of pain and suffering so treat your Airgun with respect. It is not a toy or you would find them in the toy department at your local store along with yo-yos and stuffed animals.
Do not point or shoot at people unless of course you are using an Airsoft gun in an Airsoft field or facility. Yes Airsoft guns are meant to shoot at each other (with appropriate attire like eye protection and full body clothing), but steel BB and Pellet can cause serious injury especially at close range and on direct skin contact.
Do not leave your Airgun loaded, you never know who is going to come across it and accidentally discharge it. Remember, a loaded gun is a dangerous gun in the wrong hands. You may know better than to assume the gun is undulated but children and even adults without any gun training will most definitely handle the airgun without consideration of the danger it poses.
Do not use an Airgun for self protection. See my related video. Simply put, Airguns are not practical for self defense because they rarely have enough Stopping Power. The ones that do have enough power need to be pre-charged and in most cases are only single shot meaning if you miss or don’t get the job done no the first shot then you are done.
Do not use an underpowered Airgun for pest control. See related video. Using a low powered BB pistol for pest control is cruel, you will only injure the animal making it suffer unnecessarily. Use a high powered pellet rifle to get the job done.
Do not take your gun apart, in most cases this will void the warranty and the reality is that airguns rarely need to be cleaned since no dirty gun powder is used. lead pellet rifles may require occasional barrel cleaning to keep the rifled barrel free of debris.
Do not over oil your Airgun, a little goes a long way and too much oil will just attracted dirt, use the right airgun oil and just enough to keep part functioning smoothly.
Do not over pump an Airgun. Over pumping an Airgun can cause damage to valves and seals and in a worse case situation a rupture the air pressure reservoir or even cause the airgun to explode!
Can I use Airsoft BB's in my BB Pistol? I would have to say this is by far the number one question I get asked in the comments section of my Vimeo videos. I have made several videos where this question gets addressed within the video but so far to date I have not made a stand alone video just covering Airsoft BB use in BB Guns.
So here it is, and now I have a video I can link to this so very common question, if you where wondering about this yourself than please watch my YouTube Video on this topic as it goes into a fair amount of detail about it.
The short answer to this question is no, you can not use 6mm Airsoft BB's in a 4.5mm Steel BB Pistol or Rifle. For the simple reason that 6mm is larger than 4.5mm and so the physical diameter of a6mm Plastic Airsoft BB is just to large to fit inside of a 4.5mm Steel BB magazine or barrel.
People have commented about using a 4.5mm plastic Airsoft BB in a 4.5mm BB gun and yes this could in theory be an option but I discuss why I feel this is not a good idea based on size and mass.
In this video I feature my top five favorite BB pistols for early 2016. That said there are lots of other BB pistols I truly love and enjoy but I had to pick 5 so these are them! You may notice that many of them are blowback, I do like the blowback guns after all and this is my top 5 pick so naturally many of them will have blowback action.
Here is a list of my top 5 guns featured in this video not necessarily in order of choice:
With the popularity of the KWC - Cybergun 1911 Blowback CO2 Pistols and how super realistic they are in so many ways, it is no surprise that people often ask me if they can replace the original grips with grips made for a real 1911.
The short answer is yes you can! You will have to be prepared to remove just a little bit of material from the backside of both grips near the bottom of the handle where there is an area that has been flared out to accommodate the CO2. Not really a big deal, you can use a Dremel for the quick and easy approach or even some sand paper if you don't mind taking a little more time.
I'm getting close to uploading 600 videos now over on the Replica Airguns Vimeo channel, so there are bound to be a lot of similar questions and popular discussions. In this Replica Airguns Vimeo Video I address what I feel are my Top 10 Most Common Airgun Questions and Discussions.
Ammunition Capacity: 17 round full size metal magazine.
FPS: 380 using .20 gram BB's.
This is a Mini Review for the KWC/Cybergun Colt M1911 A1 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. I have already reviewed other KWC version of this all metal realistic CO2 blowback pistol in both 6mm Airsoft and 4.5mm Steel BB and in a variety of different finishes so if you are interested in a more detailed write up for the Cybergun Colt M1911 A1, you can check out the below links where I have reviewed many variations of virtually the same blowback CO2 airgun made by KWC.
Action: Semi auto non-blowback, double action only.
Ammunition Type: Steel BBs 4.5mm.
Ammunition Capacity: 21 rounds
FPS: 394 fps/ 120 m/s.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the KWC Metal Slide CQBP M45 A1 Non-Blowback CO2 BB Pistol was about medium to hard but I have definitely experienced heavier trigger pulls on some guns. It is nice that the trigger is in the style of a 1911 and not your typical lever styled trigger like you will find on some 1911 wannabe's. I imagine if the CQBP M45 A1 has a lever style trigger it would have more leverage and be a bit lighter.
Accuracy: I have not shot the KWC Metal Slide CQBP M45 A1 Non-Blowback CO2 BB Pistol but expect it to perform similar to the Cybergun Sig Sauer GSR Sigarms I reviewed a while back since both guns have similar internals so for now until I do my dedicated Field Test review you can read my Cybergun Sig Sauer GSR Sigarms Review: "Accuracy was decent but not outstanding, I got around a 2.5 inch grouping from a 20 foot away free standing position, shooting just to the left and high on the target. I did find that I was able to zone in a bit better with the Cybergun GSR as I got used to the trigger. I also put the Cybergun Sig Sauer GSR through my Chrony Chronograph and got very close the manufacturers 397 claimed feet per second, actually starting off well above it and settling down to around the 370 FPS mark. My 8 shot average on a new CO2 was actually 422 FPS."
Build Quality: You will find a pretty nice balance of metal and plastic on the KWC Metal Slide CQBP M45 A1 Non-Blowback CO2 BB Pistol. The metal slide, magazine barrel and some literals give it a really decent weight in the hand and the fit and fish feel good overall. The trigger and hammer are not the best aspects of the gun in terms of quality as they are both plastic and both kind of made more for show and less for function.
Realism: The KWC Metal Slide CQBP M45 A1 Non-Blowback CO2 BB Pistol looks and feel the part of a M45 1911 A1 including a full size drop out metal magazine, working magazine release and safety. The slide catch release is none functioning and so is the hammer which does not cock back for single action shooting. It would have been nice to have a single action trigger and a working slide to finish off this pistol but it is meant to be more of an entry level pistol at the end of the day.
Should have good FPS and lots of shots per CO2 based on my 4.5mm BB version testing!
Rail for mounting accessories.
Nice white dot sights.
Recessed barrel give it a more realistic look.
True 1911 style looking trigger even though it is double action only.
True 1911 working safety.
No blowback - slide does not move either.
Hammer moves but does not cock so no single action shooting.
Non adjustable rear sight.
Trigger action is bit heavy and long so it’s not going to be the fastest action shooter.
If you're looking for a lower cost well made 1911 in that classic A1 style but with a little bit of updating like having a Picatinny rail and tactical sights then the KWC Metal Slide CQBP M45 A1 Non-Blowback CO2 BB Pistolmay just be right for you. So it doesn't have blowback or a working slide, on the other hand it has lots of metal on it giving it good weight and feel and with less moving parts there will be less to go wrong down the road. You can also expect to get fps into the 400 range with a decent amount of shots per CO2 so the trade off not having blowback may be worth it for this reason. All in all a nice airgun in the under $100 category.
My Vimeo Videos for the KWC Metal Slide CQBP M45 A1 CO2 Air Pistol:
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the KWC Mac 11 M11 is double action only and is rather long and a bit firm so you will get a bit of a finger workout especially when shooting a full 39 rounds from the 4.5mm steel BB version. There is no blowback operation so this is a double action only pistol.
Accuracy: The accuracy and true feet per second performance will be tested when I do my future Field Test Shooting Review shortly (weather permitting).
Build Quality: Overall the KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 BB - Airsoft Pistol is built fairly well as long as you don't mind the all plastic build. to be honest if you where to drop this all plastic pistol on the ground it would most likely just bounce a couple of times no worse for wear since it is kind of light weight and all. If it was an almost all metal build it would weigh in a lot more and the drop onto a hard surface could easily break the zinc alloy metal parts. That said there is some metal on the KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 BB - Airsoft Pistol and that would be the folding - sliding stock and of course some internal parts. The rear fold out portion of the stock is actually hardened steel!
Realism: As a replica of a real steel Mac 11 M11, the KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 BB - Airsoft Pistol looks bang on since it is 1 to 1 scale and at least in terms of looks is virtually identical ot teh real Mac 11. In terms of function, that is a different story since the KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 BB - Airsoft Pistol does not have many working parts other than the trigger, safety and magazine release. The selector switch, bolt charging handle and bolt are all molded into this gun and their only purpose is to look good! The overall weight is rather light too since most of this Mac 11 pistol is ABS or plastic.
First 4.5mm Steel BB Mac 11.
1/1 scale replica definitely looks the part.
Full size drop out magazine that holds the CO2 and BB’s.
High capacity 39 rounds magazine.
Built in metal and steel retractable stock.
Decent fps.
Available in both 4.5mm Steel BB and 6mm Plastic Airsoft versions.
Pretty much all ABS, kind of light weight.
No blowback or many working parts.
Kind of long and heavy trigger.
Pretty much everything is moulded into this gun.
Too be honest when I first saw the box for the KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 BB - Airsoft Pistol I was a bit excited, that was until I opened it up and found out I was looking at a pretty much all plastic gun with few working parts and no blowback operation. But after holding it and giving this air pistol a good look over I have to say I am warming up to it a bit more now. After all it is the first Mac 11 M11 4.5mm steel BB pistol that I know of and it 100% looks the part so if you are looking for a replica Mac 11 then this will fill that purpose for sure. Even though it is almost all ABS plastic, this airgun feels solid seems to be really well made. The steel and metal stock is a nice addition and so would have been a metal magazine but overall for a low cost replica BB and Airsoft shooter you do get your moneys worth.
My Vimeo Video Review for the KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 BB - Airsoft Pistol: