Entries in BB,Pump

Umarex MP5K PDW CO2 BB Gun Chronograph - Shooting & Slow-mo

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The Umarex MP5K PDW is another gun I reviewed a while back that I though could use a bit of an update video with some of the new gadgets I have to added to my videos these days... This time my Umarex MP5K PDW gets the office Replica Airguns Chronograph test, I take it through an accuracy test shooting 8 rounds at a target from 20 feet out in a free standing position. And to end things off and since the Umarex MP5K PDW has a blowback bolt or at least what appears to be a blowback bolt, I also take some slow motion high speed video of the blowback in action.

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I also got to play around with my DRIFT HD170 Point of View Action Camera and use it to take some really cool first person style video of teh Umarex MP5 in action. Overall I was impressed with the H&K MP5K BB gun overall, it shot very accurately when shooting slow and in rapid fire and it also got right up to the 400 FPS factory claim.

Enjoy my Vimeo Video of the Umarex MP5K PDW CO2 BB Gun getting Chronographed, Shooting on a Target and captured in Slow Motion...

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: MP5K PDW, Umarex

Umarex Steel Storm CO2 BB Machine Gun Chronograph & Shooting Test

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I've already made a couple of video reviews on the Steel Storm, one Table Top Review and one Field Test. These where done a while back when I first started things off and since then I've added a lot more gadgets and information to my reviews, so I wanted to revisit the Steel Storm and do a Chronograph test and Target shooting test for the Umarex Steel Storm Machine gun.

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I was not surprised to see the Steel Storm perform very well in my testing, this is a wonderfully fun and inexpensive BB machine gun with decent power, accuracy, blow back action and full auto burst ability. What more do you need?

Make sure to watch this one, I even added some more interesting camera angles with my new DRIFT HD170 Action Camera.

Enjoy my Vimeo Video of the Umarex Steel Storm CO2 BB Machine Gun getting Chronographed and taking on a target...

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Steel Storm, Umarex

Daisy Red Ryder vs Crosman Marlin Cowboy BB Rifle Comparison Review


OK to start things off, this is a review of the Daisy Red Ryder Lever action BB Rifle but the Vimeo Video also compares the Red Ryder to the very similar Crosman Marlin Cowboy Lever Action BB Riffle, If you have not checked my Marlin Cowboy review out, you can see it here.

So for the most part I am going to focus on the Red Ryder in this text version but I will refer to the Marlin Cowboy when comparing the two BB air rifles.

Type: BB spring air rifle.

Manufacturer: Daisy.

Model:Red Ryder.

Materials: Mostly metal and wood.

Weight: 2.2 pounds.

Barrel: Smooth bore.

Propulsion: Spring.

Action: Lever action.

Ammunition Type: Steel BBs 4.5mm.

Ammunition Capacity: 650 rounds.

FPS: Up-to 350.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull is pretty good, not super light but predictable. (the trigger area is much larger then the Crosman Marlin Cowboy which may be more suitable for adults with thick fingers)

Accuracy: When I originally tested my Marline Cowboy I thought it performed well but the Daisy Red Ryder definitely has the advantage in the accuracy department, at least in my testing. I got about a 1.5 inch 8 shot group from a free standing position 20 feet away from the target.

Build Quality: This is a pretty much all metal and wood gun with a build quality almost exactly like the Crosman Marlin Cowboy. Daisy has even made some improvements like upgrading the lever to metal from plastic, most likely to compete with Crosman on this feature. The only plastic I found was the trigger, safety and front sight assembly.

Realism: Even though this BB gun is styled after the classic lever action Cowboy Rifle, it's not a close replica to any that I know of. You have to keep in mind the purpose of this gun - meant primarily for younger first time shooters. There are some nice touches like the leather tassels and the Red Ryder name burned into the stock .

Purchased From: Walmart.


  • Inexpensive introduction to the sport of Airgun shooting.

  • Made out of Mostly Metal and Wood - Now including the Lever.

  • Large capacity internal barrel magazine (650 rounds).

  • Adjustable rear sight for height.

  • Decent 300+ fps velocity.

  • Excellent accuracy and consistency.

  • The original maker of this style of BB rifle - great track record!

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  • Plastic trigger, safety and front sight assembly.

  • Some people may find the non removable metal loop for the leather tassel a bit intrusive.


I think this is a wonderful little BB rifle and even though it's intended for the young entry level shooter it can make a great back yard plinker that anyone can join in and enjoy - adults included! I plan to be shooting either the Red Ryder or my Marline Cowboy side by side with my little guy when he is old enough to shoot one of these fine lever action BB rifles. When it comes to picking between the Daisy Red Ryder or the Crosman Marlin Cowboy Lever Action BB Rifles it comes down to a few points: Both have almost the exact same build quality so it may come down to which look you like best? The Daisy was more accurate while the Crosman had a bit more power. The Red Ryder had the lighter but longer lever action pull while the Marlin Cowboy had a heavier shorter lever pull.

If you can't decide just buy them both because they are dirt cheap to buy and tons of fun to shoot, so when your friends come over you can always pass them one so they won't feel left out!

My Vimeo Video Comparison Review for these Lever Action BB Rifles:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Comparison, Field Test, Review, Rifle, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman, Daisy, Marlin Cowboy, Red Ryder

Tanfoglio Witness 1911 Update Photos


One of my customers "Pierre" who lives close to our warehouse already received his Tanfoglio Witness 1911, and he kindly took some photos and sent me some quick observations.

As you can see here, the magazine is a full size drop out magazine that holds the CO2 and 4.5mm Steel BB's.

Pierre described the color as being a "Dark Fume Grey" and he also mentioned that the Grip safety (sometimes referred to as the Back-strap safety) is also functional.

You can see in this photo that the slide can lock fully back on the Tanfoglio Witness 1911.

You can see in this photo, the cut out slide and KWC markings. Many Cybergun products are rebrands of the KWC line.

Well if you haven't picked yourself up one yet and your a 1911 fan, (who isn't?) don't miss out on this one!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Cybergun, Tanfoglio Witness 1911

Umarex Walther PPK/S CO2 BB Gun Chronograph - Shooting & Slow-mo


Another filed test video in the series. This one is of the Umarex Walther PPK/S CO2 4.5mm BB pistol, I show you both my regular unmodified all black PPK/S and shoot it through my Chrony Chronograph with an averaged reading of 282 FPS, not bad considering the manufacturers claim is 295.

I also shoot 8 rounds with my stock Umarex PPK/S at a target to see what kind of accuracy I get, and just for fun I shoot a 15 round magazine into the same target with my modified fully-auto sliver slided PPK/S.

To finish things up, I slowdown the action just a bit using my high speed Casio camera to capture the blowback action of both my stock and modified Umarex Walther PPK's.

Enjoy my YouTube Video of my Umarex Walther PPK/S CO2 BB pistols getting Chronographed, shooting at a target and slowed down a bit with my High Speed Camera.

Buy this gun in Canada   -   Buy this gun in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Full Auto, Modification, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: PPK, Umarex, Walther

Umarex SA177 CO2 BB Chronograph Shooting & Slow-mo


Another popular CO2 Blowback BB pistol is the Umarex SA177. It looks very much like a Glock but without the Glock licensing. I also reviewed this Umarex product a while back before I had my Chrony Chronograph and so as with many of my guns I put this well priced CO2 BB replica to the Chrony test to find out its real world feet per second rating.

The Umarex SA177 had a claimed FPS of 400 and when I shot an 8 shot test through my Chrony Chronograph I got a 392 FPS average reading! Very close to the manufacturers stated FPS, and my testing was not on the warmest of days so this CO2 air gun may even do better on a warm summer day.

I also took another 8 shots on a target from 20 feet back in a free standing position to see what kind of results I would get with the Umarex SA177 and it did surprisingly well, the first 7 shots got a nice tight 1.5 inch group but the last shot got away on me just a bit.

Near the end of the YouTube video I bring out my Casio High Speed camera and shot my Umarex SA177 in action at 210 frames per second, you can really see the blowback of the slide and realistic recoil effect a blowback gun offers.

Enjoy my Vimeo Video of the Umarex SA177 CO2 BB gun getting Chronographed, shooting at a target and slowed down a bit with my High Speed Camera.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: SA177, Umarex

Umarex HPP CO2 BB Chronograph Shooting & Slow-mo

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I reviewed this nice little compact Blowback CO2 BB pistol a while back , but I didn't have my Chrony Chronograph or my Casio High Speed Camera, so with all this new technology I thought it was time to revisit my Umarex HPP and see what it could do.

I shot 8 rounds through the Chrony and got an average of 385 FPS which is not too far off the manufacturers claimed 410 FPS. Keep in mind the weather could be a lot warmer!

I also put 8 more rounds into a target from 20 feet away in a free standing position and got a bit of a scattered grouping but I think it was partially my fault because I was a bit surprised at how smooth and light the trigger was. I didn't remember it being so nice and I just wanted to keep pulling it with not too much aiming going on :)

Lastly I shot 10 rounds while capturing the blowback action with my high speed video camera at 210 frames per second, so you can really see the heavy blowback of this snappy airgun.

Enjoy my YouTube Video of the Umarex HPP CO2 BB gun getting Chronographed, shooting at a target and slowed down a bit with my High Speed Camera.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: H.P.P., Umarex

Cybergun GSG 92 CO2 BB Chronograph Shooting & Slow-mo

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As promised, here is my Vimeo video Chronograph test along with some more shots on target for an idea on the accuracy for the Cybergun GSG 92 Beretta 92FS copy.

My Chronograph results where very good with an average 8 shot FPS result of 314, right in line with the manufacturers specifications! I also took some extra time to do some more target testing and shot the GSG 92 BB shooter at a target from 20 feet out in a free standing position and I didn't get the best grouping from it today but hey, it's got full auto too so how important is accuracy?

Lastly a pulled out my Casio high-speed camera and took some video of the blowback action of the Cybergun GSG 92FS Beretta replica at 210 frames per second.

Enjoy my Vimeo Video of the Cybergun GSG 92 CO2 BB gun getting Chronographed, shooting at a target and slowed down a bit.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Modification, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Beretta, Cybergun, GSG 92

Cybergun Sig Sauer X-Five CO2 BB Chronograph Shooting & Slow-mo


Now that I'm making dedicated Chronograph videos of my air guns, I have been asked several times now to also Chrony my Cybergun Sig Sauer P226 X-Five and Cybergun GSG 92 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB guns. Well, here is the first video of the two very popular Cybergun pistols.

My Chronograph results where very good with an average 8 shot FPS result of 328! I also took some extra time to revisit my target result testing and shot the Sig Sauer BB shooter at a target from 20 feet out in a free standing position and it got about a 1.5 inch grouping which is very respectable for a blowback BB shooter.

Lastly a pulled out my Casio high-speed camera and took some video of the blowback action of the Cybergun Sig Sauer P226 X-Five at 210 frames per second.

Enjoy my Vimeo Video of the Cybergun Sig Sauer P226 X-Five CO2 BB gun getting Chronographed, shooting at a target and slowed down a bit.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, Sig Sauer X-Five P226

Tanfoglio Witness 1911 A1 Blowback Introductory Price


There are only a few more days to get your pre-order Tanfoglio Witness 1911 A1 Blowback at the introductory price of $149. Once they arrive (Expected this Friday May 27th) they will be going up to their regular price of $169. This has been a very popular item so far as expected!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: Cybergun, Tanfoglio Witness 1911
ASG Steyr M9-A1 Non-Blowback BB Pistol Review

ASG Steyr M9-A1 Non-Blowback BB Pistol Review


Type: BB air pistol.

Manufacturer: ASG.

Model:ASG Steyr M9-A1 Non-Blowback.

Materials: Mostly polymer construction.

Weight: 1.31 pounds.

Barrel: Metal non-rifled.

Propulsion: CO2 x 1.

Action: Semi auto non-blowback, double action only.

Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 19 round magazine.

FPS: 410-450.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull weight on the ASG Steyr M9-A1 is pretty typical of a double action trigger, in about the middle of the spectrum. The action of the real Steyr M9-A1 is also DOA (double action only) as it uses a hammerless stiker-fired trigger setup.

Accuracy: I shot the ASG Steyr M9-A1 air pistol at a target from 20 feet away in a free standing position, and it performed respectfully, getting about a 2.5 inch grouping fairly close to the center of the target - just high and to the left. The rear sight is non-adjustable so if you find you shoot a bit off with this airgun then you will need to adjust your aim-point slightly. My Chrony testing with an eight shot averaged result was a very consistent 425 fps - right where the claimed manufacturer fps said it would be for this air pistol!

Build Quality: ASG has not let me down so far with their guns and the ASG Steyr M9-A1 is no exception, it may not be the most complex or have a bunch of metal parts, but it does get the job done and with a lot of style. The plastic/polymer parts look well made and the airgun has good overall weight for being mostly plastic. Fit and finish is also very good.

Realism: The ASG Steyr M9-A1 BB shooter is a really close replica to the ractual 9mm ASG Steyr M9-A1 semi auto 9mm pistol, the only real giveaway is the safety, a "real looking" one is molded into the frame, but the actual usable safety (just below it) borrows from some other gun technologies and is a bit of a give away. Other than that the ASG Steyr M9-A1 with its Steyr licensing and trademarks looks pretty much bang on to the original pistol.

Purchased From: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • Excellent shot FPS consistency.
  • Good power.
  • Good CO2 efficiency - 7 magazines - 133 shots.
  • Excellent quality control. Very well made, fit and finish is excellent.
  • Metal dropout magazine.
  • Accessory rail for lasers and tactical lights.
  • Believable Steyr M9A1 Replica.
  • Really usable sights - Fiber optic in the back and white dot in the front!
  • Gun ergonomics are very nice - very modern looking gun.

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  • Trigger pull is a bit heavy and I found it may have effected my accuracy a bit.
  • Mostly Polymer gun.
  • Could have been a bit more accurate for me.


The ASG Steyr M9-A1 air gun is really made to be a BB shooter and so it does it really well by getting consistently high fps and lots of shots per CO2, the fact that ASG was able to make it look so much like the real ASG Steyr M9-A1 is an added bonus and even better is that this gun will not break the bank. Sure, it's nice to have blowback, a full sized drop out magazine and lots of metal parts but then the extra price tag that goes along with the extras adds up and can make an airgun unobtainable for some. So if your looking for an affordable really nice looking BB plinker you're going to get lots of good shots out of, the ASG Steyr M9-A1 may be just right for you!

My YouTube Video Review for this quality Airgun:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Steyr M9-A1 Non-Blowback

ASG STI Duty One 1911 Blowback CO2 BB Pistol Review


Type: BB air pistol.
Manufacturer: ASG.
Model:  ASG STI Duty One 1911 Blowback.
Materials: Metal slide and polymer frame.
Weight: 1.8 pounds.
Barrel: Metal non-rifled.
Propulsion: CO2 x 1.
Action: Semi auto blowback, single action.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 20 round magazine.
FPS: 383.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the ASG STI Duty One 1911 is nice and light due to its true blowback operation that cocks the hammer back with each shot taken. The pull is rather long but nothing really happens till you get right to the end and then there is just a slight bit of pressure and a quick release.
Accuracy: I shot the STI Duty One 1911 air gun at a target from 20 feet away in a free standing position, and it performed well getting a 1.5 to 2 inch grouping right in the center of the target. The rear sight is adjustable for windage which is always nice to have just in case you are shooting a bit to the left or right. For me there was no need to adjust the sights. My Chrony testing with an eight shot averaged result was 373 fps - very decent for a blowback pistol!
Build Quality: ASG did an awesome job designing and making the STI Duty One 1911 Blowback BB gun, they didn't really compromise on anything other than the polymer frame! With that said all that important parts like the Slide, Slide Catch, Safety, Mag Release, Hammer, Barrel and Magazine are all metal. The fit and finish as with all the ASG air guns is excellent!
Realism: The ASG STI Duty One 1911 Blowback is a really close replica to the real steel STI 1911, the only real giveaway is the trigger design, as a true 1911 trigger is not your typical lever type. Even with the different type of trigger the STI Duty One is a very good replica complete with all the STI licensing and trademarks.
Purchased From: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • Realistic true blowback action.
  • Adjustable rear sight for windage.
  • True single action blowback gun.
  • Excellent quality control. Very well made, fit and finish is excellent
  • Good power, accuracy, and CO2 efficiency for a blowback gun.
  • Metal dropout magazine.
  • Good STI Replica.
  • Extremely enjoyable gun to shoot!


  • Trigger is not true to the real 1911 style.
  • Has a polymere frame, not metal.
  • I found the CO2 kind of hard to get out.

I am quickly realizing that ASG is a company that makes not only some really nice air pistols, but also ones with excellent quality control and design. The STI Duty One 1911 Blowback CO2 BB gun is no exception to this and I found it a blast to shoot because it felt great in the hand, shot hard and on target, performed flawlessly and I was able to get a lot of shots from a CO2 even with the blowback and high fps for a blowback shooter. If you're a 1911 fan or you simply like full size guns that mean business, then take a look at the ASG STI Duty One 1911 Blowback CO2 BB pistol. If I had to pick one BB shooter to take out for a day of plinking, this would probably be the one!

My YouTube Video Review for this quality Airgun:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, STI Duty One 1911

ASG STI Duty One 1911 Blowback BB Pistol Arrives


Along with my Steyr M9-A1 that arrived today, I also received my ASG STI Duty One 1911 Blowback BB Pistol. I have to say every single ASG product that I have received to date has just really been a high quality product with absolutely excellent quality control. And my STI 1911 Duty One is no exception.

The ASG STI 1911 is not entirely metal but it does have good weight and it does have metal where you want like in the slide, barrel, trigger, hammer, magazine, magazine release button, safety and slide catch. The frame is however polymer.

It was nice to see an adjustable rear sight for windage and like a true 1911 the ASG STI 1911Duty One is single action only so you will need to cock the hammer or rack the slide to get it going. I'm really looking forward to shooting this gun tomorrow so look forward to that YouTube video review coming up very shortly, maybe even by tomorrow night I'll have it up?

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: ASG, STI Duty One 1911

Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 A1 Blowback BB Pistol Pre-Orders


Everyone has been asking for a true Colt 1911 A1 styled blowback Air gun with a true Colt 1911 trigger system. Well I guess the folks over at Cybergun where listening because they just released their Tanfoglio Witness 1911 A1 Blowback CO2 BB Pistol and it looks awesome!

We are expecting them in stock in just over a weeks time so make sure to get your order in now at our introductory pricing.

Here are some specifications to keep you going until we get them in stock and I get the chance to review this fine 1911 A1 Colt replica.

  • 4.5mm BB
  • CO2 powered
  • 18 round full size drop out magazine
  • 320 fps
  • 2 pounds
  • 8.6 inches long
  • Blowback
  • Full metal
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Cybergun, Tanfoglio Witness 1911

Custom Baikal Drozd Full Auto 1200 Rounds Per Minute


I already have a customized full auto Drozd Blackbird who can pass up another Dorzd when the price is right! I will be making a double Drozd video down the road :)

My new Classic Drozd came with the Full Auto mod chip, the JimC hand made barrel, a 68ci Nitro Duck 4500 PSI carbon fiber tank and bulk air hose.

I also got the Red Dot scope with my new purchase but used one of my rial risers that fit perfectly giving my new Drozd an AR look to it.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Accessory, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Full Auto, Modification, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Scope Tags: Baikal, Drozd

Steyr M9-A1 Non-Blowback CO2 BB Gun Available For Purchase


I've been busy adding products to the Replica Airguns Store over the last few days. The ASG Steyr M9-A1 BB is a really well priced 4.5mm BB pistol in a non-blowback model which is sure to give you a bit higher feet per second, more shots per CO2 and even a bit better accuracy.

Here is some more info:

The ASG Steyr M9-A1 Non-Blowback CO2 4.5mm BB pistol is a faithful copy of the real model Styer mannlicher M9-A1 complete with licensed trade marks and a functional safety pin. You will get over 400fps shots from the 19 round drop out magazine and just like the real steal you can add a laser site or tactical light to the weaver style accessory rail.

  • 4.5mm BB
  • CO2 powered
  • 19 rounds
  • 413 fps
  • 1.3 pounds
  • 7.36 inches
  • Non-blowback
  • Weaver style accessory rail
  • licensed markings
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: ASG, Steyr M9-A1 Non-Blowback

STI Duty One 1911 Blowback BB Gun Now Available for Purchase


It was only just a little while ago when I didn't have any 1911 Replica guns either personally or available over at the Replica Airguns Store! Now I have a nice selection: Umarex Colt Special Combat, Umarex Colt Government 1911 A1, and now my new ASG STI Duty One 1911 Blowback is on its way.

And we also have them available for purchase in our Replica Airguns Store so make sure to check them out!

Some Product info for you:

The STI Duty One 1911 Blowback is a full size replica of the actual STI Duty one 1911 pistol which is a modernized and upgraded version of the original classic Colt 1911. You will find features like; an integrated weaver rail for lasers and tactical lights, high rise beavertail grips, a unique serial number on each air pistol and STI licensed markings.

Another high quality product from ASG!

  • 4.5mm BB
  • CO2 powered
  • 20 rounds
  • 383 fps
  • 1.8 pounds
  • 8.6 inches
  • Blowback
  • Integrated weaver rail
  • licensed markings
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: ASG, STI Duty One 1911

1000000 Video View - 1000th Subscriber Contest Results

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Everyone has been patiently waiting to find out who the winners are of my One Million Video Views and One Thousandth Subscriber Contest are. But before I get to that, I wanted to thank everyone who participated in the contest and not only entered but also told their friends about it.

I also wanted to mention that since March 15 (when the contest was announced), I have received approximately 400,000 more video views and over 600 new subscribers! I am really thankful and happy for all of your support!

Now for the winners... I guess you are going to have to watch my YouTube video to find out who you are...

Here is my YouTube Video for this Contest Giveaway Results!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 8mm, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

ASG CZ 75 P-07 DUTY Shooting Test with Slow-motion

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I did a full review of the ASG CZ 75 P-07 DUTY a while back but I didn't include any actual footage of the CZ 75 shooting. This BB shooter has a nice blowback action so I wanted to show you how this semi auto air pistol cycled in regular speed and then slowed down to 420 frames per second with my Casio high speed camera.


Here is my YouTube video showing the CZ 75 P-07 DUTY in action:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, CZ 75 P-07 Duty

Umarex Beretta PX4 Storm Chronograph and Shooting Test

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I wanted to go back and do a full Chronograph Chrony test for my Umarex PX4 Storm and I thought I may as well do a live target shooting test while I was at it. I also thought I would try out my under barrel laser sight and see how it worked and what it looked like while filming it shooting in action. The PX4 shot an average of around 340 fps using 6.9 grain RWS pellets.

And lastly, I pulled out my Casio high speed camera and shot the blowback action of the PX4 Storm, first in real time and then also slowed down to 420 frames per second.

Here is my Vimeo video showing my Chronograph and Shooting results for the Umarex PX4 Storm:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: PX4 Storm Recon, Umarex