Entries in Airgun News,Vimeo Video

Walmart Police Shooting of John Crawford While Holding Crosman MK-177 Airgun


This YouTube video was made to touch upon the tragic shooting and death of a young man at the Beavercreek Walmart in the US. The tragedy was the result of poor judgment and misunderstanding of the situation that started with John Crawford (22) deciding to walk around a Walmart store with a very realistic looking replica Air Rifle. Subsequently in the midst of all the excitement as customers ran out of the store, Angela Williams (37) had a medical emergency that also cost her her life. 

Below is an outline of YouTube video that follows:

John Crawford 22 Years old was shot  by police in a Beavercreek Walmart while holding a Crosman MK-177 Pellet BB gun.

Another death as a result: Angela Williams, 37, was with her 9-year-old daughter and suffered a medical emergency and died as a result as people attempted to flee the store amongst the panic.

John Crawford is Survived by: LeeCee Johnson, 22 Mother of Crawford's children (Believe he had 2 children)


  • Walmart US keeps these guns on shelf in the box generally, but not locked up or behind glass.
  • In Canada Most places keep even Airguns behind locked glass. 

The weapon (Crosman MK-177), which can shoot both pellets and BBs, had been removed from its original packaging, was this done by John Crawford or was it already unpackaged when he picked it up?

Ronald Ritchie made the original 911 call, I listened to two of the police 911 phone call recording and he seemed to be talking level headed and not making it out to be anything more than what he saw which was a black man walking around a Walmart with what looked like a real rifle. John Crawford was holding the rifle while he had his phone between his shoulder and ear, John was fiddling with the rifle and looked to be trying to load it. Ronald Ritchie said John was periodically pointing it at people (which may or may not have been intentional).

LeeCee Johnson, 22, who identified herself as the mother of Crawford’s children, said she was talking to Crawford on her cell phone at the time of the shooting:

“We was just talking. He (John) said he was at the video games playing videos and he went over there by the toy section where the toy guns were. And the next thing I know, he said ‘It’s not real,’ and the police start shooting and they said ‘Get on the ground,’ but he was already on the ground because they had shot him,” she said. She added she “could hear him just crying and screaming” and said officers “shot him down like he was not even human.”

First and Foremost, this event is very tragic and my condolences go out to the families and friends of John Crawford and Angela Williams.

Questions we need to ask ourselves:

  • Why was John Crawford walking around the Walmart with what looked like an "assault rifle" in a very public location?
  • With all the public shootings these days, why would you walk around a public Walmart with what looks like a very real and threatening rifle, similar to the kinds used in these types of shootings in the past?
  • Why did the police seem so quick to shoot John down? Where they a bit eager or hyped up? It would be very interesting to see the surveillance video for this tragedy?
  • Why are very realistic Airguns on open display and so easy to attain? Keep in mind even a regular break barrel Airgun looks like a real rifle to most people.

What is so damaging about all this:

  • This will add "ammunition so to speak" for bureaucrats and authorities to question if Airguns should look realistic, or if they now need to have bright colored markings all over them so people will assume they are not reel? Or perhaps outlaw them completely or make them very hard to attain for the average person.
  • Now the general public will have yet another reason to have a negative view on Airguns. I fear that putting more restrictions on airguns is just a stepping stone to more restrictions on real guns and more restrictions on our rights overall.


What ever happened to common sense? It has become uncommon these days…

 Based on how easy it is for a person to get their hands on very realistic looking Airguns in most US based retail stores, I am surprised this tragedy has not happened already, or more often.

Would you walk around your neighborhood with what looks like an Assault rifle? So why walk around a Walmart with one?

Unfortunately we can not protect everyone from themselves, the more failsafes we put in place, the less reasonability people have for themselves and the more responsibility it seems is placed on businesses, government, organizations, parks and events…

We even need warning labels on our coffee telling us it's hot, or to not put poison in our mouths, there are railing and barriers around any bit of water or slight ledge.

Society is programing people to think less fore themselves and trust that everything is going to be OK.

Well it's not true, there is still something called survival of the fittest no matter how many safety nest are in place.

We need to spend more time teaching our kids how to act and behave and how to think for themselves and not be so dependent on everyone else to protect them from themselves. Don't  leave it up to the TV, movies, video games or even their just as oblivious friends. 

Categories: Airgun News, Gun Law, Gun Safety, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman, MK-177

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 Miscellaneous


I stopped by the ICS Booth, we don't sell too much of their products but have carried a few items from time to time. ICS caries some nice quality Airsoft guns including the M1 Grand with real wood stock, and some AK & AR variants.

One of our suppliers had the new FN Herstal Five-seveN Blowback Airsoft pistol, I believe made by Marushin. Like the real FN Herstal Five-seveN, the pistol is pretty much all polymer including the slide and frame. This pistol also uses CO2 in the full size drop out magazine which should make it fairly powerful.

Looks like there is another Dan Wesson contender available now in the form of a Swiss Arms S&W 357 Magnum 4 inch and 6 inch barreled version, they look really nice and like the Dan Wesson have the realistic reusable brass shells that hold the 4.5mm Steel BB's.

Ever considered owning a  mobile Gunsmith vehicle, look no further, I came across this pimped out Firearms Van complete with machine guns mounted in the front :) Inside was a complete firearms workshop.

Last but not least, we had some fun while in Vegas. I go down for the SHOT Show for business but I also bring my wife and we make time for some non business related activities. I generally stay at the WorldMark resort each time and this year the weather was pretty nice so we where able to get some sun by the pool a couple of days and I even got a tan line! Of course the food and entertainment is always awesome in Vegas.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Pellet, Pistol, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: 357, FN Herstal Five-seveN, ICS, Marushin, SHOT Show, Swiss Arms

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 Crosman Booth

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This year the Crosman booth was a bit of a let down in terms of "Replica guns" There really wasn't anything new to speak of? I didn't hang around too long to check on the non-replica guns, perhaps they have been focussing on that area of their market for this year?

One 4.5mm CO2 Blowback BB Pistol they featured as a prototype version last years was on display this year as the final product, the Crosman GI Model 1911BB. And again I was not overly impressed. The Crosman GI Model 1911BB looks for the most part like a 1911 except for the funky trigger which is supposes to look like a 1911 single action trigger. In reality it is a rather heavy double action trigger not at all true to a 1911. I was also puzzled by how recessed the barrel was, sure it's nice to have a slightly recessed barrel to make the pistol more believable but the GI Model 1911BB inner barrel is recessed at least an inch or more robbing this pistol of potential fps.

Guess I'm going to have to try one out at some point to see if it shoots better than I am giving it credit for.

One product from Crosman that is kind of a crossover between a replica and a PCP rifle is the Crosman MAR177 PCP AR Conversion Kit. It is designed to replace the top receiver for a standard AR allowing AR owners to shoot .177 caliber pellets using a standard Pre Charged Pneumatic system with their AR platforms. Of course you need an AR lower to use the Crosman MAR177 PCP AR Conversion Kit.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, CO2, PCP, Pellet, Pistol, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: Crosman, GI Model 1911BB, MAR177 PCP Conversion Kit, Model 1911, SHOT Show

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 ASG Booth


I also visited my friends at the ASG booth but for some reason I did not get a photo  of their booth? I do have some video walk through stuff I will show you in my YouTube Video coverage of this years Vegas SHOT Show. Most importantly I have lots of gun photos so let's take a look at them...

One of my favorite ASG pistols is the Bersa BP9CC, I have already reviewed it and I just really like how this gun looks and holds, ASG took it one step further this year by adding a two-tone silver version and I have to say it looks awesome in person, my photos do not do it justice at all :(

A new handgun to the ASG blowback pistol series is the CZ P-09 Duty Pellet pistol. Basically it shares similar mechanics to the Umarex PX4 and Gamo PT-85 using the double sided rotary pellet magazine with 8 shots located on each end of the stick magazine. The ASG CZ P-09 Duty features a metal slide, working hammer and safety.

Another pellets pistol that should be very familiar to most of you is the new .177 caliber pellet shooting Dan Wesson in 6 inch silver and 8 inch black versions. ASG added a rifled barrel and redesigned solid brass shells that hold pellets instead of 4.5mm Steel BB's. Expect to take a little bit longer to reload the pellets as unscrewing the tip of each shell is required to place a .177 caliber pellet in each bullet tip.

Of course ASG has tons of licensed pistols to choose from, many on both 4.5mm Steel BB and 6mm Plastic Airsoft!

One new rifle that stood out to me was the ASG CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1 AEG Airsoft Rifle, the Scorpion features an intelligent AEG system that detects when there may be a potential feeding problem and also when the magazine is out of ammo.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Revolver, Semi Auto Tags: ASG, Bersa, CZ P-09 Duty Pellet, CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1, Dan Wesson Pellet, SHOT Show

Shot Show Vegas 2014 Umarex Booth


Umarex had a lot of new products this year so I thought I would start off showing you some of them. I will be following this post up with a full 2014 Vegas SHOT Show video once I finish posting some of my photos and comments on the show events.

Here is a photo of the main Umarex Booth.

I have always liked the 4.5mm BB version of the Umarex Makarov, Umarex now has the Makarov Ultra version that features blowback, a working slide catch and full size drop out magazine, looking forward to testing this one out!

Another kind of new addition to the 4.5mm Steel BB lineup is the Umarex Beretta Model 84FS. It has been available overseas but is now coming to North America. The Umarex Beretta Model 84FS also features blowback and a full size drop out magazine.

I'm not sure if we needed another rebranded version of the KWC 1911 Blowback BB pistol, but we got one anyways! Umarex now has their own version of what looks to similar to the KWC Tac A1 but with Colt licensing. 

Umarex also made up a very limited edition and very weathered looking blowback BB shooting 1911 based on the KWC design called the Colt 1911 WWII Commemorative. I am not sure how many where made but I know there are not a lot of them... Hope I can get my hands on one...

Umarex came out with Smith & Wesson 327 TRR8 last year and this year they have added a similar styled 4.5mm Steel BB shooting revolver with removable shells but in a licensed Colt Python 357 version.

Last but not least and going back many years, Umarex is bringing out another Legends Series 4.5mm BB pistol. The German Mauser C96, I'm not 100% sure if it's blowback or not but it does seem to have a working action, the main pistol is made out of Polymer but it does have a full size drop out magazine and seems to have good weight overall. Most of the parts work like the original Mauser C96 including the adjustable rear sight and safeties.

Categories: Airgun News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pellet, Pistol, Revolver, Semi Auto Tags: Beretta Model 84FS, Colt 1911 WWII Commemorative, Colt Commander, Colt Python 357, Makarov Ultra, Mauser C96, SHOT Show, Umarex

More NcSTAR Products added to the Replica Airguns Canada Store

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We just added a nice sellection of new NcSTAR accessories to the Canada Replica Airguns Store!



Categories: Accessory, Airgun News, Airsoft News, Replica Airguns News Tags: NcSTAR

Replica Airguns at SHOT Show Vegas 2013 Highlights


I am happy to report back to you on all the new cool stuff I got to see at this years 2013 SHOT Show in Las Vegas. Make sure to also watch my Vimeo video at the bottom of this post for some first person styled play by play of my experience at the Vegas SHOT Show 2013. (like you're there with me ;)

First up I want to cover a new gun from ASG, I have been wanting to get my hands on the 4.5mm Bersa BP9CC and I finally got to, not only did I get my hands on it but ASG was kind enough to supply me with one to take home for review. You can get the Bersa BP9CC in both Blowback and non-blowback versions and also in either BB or Airsoft. I opted for the 4.5mm BB Blowback version. I will be reviewing this BB gun very soon!

ASG also had a very cool prototype of an Airsoft CZ Scorpion EVO 3A1 hopefully coming out soon.

While roaming around SHOT Show 2013, I came across an interesting booth from FlashFog Security. I often get people asking me about using an airgun as a home defense weapon and I strongly advise against this. If the intruder is not scared off by the gun there is little an airgun can do to actually stop them. The FlashFog system works by rapidly filling a room with dense fog combined with a strobe light effect which blinds and disorients intruders completely. There is little an intruder can do other then try and get the heck out of there!

UPDATE: FlashFog just added a new section to their website specifically for School Security to help keep our schools safer from potential safety threats! So check it out: School Security Smoke Screen

I was a bit surprised by Gamo this year, they tend to stay away from actual Replica's and generally make BB/Pellet guns that look like popular guns but not any gun in particular. Gamo has a new BB/Pellet MP9 based machine pistol that uses a similar mechanism to their P-25 and PT-85 so it can shoot both 4.5mm BB's and .177 caliber Pellets using a double ended 16 shot rotary magazine. It also has an internal blowback system so it should have some recoil feel to it! I am pretty sure it is semi auto only but still a nice addition to their lineup!

Gamo also brought out a new 4.5mm BB Blowback pistol called the C-15 which has a metal slide and plastic frame, it kind of reminds me of the Umarex HPP in how it looks and feels.

Umarex had several new products that I am sure everyone is going to like! One that I think will do really well is the Steel Force, the Steel Force is designed around the 4.5mm BB shooting Steel Storm platform so it has a 6 round burst blowback operation and holds the 2x12 gram CO2 in the magazine while the BB's go in a 300 round hopper that feeds into a 30 round spring fed internal magazine. Like the Steel Storm it will shoot around 430 fps. The Steel Force has the advantage of being styled after the AR platform so it has a collapsible stock which will make shooting very easy.

Another often asked for airgun replica is the historic German Luger. This year Umarex stepped up to the plate and introduced the Umarex P.08 4.5mm BB pistol. Sorry, no blowback or even a working slide on this one but it is all metal and has a very good weight and feel to it.

If you're a fan of the entry level Umarex XBG then you may be interested in the new Umarex T.D.P. 45 which is very similar to the XBG in looks and features but with a slightly different look to it.

If you've ever wanted to turn your pistol into more of a PDW styled gun, you may be able to depending on which Umarex gun you have? Umarex added a very cool accessory called the T.A.C Converter that converts your Umarex HK USP (BB-Airsoft), SW MP40 (BB), XBG (BB), CZ Enforcer (Airsoft) and Walther P99 DOA (Airsoft) into more of a tactical (PDW) or Personal Defense Weapon complete with for-grip, adjustable rear sight, lots of rail options and a foldable stock.

I am assuming the Crosman M4-177 Pellet/BB Rifle has been doing well for Crosman as they have expanded with some more similar assault styled air rifles. The Crosman MSR77NP pretty much looks like a classic M16 but is in fact a Nitro Piston break barrel pellet rifle able to shoot .177 caliber pellets at 1200 fps (I hope there is a 499 fps Canada version planned too?).

A new takeoff of the M4-177 is the MK-177 which also shoots .177 caliber pellets and 4.5mm BB's using a multi-Pump System but it uses an upgraded more efficient pump system that squeaks out more fps with less pumps. The Crosman MK-177 is designed after the FN SCAR and is available in an adjustable iron sight version or a Red Dot equipped kit version.

One thing you can never get enough of in my opinion is another 1911 pistol! Crosman is introducing their GI Model 1911BB Blowback 4.5mm CO2 pistol, the one they had on hand was more of a prototype so the slide was not operational but it will feature an all metal design, blowback operation, 450 fps and a 20 round drop out magazine. I am sorry to say but it looks like the Crosman C51 has been dropped from Crosman's lineup but if you want a similar styled gun you can checkout the KWC SW40F which is a very close airsoft version.

We recently started carrying G&G Armament Airsoft guns, you can checkout my review of the Xtreme 45. I did stop by their booth and they had some new products on display, the M1 Grand (all wood stock) Airsoft had it's magwell all wrapped up as G&G had a propriety magazine system they did not want their competition to see. G&G also had some very interesting targets that light up, when shot they would react by individually turning off so you could see if you hit it or not.

There was a rather large crowd at the KWA booth but it was a shared booth so it's hard to say what everyone was looking at, the KWA area was pretty full, I did talk to the KWA rep and asked him point blank if KWC and KWA where the same or sister companies and the answer was not at all. There are often a lot of guns that look like they could be from the same company, I guess there is a lot of copying going on ;) One gun from KWA I would love to get my hands on is the Kriss SMG!

Now keep in mind many of these guns I have highlighted today are not available yet and a lot of them should be coming out in the spring time frame so please try to refrain from repeatedly asking when I will review them and have them in the store, it takes time and as much as we all want them now, they get here when they get here! 

Watch my Vimeo video of the Replica Aiguns at SHOT Show Vegas 2013

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, 9mm, AEG, Accessory, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, Break Barrel, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Multi-pump, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Repeater, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Scope, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Crosman, G&G, Gamo, KWA, Umarex

Higher FPS Webley Tempest Now Available in Canada Store


The classic Webley Tempest is now available in the Replica Airguns Canada Store and let's set the record straight right from the start. This is a the latest made in Turkey version and it really smokes! From most peoples reviews the fit and finish are comparable to previous versions and we will just have to take their word for it as I have never had a Webley Tempest to compare one to? I can tell you the new Turkish made Webley Tempest is very well made air pistol and when it comes to power this gun take it right to the edge in terms of what is legal as an unregulated airgun in Canada.

I tested both the .177 caliber and .22 caliber Webley Tempests and they both shot very hard, keep in mind, with added velocity there is also added cocking effort and the .22 caliber definitely uses a stronger spring as it also has more energy behind the fast moving .22 caliber pellets. The .22 is not for everyone because it take a lot for work to cock this bad boy!

These are the results I got shooting the Webley Tempests using my Chronograph:

  • .177 Caliber
  • 6.9 grain pellets used
  • 499 fps
  • 3.8 foot pounds
  • 5.2 Joules
  • .22 Caliber
  • 11.9 grain pellets used
  • 400 fps
  • 4.2 foot pounds
  • 5.7 Joules

Here is some more info on the new Turkish Webley Tempest:

This is the latest and most powerful (made in Turkey) version of the original barrel over cylinder design that made Webley pistols world famous. Positively locked barrel using the famous Webley revolver type stirrup.
The Webley Tempest is a spring-operated, single shot; break barrel air pistol fitted with a precision-rifled barrel primarily suited to waisted lead pellets. The gun is available in either .177 or .22 caliber. The gun incorporates many additional design features, which include: adjustable trigger, manual safety catch (i.e. selective use), adjustable rear sight with vertical and horizontal adjustment. Handle is designed to fit the hand, with a thumb rest and checkered grips.
  • .177 or .22 cal. pellet versions
  • Spring-operated, break barrel
  • Single shot
  • 400fps .22 - 499fps .177 (REALLY!)
  • 2 pounds
  • 6.89 inch steel rifled barrel
  • Adjustable sights & trigger
  • Manual safety
  • Comes with manual
  • Strong Cocking Effort!!

Buy this gun in Canada   -   Buy similar gun in the US

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, Break Barrel, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Single Shot, Spring Piston Tags: Webley

SHOT Show 2012 Las Vegas Photos and Videos


I wanted to get this video out to you a bit sooner but I have been really sick the past three days and so I have not had a lot of time to put this YouTube Video together. It's a pretty simple compilation of some photos and videos I took during my time walking around the 2012 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, not all of it is to do with airguns but most of it is. I even took a few touristy shots since it wasn't all work ;)

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Accessory, Airgun News, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, Break Barrel, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Multi-pump, PCP, Pellet, Pistol, Repeater, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Scope, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Chiappa, Crosman, Cybergun, Umarex

Detuned Crosman M4-177 Pneumatic Air Rifle Coming to Canada


I thought you may all be interested in knowing that the Crosman M4-177 Pneumatic Air Rifle is coming to Canada. I was looking through the 2012 Crosman product guide that I picked up when I visited Crosman at the SHOT Show, and I noticed they have a Canadian product code!

I have had a lot of people asking if this one would be fore sale in Canada and it looks like it is coming, the question now is when...

Buy Air rifles in Canada   -   Buy this rifle in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, Multi-pump, Pellet, Rifle Tags: Crosman, M4-177




Here is the Official Press Release of the Crosman C-TT:


 ROCHESTER, New York (January 17, 2012) – Crosman Corporation, long known for innovation and quality in products for the shooting sports, has introduced the new Crosman C-TT.  The CO2 powered .177 caliber, semi-automatic BB repeater air pistol is styled after a World War II era Russian service handgun.

Appealing to fans of WWII memorabilia, “the C-TT is an authentic looking plinking pistol that offers hours of fun action shooting,” says Crosman Product Manager Flemming Molin.  “Adding to the realism of the new, vintage-style C-TT pistol is its generous weight and the all-metal body.  It gives this pistol its genuine feel,” he said.  “The 18-round mag drops at the push of a button for quick reloading, getting you back to shooting sooner,” said Molin.

“Imagine the thrill of shooting as fast as you can pull the trigger with this new Soviet-style sidearm. What better way to enjoy target shooting than with a pistol that looks like it’s from your favorite WWII game?” Molin asked.  “Put together some targets and challenge your buddies to a friendly competition,” he suggests.
The new CO2 pistol is a semi-automatic repeater powered by a Powerlet® 12 gram CO2 cartridge.  It features a comfortable polymer grip, alloy body and is equipped with a front blade and rear notch sight. The C-TT holds up to 18, 4.5mm BBs and is as sturdy as the World War II Red Army service pistol it resembles,” Molin commented.
The C-TT has an MSRP of $99.99 and is available at retail.
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, CO2, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: C-TT, Crosman

SHOT Show 2012 Day 2 - ASG - Airsoft - Chiappa 22LR


OK, so I took a day off to appease the wife and did some "shopping" but then today it was back to business and I made the wife come along for the ride, she was a good sport about it so it all worked out!

I went back to Umarex and Crosman, just to verify a few things, first of all, the Umarex P38 is in fact a blowback pistol and it has a nice 400 claimed fps. I am looking forward to testing this one!.

I also went back to Crosman to checkout the C51 and the C*TT to see if the C51 Glock-ish looking replica had a polymer frame which it does and also to see if the C*TT is blowback which it is not :( But it is mostly metal and has a working slide so there is hope for the C*TT.

I dropped by the ASG booth but there was nothing really new there. I already have pretty much all their 4.5mm BB guns but they do have a nice selection of Airsoft guns, and speaking of Airsoft guns I am spending a significant amount of my time these days looking into the Airsoft market and what I can bring into Canada for sale. I have been talking with several suppliers and we should have some nice offering for us Canadians shortly so stay posted on this one...

Lastly, I have a few 22LR guns coming my way that I will be reviewing. yes I know they are not airguns but whenever I review a 22LR gun, I get a lot of questions and if you are like me, and you have your PAL, the 22LR guns make a nice addition to your low cost guns that you can buy and shoot for a fraction of the cost of the larger caliber guns out there.

Today I stopped by Chiappa and checked them out. I have a 1911 Tactical 22LR on the way that I will be reviewing and I may get some more 22LR from Chiappa down the road if the 1911 reviews well. By the way I also have a 22lR M22 ISSC "Glock" styled pistol also on it's way for review!


Well that's it from the Vegas  SHOT SHow 2012 for now, see you on the flip-side!

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Semi Auto Tags: ASG, C-TT, Chiappa, Crosman, Umarex, Walther P38

Crosman C51 - SHOT Show 2012


I thought the Crosman C51 was dead, it was expected to be released back in the summer of 2011 but it got delayed and then word came out that it was dropped! But then to my surprise I saw it on display at this years SHOT Show and after a few questions it looks like it is back on the table as a new product for 2012.

This is great news because I have to say this is a very well made pistol all around very realistic. It has excellent weight to it, especially in the slide and it has a floating barrel with full blowback action and a single action trigger. You will also be happy to hear it has a full drop out metal magazine and seems to be designed like many of the 6mm Airsoft blowback airguns. 

I am really looking forward to getting my hands  on this air pistol!

Enjoy the photos - I took lots :)

Buy Crosman guns in Canada   -   Buy Crosman guns in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: C51, Crosman

Umarex P38 BB Pistol - SHOT Show 2012


One new item from Umarex that at first I thought was pretty much exactly like the Crosman C41 but after closer inspection it is very different and has some features that I believe will make it the better of the two.

For one the Umarex P38 has a slide catch and release, the Crosman C41 has a moving slide but no slide catch to speak of. The Umarex P38 also has the actual Walther P38 licensing which is a nice touch and it has an actual working hammer. I am not 100% sure if it is blowback or not but I plan on going back and asking a few more questions about the Umarex Walther P38 as it looks to be a nice addition to the Umarex Replica Air Pistol line up.

Enjoy the photos for now...

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: Umarex, Walther P38

Day One of the SHOT Show 2012!


The SHOT Show is out of this world! You really need a week to check it all out or perhaps a clone of yourself... I barely touched the surface today. I did make sure I had a chance to checkout both Umarex and Crosman, I also made it to some other booths, but I will touch on them later in another post. There is enough information I can share with you from Crosman and Umarex to keep you drooling for now.

In short, here is what is new...

Crosman is bringing back the C51 Glock inspired Blowback BB pistol that we all thought was dead and I have to say it looks really really nice - more to come on this one. Crosman also has the new C*TT BB pistol that looks to be a blowback pistol replica of the Russian Tokarev. I also saw a very nice looking two tone version of the M4-177 and there may just be a Canadian detuned under 500 fps version on the way? Crosman is also introducing a really well made Nitro Piston air pistol called the Benjamin Trail NP that looks to be a very well made break barrel spring piston air pistol that shoots in the 500 fps neighbourhood.

Umarex also had some new items, one of which at first glance looks a lot like the Crosman C41 P38 replica but I have to say it has more going for it with a locking slide, licensed trade marks, true single action and overall just a more realistic version of the real P38. Umarex is also bringing the Smith & Wesson 327 TRR8 BB Revolver to North America, which is very similar to the Dan Wesson line but with extra rails on the top and bottom of the barrel. Umarex is also adding a couple Browning based air guns, one is a low fps Browning Buck Mark copy which is a break barrel .177 caliber pellet shooter targeted for the beginner target shooter and also a Browning High Power replica. One last BB pistol many people have been asking for is the Beretta 90 Two BB pistol and it looks like it has landed in North America finally!

Make sure to check back for some more photos and more info on all these guns...

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Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, Blowback, Break Barrel, CO2, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, Spring Piston Tags: Benjamin Trail, C41, C51, Crosman, M4-177, S&W 327 TRR8, T-KK, Umarex

SHOT Show 2012 in Las Vegas Nevada

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The bad news is - I'm going to be a bit out of touch with my email as I will be away from this Sunday till Friday in Las Vegas Nevada at the 2012 SHOT Show and not only will I be supper busy checking out all the cool stuff at the show, but I will most likely have limited internet access.

The good mews is - I will be doing my best to post as many photos, videos and info about the Airgun related booths and events going on at the 2012 SHOT Show, so make sure to checkout the Replica Airguns website next week, I hope to be able to share with you anything new and cool from the 2112 SHOT Show!

Categories: Airgun News, Replica Airguns News Tags:

New Crosman M417 M4 Styled Pneumatic Air Rifle


Crosman just made a press announcement for their latest M417 Pneumatic Air Rifle which looks a lot like an M4 assault rifle.


Although it looks like a semi auto, under the hood is a multi-pump pneumatic system that requires pumping between shots, you can pump just a few times or several to get right up to 625 fps with 7.9 grain pellets so I am assuming this one is not coming to the Canadian market in it's current configuration. By the way you can also shoot BB's by loading up to 350 into the BB reservoir located on the side of the receiver, while an 18 round track feeds the BB's for shooting.

Some other interesting points to mention are the adjustable rear stock and windage adjustable, dual aperture (2-position), flip rear sight, and elevation adjustable front sight that can also be removed entirely for alternative sighting like a red dot or scope.

The Crosman M417 - M4 styled pellet and BB rifle uses a polymer stock, receiver and forearm and sports tactical rails for mounting accessories in several locations. MSRP is right around $119.

Here 's to hoping for a Canadianized version some time in the near future...

Buy Air rifles in Canada   -   Buy this rifle in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, Multi-pump, Pellet, Repeater, Rifle Tags: Crosman, M4-177



Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, CO2, Pellet, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: PPQ, Umarex, Walther