Entries in Airgun News,Rifle

Baikal IZH MP-61 Side Lever Spring Piston Air Rifle Review


Type: Pellet air rifle.
Manufacturer: Baikal.
Model: IZH MP-61.
Materials: Metal & plastic.
Weight: 4.3 pounds.
Barrel: 18.5 inches, metal-rifled.
Propulsion: Spring piston.
Action: Repeater.
Ammunition Type: .177 caliber pellets.
Ammunition Capacity: 5 rounds.
FPS: 490.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the IZH MP-61 is a nice light 1.4 pounds and the release stage is also adjustable, you actually need to be careful of accidental shots as the trigger is light enough to go off before you are ready to shoot.
Accuracy: Very good, I was not so sure when first using the IZH-61 with my initial scope and pellet setup but my second open sight test with different pellets yielded a very tight 1 inch group from 30 feet out in a standing unrested position.

Build Quality: This is a no-nonsense gun made Russian style, it is built to be cost effective so there are parts that could be made with metal that are plastic but there isn't anything on this gun that feels cheap or poorly built. Baikal also doesn't cheap out on the plastic as not all plastic is the same. I actually dropped the IZH MP-61 right on the front hooded sight without any adverse effects, cheap plastic would have cracked and broken.
Realism: Since the Baikal IZH-61 is not a replica gun, I can not really compare it to any existing one rifle out there, but it does look very tactical in design, much more so then your standard spring piston air rifle.
Purchased this rifle from: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • Inexpensive spring piston rifle.
  • Very unique looking air rifle.
  • Side pull lever design.
  • 5 round magazine/clip.
  • Right on the money with FPS.
  • Adjustable Stock.
  • Adjustable Trigger.
  • 11mm dovetail rail mount for scopes.
  • Very light weigh and easy to cock.
  • Made in Russia


  • Plastic stock seems to mark up easy - kind of part of the utilitarian look.
  • Mechanics takes a bit of getting use to.
  • Scope rail mount is a bit short.

The Baikal IZH MP-61 is a really nice low cost yet full featured air riffle! You really get a lot of rifle for your money: You get an efficient side lever design with a 5 shot magazines for quick repeat shots, a very light weight and adjustable trigger, an adjustable stock, a rail mount for a scope and one of the more tactical looking air rifles available on the market. The Baikal MP-61 also takes the FPS right up to the limit without going over so no license or PAL is required to own this one in Canada. This air rifle is designed for target shooting but could also be used for small pest control if your marksmanship is good enough to hit the vital kill zones of your prey.

My YouTube Video Review for this Russian made Air rifle:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Pellet, Repeater, Review, Rifle, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: Baikal, IZH-61

Baikal IZH-61 5 Shot Repeating Air Rifle Now Available!


Another new product arrives at the

Replica Airguns Store

The Baikal IZH-61 has a very interesting style and design, it is compact, lightweight and a truly affordable air rifles that offers a unique blend of attributes inherent in hi-class sporting weapons such as a five way adjustable trigger, an adjustable stock,an adjustable rear sight and fully hooded front sight. The Baikal IZH-61 also has provisions to mount a scope or red dot sight.

Some other interesting design element are a fixed barrel with a heavy duty side cocking lever and a 5 shot pellet magazine fed into the barrel by a slide feeder ensuring high pattern results.

  • .177 caliber pellets
  • 5 round magazine
  • Sidelever Spring-piston
  • 10.5 pounds cocking effort
  • Up to 490 fps
  • 4.3 pounds
  • 18.5 inch rifled barrel
  • 33 inches total length
  • 1.4 pound trigger pull
  • Adjustable rear sight
  • 11mm dovetail scope mount
  • Made in Russia
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Pellet, Repeater, Rifle, Spring Piston Tags: Baikal, IZH-61

Baikal Drozd BB Machine Gun Now Available in the Replica Airguns Store

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The notorious

Baikal Drozd

is now available in the

Replica Airguns Store

! This is one of the first serious consumer based BB Machine guns made and if you have never seen one in action you need to do so right now! This Russian made Full Auto BB Gun is capable of firing up to 600 rounds per minute and 6 round bursts. Keep in mind that modification chips for this BB shooter are easy to find and make it a 1200 round per minute true full auto shredder.

This well made CO2 4.5mm BB air gun uses a very durable polymer and metal design and takes advantage of an electrically activated trigger for precise aim and consistency.

  • 4.5mm Steel BB's
  • 30 Round magazine
  • CO2 Powered
  • Up to 499 fps
  • 3.5 Pounds
  • 13.75 Inches long
  • Rifled barrel
  • 300-450-600 rounds per minute selectable
  • 1-3-6 round Bursts
  • Adjustable rear sight
  • Rail for Red Dot Scope (11mm dovetail)
  • Metal and polymer design
  • Removable stock
  • Made in Russia
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Full Auto, Pistol, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: Baikal, Drozd

Umarex MP5K PDW CO2 BB Gun Chronograph - Shooting & Slow-mo

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The Umarex MP5K PDW is another gun I reviewed a while back that I though could use a bit of an update video with some of the new gadgets I have to added to my videos these days... This time my Umarex MP5K PDW gets the office Replica Airguns Chronograph test, I take it through an accuracy test shooting 8 rounds at a target from 20 feet out in a free standing position. And to end things off and since the Umarex MP5K PDW has a blowback bolt or at least what appears to be a blowback bolt, I also take some slow motion high speed video of the blowback in action.

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I also got to play around with my DRIFT HD170 Point of View Action Camera and use it to take some really cool first person style video of teh Umarex MP5 in action. Overall I was impressed with the H&K MP5K BB gun overall, it shot very accurately when shooting slow and in rapid fire and it also got right up to the 400 FPS factory claim.

Enjoy my Vimeo Video of the Umarex MP5K PDW CO2 BB Gun getting Chronographed, Shooting on a Target and captured in Slow Motion...

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: MP5K PDW, Umarex

Daisy Red Ryder vs Crosman Marlin Cowboy BB Rifle Comparison Review


OK to start things off, this is a review of the Daisy Red Ryder Lever action BB Rifle but the Vimeo Video also compares the Red Ryder to the very similar Crosman Marlin Cowboy Lever Action BB Riffle, If you have not checked my Marlin Cowboy review out, you can see it here.

So for the most part I am going to focus on the Red Ryder in this text version but I will refer to the Marlin Cowboy when comparing the two BB air rifles.

Type: BB spring air rifle.

Manufacturer: Daisy.

Model:Red Ryder.

Materials: Mostly metal and wood.

Weight: 2.2 pounds.

Barrel: Smooth bore.

Propulsion: Spring.

Action: Lever action.

Ammunition Type: Steel BBs 4.5mm.

Ammunition Capacity: 650 rounds.

FPS: Up-to 350.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull is pretty good, not super light but predictable. (the trigger area is much larger then the Crosman Marlin Cowboy which may be more suitable for adults with thick fingers)

Accuracy: When I originally tested my Marline Cowboy I thought it performed well but the Daisy Red Ryder definitely has the advantage in the accuracy department, at least in my testing. I got about a 1.5 inch 8 shot group from a free standing position 20 feet away from the target.

Build Quality: This is a pretty much all metal and wood gun with a build quality almost exactly like the Crosman Marlin Cowboy. Daisy has even made some improvements like upgrading the lever to metal from plastic, most likely to compete with Crosman on this feature. The only plastic I found was the trigger, safety and front sight assembly.

Realism: Even though this BB gun is styled after the classic lever action Cowboy Rifle, it's not a close replica to any that I know of. You have to keep in mind the purpose of this gun - meant primarily for younger first time shooters. There are some nice touches like the leather tassels and the Red Ryder name burned into the stock .

Purchased From: Walmart.


  • Inexpensive introduction to the sport of Airgun shooting.

  • Made out of Mostly Metal and Wood - Now including the Lever.

  • Large capacity internal barrel magazine (650 rounds).

  • Adjustable rear sight for height.

  • Decent 300+ fps velocity.

  • Excellent accuracy and consistency.

  • The original maker of this style of BB rifle - great track record!

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  • Plastic trigger, safety and front sight assembly.

  • Some people may find the non removable metal loop for the leather tassel a bit intrusive.


I think this is a wonderful little BB rifle and even though it's intended for the young entry level shooter it can make a great back yard plinker that anyone can join in and enjoy - adults included! I plan to be shooting either the Red Ryder or my Marline Cowboy side by side with my little guy when he is old enough to shoot one of these fine lever action BB rifles. When it comes to picking between the Daisy Red Ryder or the Crosman Marlin Cowboy Lever Action BB Rifles it comes down to a few points: Both have almost the exact same build quality so it may come down to which look you like best? The Daisy was more accurate while the Crosman had a bit more power. The Red Ryder had the lighter but longer lever action pull while the Marlin Cowboy had a heavier shorter lever pull.

If you can't decide just buy them both because they are dirt cheap to buy and tons of fun to shoot, so when your friends come over you can always pass them one so they won't feel left out!

My Vimeo Video Comparison Review for these Lever Action BB Rifles:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Comparison, Field Test, Review, Rifle, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman, Daisy, Marlin Cowboy, Red Ryder

Henry Lever Action Rimfire .22 Caliber Rifle Overview


First off, you may have noticed this Henry Lever Action Rimfire .22 Caliber Rifle is not an airgun or a blank gun! So why am I reviewing it? This isn't going to be a review as much as it's going to be an overview.

I just really wanted to share this awesome little .22 caliber rimfire shooter with you because if you're like me then you may also appreciate the Henry Lever Action Rimfire .22 Caliber Rifle like I do. One reason I like airguns is because they are generally lower cost to purchase and lower cost to shoot then your average powder burner. My Henry .22 only set me back $269 and I have probably paid more for some of my airguns so this was not to bad on the pocket book. Another bonus is I can shoot this gun all day long because .22 caliber rimfire ammo is about 1/10th or less the cost of regular powder based ammo. I can buy a box of 500+ shells for under $20!

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When purchasing a rimfire .22 caliber gun, you have to also consider what ammunition you are going to be using as not all rimfire .22 caliber guns will shoot all types of .22 caliber ammo. You can get .22 rimfire ammunition in "Long Rifle", "Long", "Short" and even "Buckshot". Keep in mind that not all .22 caliber guns will operate properly with all kinds of .22 caliber rimfire ammo. For instance, autoloaders generally require the "Long Rifle" ammunition to cycle properly. What I love about the Henry Lever Action Rimfire .22 is that it can shoot pretty much any .22 caliber rimfire ammunition you through at it except for the magnum loads which is a totally different gun altogether.

Another bonus to using the .22 caliber short ammo is that it is about as loud as a standard airgun, at least when using a rifle. So if you don't want to draw attention to yourself then pickup some shorts and plink away! Depending on what manufacturer of shorts you purchase they tend to shoot in the 700-1000 FPS using around a 20-30 grain bullet, so they are still perfectly good for small pest control. Just make sure to keep in mind what is beyond your target as a 20-30 grain bullet will penetrate objects and travel farther then a much lighter .22 caliber pellet even traveling at the same speed.

As this is just an overview I want ot cover some of the main points about the Henry Lever Action Rimfire .22 Caliber Rifle...

  • Shoots .22 caliber rimfire ammunition in Long Rifle, Long and Short.

  • Uses a Lever Action with a tube fed magazine.

  • Magazine holds: 15-LR, 17-L, 21-S.

  • Weighs 5.25 pounds.

  • Has an 18 1/4 inch barrel and is 36 1/2 inches long.

  • Has an adjustable rear sight and hooded front sight with a grooved receiver for easy scope mounting.

  • It's mostly all metal and wood.

  • Is totally fun to shoot and looks awesome!

So that's a wrap, if you want more info on this very cool .22 then check out the Henry Website.

Categories: .22 cal, Non Airguns, Real Gun, Review, Rifle, YouTube Video Tags: Henry Lever Action

Custom Baikal Drozd Full Auto 1200 Rounds Per Minute


I already have a customized full auto Drozd Blackbird who can pass up another Dorzd when the price is right! I will be making a double Drozd video down the road :)

My new Classic Drozd came with the Full Auto mod chip, the JimC hand made barrel, a 68ci Nitro Duck 4500 PSI carbon fiber tank and bulk air hose.

I also got the Red Dot scope with my new purchase but used one of my rial risers that fit perfectly giving my new Drozd an AR look to it.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Accessory, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Full Auto, Modification, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Scope Tags: Baikal, Drozd

Benjamin Sheridan Super Streak .22 Caliber Break Barrel Rifle


I purchased a bunch of "near new" air guns from a friend of mine last week who was't using them anymore and thought I could put them to better use. I was happy to oblige!

I already have the Crosman Quest 800 Break Barrel .22 caliber rifle for my pest control but you can always use one with more power! The break barrel Benjamin Sheridan Super Streak in .22 caliber is rated at up to 1000 fps and it is a real beast of an air gun to say the least. It came with a nice 4-16-40mm scope and I added an NCStar bi-pod to it to help distribute some of the weight.

I sighted it in at about 50 feet and was able to get about a nice 1 inch grouping with it from a rested position. I am looking forward to using this gun when my fruit trees start producing.

Categories: .22 cal, Break Barrel, Pellet, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Scope, Single Shot, Spring Piston Tags: Benjamin Sheridan, Super Streak

Diana 240 Classic Break Barrel Pellet Rifle Available For Purchase


The Diana 240 Classic is the second of the two Diana Break Barrel Pellet Rifles I just added to the Replica Airguns Store and it is also available in the 495 FPS non-PAL version. 

The Diana 240 Classic Break Barrel Pellet Rifle has a simplistic design, while incorporating top equipment and high precision parts which give this quality air rifle the characteristics of the new Diana product line. The Diana Classic 240 has the new straight classic wooden stock and will give you no end of 495 feet per second shooting fun and leisure-time.

  • .177 & .22 caliber @ 495 FPS
  • Barrel length: 16.5"
  • Weight: 5.8 pounds
  • Break barrel spring piston
  • Total Length: 41"
  • Wood stock
Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Break Barrel, Pellet, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Single Shot, Spring Piston Tags: 240 Classic, Diana

Diana Panther 21 Break Barrel Pellet Rifle Available for Purchase

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I just added a couple new name brand air rifles from Diana. The first one is the Diana Panther 21 Break Barrel Pellet Rifle in both .177 and .22 caliber versions. Both versions shoot up to 495 fps so they do not require a PAL for purchase.

The Diana Panther 21 Break Barrel Pellet Rifle is a low-cost introduction to the world of Diana air rifles. Diana's successful, youthful lightweight model inspires confidence with its modern design, precision and an extremely attractive price. Combining the power plant of the 240 Classic with the durable black synthetic stock will attract not only just younger shooters.

  • .177 & .22 caliber @ 495 FPS
  • Barrel length: 16.5"
  • Weight: 5.8 pounds
  • Break barrel spring piston
  • Total Length: 41"
  • Synthetic all weather stock
Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Break Barrel, Pellet, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Single Shot, Spring Piston Tags: Diana, Panther 21



Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, CO2, Pellet, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: PPQ, Umarex, Walther

Marlin Cowboy Lever Action BB Rifle Chronograph Test

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I don't know if a lot of people out there are going to be interested in the feet per second performance of what some might call a kids BB gun, but I know I was. And since I already had my Chrony chronograph setup I thought it would be just as easy to put my Crosman Marlin Cowboy Lever Action BB shooter through the paces.

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The Cowboy has a claimed feet per second rating of  "up to" 350 fps so I wasn't expecting too much. Right off the bat it hit around 300 fps and kept climbing till it hit just under 320 feet per second. I even went back later after shooting it for a bit and hit got to the mid 320's! I think it just needed a bit of breaking in to hit it's full potential.

Anyway, The Crosman Marline Cowboy Lever action rifle is a really fun BB gun to shoot and my son is going to love it when he gets it for his birthday one of these years, when he's ready...

Watch my Vimeo video of the Crosman Marlin Cowboy full Chronograph test:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Field Test, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: Crosman, Marlin Cowboy


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Sorry, I only have the one photo I could find of the Umarex Smith & Wesson M&P 45. This CO2 pistol shoots both BB's and Pellets and looks like it uses some of the design elements from other rotary magazine Umarex guns like the CPSport and CP88. Again I am not sure if the slide is metal or plastic because of the lower weight factor?


  • Uses 12 gram CO2
  • 4.5mm steel BB's and .177 caliber pellets
  • 380 fps
  • Double action
  • 8 rounds
  • 1.37 Pounds
  • Picatinny Rail

Click on the picture below to open them in a larger window.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, CO2, Pellet, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: S&W M&P 45, Umarex



The Umarex Smith & Wesson M&P R8 is coming to North America, I know that for sure! From what I can tell by looking at the photos and the weight of the gun, it looks like it's got a lot of plastic components? it does have pretty good fps but states double action and not single action? Guess we'll have to see when it gets here?


  • Uses 12 gram CO2
  • 4.5mm steel BB's
  • 427 fps
  • Double action
  • 8 rounds
  • 1.1 Pounds
  • Mostly Plastic?
  • Picatinny Rail under barrel

Click on the pictures below to open them in a larger window.

Buy this gun in Canada   -   Buy this gun in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, CO2, Pistol, Revolver, Semi Auto Tags: S&W M&P R8, Umarex


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I don't have too much in the way of specification for the Umarex S&W 327 TRR8 but I can say it pretty much looks like an ASG Dan Wesson that has been re-skinned! Something I found a bit funny with this gun si that it is supposed to be a TRR8 replica, and the real S&W 327 TRR8 is an 8 shooter and the Umarex copy is a 6 shooter! Maybe they though nobody would notice?

Specifications based on Photos and similar Dan Wesson:

  • Uses 12 gram CO2
  • 4.5mm steel BB's
  • 400-450 fps
  • Single & double action
  • 6 rounds
  • 2.25 - 2.5 Pounds
  • All metal
  • Picatinny Rail top and bottom
  • Red Dot Scope accessory
  • Fore grip accessory

Click on the pictures below to open them in a larger window.

Buy S&W 327 TRR8 in Canada   -   Buy S&W 327 TRR8 in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, CO2, Pistol, Revolver, Semi Auto Tags: S&W 327 TRR8, Umarex



Here are some photos and some basic specifications on the Umarex Rail Gun 4.5mm CO2 BB pistol.


  • Uses 12 gram CO2
  • 4.5mm steel BB's
  • 410 fps
  • Single action
  • 22 round drop-out magazine
  • 2.25 Pounds
  • Full metal with blowback
  • Fiber optic sights
  • Picatinny Rail
  • Rail mount
  • Supressor

Click on the pictures below to open them in a larger window.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: Race Gun, Umarex

Umarex Beretta 90two Specifications and Photos


As promised, here are some photos and some basic specifications on the Umarex Beretta 90two 4.5mm CO2 BB pistol.


  • Uses 12 gram CO2
  • 4.5mm steel BB's
  • 394 fps
  • Double action only
  • 21 round drop-out magazine
  • 1.11 Pounds
  • Metal moving slide - no blowback
  • Picatinny Rail

Click on the pictures below to open them in a larger window.

Buy Beretta 90two in Canada  -  Buy Beretta 90two in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, CO2, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: Beretta, Beretta 90two, Umarex