Entries in Accessory,Replica Airguns News

2019 Replica Airguns Halloween Contest Vote for Your Favorite!

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I hate to drag this on a bit longer but I really am having a hard time deciding on the top three videos for this years Replica Airguns Halloween Contest. This year more than any other it has been more about quality over quantity meaning we didn't get a lot of Halloween Contest video submissions but the ones we did get are really well done with lots of time, effort and thought put into each video.

So rather than myself choosing the winners, I will put it in the hands of you my dedicated followers and viewers. Read the instructions below on how to take part in deciding who will be the winners of this years Replica Airguns Halloween Contest!

Categories: Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video Tags:

2019 Replica Airguns Halloween Contest Giveaway

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There are two parts to they video, the Halloween Costume Contest and what’s going on next week so make sure to watch it all…

Part 1 - 2019 Replica Airguns Halloween Contest Giveaway

Contest Rules:

  • Must be 18+ to receive a prize.

  • Canada & US winners only.

  • Halloween Costumes must have a weapon of some sort in them.

  • Must post a Halloween costume video to your YouTube channel.

  • Your video must be named "2019 Replica Airguns Halloween Contest Giveaway".

  • November 9th is the deadline date for you to get your video in.

  • Must post a comment in this video letting me know you have a video for me.

  • Must be a subscriber to the Replica Airguns channel.

  • Must like this video

1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes Awarded:

What’s going on next week?

I will be away competing in a Body Building Fitness Contest so there will not be any more videos that week.

You may have noticed I have been withering away this past couple of months. This is in preparation for a Fitness Contest I am going into. For a show like this you need to be super lean to be competitive.

I have been competing since 2015 mainly in Men’s Physique and have qualified myself over the years to compete at the National level in Amateur Body Building.

The competition I am going to is the GNC / ALLMAX Canadian National Pro Qualifier in Toronto. If I do really well I can possibly get an IFBB Pro Card. Getting an IFBB Pro Card means I would now be able to compete in Pro Body Building competitions.

In order to win the Pro Card I would need to win my hight class and then win the overalls against the other winners in their hight class.

To date I have come close to winning the IFFB Pro Card but just missed it on two occasions. I am hoping to get the IFBB Pro Card this times around but I know the competition will be very competitive.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, Pistol, Rifle, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman, Bushmaster MPW, KWC, Taurus PT24 24/7, Umarex, Makarov PM, Makarov

Tokyo Marui New Product Preview Unboxing Video

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I though I would feature the fact that we recently added some of the Tokyo Marui product line to our Canada Replica Airguns Store. Tokyo Marui is said to be one of the best Airsoft products on the market and they have been around for a while so they have had time to get it right! As Tokyo Marui is a Japanese based company they are restricted to only being able to use plastic frames and slides but even with this limitation the Tokyo Marui products that I have personally looked at are extremely well made.

In this Tokyo Marui New Product Preview Unboxing Video I take a look at 4 Tokyo Marui models; the Tokyo Marui Strike Warrior .45 1911 Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol, the Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 5.1 D.O.R (Direct Optics Ready) GBB Airsoft Pistol, the Tokyo Marui FNX-45 Tactical Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol and lastly the Tokyo Marui VSR-10 Pro Sniper Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle.

Tokyo Marui Strike Warrior .45 1911 Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol

  • Type: Airsoft Pistol

  • Manufacturer: Tokyo Marui

  • Model: Strike Warrior .45

  • Materials: ABS

  • Weight: 816 g (1.8 lb)

  • Length: 205 mm (8.1 in)

  • Barrel: 74 mm (2.9 in), metal

  • Power Source: Green Gas

  • Action: Semi-automatic, blowback

  • Ammo Type: 6mm airsoft BBs

  • Ammo Capacity: 28 rounds

  • FPS: 366

Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 5.1 D.O.R (Direct Optics Ready) GBB Airsoft Pistol

  • Type: Airsoft Pistol

  • Manufacturer: Tokyo Marui

  • Model: Hi-Capa 5.1 D.O.R.

  • Materials: Polymer and metal

  • Weight: 839 g (1.85 lb)

  • Length: 220 mm (8.7 in)

  • Barrel: 112 mm (4.4 in), metal

  • Power Source: Green Gas

  • Action: Semi-automatic, blowback

  • Ammo Type: 6mm airsoft BBs

  • Ammo Capacity: 31 rounds

  • FPS: 366

Tokyo Marui FNX-45 Tactical Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol

  • Type: Airsoft Pistol

  • Manufacturer: Tokyo Marui

  • Model: FNX-45 Tactical

  • Materials: ABS

  • Weight: 830 g (1.8 lb)

  • Length: 220 mm (8.7 in)

  • Barrel: 113 mm (4.4 in)

  • Power Source: Green Gas

  • Action: Semi-automatic, blowback, single/double-action

  • Ammo Type: 6mm airsoft BBs

  • Ammo Capacity: 29 rounds

  • FPS: 366

Tokyo Marui VSR-10 Pro Sniper Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle

  • Type: Airsoft Rifle

  • Manufacturer: Tokyo Marui

  • Model: VSR-10 Pro Sniper vers.

  • Materials: ABS

  • Weight: 1.9 kg (4.2 lb)

  • Length: 107.5 cm (42.3 in)

  • Barrel: 430 mm (17 in)

  • Power Source: Spring

  • Action: Bolt action

  • Ammo Type: 6mm airsoft BBs

  • Ammo Capacity: 30 rounds

  • FPS: 366

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Comparison, GBB, Gas, Pistol, Review, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: Tokyo Marui, VSR-10 Pro, FNX-45 Tactical, Hi-Capa 5.1 D.O.R., Strike Warrior .45

June Update with New Products from Sig Sauer - Crosman - KWC - Air Venturi - Pocket Shot

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Again I have some new products to show everyone. Some we got a bit of a preview of when I was at SHOT Show 2019 earlier this year but now I have them in my hands to show off and of course will be doing full Table Top and Filed Test for anything new as soon as I can get to them.

Starting with Sig Sauer, they sent me their brand new Sig Sauer P365 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol. This was probably one of my favorite new Air Pistols at SHOT Show simply because it is so small and somehow Sig was able to find a way to put a full size drop out metal magazine that holds both the CO2 and BB’s in it. This is one I am really looking forward to testing out in the Indoor Sea Can Airgun Shooting Range.

Another fantastic product is Crosman’s DPMS Full Auto CO2 BB Rifle which was pretty much perfect the first time around. Well at SHOT Show this year Crosman updated it a bit mainly with some cosmetic changes and now is offering the Crosman MPW, a slightly shorter version of the DPMS and now with an AR Compatible Stock for customizing your Crosman’s MPW Full Auto CO2 BB Rifle.

Yet one more item I was drooling over at SHOT Show 2019 where the Air Venturi Springfield Arms XDM Air Pistols being offered in GBB Airsoft and CO2 BB models along with 3.8 and 4.5 inch versions. It looks like the GBB Airsoft venisons where first out of the factory and I was able to get them in two styles, the Air Venturi Springfield Arms XDM 3.8 GBB Airsoft and Air Venturi Springfield Arms XDM 4.5 GBB Airsoft.

So maybe not as exciting… I also take a look at a NBB CO2 BB Makarov from KWC that is pretty basic but is much less expensive and will offer higher FPS and more shots per CO2 being that it is Non-blowback Airgun. It will be interesting to see how it compares performance wise to the KWC Full Blowback CO2 BB version.

Last but also super cool and I know it’s not really as Airgun related but still something I think everyone will be interested in is the Pocket Shot Pro Arrow Pouch with D-Loop. I reviewed the Pocket Shot “Slingshot” a while back, this new product allows you to use standard Arrows with their new Arrow Pouch getting around 40 pounds of pull and it comes with a trigger release. By the way the Pocket Shot Pro Arrow system is legals to hunt deer with in most US States, I’m not sure about Canada but perhaps here too?

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Accessory, Airgun News, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Non Airguns, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWC, Makarov PM, Crosman, Crosman MPW, Bushmaster MPW, SIG Sauer P365, Sig Sauer ASP, AirVenturi, Springfield Armory, XDM, Pocket Shot, Pro Arrow Pouch

Is a Red or Orange Tip on an Airgun a Good or Bad Idea

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Airgun Red Ornage Tip Main.JPG

The subject of Red/Orange tips on Airguns is often a bit controversial, the idea behind putting a Red or Orange tip on an Airgun is to distinguish an Airsoft gun from a “Real Gun”. Is this really a good idea? Do we really want to encourage people from treating an Airgun as if it was not real? Does the Orang/Red tip give people the wrong idea that an Airgun can be used with less responsibility than a real gun and if so what are the consequences.

In my “Is a Red or Orange Tip on an Airgun a Good or Bad Idea” YouTube Video I dress two main issues I have with putting Red or Orange Tips on Airguns and in this case I am talking mainly from the perspective of a person living in North America where we often see Red/Orange tips on Airsoft guns that come from the US. In Canada our legally imported Airsoft guns do not require Red or Orange tips since they are actually considered unregulated firearms as an Airsoft gun has been determined to be able to cause serious injury.

Main Point Number 1:
Does adding a Red or Orange tip give the false impression that an Airgun is a toy and can be treated just like a toy? Would you give an Airgun to a child unsupervised? Can an Airgun cause a serious injury or even death, and if so why is an Airgun potentially less dangerous than a “Real Gun”?

Main Point Number 2:
Does the additional a Red/Orange Tip on and Airgun make it harder for law enforcement to make a decision when they are forced to act on someone that appears to have a gun and is using it in a dangerous way? What do they do when a person is brandishing what looks to be a firearm but it appears to have a Red or Orange Tip on it? What if someone simply painted the tip Red or Orange to throw people off and make them second guess themselves allowing the perpetrator critical time to get the first and most critical shots off?

I am not trying to stir up any pots here but simply bringing up concerns I have with adding Red or Orange Tips to Airguns. Maybe the powers that be need to reconsider if a Red or Orange Tip on an Airgun is a good or bad idea?

Categories: BB, Airsoft, Blank Gun, Pellet, Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video Tags:

Replica Airguns Victoria Day Canada Store Sale

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To celebrate Victoria Day here in Canada we are having a SALE over in the www.ReplicaAirguns.ca Online Store! Everything will be 10% OFF! Sale will go over this weekend and end Monday night.

We are featuring a couple of newer products in the Canada Store, one from G&G and one from Umarex

G&G GTP9 Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol

  • Type: Airsoft Pistols

  • Manufacturer: G&G

  • Model: GPT9

  • Materials: Metal & Polymer

  • Weight: 680 g (1.5 lb)

  • Barrel: Smoothbore

  • Power Source: Green Gas

  • Action: Semi-Automatic

  • Ammo Type: 6mm Airsoft BBs

  • Ammo Capacity: 23 Rounds

  • FPS: 370

Umarex Beretta M9A3 Full Auto CO2 BB Pistol

  • Full-Auto

  • Semi-automatic repeater

  • Blowback action slide

  • Authentic FDE Color Scheme

  • Threaded muzzle for mock suppressor

  • Full size 18-round BB magazine

  • 12 gram CO2 capsule (not included) loads in the magazine

  • Fits holsters made for M9A3

  • Under muzzle rail for light / laser

  • Clean, crisp trigger

  • Authentic ambidextrous safety

  • Tough polymer frame

  • Beretta vertical grip

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airgun News, Airsoft News, BB, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Gas, GBB, Full Auto, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Umarex, Umarex M9A3, G&G, G&G GTP9

Replica Airguns Online Store Update and New Look

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We recently updated our Canada Replica Airguns Online Store and made some visual and navigation changes to help our customers find products they are looking for a little bit easier. We will also be rolling this new look and design over to the US Replica Airguns Online Store shortly but for now you can see the before and after by swathing between Canada and US Stores.

Watch my Replica Airguns Online Store Update and New Look Video to see some of the new changes!

Categories: Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video Tags:

KWA SHOT Show 2019 Interview

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Being that KWA is a new product in our Replica Airguns Online Stores, I wanted to go over as much of the KWA product line as possible and really not only learn for myself but be able to share all of this information with everyone. I have to thank Jonathan for spending so much of his time really diving in deep to what KWA has to offer.

There really is an absolute ton of info in this video that in no way I can put into words so you’re going to have to watch this KWA SHOT Show Interview from start to finish. So go get yourself a snack and something to drink, cause it’s going to be a long one!

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Airsoft News, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWA

ASG SHOT Show 2019 Interview

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This year at SHOW Show 2019 Bob from ASG had a lot to show me so make sure to watch the full Interview Video for all the details and information.

Bob and I first go over a new ASG CZ Airsoft Pistol called the Shadow 2 kind of like a modernized SP-01 Shadow. The ASG CZ Shadow 2 is a competition stile pistol with adjustable sights and trigger and will come in both CO2 and Green Gas magazine options.

Next up Bob showed me the CZ75 SP01 ACCU Shadow with some special edition features like: Ergonomic anodized aluminum grips with grip tape, match style high sights, oversized slide release and ambidextrous safety and a tunable anodized aluminum trigger.

ASG being the exclusive partner with ICS had some new ICS Pistols to show us. First up was the Airsoft ICS XPD, a compact Gas Blowback System that will come with shorter compact magazines and extended magazines that will hold more green gas. Both Gas magazines will feature a new valve system called the Revo system.

If you like the feel of a 1911 but perhaps want something a bit more modern then checkout the New ASG Korth PRS Airsoft Pistol, you can even put real 1911 grips on it!

Not new to ASG this year is the CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A1 but ASG has enhanced this Airsoft rifle by working with a designer to adding an M-Lok Handguard, Magwell Grip and Fore Grip that will be a three part system you can customize.

Last Bob showed me around the CQR Hera Arms Airsoft Rifle that is a collaboration of ASG, Hara Arms, ICS. It will come in standard Mosfet and Triple-S (Smart Shooting System).

Looking forward to getting my hands-on some of these new ASG

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Gas, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: SHOT Show 2019, SHOT Show, ASG

American Airsoft Factory SHOT Show 2019 Interview

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I stumbled on what I thought was one of the most interesting new Airsoft products at SHOT Show this year. A company by the name of American Airsoft Factory has made an AR styled Airsoft Rifle that is completed Battery/Electric operated but acts and feels like a Gas Blowback System. They use a computerized fire control system to operate a mechanical Open Bolt with full Blowback operation. The American Airsoft Factory AR system will auto decide when the your standard Hi-cap or Mid-cap AEG magazine is empty and the bolt will lock back ready to swap out a full magazine, just press the bolt release and you’re ready to engage your target!

The American Airsoft Factory product will not be cheap but it is incredibly high end and features real steel compatibility. I see this being of interest to military and police organizations along with serious Airsofters that are looking for the ultimate Airsoft Rifle.

So now I just need to get my hands on an American Airsoft Factory rifle so I can test it out and make a review! Maybe we can even add them to our Online Replica Airguns Stores?

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Blowback, Full Auto, Airsoft News, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: American Airsoft Factory

Air Venturi SHOT Show 2019 Interview

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Air Venturi announced their new Springfield Armory lien of BB and Airsoft guns at SHOT Show 2019 and of course I stopped by to talk with Scott and see what these new products where all about!

First off we have the Springfield Armory M1 Carbine Rifle. You will be able to get it in either 4.5mm Steel BB or 6mm Airsoft versions. Both will have full drop out metal magazines that hold the 12 gram CO2 and either 15 BB or Airsoft rounds. You can expect around 40-60 shots per CO2 since the Springfield Armory M1 Carbine is a full blowback Airgun. The standard version will come with a synthetic wood stock that is very believable but for around $100 more you will have the option of a real wood stock which does add a bit to more weight to the rifle.

Continuing on with some more Springfield Armory Airguns. Air Venturi will be distributing the XDM pistol in a compact and full size configuration, again both 4.5mm Steel BB and Airsoft versions. There will be a solid black version and a two tone silver slide version so lots of options to pick from. The 4.5mm Steel BB version will use a 12 gram CO2 while the Airsoft version will allow for Green Gas or CO2 mags.

I wanted to mention one more product Scott showed me that is still in production, a reactive target system called the Bata-Bang that connects to your phone via Bluetooth allowing you to time your shooting and play shooting games with it and others even online. Hopefully we see this product soon from Air Venturi!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: AirVenturi, Springfield Armory, M1 Carbine, XDM

Velocity Outdoor SHOT Show 2019 Interview

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This may be a bit confusion to some of you but Crosman has done a bit of a rebrand and is now going by the name of Velocity Outdoor. This is because Crosman has been acquiring more and more products over the years that are not necessarily airgun related and felt that putting all the brands under the name Velocity Outdoor made more sense from a company stand point. Of course in this video we are going to focus in on the Crosman Products within Velocity Outdoor.

So what’s new? Well an even better Crosman DPMS SBR! How can you make the Crosman DPMS SBR even better? By creating an updated or version 2 called the Bushmaster MPW. It comes in two tone black and false dark earth with a shorter hadnguard yet it keeps it’s barrel leith by extending the barrel right to the end of the mock suppressor. Tis can also swap out the but stock with any AR but stock and the Bushmaster MPW comes with a red dot sight. Internally the Bushmaster MPW and the Crosman DPMS SBR are the same.

Some of you may remember the Crosman Night Stalker CO2 Pellet Rifle? That product was retired years ago but Crosman has used the name in a new CO2 BB Pistol called the Night Stalker. The Crosman Night Stalker Pistol has a built in guide rod styled laser, has blowback operation along with a stick magazine. This should be a fun plinker with its laser sight.

Going even further back to the old Crosman 357 days, this revolver styled CO2 air pistol just seems to live on and on being revamped just a little each time by Crosman. Now you can get it in their Triple Threat package. Basically it’s the same Crosman 357 frame that comes with three barrels you can swap out as needed. You get a three inch snub nosed barrel, a six inch barrel similar to the Vigilante and then an eight inch Dirty Hairy styled barrel. Who says you can’t have it all?

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman, Velocity Outdoor, Night Stalker, Bushmaster MPW, Triple Threat, 357

Umarex SHOT Show 2019 Interview

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This year at SHOT Show Las Vegas 2019 Umarex introduced some new Glock's, a New Beretta and a new Pellet Rifle which unfortunately was not brought to my attention when I did my Interview so sorry now coverage of the Ruger 10/22 CO2 Pellet Rifle :(

Starting with two new CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB Glocks, Umarex now has a Glock 17 Generation 3 partial blowback CO2 BB Glock with a full size drop out metal magazine. This setup will increase the fps a bit since it uses the more efficient partial blowback system. If you would rather have a full Blowback CO2 BB Glock then Umarex has it in a Glock 17 Generation 4 version that functions pretty much like a traditional Airsoft Blowback gun but instead this one uses 4.5mm steel BB’s.

In terms of Blowback Airsoft Glocks Umarex has a two Glock 17’s, yo can get them in generation 3 or 4 an both are full blowback with full size drop out metal magazines.

Umarex introduced a really nice M9A3 Beretta this year at SHOT Show 2019. The Umarex Beretta M9A3 comes in the FDE color scheme and has an extended threaded barrel that should be able to take a much suppressor. The Beretta M9A3 is full blowback with a full size dropout metal magazine and can be shot in semi or full auto.

Now for the Umarex Ruger 10/22 Pellet Rifle I completely missed at the Umarex booth… Well if you didin’t know there was a pellet version of this rifle you would be hard pressed to be abel to tell the difference between it and the real 22LR version! The Umarex Ruger 10/22 Pellet Rifle utilizes twin 12 gram CO2 cartridges to fire .177 caliber pellets. It has a 10 round drop out magazine with interchangeable rotary nmagzines that can be pre-loaded. And yes the Umarex Ruger 10/22 Pellet Rifle is a blowback Airgun!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Gas, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: SHOT Show 2019, SHOT Show, Umarex, Umarex Glock, Umarex Beretta M9A3, Umarex 10/22

Sig Sauer SHOT Show 2019 Interview


Here we go, the first SHOT Show Interview for 2019 and why not kick things off with Sig Sauer. After all Sig Sauer has been super dedicated to bringing new Airgun designs to the airgun community year after year and this year at SHOT Show was no exception!

My favorite item from Sig Sauer this year at SHOT Show was the Sig Sauer P365 ASP, as the name suggests it is based on their 9mm firing real steel Sig Sauer P365 and somehow similar to how they fit 10 rounds of 9mm ammo into such a compact magazine and gun, the BB version also manages to jam a 12 gram CO2 cartridge into a very tiny drop out metal magazine! Really looking forward to getting my hands on this one!

Sig Sauer launched several Airsoft guns, an AEG Airsoft Rifle called the MCX Virtus and two GBB Airsoft Pistols, the M17 and P226. All of them fully licensed and also should be Canada import ready.

Last up but something that we have all been waiting for in an ASP Pellet firing rifle, the Virtus 22 Caliber PCP Rifle. Well the name says it all. It’s basically an MCX Pellet Rifle but now in 22 caliber and with a PCP tank built into the rear stock. In Canada you will need a PAL to buy one but import into Canada should not be a problem for license holders since the 22 Virtus PCP will quality as a long gun.

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Bulk Air, GBB, Gas, PCP, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: SHOT Show, SHOT Show 2019, Sig Sauer ASP, SIG Sauer P365, Sig Sauer Vitus PCP, Sig Sauer Virtus, Sig MPX

SHOT Show Las Vegas 2019 Teaser

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I’m back from SHOT Show Las Vegas 2019 and as always I had an awesome time. I love January since I get to go to SHOT Show each year. What an awesome job!

This year was another great show with lots of new products from the Airgun companies. I managed to get seven interviews in this year so I have my work cut out for me editing and uploading all of these informative YouTube Videos.

For now here is a SHOT Show Las Vegas 2019 Teaser Video along with some photos…

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, Bulk Air, CO2, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, PCP, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, Scope, YouTube Video Tags: SHOT Show, SHOT Show 2019