In this December Update Video I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. If you have other beliefs and perhaps don’t celebrate Christmas in the traditional Canadian fashion then I wish you a Happy Holiday!
I received a number of products lately and really don’t have time to do full reviews of them as the Holliday season is on us which is going to limit how many videos I can pump out over the next couple of weeks so hopefully this Update video will keep everyone excited about the future Replace Airgun Videos.
Here are the items I talk about in this December 2018 Update Video:
As you are probably aware Canada Post is on a rotating strike, which has caused delays in all Replica Airguns orders. To speed things along we have switched to shipping through Purolator, but there have been subsequent issues with tracking numbers and information not showing up. I want to personally assure you that when we notify you your order has shipped, it absolutely has shipped.
I am reaching out to Purolator’s management team this week and hope to have these problems sorted out soon. Unfortunately it’s the busiest season for shipping couriers and with the Canada Post strike making things even more complicated, our communications have been slow. I will do my best to get to the bottom of all this and get our shipping back on track. Your patience and support is much appreciated.
Make sure to watch my Video to find out who the winners are for this Years 2018 Replica Airguns Halloween Contest Giveaway. We had around 10 video entries so the odds of wining where really great for everyone that got involved this year, especially considering we are giving away three airguns to three separate winners!
Thanks to everyone that uploaded a Halloween Costume Video, I enjoyed watching them all. You can checkout the 2018 Replica Airguns Halloween Contest Giveaway Playlist to view all of this years Halloween Contest entry videos.
I have some harder to get here in Canada Blank Guns that I am selling from my personal collection by way off Silent Auction. These Blank Guns are more for the Canadian collector and perhaps not so much for the first time buyer. I would recommend for the first time Blank Gun buyer that you checkout our selection off brand new ROHM Blank Guns that we sell in our Canada Replica Airguns Store so check those ROHM Blank Guns out as they are excellent German made Blank Guns in a variety of styles.
Getting back to the Blank Guns in my personal collection. They are all previously owned, most only test fired once for review. Below is a listing of the Blank Guns I am offering in this Silent Auction with what I feel is there approximate value:
EKOL Aras Compact 9mm PAK Gloss Black Front Firing (New Condition): Missing magazine, should be able to buy and import magazine into Canada pretty easy. Takes the same magazine as most of the EKOL Blank Guns (Jackal, Dicle, ASI, Firat) $299
Here is how the silent action system works… First of all I will only be shipping these guns within Canada to a Canadian addresses and all funds are in Canadian Funds. You will need to email me and let me know which Blank Gun or Blank Guns you are interested in bidding on and let me know what your best price is. In approximately a weeks time when I feel enough offers have come in, I will then contact the winning bidder and give them 24 hours to pay up. If they do not pay me the amount they offered within the 24 hours I will then move on to the next highest bidder.
If you are bidding on more than one gun then I will take this into consideration since collecting money and shipping product to one buyer is easier than multiple buyers so this will help you with your offer.
I also will be charging $20 for shipping per gun, if you are buying multiple guns then I will discount the shipping a little bit so I will not charge you $20 per gun.
I got all dressed up for the annual Halloween Part I attend at my Brother and Sister in laws place so of course I had to share my Old West Cowboy Halloween Costume with everyone.
I also want to make sure everyone uploads a video of their Weapons based Halloween Costume so I can watch your video and give you the chance to win one of our three giveaway guns!
As of right now your chances of winning are awesome since there have been no Halloween Costume Video uploads for me to view yet but I know as we get closer to the November 10th cutoff date, videos will start too roll in, don’t wait too long or you’ll miss out on the chance to win yourself a nice airgun from Replica Airguns.
A while back I did review of the 1/4 Scale Mini Replica Guns distributed by Goat Guns. Goat Guns sent them to me for review and at the time we where not selling them in our Replica Airguns Store. Recently we got some of our own 1/4 Scale Mini Replica Guns that I would say are pretty much exactly the same as the Goat Gun Line but with different packaging since they are not distributed by Goat Guns.
The good news is you can get the same product from us now in our Canada and US Replica Airguns Stores! And ours are even pre-assembled for you but if you like you can take them apart similarly to a real gun.
These 1/4 Scale Mini Replica Guns are made out of a lot of metal where you wound find it on the real steel counterpart and most parts operate the same too like removable magazines, working triggers and safety’s, Even the dust covers on the M4’s open when you charge the mini gun!
We are having a Replica Airguns Canada & US Labour Day Sale this weekend from Saturday September 1st till day end Monday the 3rd. Sale will include 10% off all guns and 15% off accessories!
What? Another Drone? Is Replica Airguns becoming a drone review channel... No I am not going to be reviewing drones as a habit but I did decide to upgrade my Yuneec Breeze 4K to a DJI Spark for a number of reasons.
Reason number one it's a DJI and they simply make some of the best Drones you can buy for the money. The main reason I ultimately went with the DJI Spark is because it just takes better quality 1080p Video which is what I'm after. It does this because it has a dedicated 2 axis mechanical gimbal that smoothes out the video even before the internal stabilization gets to it and make the video look even smoother so the end video output is incredibly smooth!
Some other reasons I feel the DJI Spark Fly More Combo was a better option for me are: It's super small, it was not really a lot more expensive, it has better tracking technology and can even understand hand and arm gestures for flying without even using a remote of any kind. The DJI Spark can fly faster and much farther than the Yuneec Breeze and has a little bit better battery run time.
In this DJI Spark Fly More Combo Unboxing Video I open the box for the first time and take a look at what you get inside. I had not flown the DJI Spark or even checked it out yet so everything is new to me and I am seeing it first hand and for the first time. I can say it is way smaller than I thought it was going to be. Look forward to some cool drone video on the channel in some of my upcoming videos...
My struggle for a reliable and dependable Chronograph to test the feet per second velocity of the airguns I test in my indoor Sea Can shooting range has been going on for some time now. My original Chrony Chronograph just never gave me consistent results and over time it pretty much became useless so I ended up shooting the living tar out of it (Watch that video) and replacing it with a slightly better Chronic Chronograph.
The new Chrony Chronograph setup in my indoor Sea Can Airgun range worked really well for me especially using the LED lighting system I added to it (Made by Caldwell). But not even two years later my new Chrony Chronograph just flat out died on me, the screen went all garbley-goop and became unreadable. I tried a new battery and looked everywhere to see if there was a factory reset I could do but was not able to get it working again :(
Well I figured I invested enough money buying Chrony Chronographs with not so good results from them so it was time to look to another company for my airgun velocity testing needs. I ended up going with the Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph which by the way is compatible with my LED lighting system since it is all made by the same company. I paid $149 Canadian for my Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph which is pretty good and it even came with a super long cable to connect a smart phone that works on both iPhone and Android phones using the Caldwell App to display velocity readings in the their smartphone App.
I will be making a "test" video where I shoot several airguns I have not Chronographed yet to see how my new Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph works so stay posted for that video coming out very soon!
On another note I upgraded my Drone just a little, I previously bought the Yuneec Breeze 4k Drone to use in my future videos to get some new interesting camera angles while I do some of my outdoor shooting and to be honest the quality is really good on it. Probably good enough for what I'm doing, but for only a couple hundred dollars more I was able to buy the DJI Spark which is by far a much better drone than the Breeze in many ways. Video is more stable and "follow me modes" are way more reliable to name a few things the DJI Spark does that are important to me.
You'll get to see video from the DJI Spark shortly in fixture videos. This little Drone is crazy!
What some of you may not think about is all the stuff that goes behind the scenes when a Vimeo video is being made. It's a lot more than simply grabbing a camera and saying what's on your mind although that can work sometimes.
Most of the time multiple cameras are used, tripods and special lighting are important and even how you record the audio source can make a huge difference as to the sound and what people hear in your final video.
With all that said I am always looking for a new way to help me out with the quality of my video recording and production. How can I make things look better or more interesting, how can I improve the sound quality and clarity of my videos?
Well today I show you two new products I picked up that I feel will help me out in these areas. First in the audio department I show you my new Wireless Headset/Lapel Mic system from a company called FiFine Technology. They actually sent me their FiFine Wireless Headset and Lapel Mic for free so thanks a lot for that! My plan is to use the FiFine Wireless Headset and Lapel Mic to record the audio portion of my videos rather than the built in mic in my camera since I will get less room noise and better direct voice audio recording. I think it will also be useful when doing outside shooting videos to get super clear audio with less outside noise at all times. For this testing I simply connected the FiFine Wireless Headset and Lapel Mic to my Samsung Android phone using a USB adaptor, the same can be done suing an iPhone.
Moving on now to a new video product, I have been wanting to get a Drone to capture more interesting video that I can shoot from multiple viewing angles and also be able to have a moving camera while I shoot outdoors videos. The problem is they can be kind of expensive for anything decent, because of this, so far I have not been able to justify bitting the bullet and buying a drone. That was until I saw a great deal on the Yuneec Breeze 4k Selfie Drone at my local Best buy for half price ($249 CAN) What a deal!
Anyways, watch me fumble around while I try to figure things out with my Yuneec Breeze 4k Selfie Drone for the first time, there is always a learning curve when you get something new but I do hope to be able to utilize both of these new products in upcoming videos for everyone.
Some more stuff came in and I just had to show it off before moving on with the reviews. I know you're going to like it so here we go again...
First off the super anticipate Umarex Glock 19 CO2 BB Pistol has arrived and is now available in our Canada and US online Replica Airgun Stores so get yours while we still have them, if we still have them? No this version is not a blowback or even working slide version and yes it has the dreaded stick mag! That all said the Umarex Glock 19 CO2 BB Pistol feels really solid and well made and heck it's the first licensed Airgun Glock ever so it's a good start. Umarex has said that more elaborate blowback versions will be coming out down the road. There are full blowback Airsoft version licensed by Umarex but the FPS is too slow right now for us to import them into Canada, hopefully there is a fix for this at some point...
I have been waiting at least three months now for my AW Custom AG-HX2003 Double Stack Tactical 1911 Full Blowback CO2 BB Pistol to show up. Canada Customs got their hands on it and felt it needed to be processed for three months before delivering it to me. at least I did end up getting it without a fight!
Some other very cool news, we are now selling KWA Airsoft Guns, I have been a big fan of KWA for a long time and enjoy visiting their booth at SHOT Show, they have excellent high quality detailed Airsoft guns and carry a great combination of Blowback and AEG Airsoft Guns. Once I get through my Crosman and Gletcher reviews I will focus on showcasing the new KWA lineup we are selling.
Make sure to take advantage of our 10% Off Everything Replica Airguns Easter Sale in both our Canada Online Store and US Online Store. Sale goes from Friday till Monday April 2nd.
This John Wayne Lil Duke Giveaway didn't go exactly as planned as we had that YouTube Airgun Channel scare shortly after the original announcement so not as many people knew about it but we said we where going to giveaway two John Wayne Lil Duke BB Rifles and so that's what we are going to do!
Make sure to watch my Youtube video and find out if you won or not and congratulations to the two winners! For those that did not win this time around, you can still get yourself a John Wayne Lil Duke BB Gun by heading over to our Replica Airguns Canada or Replica Airguns US online web store and purchasing one the conventional way!
This video is to explain why the Replica Airguns YouTube channel doesn't have any videos listed.
The removal or privatization of Replica Airguns YouTube videos was done as a precaution to make sure YouTube does not terminate the Replica Airguns YouTube Channel due to the recent attack on Airgun YouTube Channels. YouTube has been handing out strikes to videos that have led to many popular Airgun related YouTube channels being terminated this past week.
Replica Airguns did receive one of these strikes to a blank gun video I made several years back. The video in question simply shows me testing a blank gun by shooting it in my pool house. YouTube claims that the video in question contained illegal behavior or could potentially elicit illegal behavior from viewers? I guess all the other thousands of people shooting blank guns on YouTube is OK but this video for some reason was not OK?
I am not sure where this is all going and what will happen with Airgun channels and Airgun videos on YouTube but I will keep you posted as I find out...
This situation is very new and so I don't know what to expect at this time but I do know that if the videos are private then they can not have a strike against them. I already received one strike against a video because of this new YouTube targeting policy. If I get two more strikes the Replica Airguns channel will be terminated and I do not want to risk this. I will keep everyone posted.
Wow! 100,000 Subscribers, and that was almost two years ago now. It took a while for YouTube to send me out my One Hundred Thousand Subscriber Silver Creator Award but they did come through in the end :)
The Replica Airguns YouTube Channel is now at around 200,000 subscribers and growing, not sure when the next YouTube Milestone award happens? Perhaps at One Million Subscribers? That may take a while...
It has taken a lot of hard work and this all goes back to around 12 years ago when I uploaded my first Youtube Video "Worlds Smallest Full Auto BB Gun" and discovered that people are really interested in airguns. Skip ahead to today and the Replica Airguns YouTube Channel has uploaded almost 800 videos with close to 100,000,00 video views! Of course without my subscribers and viewers I would be making videos for nothing so a big thank you to everyone that has supported the Replica Airguns Channel on this journey!