Entries in Accessory,Replica Airguns News

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 Vimeo Video - Replica Airguns


I have already posted individual company updates on this years 2014 Vegas SHOT Show so make sure to checkout the links to each post below. You can also watch my Full Vimeo video that includes some video and a few more photos...

Categories: Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video Tags: SHOT Show

Boxing Week Sale at Replica Airguns - Early Start!


Boxing Week Sale at Replica Airguns (25th -31st  December, 2013!) The Christmas - New Year Festivity brings much awaited discounts on all items in the Replica Airguns Canada and USA store. All items at flat 20% off!

We combed through some of 2013's best Christmas promotions and came up with a flat 20% off discount on all items in our Canada and USA based stores. An exciting mix of all models of Replica airguns, rifles, pistols and accessories is on sale for our subscribers and existing customers.

Use this exclusive coupon code to avail the discount:
Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags:

Couple of Price Drops in Our US Store - Tanfoglio 1911 & Beretta P92

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What can I say, most places are jack'n up their prices and we seem to keep lowering them!

Now I know some of you are going to say, "why are these guns so much lower cost in the US than in Canada?" You can blame that one on the money grabbers along the way when we have to ship and import many products from the US to Canada. In fact our supplier is exactly the same for all the Cybergun products in both Canada and the US, it just costs a lot more for us to land them here in Canada , and you guessed it, we pass that extra cost right back to you our beloved Canadian customers :)

So back to the good news for our US customers...

If you have not already picked up one of these amazing Replica CO2 Blowback BB pistols then make sure to do so now that they are at an all time low price point:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Cybergun, GSG 92, Tanfoglio Witness 1911

Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway Winner Results 2013

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Another Halloween Costume Contest has completed and another Winner must be announced! This year I had everyone else vote or should I say "Thumbs Up" their favorite Halloween Costume Videos and so hopefully nobody gives me crap this year for being unfair ;)

If you have not checked out my Halloween Costume Contest Video Playlist then make sure to do so and thanks again to all the contestants who took part in this years Halloween Costume Contest.

This years winner was Hideki Ryuga with his Resident Evil Hunk Halloween Costume, he got 154 thumbs up at the time I checked his video out. To be fair to some of the late unloaders, I ran the contest video viewing and rating time for an extra week to give everyone some more time to check out all the videos.

So congratulations to Hideki Ryuga, he gets a brand new Cybergun Blackwater BW1911 R2 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm Steel BB Pistol. I'll be sending him the good news shortly if he hasn't already seen this post and YouTube Video.

Here is Hideki Ryuga  Resident Evil Hunk Halloween Costume YouTube Video:

Here is my Official 2013 Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway Winner Results YouTube Video:

Buy the Blackwater in Canada  -  Buy the Blackwater in the US

Categories: Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video Tags: Blackwater 1911 R2, Cybergun

Replica Airguns Canada Store Q&A - Why Buy From Us?

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I wanted to share some information about our Canada Replica Airguns Store that some of you may not be aware of, and that I feel sets us apart from our competition.

  • We ship from within Canada to ALL Parts of Canada. So there is no chance of your order getting confiscated at the boarder or having a bunch of over inflated duties, brokerage fees and taxes added to your order.

  • We will match any price from any other Canadian based resellers. This is true on all Canadian based online and brick and mortar retails stores and applies to in-stock items.

  • We recently dropped our prices and constantly look to have the most competitive pricing period! We do not want to be undersold! We want your business, plain and simple!

  • Our regular shipping & handling cost has now been lowered to $15. And this even means that sometimes the shipping costs us more to ship then our actual shipping cost to you! So we eat the difference!

  • We now offer express shipping for $35 for when you need it now! You asked for faster shipping and we made it happen!

  • Our 30 Day Warranty  starts when you get the product, not when you buy it. You ship us your defective item and we will replace it. This of course applies to Manufacturers defects only, but if you got a lemon then why ship the lemon back to you again?

  • We are one of the only Online store in Canada that brings you all these informative videos and help with your pre sales questions and needs. I have spent thousands of hours putting together these informative videos and related articles and photos for you our fans and customers to help you with your Airgun, Airsoft Gun, Blank gun and Accessory purchases. My goal is to provide you the info you need so you can get the gun you want with confidence.

OK, enough said, so when it's time for your next purchase, you know who to buy from :)

Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags:

Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway Update 2013

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The deadline for uploading your Halloween Costume Contest Videos has concluded (end of day October 31st), so now it's time to figure out who has the best costume with incorporated weapon. To make things fair, I'm delaying the announcement of the winner till Friday in order to let the late entries catch up a bit and also so I can remind everyone to checkout the Halloween Costume Contest Playlist I setup that has 8 videos added (not including my Wolverine Costume).

What I would like everyone to do is please watch each video and then pick your top three Halloween Costumes and give them a thumbs up, the video with the most thumbs up will be the winner, thumbs down will not be taken into consideration.

Good luck to everyone who took part in this Halloween Costume Contest, to show my appreciation I am going to do a bit of a shout out to each of the YouTube Channel Entries:


Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags:

Grow Your Moustache for Mens Health Month - Movember 2013

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It's Movember again, time for us guys to band together and grow a Moustache for Men's Health! It doesn't really matter what age you are because Protate or Testicualr Cancer as well as Mental Health issues can hit us men at any age or affect someone close to you.

What can you do to help the cause:

Here is a direct link to my Movemeber Mo Space URL

Categories: Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video Tags:

NcSTAR Accessories Overview


In this YouTube Overview video I show several NcSTAR Accessories, we carry a fair amount of NcSTAR products our Canada Replica Airguns Online Store and I thought it was time again to showcase some more NcSTAR items.

Here are the NcSTAR Accessories highlight in this YouTube video:

  • Red & Green Laser
  • Ultra Compact Green Laser
  • Tactical Cantilever Red & Green Dot Sight
  • Compact Tactical Green Dot Sight
  • Tactical Red Dot Sight
  • Folding Vertical Grip

Make sure to watch my YouTube Overview Video for these NcSTAR Products:

Buy NcSTAR Accessories in the Canada Replica Airguns Store

Categories: Accessory, YouTube Video Tags: NcSTAR

X-Men Wolverine Halloween Costume 2013

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So here it is, my X-Men Wolverine Costume for the 2013 Replica Airguns Halloween Contest Giveaway. No I am not competing, but I wanted t get involved since dressing up for Halloween is fun.

X-Men Wolverine in pretty simple, pair of jeans, white wife beater, brown leather jacket, cool belt buckle, dog tags, cigar, grow and trim the beard and of course attach some blades to your knuckles ;)

Hope you like it and don't forget to upload your Halloween Costume video and let me know when you have it up.

Buy the Blackwater in Canada  -  Buy the Blackwater in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Blackwater 1911 R2, KWC

US Store Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 Back in Stock


For those in the US, we just got some more Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 BB Pistols so if you had one on back order you should be getting a shipping confirmation email in the next few of days. And if you've been waiting for inventory then grab one up while you can!

Buy the Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 BB Pistol in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Cybergun, Tanfoglio Witness 1911

We Just Received Another KWC Shipment!


We just received an order of KWC products so if you've been waiting for some out of stock items then go take a look! By the way, the KWC Beretta / Taurus full metal blowback BB and Airsoft versions now come semi and full auto enabled!

Canada Replica Airguns Store  -  US Replica Airguns Store

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWC

Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway 2013

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It's that time of year again and so once again, the anual Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway is here...

And in keeping with the weapons theme around here, the costumes must be weapons based so basically any costume that is based around a weapon of some sort is required to take part in this contest. You will need to send me a comment to this video that you have your Halloween Costume video uploaded and I will add it to my Halloween Contest 2013 Playlist.

Here are some ideas: Police, SWAT, Military, Navy Seal, Rebel Force, Ninja, Viking, Super Hero, Comic Character...

You get the idea!

The winner (Ultimately picked by everyone this time around) will receive a Cybergun Blackwater BW1911 R2 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm Steel BB Pistol.

And here are the official rules:

Looks like YouTube got rid of the Video Response feature without telling me ;)

  • You need to make a Weapons Based Video and and post it to your YouTube account, then send me a comment that you have your Halloween Costume video uploaded and I will add it to my Halloween Contest 2013 Playlist.
  • You need to be Subscribed to my YouTube Channel.
  • You need to Favorite this video.
  • You must be an adult or have your parent/s or guardians permission to accept the prize.
  • Contest ends at midnight on October 31st 2013 and the winner will be announced shortly there after based on popularity.
  • Anyone located outside of North America will be compensated to their PayPal account $99 US.

May the best Cop, Soldier, Rebel, Ninja, Mercenary, Viking, Cave "Person" win!

Palco Blackwater 1911 R2 BB.jpg
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Blackwater 1911 R2, Cybergun