Entries in 9mm,Rifle

1:4 Scale Mini Replica Guns Now in the Replica Airguns Store


A while back I did review of the 1/4 Scale Mini Replica Guns distributed by Goat Guns. Goat Guns sent them to me for review and at the time we where not selling them in our Replica Airguns Store. Recently we got some of our own 1/4 Scale Mini Replica Guns that I would say are pretty much exactly the same as the Goat Gun Line but with different packaging since they are not distributed by Goat Guns.

The good news is you can get the same product from us now in our Canada and US Replica Airguns Stores! And ours are even pre-assembled for you but if you like you can take them apart similarly to a real gun.

These 1/4 Scale Mini Replica Guns are made out of a lot of metal where you wound find it on the real steel counterpart and most parts operate the same too like removable magazines, working triggers and safety’s, Even the dust covers on the M4’s open when you charge the mini gun!

Categories: Accessory, Non Airguns, Rifle, YouTube Video Tags: 1:4 Scale Mini Replica Gun, Goat Guns

Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Field Test Shooting Review

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I finally got the chance to do my first official Field Test Shooting Video Review using the Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph and like my Test video everything went really well. I was a little bit scared since my first round through it shooting the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 was a "no read" but then the following 5 shots where all good. I think my shot placement was just a tad off on the first shot as I adjusted my aim a bit for the tore 5 shots.

So getting to the results of the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Air Rifle... I was using a somewhat used set of 12 gram CO2 cartridges that I had previously shot a couple of magazine through shooting in a bit of semi auto and full auto so I would assume I had at least half of, if not a bit more of my CO2 left in them. The Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 was also fully warmed up and it had been a day since I shot it last which lets the CO2 and the gun warm up and pretty much perform as if it was using new CO2 for the most part.

My results shooting 5 readable rounds through my Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph with the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Air Rifle where an average fps of 402 fps, the slowest being 397 fps and the fasters hitting 411 fps so not too m much of a spread. I was using RWS 5.1 grain 4.5mm zinc coated Steel BB's for my testing.

Moving on to my accuracy testing. I would like to note I was using a Red/Green dot scope which I think is a great add on for any action shooting air rifle. Shooting with the included open iron sights may not have given us a little bit different results but I don't think by too much. My first grouping was with 10 shots all in semi auto shooting mode and this resulted in a nice very close to 1 inch grouping with 8 out of the 10 shots all within about a 3/4 inch group. I then adjusted my selector switch to the much more fun full auto mode for the 15 remaining 4.5 mm Steel BB's and setup again 30 feet away. I then let her rip releasing all 15 rounds till the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 bolt locked back and to be honest I was fairly surprised at how tight my 15 round full auto group was. It only spread out to about 2 inches with not too much vertical drop so velocity remained pretty consistent which was nice to see.

All in all you really can not go wrong with the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4, it's got more than enough velocity at right around 400 fps which is great for a blowback action shooter still providing some nice accuracy not only in semi auto but also full auto shooting modes. And it has got to be the coolest looking and functioning 4.5mm Blowback BB M4 out there right now.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman, Crosman Remington DPMS SBR, Cal

Testing the DJI Spark While Shooting Some Airguns

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This test of the DJI Spark Mini Drone was to make sure I could use it in the way I intended for it when I am outdoors and want to get that nice higher up flowing camera angel you can only get form a drone.. The method I use in this video doesn't even require a remote control or smartphone and I can have it take off right out of my hand.

I then use hand gestures to control the DJI Spark Drone to do things like: Place the drone in the right starting location, make the DJI Spark start recording video, have the Spark zoom up and out from me for an "eye in the sky" aerial follow me mode and then of course when I am finished what I want it to record have the DJI Sparkreturn to me and land again on my hand. Again all of this without even taking the remote out of the box or even using a smartphone to control the DJI Spark Mini Drone!

Watch me test out the DJI Spark Mini Drone in my backyard while I shoot some of my Airguns at miscellaneous targets while I walk around and have the DJI Spark follow me while recording video.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto Fun, Full Auto, GBB, Pistol, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: DJI Spark, Drone, Crosman Remington DPMS SBR, Glock 19, Umarex Glock, Umarex, Crosman, KWA, KWA M226-LE

Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph First Field Test

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I am happy to say that the first Field Test using my new Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph  went really well for me today. Perhaps I have found a new brand of Chronograph that will last longer than a year or so and give me reliable results that I can count on...

In my testing I tried out four different airguns, I picked airguns for the most part that I have not done Chronograph testing with yet so I could at least get you some hard results for these new guns waiting for their Field Test Shooting Video Reviews. First I tested the Umarex Glock 19 4.5mm Steel BB Pistol and I got five results out of five shots averaging 389 fps. Next up was the AW Custom AG-HX2003 Double Stack Tactical 1911 Full Blowback CO2 BB Pistol, again a put five shots through my Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph and got five good results with an average fps of 329.

I then moved on to an Air Rifle, the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle and placed six shots through my Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph resulting in five good readings, there was one error in this string of shots but it may have been an alignment issue on my part? My average fps for the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle was 387. Last of the guns I tested was the Air Venturi V10 Match Pellet Pistol which is a single pump airgun. My pellet choice was RWS 6.9 grain lead pellets and all three of my test shots delivered near exactly the same results averaging 374 fps.

So other than that one chronograph reading error for the day which may have been an alignment issue on my part, the Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph performed excellent for me. I would also like to note that I was using the same Caldwell LED Lighting System I have been using in my Sea Can Indoor Airgun range which as expected fit perfectly onto their own Chronograph system and worked well.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Pump, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman, Crosman Remington DPMS SBR, Umarex, Umarex Glock, Glock 19, AW Custom, AirVenturi, V10 Pellet Pistol

Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Table Top Review


Type: BB Rifle.
Manufacturer: Crosman.
Model: DPMS SBR.
Materials: Metal & plastic.
Weight: 6.5 pounds (4.98 kilograms).
Length: 26.9 - 30.4 inches.
Propulsion: 12 gram CO2 dual cartridges.
Action: Blowback - single action only.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm steel BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 25 rounds.
FPS: 430fps.
Rate of Fire: 1400 rounds per minute in full auto

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle is single action only since the charging handle must be cocked first before you can shoot it. The trigger is short and fairly light but not too light that a misfire can happen easily. The Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle makes for a great action shooter in semi auto or full auto mode!

Accuracy: So far I have only played around with the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle but I can say it feels pretty good and seems to hit what I aim at even when in full auto mode which does rock the gun a bit. Don;t expect full auto mode to be the most accurate but it sure is fun and with all those BB's coming out the barrel at 1400 rounds per minute you're probably going to hit what ever your shooting at. Because of the blowback operation you will get a little over 400 fps which is totally fine for an action shooter like this.

Build Quality: The Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle is well made all around. Weighing in at 6.5 pounds it feel solid and well built. There is a lot of metal going on inside and out of this rifle but keep in mind the top and bottom receiver are plastic but metal parts are where they need to be like in the internals, pretty much all the working parts are metal, the magazine is full metal, the buffer tub is metal and of course the barrel is metal.

Realism: The Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle is about as real as you are going to get in a CO2 Blowback M4 styled Airgun. You can even take it apart into the top and bottom receivers like the real steal version. The blowback action gives you some recoil but more importantly offers a true single action trigger and of course the full auto ability we all love. Almost all the working parts work like they would on a real M4 other than the forward assist which is moulded into the receiver.


  • Most realistic working M4/AR 4.5mm BB Rifle out there right now.

  • Full blowback operation with both semi and full auto shooting, can feel the blowback operation rocking the gun.

  • Great weight and feel to it.

  • Almost everything works exactly like there pal steel version. (Charging handle, dust cover, bolt release, magazine release, selector switch…)

  • Duel CO2 full metal drop out magazine that holds 4.5mm steel BB’s as well.

  • Adjustable buttstock.

  • Adjustable pop-up iron sights.

  • Lots of rails of mounting additional cool hardware.

  • Included adjustable foregrip.

  • Muzzle cap looks cool too!


  • Receiver is plastic but well made and does not compromise feel or weight since there is lots of metal throughout this gun.

  • Rear Buttstock is not compatible with the AR platform.

  • This gun is literally too much fun…


If you haven't figured it out already I love the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle and I know anyone that picks one up will love theirs too! I just wish we had them in our Replica Airguns Store but for now we are not Crosman distributes :( We do have some other nice M4/AR styled BB rifles like the HellBoy which I may put head to head against the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle at some point even though they are very different in how they operate and their pros and cons.

  • My Vimeo Table Top Video of the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Review, Semi Auto, Rifle, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman Remington DPMS SBR, Crosman

Another Update Video this Week - What's Going On?

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Some more stuff came in and I just had to show it off before moving on with the reviews. I know you're going to like it so here we go again...

First off the super anticipate Umarex Glock 19 CO2 BB Pistol has arrived and is now available in our Canada and US online Replica Airgun Stores so get yours while we still have them, if we still have them? No this version is not a blowback or even working slide version and yes it has the dreaded stick mag! That all said the Umarex Glock 19 CO2 BB Pistol feels really solid and well made and heck it's the first licensed Airgun Glock ever so it's a good start. Umarex has said that more elaborate blowback versions will be coming out down the road. There are full blowback Airsoft version licensed by Umarex but the FPS is too slow right now for us to import them into Canada, hopefully there is a fix for this at some point...

I have been waiting at least three months now for my AW Custom AG-HX2003 Double Stack Tactical 1911 Full Blowback CO2 BB Pistol to show up. Canada Customs got their hands on it and felt it needed to be processed for three months before delivering it to me. at least I did end up getting it without a fight!

AW Custom is primarily an Airsoft gun manufacturer but is moving into the 4.5mm Steel BB market and has a few 4.5mm Steel BB offerings which have interchangeable parts with their Airsoft guns if you need them. I will making a Table Top and Field Test Sooting Video for the AW Custom AG-HX2003 Double Stack Tactical 1911 Full Blowback CO2 BB Pistol, my list is getting pretty huge now but I am excited I have all these new products to review for everyone!

Last on my Update list is a rather pricey one but not something I have ever revised on this channel, It's the Umarex T4E HK416 .43 caliber Paintball M4/AR Rifle made specifically for m military and police training. This gun is super realistic with similar working parts to its real steel counterpart. Check the Umarex T4E HK416 .43 caliber Paintball M4/AR Rifle in our Canada and US Online Stores.

Categories: .43 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, CO2, Blowback, Pistol, Review, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video, Paintball Tags: Umarex, Umarex Glock, Glock 19, Glock, M4 Carbine, T4E HK416, AW Custom, AG-HX2003

You Are Going to Want to Watch This Update Video!

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In this video I have some really cool stuff to show you guys, many items I have been waiting to get my hands on for some time now...

Right off the bat I need to let you all know I got my Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB M4/AR Full Auto Airgun and it is simply awesome! It's really everything we have all been asking for, A full scale M4 Replica with Blowback operation and semi and full auto, with quality material throughout and realistic working parts. You can even split the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB M4/AR Full Auto Airgun into its upper and lower sections for cleaning and possible BB jams. Look forward to several upcoming videos featuring the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB M4/AR Full Auto Airgun.

Next up in this weeks news is... Can you believe it, after two years I now have my hands on a Gletcher M1944 Mosin Nagant, not the short stock and short barreled M1891 Sawn Off Version but the full size rifle version complete with working metal bayonet :) I love it when I first saw it at SHOT Show over two years ago and still love it today. I expect it to shoot similarly to the M1891 Sawn Off M1891 Version I already reviewed a few times but with perhaps more power and a bit better accuracy?

KWA Logo Performance Industries.png

Some other very cool news, we are now selling KWA Airsoft Guns, I have been a big fan of KWA for a long time and enjoy visiting their booth at SHOT Show, they have excellent high quality detailed Airsoft guns and carry a great combination of Blowback and AEG Airsoft Guns. Once I get through my Crosman and Gletcher reviews I will focus on showcasing the new KWA lineup we are selling.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman, Crosman Remington DPMS SBR, KWA, Gletcher, Mosin Nagant, M1944

Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle Field Test Review

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I had a lot of outdoor fun just playing around with the Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle but a real Field Test Shooting review had to be done, maybe not as fun as my outdoor video but I still had a great time shooting the Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle none the less.

So how did the Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle do? Unfortunately my Chrony Chronograph bit the dust, even though it I just bought it well I guess we are going back 2 years ago but still my luck with the Chrony Chronographs has not been good :( I thought it was perhaps the battery but when I switched it out for a new one I still got the same gibberish on screen!

So I resorted to using my Airsoft Chronograph which is not ideal for testing our steel BB's and or Lead Pellets. I did get some results which gave me a three shot average of 437 feet per second, this was after shooting off a full magazine and I was having some slight CO2 leakage with my Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle? Perhaps a bad valve or seal?

When I was playing around with m y Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle outside shooting clay pigeons at a variety of distances I found it to be pretty accurate finding my targets most of the time even out to 50 feet or more. So was not too surprised when I shot a nice 1 inch 10 round grouping using a mounted red dot scope to help a little bit.

All in all the Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle is a pretty slick Replica Rifle to own, I will be comparing it to the Crosman DPMS SBR now that one has arrived, they both have pros and cons so it will be interesting to see which one is going to be my favorite at the end of the day but I can say if you can own both then go for it! And don't forget to watch my Table Top Review for the Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle where I go into some more detail and show you around up close.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Review, Rifle, Scope, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: HellBoy, AirVenturi, M4 Carbine, Crosman

Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle Table Top Review

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Type: BB Rifle.
Manufacturer: Air Venturi.
Model: HellBoy.
Materials: Metal & plastic.
Weight: 5.2 pounds (2.4 kilograms).
Barrel: 14.5 inches, smooth bore.
Propulsion: 12 gram CO2 single cartridge.
Action: Non-Blowback - double action only.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm steel BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 18 rounds.
FPS: 495fps.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle is a double action only trigger since there is no blowback action to set the trigger in single action mode. So it will be a bit heavier than a true single action trigger. That said the trigger is not bad at all and can be activated very quickly for tons of fast action shooting or at least until your 18 rounds are all gone :) I would say the trigger pull is between light and medium with a medium pull length and not that much take-up at the beginning.

Accuracy: So far I have only played around with the Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle shooting at clay pigeons from various distances and it was surprisingly accurate for me off hand shooting like this. I could easily hit a clay pigeon from about 50 feet away with most shots. Watch my "Having Fun with the Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle" video if you want to see how it did. In terms of velocity, I have seen other reviews that show it getting pretty close the 495 fps claimed so until I do my actual Field Test Shooting Video we will have to go on this info.

Build Quality: The Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle is made in China, some people will not like that but I found it to be very well built in general, fit and finish are as good if not better than any Taiwanese airgun I have reviewed so quality control in the factory must be good. You are going to find metal parts where you would expect them to be on a real M4 (AR) like the receiver, barrel, buffer tube, magazine, carry handle, forward assist, charging handle, sling mounts, safety and magazine release. Plastic parts are going to be the rear stock, hand guard, and pistol grip.

Realism: The Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle is a 1 to 1 replica of the M4 or AR platform and even has some interchangeable parts with real AR or M4 like the hand guard and rear stock. You can even take this gun down into the two halves, upper and lower which makes for barrel cleaning or BB jam removal pretty easy. Even though there is no blowback action or internal bolt, you can pull the charging handle back which opens the dust cover just like the real deal. Other working moving parts are the magazine release, selector switch, forward assist and adjustable rear stock.


  • Great to have another full size Rifle available to purchase in a BB gun version.

  • Metal where it is expected and good overall weight. (Metal receiver, barrel, magazine)

  • Can be field stripped, carry handle is removable.

  • Can swap out hand guard and rear stock with real steel AR parts.

  • Full size drop out metal magazine that holds the BBs and CO2.

  • Great looking replica of the real steel M4 AR, operation and weight.

  • Variety of sling mount hook in points for varies styles of slings.

  • Fully adjustable rear sight with duel apertures.

  • Working, dust cover, forward assist, magazine release, selector switch.

  • Price point is reasonable for this type of full size mostly metal BB rifle.


  • Semi auto and double action only trigger only.

  • Magazine only holds 18 rounds and a single CO2.

  • No blowback operation.


I think the Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle is a super addition to the replica rifle lineup. I know we all wish it had blowback operation and shot in full auto mode too but there are trade-offs here and you can still have boat loads of fun shooting the Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle even in semi auto only mode. The fact that it does not have blowback allows for some generous fps velocity and more shots per CO2. It looks really great, feels really great and shoots really great all in a mostly metal build which is what everyone has been asking for and at a reasonable price. I think the Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle is a total winner and recommend it 100%. You will not be disappointed!

HellBoy CO2 BB M4 Air Rifle Left Side Front 200.jpg
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Comparison, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: HellBoy, AirVenturi

Having Some Outdoor Fun with the Air Venturi HellBoy M4

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It's been a while since I made a just for fun shooting video, especially a multi-camera kinda tactical shooting video. Well the weather was nice, I had the perfect CO2 Air Rifle for the job, the Air Venturi HellBoy, and I need to keep things simple since I am in contest prep for a fitness show I am doing this weekend and being so low on calories and high on activity messes with the brain a little bit which makes it hard to focus.

This all made for the perfect opportunity to get outside the the Replica Airguns indoor Sea Can Airgun Shooting Range and shoot my Air Venturi HellBoy CO2 BB M4 at some different targets.

To make this video as interesting as possible I have several cameras setup to capture the action from multiple angles. So watch me have some outdoor fun with the Air Venturi HellBoy M4 CO2 BB Rifle as I slay as many clay pigeons as I can...

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: AirVenturi, HellBoy

Umarex Strike Point - KWC M40 - Cybergun Kalashnikov AK47 Preview Video

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Some more Airguns to show everyone! Today I have three very different styles for you... In this Preview video I show off a Multi-pump Pellet Target Pistol, a CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol and an AEG AK47 Kalashnikov with all the bells and whistles!

First off is the Strike Point Multi-pump .22 Caliber Target Pellet Pistol from Umarex. It's kind of like the Crosman 1322 Pistol but with more plastic parts on the outside so it's a little bit more bulky than the Crosman. Other than that both Multi-pump Target Air Pistols share similar bolt actions, cross bolt safeties and adjustable rear sights. With 10 pumps you shoudl get around 465 fps form a standard .22 caliber lead pellet so the Umarex Strike Point Multi-pump .22 Caliber Target Pellet Pistol should even be OK for small pest control as long as it proves to be accurate.

I previously reviewed the KWC M40 in it's standard barrel length, the KWC M&P 40 Extended Barrel Airsoft Pistol is pretty much the same Airsoft pistol but with an extended slide and barrel along with higher sights and a vented slide. I also like the stainless steel barrel which give the KWC M&P 40 Extended Barrel Airsoft Pistol a nice tow tone look.

Lastly I take a look at a full featured AEG Kalashnikov Tactical AK47 Airsoft Rifle that comes with everything you are going to need including the battery, charger, two 550 round magazines and an included fore-grip. The AK47 Kalashnikov Tactical 60Th Ann. Airsoft Rifle feels really good in the hands with its near 7 pounds of weight. I look forward to giving this AEG Airsoft rifle a test run for sure!

Categories: .22 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, Multi-pump, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Kalashnikov AK47, Cybergun, Umarex, KWC, S&W M&P40, Strike Point

Goat Guns Replica Mini Model Guns Review

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Todays Video Review is really something different from Replica Airguns but I felt that it might be something that our viewers and customers would find interesting and perhaps consider picking up something like this for themselves down the road? So make sure to let me know what you think and if I get enough positive feedback I'll take a look at getting some of these mini replica rifles in our online store.

The product I am reviewing today are there 1/3 scale replica rifles from Goat Guns. The M4A1, the AK47 and the Tommy Gun. They are non-firing highly detailed mini versions of the real steel guns they are models of. You even build them nearly the same since they come in a kit. All the metal parts you would find on the real steel version are metal in the Goat Guns replicas. You will even find working bolts and triggers, removable magazines, adjustable sights and they even include three small metals bullets you can load into the magazine.

If you're a gun person I'm pretty sure you will die these highly detailed miniature non-firing replica rifles from Goat Guns and the price is really not that bad considering what you get, only about $30-$40 US.

We carry several similar models in our Replica Airguns Canada Store:

Categories: Review, Rifle, YouTube Video, Non Airguns Tags: Goat Guns, Colt M4A1, Tommy Gun, AK-47

Which is Better - Plastic or Metal Airguns?

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We often think that something that is more expensive and perhaps built with what we consider to be better materials is going to be the best option. That's not always the case! In this Vimeo Video I talk about some of the Pros and Cons to buying a Plastic Airgun versus a Metal Airgun. Of course this applies to BB, Airsoft and Pellet shooters.

In most cases a Plastic Airgun is going to be less expensive, so if you have limited funds then your only option may be a Plastic Airgun and at the end of the day both airguns are going to probably get the job done much the same.

Generally speaking, most Metal Airguns are going to have more moving parts, often times with working slides and even blowback operation. This is not always the case but even a Metal Airgun that has few working parts will still feel more realistic simply because of the additional weight to the Airgun. Metal has that cold hard feel to it that makes you feel like you're holing something of substance. Plastic Airguns on the other hand can feel light and cheap and usually are very simple in design with less working parts.

Shooting an Airgun with blowback operation simulates the recoil action and in many cases allows for true single action operation of the trigger and hammer. This is going to feel a lot more realistic than shooting a non-blowback Airgun which again is generally what you get with Plastic Airguns.

Most people assume that because an Airgun is Meta, it is going to be stronger and more durable. This would be true if the Metal used in the Airgun was actually hardened steel but with almost Metal Airguns, they are made using a zinc alloy metal (Pot Metal) that is much softer then hardened steel and can wear and break a lot easier. When you also consider a Metal Airgun is going to be a lot heavier than a Plastic Airgun, a drop onto a hard surface will have a lot more impact which can cause breakage a to a heavy Metal Airgun versus a Plastic light weight Airgun.

Plastic surfaces are also a lot less prone to showing scratches since the Plastic material will usually be black all the way through versus a Metal Airgun that has a painted surface that when scratched hard enough will show through right to the bare metal. You also get wear marks on painted Metal Airguns that will make it look used and older, some people like this look but other do not.

Again people are going to assume a Metal Airgun is going to be more reliable simply because it has more metal parts and metal parts are stronger right? Not the case if the parts are made out of zinc alloy. Now some companies will upgrade some high use parts in Airguns to hardened steel but it's hard to know for sure. You can use a magnet to determine what parts are Metal and what parts are hardened steel.

As we mentioned before, Plastic Airguns are generally pretty simple in design, less working parts means less to go wrong at the end of the day so just because you have a Plastic Airgun it doesn't mean it's going to break on you quickly. Actually it may even outlast your Metal Airgun since all those working parts will eventually wear out.

Now I am the first person to admit that I prefer Metal Airgun over Plastic Airguns, I don't mind spending the extra money for more realism and I'm willing to accept the fact that it's not going to last forever but the fact remains, a Plastic Airgun does have some advantages going for it so don't rule them out completely.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Q&A Video, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags:

ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 BB Air Rifle Field Test Shooting Review

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I got the chance to Field Test another 4.5mm Steel BB Air Rifle. Most of the time I'm testing out pistols so the opportunity to shoot some rounds through a rifle is a nice change. Todays Air Rifle test subject was the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 BB Air Rifle and by the way it also comes in a 6mm Airsoft version called the ASG TAC-6 CO2 Airsoft Rifle. Maybe down the road I will see how the 6mm Airsoft version compares to the 4.5mm Steel BB version...

Right out of the get go the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 BB Air Rifle surprised me with some rather high velocity shots going through my Chrony Chronograph. The highest FPS shot getting up to 538 fps and the slower shot which was the 5th shot slowing down a bit to 485 fps. My 5 shot average was still up and over 500 fps at 514 fps.

If you're worried about the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 BB Air Rifle being legal as an unregulated firearm in Canada, there is no need to be concerned since the 500 fps limitation also requires a foot pound energy of over 4.2 foot pounds for the airgun to require a firearms license (both thresholds must be met). A 4.5mm steel BB weighs in at around 5.1 grain and even with the fastest shot of 538 fps, the foot pound energy would only be 3.28 foot pounds so nope, no PAL required.

OK so the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 BB Air Rifle has some decent power, what about accuracy? Again the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 BB Air Rifle came through with flying colors! I was able to get about a 1 inch 10 shot grouping even though I was struggling to use the peep sight. My old eyes really find it hard to focus using a peep sight. I would suggest a red dot or even a low powered optical scope since the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 BB Air Rifle has a rail for this purpose. I did find that the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 BB Air Rifle shot a little bit low and slightly to the right. This can easily be corrected by adjusting the rear iron sight since it has windage and elevation settings.

The ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 BB Air Rifle would really be a great plinker even shooting objects at ranges up to 50 feet you should still be able to nail a pop can with no problems. The double action trigger is a bit long and not the lightest I have used but you can still get shots off fairly quickly. Make sure to also checkout my Table Top Video for more details and specifications along with somer nice closeup video.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, TAC-4.5

KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle Table Top Review

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Type: Airsoft Rifle.
Manufacturer: KJWorks.
Model: M700P.
Materials: Metal with textured synthetic stock.
Weight: 7.8 pounds (3600 grams).
Barrel: Smooth bore barrel.
Propulsion: Gas operated (Green Gas or propane).
Action: Bolt..
Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 10-11 round metal magazine.
FPS: Up to 550fps.

Trigger Pull: the trigger on the KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle is what you would expect from a bolt action style hunting/sniper rifle. The working of the bolt does most of the work for your trigger finger so all that is required is the release of the firing pin from a very short and light tigger.

Accuracy: Checkout my full field test shooting video for the KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle to see how it performed in detail. I did only shoot it inside the Sea Can shooting range since the weather outside this time of year is not favorable especially for gas guns so I was limited to ab out 30 feet, perhaps I can retest the KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle outdoors at longer ranges when the weather is better. That said the KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle did shot about a 1.5 inch shot grouping and averaged about 400 fps using .20 gram Airsoft BB's.

Build Quality: The KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle is well built all around and the fit and finish feel good. all the mechanical parts functioned without any problems and I do like the textured stock and nice rubber butt pad. I did notice a couple of spots on the textured stock where it there where cosmetic imperfections, perhaps this is form the moulding of it?

Realism: The KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle is based around the Remington 700 platform which looks like your standard high powered hunting rifle. The Airsoft version looks and functions just like the real deal since we are using Green Gas rather than a spring making the bolt easy and smooth to operate.
Available From: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • Bolt is super easy to use compared to a Spring style bolt action Airsoft rifle.

  • Textured stock feels great.

  • Lots of sight option with the built in scope rail and removable adjustable iron sights.

  • Ready for Bipod or sling.

  • Full size drop out metal magazine that holds the Gas and Airsoft BB’s.

  • Easy to adjust Hop-up screw.


  • FPS was a little bit lower than expected.

  • Was not able to get 11 rounds into the magazine.

  • Some imperfections on the textured stock.

I have revised a couple of spring bolt action Airsoft rifles in the past and although it's nice that all you need is a bag of Airsoft BB's and your ready to shoot, having the Gas operation makes the bolt so  much easier to operate allowing for much quicker follow up shoots. The more time you have to acquire your next target and make the shot can make all the difference when your enemy is closing in. The KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle is a nice ready to shoot out of the box Airsoft rifle that if you want to can be customized pretty easy with a bipod or scope which I would recommend since not only will this make the KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle look a lot better but also way more practical.

My YouTube Table Top Review Video for the KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Gas, Review, Rifle, Scope, YouTube Video, Single Shot Tags: KJWorks, M700P

John Wayne Lil Duke Giveaway Winner Announcement

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This John Wayne Lil Duke Giveaway didn't go exactly as planned as we had that YouTube Airgun Channel scare shortly after the original announcement so not as many people knew about it but we said we where going to giveaway two John Wayne Lil Duke BB Rifles and so that's what we are going to do!

Make sure to watch my Youtube video and find out if you won or not and congratulations to the two winners! For those that did not win this time around, you can still get yourself a John Wayne Lil Duke BB Gun by heading over to our Replica Airguns Canada or Replica Airguns US online web store and purchasing one the conventional way!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Repeater, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: John Wayne Lil Duke, AirVenturi, Red Ryder

ASG TAC 4.5 CO2 Air Rifle Table Top Review

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Type: BB Rifle.
Manufacturer: ASG.
Model: TAC 4.5.
Materials: Plastic with some internal metal parts.
Weight: 3.5 pounds (1588 grams).
Barrel: 12 inches, metal non-rifled.
Propulsion: 12 gram CO2 x 1.
Action: Semi auto, double action only.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 21 round metal stick magazine.
FPS: 417.

Trigger Pull: The double action only type trigger pull on the ASG TAC 4.5 CO2 Air Rifle is not too heavy but it is rather long so really quick rapped fire shooting will require some finger work. The trigger reset is right at the begging of the pull so you need to make sure you allow the trigger full range of motion or you may miss the odd shot.

Accuracy: I haven't done my Field Test Shooting video just yet for the ASG TAC 4.5 CO2 Air Rifle but hope to do it soon so stay posted for that video. ASG claimed the fps to be right around 417 but I have a feeling it shoudl come in a little bit higher than this since there is no blowback and the barrel is close to 12 inches long, With the fiber optic front sight and fully adjustable rear peep sight I shoudl be able to get some decent rounds on target downrange and hopefully get a nice grouping.

Build Quality: The ASG TAC 4.5 CO2 Air Rifle is mostly plastic but feels pretty good in the hand with decent fit and finish. There are some metal internal part along with the outer barrel but for the most part the ASG TAC 4.5 CO2 Air Rifle is all plastic including the trigger and front and rear sights.

Realism: The ASG TAC 4.5 CO2 Air Rifle is not a replica of any modern rifle that I know of but it does look a bit like a Beretta CX4 Storm especially the back half of it. The flash hider and top and bottom raise add to the realism.
Available From: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • Very customizable with rails top and bottom.

  • Comes with a rather nice Bipod.

  • Front and back Iron sights are very usable.

  • Safety switch is in a great location for right handed shooters.

  • Integrated laser add on is a nice touch.

  • Solid construction.

  • Rubber Butt Pad is nice and thick.

  • Removable barrel to reduce size for easier transportation.

  • Also come in Airsoft version.


  • DOA Trigger pull is a bit long which will slow down rapid fire shooting a bit.

  • Mostly Plastic Polymer build.

  • Why not a longer inner barrel for possible more fps?

It's nice when a new action shooting air rifle comes out on the market since there are not a ton of them. The ASG TAC 4.5 CO2 Air Rifle is a nice addition if you're looking for a BB shooter for plinking around the yard. You can also get an Airsoft firing version too called the ASG TAC 6 CO2 Airsoft Rifle if you want to shoot some rounds that are a little bit less destructive and more game friendly. The ASG TAC 4.5 CO2 Air Rifle offers a lot of customizability with its top and bottom rails for accessories which allow for the placement of the included removable iron sights and Bipod. I would recommend adding a red dot sight and perhaps even a tac light to really dec out this modern looking air rifle.

My Vimeo Table Top Review Video for the ASG TAC 4.5 CO2 Air Rifle:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, TAC-4.5

ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 Air Rifle Unboxing Video

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I don't generally make unboxing videos, usually I'll make a preview video if I want to get the word out that I have a new product for review but I thought I would change things up a bit with the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 Air Rifle Unboxing Video. There are actually two version of this rifle, the TAC-4.5 and the TAC-6. The ASG TAC-6 CO2 Air Rifle is the Airsoft equivalent, pretty much identical to the TAC-4.5 with the acceptation of shooting 6mm Plastic Airsoft BB's.

Getting back to the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 Air Rifle, it uses a standard 12 gram CO2 cartridges to shoot 4.5mm Steel BB's at around 417 fps. The BB's are stored in its 21 round metal stick magazine similar to what you would find in many standard BB pistols. I'm pretty sure this rifle is actually internally a pistol of sorts and even the barrel internally is short like a pistol. The external longer barrel that you see is mainly for show to give the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 Air Rifle its rifle appearance. The TAC outer shell is made of synthetic plastic keeping the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 Air Rifle fairly light at around 3.5 pounds.

You will find Weaver/Picatinny rails top and bottom with removable fiber optic iron sights and a removable Bipod with adjustable legs. The rear stock has a rubber Buttplate for added comfort. I found it interesting that the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 Air Rifle has an area right at the front in the stock for an optional laser sight.

Look forward to a more detailed Table Top and Field Test Shooting Video coming out shortly for the ASG TAC-4.5 CO2 Air Rifle.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, TAC-4.5

KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle Field Test Review

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I'm trying to remember if I have ever reviewed a Gas Operated Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle before or not? I know I have reviewed Spring Operated Bolt Action Airsoft Rifles but I think this is a first for me. With Spring Bolt Action Airsoft Rifles there is some work involved in the back and forth movement of the bolt since the power is coming from the spring tension, compared to a Gas Bolt Action Airsoft system there is virtually no resistance in the bolt so you can get off your follow up shots a lot quicker.

I would like to get out and test the KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle at a much longer distance than here in my Indoor Sea Can Airgun Range but the weather outside right now is kind of cold and wet. Perhaps in the summer I can do a revisit of the KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle and test it out at a much longer range using heavier Airsoft BB's.

For this indoor short range testing I used .20 gram Plastic Airsoft BB's and placing 5 shots through my Chrony Chronograph I got a an average of 382 fps. The gas magazine was fully topped up using propane gas and the temperate was around 15 degrees Celsius (60 degrees Fahrenheit).

Again using .20 gram Plastic Airsoft BB's I then performed my close range accuracy test (about 30 feet away) and the KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle shot about a 1.5 inch grouping with one outlier that went kind of low, perhaps a bad Airsoft BB? With most sniper style Airsoft rifles you will want to use heavier gram Airsoft BB's which should help with accuracy so I would expect the KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle to tighten up a bit using a .30 or higher gram BB.

I was surprised at how quiet the KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle was and didn't mind the peep sights after some getting use to. I would recommend adding a 3 power or higher scope to the included scope mount. Throw a Bipod on the KJWorks M700P Gas Bolt Action Airsoft Rifle and you have yourself a nice sniper rifle setup indeed.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Field Test, Review, Rifle, Single Shot, YouTube Video, Gas Tags: KJWorks, M700P