I first want to say this isn't exactly a review, more of an overview. I do show you around this Chinese made Norinco Type 54 Model 213 9mm Tokarev copy but I don't shoot it or even talk too much about shooting it. I have shot my Norinco M213 and it's quit nice, especially when you consider this gun was designed back in 1930. The Original Russian made Tokarev was built to replace the aging Nagant M1895 revolver that the Soviet troops used as their sidearm.
The Tokarev looks a lot like the Browning FN Model 1903 and was more than likely based off of it but it is different internally utilizing a short recoil dropping barrel similar to what is used in a 1911. The original Tokarev was not normally chambered in 9mm but rather the Russian made 7.62mm round. Being that the original 7.62 round is longer than a 9mm Lugar, Norinco had to place a block inside the magwell to accommodate the smaller magazine. I think it's a good tradeoff so I can use my readily available 9mm rounds in it. Each magazine hold 7 rounds as they are single stack design, this does make the profile of the entire gun very slim.
Another feature to note, that is found on the Chinese Norinco Type 54 Tokarev copy is the addition of a safety. The original Tokarev did not have a safety on it. The safety is similar to what you would find on a Makarov.
I have several Norinco guns and from what I have seen, people either love them or hate them and it's usually the people that own them that love them and the people that don't own them that don't like them. This may be based on first impressions as many Norinco guns are not as refined as what you would see in a Smith & Wesson, Sig Sauer and many other higher end firearms. With that said the Norinco firearms kind of remind me of many Russian made guns which are more about how they work and less about how they look. The Norinco metal is tuff as nails and has a very high nickel content in it which is what makes it harder to refine.
Even today the Tokarev is a decent gun and I really love the history behind it, once you get used to it's unusual looks it really does start to grow on you and you can pick one up for pretty cheap these days, I only paid just over $200 for mine and it even came with 4 magazines.
Watch my Vimeo Video Overview of the Norinco Type 54 Model 213 9mm Tokarev:
Action: Blowback, Single action only on KP-07 - Single/Double action on KP-02 & Elite 1A
Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 20/22/20 rounds.
FPS: 366+ fps.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on all of these KJWorks Airsoft guns is very nice in both single and double action, The KP-07's true single action only 1911 trigger is a beauty, with no take up at all and a very light and smooth release. The Beretta Elite 1A is the next best with a surprisingly light weight double action trigger. All of these guns will be shooting primarily in single action as the blowback precooks the hammer with each shot.
Accuracy: I shot all of these fine KJWorks Airsoft guns from 20 feet out in semi rested position and got very similar results. I was able to place 10 rounds in a 2 to 2.5 inch grouping for all guns, with the KP-07 1911 shooting the most well centered. The Beretta Elite 1A shot well centered also but just a hair under center mass while the KP-02 seemed to shoot low but could be adjusted to shoot higher by increasing the hopup. All three KJWorks Airsoft pistols got right around the 330-350 fps mark (5 shot average chrony testing) with the KP-7 1911 and Elite 1A Beretta hitting the higher end and the KP-02 Sig P229 getting right around 330fps. All three KJWorks Blowback Airsoft guns should be able to hit 366+fps in the right shooting conditions.
Build Quality: I was extremely impressed with the build quality of these KJWorks Airsoft guns, the fit and finish is the best I have seen on any of my guns including Airguns also. Even after shooting several magazines worth of BB's, the painted metal friction areas did not seem to show nearly as much wear as some of my other blowback guns. The tolerances between the moving parts like the slide and frame are very tight showing excellent workmanship and machining with these KJWorks Airsoft guns.
Realism: All of these KJWorks 6mm Airsoft pistols are based on real steal versions of the same guns (KP-02 is a Sig Sauer P229 copy, the KP-07 is a Colt 1911 copy and the Elite 1A is a Beretta Copy). They are very good replicas even though the KP-02 and KP-07 do not have any specific licensing on them. The Elite 1A does have licensing which is a plus. The only negative thing I can think of is the fact that the KP-02 has the rather unusual CO2 magazine that sticks out of the bottom of the handle that is not at all like a real P229 magazine. I do believe you can find a GBB magazine that would be much more in line with the real steel version of this magazine.
All metal guns with good overall realistic weights.
Very heavy blowback on all guns, especially the KP-07 1911
Excellent fit and finish - best I have seen.
Nice mid range fps - great for on the field.
Very consistent accuracy for all KJWorks Airsoft guns.
Very believable replicas of the real steel versions.
KP-2 and KP-07 did not have official licensing.
All seem to go through CO2/Gas fairly fast.
KP-02 had a rather strange looking CO2 magazine.
KP-02 slide did not lock back after last shot, may be due to CO2 magazine configuration.
I guess you get what you pay for, these KJWorks Airsoft guns do fetch a bit higher price but when you take them out of the box and really look at them closely you can see why, they are pretty much flawless and the fit and tolerances are very good with very little play in the mechanical parts. Shooting these guns is just as wonderful, they all worked very well and got consistent accuracy and fps between shots. There where no ammo loading problems and no unexpected behaviors with any of these Airsoft pistols. If you can afford to pay that little bit more for one of these very high quality KJWorks Blowback Airsoft guns, you will not be let down!
I haven't had a blank gun Silent Auction for a few months now. Not too many people are willing to give theirs up here in Canada. Today I am featuring two very good condition EKOL blank guns, both front firing and in Satin finish and both full size and full weight 15 round double stack semi auto shooters. The EKOl Dicle is semi auto only while the Jackal Dual has a selector switch for shooting in semi auto or full auto. The EKOL Dicle comes with it's original hard shell case, manual and flare adaptor while the EKOL Jackal Dual does not have a case but does come with a flare adaptor.
Remember the Silent Auctions for blank guns are primarily for my Canadian customers as blank guns are very hard to come by here in Canada. If you are interested in bidding on one or both of these guns, please send me an email with your highest bid to mike@replicaairguns.com. This Silent Auction end date is August 24th at midnight so get your bids in ASAP.
If you are US based you can order a front firing EKOL Blank gun from my US Replica Airguns Store.
You can also check out my full reviews on both these guns:
Here is a short video update along with a few photos of my KWC and Umarex Airsoft Pistols recently added to the Canada Replica Airguns Store. The models showcased are the KWC M1911 & KWC M92 (PT99) along with the Umarex Walther P99. All of these pistols use 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's, shoot over 366 fps using CO2 and have blowback operation.
Watch my Vimeo Update Video on these three Blowback Airsoft Pistols:
Last but not least for now, just added to the Canada Replica Airguns Store - the KWC M92 (PT99) CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol.
The KWC M92 (PT99) is essentially is the Airsoft KWC version of the Cybergun GSG 92 without any branding and also in 6mm Airsoft caliber. And it comes already to shoot in either semi or full auto so no modifications required!
The KWC M92 PT99 features a full size drop out metal magazine that holds both the 6mm Plastic Airsoft BB's and the CO2 cartridge. It features a working slide with realistic blowback operation and can be fully field stripped just like the actual sidearm.
Last update for the day, I am happy to announce that I have added two Gas Blowback Airsoft Rifles from WE to the Canada Replica Airguns Store. They are both fantastic guns that are the spitting image of their real steel counterparts and both have awesome blowback action and feel. Both rifles shoot in semi and full auto which is exhilarating!
I am super happy to announce a bunch of new Canada Store Products coming very soon. I have sourced out some Blowback Airsoft pistols and also a couple of GBB We Airsoft Rifles. (KJWorks: Elite 1A, KP-07, KP-02) (KWC: DE .50, SW40F) (RAM P99) (WE: G39C, M4 CQBR).
I am also adding some airgun pistols that I have not been able to find a supplier for here in Canada up until now, and I will also be adding them to the Canada Store shortly. (Umarex: Browning Buck Mark URX, XBG, Beretta 90two).
And of course the addition of some new accessories that I have been wanting to have listed in the Canada Store for some time now. (Daisy Zinc Coated BB's, Umarex CP99 - PPK - Rotary Magazines, Body Guard Mace Spray, Schrade Hand Cuffs)
So if your interested in any of these items then keep checking back, I will be adding them to the Canada Store as quick as I can - time permitting!
The video is just a quick preview but you get to see the guns up nice and close and at the end I also show off my 9mm bullet Casing Ear Bud Headphones and talk a bit about what I like about them.
Without further ado here is My YouTube video featuring the Thompson M1928 Submachine Gun, ICS SIG SG-551 SWAT and 9mm Bullet Digital Stereo Earbuds:
I have had a lot of people ask to buy my Russian made ZMZ Tyrex PPA-K-01 4.5mm BB Machine Gun and offer a lot of money for it and I have turned them all down, some may say I am crazy but the people offering the big bucks understand how rare this gun is here in North America and will pay what it takes to own one.
I was approached by the seller that I originally purchased my ZMZ Tyrex PPA-K-01 from and he informed me that he has two brand new in the box units he has acquired and is willing to sell. So for those of you who wanted to buy mine from me, now is your chance to get one!
He is asking $850, "this is not a misprint", they are not cheap, they are a rare collectors item, if you can find one for less money then grab it quick.
Interested parties can send me an email and I will forward your information to the seller. You can work out the details with him. Good luck!
The Thompson M1928 Chicago Style 1928 Submachine Gun with Drum Magazine is an awesome weapon that delivers semi & fully automatic fire at outstanding velocities in the battlefield. This gun has a polished full metal body that recreates the awesome look and feel of a real Tommy gun. The gun features a metal gear box & steel bushings, a high-capacity 450 rd drum magazine and a shot velocity of 390-450 fps (using .20g BBs).
The front charging handle allows you to control the gun and an adjustable BAXS shooting system improves the accuracy of the gun when shooting from long distances. Own your enemies and order today! This rifle also Includes: 8.4 V 2000 mAh Ni-CD battery, 300 mah charger (6.5 hrs charge time), cleaning rod & manual.
We just got in a new Field ready Airsoft AEG rifle, the Cybergun ISC SG-551 SWAT version. Get in on our introductory sale price!
The Cybergun ICS SIG SG-551 SWAT offers hardcore performance in a lightweight and compact package. Manufactured in Taiwan under licensed from Cybergun this rifle features full SIG trademarks engraved into its receiver.
With a stamped aluminum upper receiver and cast lower, the SG-551 weighs over a pound less than a KWA M4 while retaining the same strength and rigidity. Complete with a fiber composite handguard and pistol grip you can feel the quality of this rifle as soon as you pick it up. Its side folding skeleton stock locks firmly into open and closed positions making this rifle highly versatile in both indoor and outdoor scenarios. It features a centrally located magazine release and ambidextrous selector levers allowing for left or right handed use. One cool thing about these ICS SIG series rifle is the functioning bolt catch. Pull the bolt back all of the way and it will lock open allowing you to easily adjust the rifle hop-up without needing a third hand to keep the bolt back. Once you are done just flip the bolt release and the bolt flies forward with a nice metallic ring. Other features include a folding trigger guard for use with thick gloves, adjustable front sight complete with hood and changeable long/close range sight post, rotary rear sight with four adjustable apertures as well as windage and elevation adjustments.
Its battery is housed in the handguard which has enough room to hold an 8.4v or 9.6v AK Stick Type battery.
This is a bit unusual even for us ;) A friend of mine put me on to some really cool headphones (Earbuds) that looked like bullet shell casings and I stumbled on a good deal for some that I wanted to pass on to everyone. I have to say they are the best fitting earbuds I have ever used (Even over some very expensive earbuds I own) and actually stay in my ears and sound really good because they fit deep into the ear for great bass response and noise isolation.
These unique 9mm Bullet Digital In-Ear buds are designed to the same dimensions as a real 9mm bullet shell casing. All metal design means they are not only built tough but also very realistic. They feature excellent sound quality with crisp high-end and deep rich base. Because of their extra length over standard earbuds, they fit much better so they won't fall out as easy and they also create a tight seal which increases the bass while reducing outside noise! You can get yours in either brass or silver finish.
Plane and simple, the coolest headphones you can get!
I have a rare EKOL LADY blank gun for you today listed as a silent auction item, this blank gun is a front venting model so the barrel is semi-plugged but all the flames and smoke vent out the front of the barrel like a traditional gun.
This EKOL LADY 9mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol in Satin is previously owned, it has been fired but is in very good condition. It comes in a hard shell foam lined plastic case.
Please submit your silent auction offers to me by no later than June 27th midnight! (Silent auctions are for our Canadian customers looking to by blank guns in Canada) participants can send me an email with their top bid on the item listed and the highest bid wins this auction). *Local tax plus shipping & handling will be added.
Good luck to all participants!
If you reside in the US, you can also buy the EKOL Firat new from us in our US Replica Airguns Store.
I have been hinting about an even bigger Canada sale on the King Arms Colt M4A1 Metal AEG Airsoft Rifle and here it is - now $100 OFF the regular price (Canada Store Only) so don't wait as I'm not sure how long this sale will last...
Some more updates for you, I received some more NcSTAR Accessories for my Canada Replica Airguns Store, some Red Dots, Scopes, Lasers, Tactical Lights, Rails, Bipods and some Vests, Slings and Holsters. I will be updating the Canada Store shortly with these very well priced items shortly so check back soon!
I also have a couple more blank guns that I will be conducting a Silent Auction on shortly: An EKOL Lady in Satin and an EKOL Special 99 in "White", which is more like a soft textured Nickel.
Lastly I also just picked up my first paintball pistol a RAM X50 and it is one I have been after for a while since I am a big Sig fan. It' basically an unlicensed Sig Sauer 226 that uses CO2 and chambers .43 caliber paintball and/or rubber balls. It is blowback and has a drop out 9 round metal magazine.
I have another EKOL Firat Magnum blank gun for you today listed as a silent auction item, this one is a top venting model so the barrel is plugged and all the flames and smoke vent out the top of the barrel, not the front. The EKOL Firat has always been a popular seller here in the Replica Airguns Store.
This EKOL Firat Magnum 9mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol in Gloss Black is previously owned but has low usage and is in very good condition. It comes in a hard shell plastic case with the manual, and field stripping key.
Please submit your silent auction offers to me by no later than June 5th midnight! (Silent auctions are for our Canadian customers looking to by blank guns in Canada) participants can send me an email with their top bid on the item listed and the highest bid wins this auction). *Local tax plus shipping & handling will be added.
Good luck to all participants!
If you reside in the US, you can also buy the EKOL Firat new from us in our US Replica Airguns Store.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex SW1911 S is actually fairly heavy which I found a bit surprising because it is a single action only gun. I found myself thinking a few times that the gun may have misfired but realised that I just needed to pull the trigger a bit firmer. This can be good in that the gun will not easily or accidentally go off and since accuracy is not a factor it is not a big deal.
Accuracy: NA.
Build Quality: The overall build quality of the SW1911 S is fantastic. It is one of the nicest blank guns in terms of overall build quality and finish quality. The tolerances are very tight and the quality of the workmanship is top notch. When holding the Umarex SW1911 it has a lot of mass to it and feels just like a real 1911 in the hand. This blank pistol is made in Germany!
Realism:The Umarex SW1911 S is a replica of a Smith and Wesson 1911 semi auto pistol but I could not find an exact match to a specific model they currently make. It is licensed and branded by Smith & Wesson and in terms of looking like a real steel gun it is bang on with the exception of the exhaust notch that is cut into the top of the slide. Interestingly enough I think Umarex may have not even needed to cut out this notch as my slow motion video shows that all the burn off happens before the slide even starts to move.
Very well made, materials fit and finish is all very good.
Two-tone finish looks very nice.
Very true to the original 1911 - (A1 styled).
Love the nice rubber wrap around grips.
I was able to fit 10 rounds in the magazine (2 extra)!
German made quality.
Top venting.
Notch cut out of slide takes away from the realism a bit.
Magazine can be a bit tuff to get in (pressing the magazine release helps).
Heavy trigger pull on mine.
Even though the Umarex SW1911 S had a few shortcoming like being a top venting gun, having the notch cut out of the slide and perhaps a bit heavy of a trigger, I still really like it! The quality is evident throughout this fine German made blank gun and you can just tell it's made right. This is also my first true replica blank gun as it is fully licensed by Smith & Wesson, something that has been lacking in all my other blank guns because of our Canadian importation laws. I really wish I could get my hands on some more "replica blank guns" as I don't mind giving up the front firing for top venting to obtain a blank gun that is a true replica.
Photo of ZORAKI 917 Removed by Request from Glock "Renzulli Law Firm"
All references, photos and video claiming that any item in this Review/Video looks like a Glock or is a Replica of a Glock in any way shape or form have been removed from this post as requested by Glock"Renzulli Law Firm"
When ever I can get my hands on some blank guns at a realistic price or perhaps a trade that works for both parties, I generally try to make it happen. And if they are guns that I don't have in my collection, well they go directly into my collection so please no offers from fellow Canadians as I tend to hold onto my more rare or hard to acquire Canadian replica guns pretty firmly! .
Both of these 9mm P.A.K. Blank shooting guns are not brand new but they are in very good condition and it's hard to even say it they have been shot or not? My new Zoraki Mod. 917 as you can see, is styled very closely after the NAME REMOVED and so much so that all new version sold in North America must have "This is not a Glock" engraved on the right side frame of the receiver in order to be sold. Mine however was purchased before this requirement :) UPDATE: NO LONGER BEING SOLD IN NORTH AMERICA.
Photo of ZORAKI 917 Removed by Request from Glock "Renzulli Law Firm"
My Umarex SW1911 S is licensed by Smith & Wesson which makes it pretty hard to get in Canada becasue for a very long time we have not been allowed to import any replica guns and since it is licensed it makes it a true replica and would normally be stopped at the boarder. You may own replicas in Canada without a said license but you need to make sure they are stored and handled as defined by the requirements outlined in the Canada Firearms Act.
I have a very popular blank gun for you today and I'm sure it will get a lot of activity as the EKOL Firat has always been a popular seller here in the Replica Airguns Store.
This EKOL Firat Magnum 9mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol in Gloss Black is previously owned but has low usage and is in very good condition. It comes in a hard shell plastic case with the manual, flare adaptor and field stripping key.
Please submit your silent auction offers to me by no later than May 23rd midnight! (Silent auctions are for our Canadian customers looking to by blank guns in Canada) participants can send me an email with their top bid on the item listed and the highest bid wins this auction). *Local tax plus shipping & handling will be added.
Good luck to all participants!
If you reside in the US, you can also buy the EKOL Firat new from us in our US Replica Airguns Store.
Time is runnig out! Just in cased you missed my EKOL Arda & Dicle - Bruni Mod. 92 PAK Blank Gun Silent Auction video last week or perhaps didn't get a chance to bid on anything, this is your last chance as this silent auction ends tonight at midnight (Friday May 11th).
You can check out the original post and watch my YouTube video for these items located here.