Entries in 9mm,4.5mm / .177 cal

KWC Cybergun M92 Swiss Arms CO2 Blowback BB Pistol Field Test Review

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Another quick revisit of the KWC/Cybergun M92 Beretta - Taurus full metal, full blowback, CO2 4.5mm Steel BB pistol series. They come in several flavors but are all made by KWC and in many cases redistributed licensed by Cybergun. This Field Test Shooting Video Review focuses on the Cybergun Swiss Arms P92 version.

I have several videos I made for the Cybergun GSG 92 version showcasing an early on Table Top Review, Field Test Review and even a Full Auto Mod Video.

Now that I have a more standardized Field Test Shooting format, I though I would revisit this series of KWC/Cybergun Beretta - Taurus Replica BB Pistols and do a follow up Field Test to get some more camera angles and hopefully a nice tight target grouping using my standard semi rested position from 20 feet away.

I also incorporate some high speed video near the end of this Field Test Shooting video Review to go along with the Chronograph and target portion of the Filed Test Shooting review.

The KWC - Cybergun Full Blowback All metal serious of Replica CO2 BB Pistols has been hugely popular over here at Replica Airguns and for good reason, they are very realistic in looks and operation, are priced very respectably and replicate several of the more popular semi auto pistols.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Modification, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, GSG 92, KWC, P92, Swiss Arms

KWC Cybergun P1911 Swiss Arms CO2 Blowback BB Pistol Field Test Review


So this is not the first time I've reviewed the KWC/Cybergun Series of full metal, full blowback CO2 4.5mm Steel BB pistols. The most popular version being the Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 since it was the first one on the scene. These BB shooting 1911 replicas come in several styles and can be found in both 4.5mm Steel BB and 6mm Airsoft versions.

They are made by KWC but can also be found redistributed by Cybergun with either the Tanfoglio Witness or Swiss Arms licensing on them.

Today I revisit my Field Test Review since it has been a long time and the way I conduct my field tests has changed a bit so I wanted to test this popular 1911 CO2 Replica using multiple cameras and a more scientific testing approach.

In a nutshell, the KWC/Cybergun Swiss Arms P1911 with it's true 1911 single action trigger and full blowback shoots much like its real steel counterpart with less kick of course. It is capable of nice 1.5 inch groups from a 20 foot semi rested shooting position and shoots right around 300 fps which will put a steel BB right through both sides of a water filled pop can.

You really can't find a more fun and realistic BB pistol out there, probably why this air pistol has been such a favorite with replica airgun fans.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, KWC, P1911, Swiss Arms

X-Men Wolverine Halloween Costume 2013

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So here it is, my X-Men Wolverine Costume for the 2013 Replica Airguns Halloween Contest Giveaway. No I am not competing, but I wanted t get involved since dressing up for Halloween is fun.

X-Men Wolverine in pretty simple, pair of jeans, white wife beater, brown leather jacket, cool belt buckle, dog tags, cigar, grow and trim the beard and of course attach some blades to your knuckles ;)

Hope you like it and don't forget to upload your Halloween Costume video and let me know when you have it up.

Buy the Blackwater in Canada  -  Buy the Blackwater in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Blackwater 1911 R2, KWC

US Store Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 Back in Stock


For those in the US, we just got some more Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 BB Pistols so if you had one on back order you should be getting a shipping confirmation email in the next few of days. And if you've been waiting for inventory then grab one up while you can!

Buy the Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 BB Pistol in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Cybergun, Tanfoglio Witness 1911

We Just Received Another KWC Shipment!


We just received an order of KWC products so if you've been waiting for some out of stock items then go take a look! By the way, the KWC Beretta / Taurus full metal blowback BB and Airsoft versions now come semi and full auto enabled!

Canada Replica Airguns Store  -  US Replica Airguns Store

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWC

Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway 2013

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It's that time of year again and so once again, the anual Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway is here...

And in keeping with the weapons theme around here, the costumes must be weapons based so basically any costume that is based around a weapon of some sort is required to take part in this contest. You will need to send me a comment to this video that you have your Halloween Costume video uploaded and I will add it to my Halloween Contest 2013 Playlist.

Here are some ideas: Police, SWAT, Military, Navy Seal, Rebel Force, Ninja, Viking, Super Hero, Comic Character...

You get the idea!

The winner (Ultimately picked by everyone this time around) will receive a Cybergun Blackwater BW1911 R2 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm Steel BB Pistol.

And here are the official rules:

Looks like YouTube got rid of the Video Response feature without telling me ;)

  • You need to make a Weapons Based Video and and post it to your YouTube account, then send me a comment that you have your Halloween Costume video uploaded and I will add it to my Halloween Contest 2013 Playlist.
  • You need to be Subscribed to my YouTube Channel.
  • You need to Favorite this video.
  • You must be an adult or have your parent/s or guardians permission to accept the prize.
  • Contest ends at midnight on October 31st 2013 and the winner will be announced shortly there after based on popularity.
  • Anyone located outside of North America will be compensated to their PayPal account $99 US.

May the best Cop, Soldier, Rebel, Ninja, Mercenary, Viking, Cave "Person" win!

Palco Blackwater 1911 R2 BB.jpg
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Blackwater 1911 R2, Cybergun

ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro CO2 BB Pistol Field Test Shooting Review

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This is my Official Field Test Shooting Review for the ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro CO2 BB Pistol, make sure to also check out my Table Top Review for this Air Pistol for more information on features, specifications and some nice high quality photos.

In this Field Test Shooting Reviews I test out the ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro and put five rounds through my Chronograph to get a real world average fps using a brand new CO2. ASG claims around 400 fps and I got pretty close even thought the fall weather here in BC is getting kind of cooler so there may be room for a bit higher fps during warmer summer time weather situations.

I shoot the ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro 4.5mm Pistol from the 20 foot range since I hadn't done a pre test to date. While shooting from a semi rested position at 20 feet back, I was able to get a 2 inch 11 shot group and if I eliminated the two fliers it would have been closer to a 1 inch group. The Thunder 9 Pro BB Pistol shot pretty well centered on target getting 9 out of the 11 shots right in the black center ring. The trigger pull is very typical for this style of double action only trigger, kind of long with a slight sticky click in the middle while the BB chambers and then some more trigger pull with a fairly predictable release right near the back.

You can expect to get right around 6-7 consistent magazines worth of shots before having to change the CO2, that's well over 100+ shots! And even on the last magazine the fps seemed to stay pretty consistent.

Overall the ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro is well priced yet offers a realistic looking alternative to the real steel Bersa Thunder 9 Pro and still delivers decent power, more than adequate accuracy and lots of shots out of a single CO2.

My Vimeo Field Test Video Review for the ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro CO2 BB Pistols:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Bersa Thunder 9 Pro

Umarex XBG and TDP 45 CO2 BB Pistol Field Test Shooting Review

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This is my Official Field Test Shooting Review for both the Umarex XBG and Umarex TDP 45 CO2 BB Pistols, make sure to also check out my Umarex XBG and TDP 45 Table Top Review for more information on features, specifications and photos.

As usual with my Field Test Shooting Reviews I test out both Umarex pistols using my Chronograph and put five rounds through it with each CO2 BB Pistol to get a real world average fps. Umarex claims around 410 and I got pretty close with both pistols using a brand new Umarex CO2 cartridge in each gun. The temperature was not overly warm as we are now into fall here in Canada BC but so there may be room for a bit higher fps out of each Umarex CO2 BB pistol.

I decided to shoot both 4.5mm Pistols at the 20 foot target potion of this review since I had not done any pre tests. While shooting from a semi rested position at 20 feet back I was able to get pretty much a 2 inch 10 shot group with each gun, the XBG seemed to group a bit tighter for me than the TDP 45 and both BB Pistols shot pretty well centered on target. The trigger pull is very typical for this style of double action only trigger, kind of long with a slight sticky click in the middle while the BB chambers and then some more trigger pull with a fairly predictable release right near the back.

Both Umarex BB Pistols should get right around 6-7 consistent magazines worth of shots before having to change the CO2, that is 120+ shots! And even on the last magazine the fps seemed to stay nice and high.

Both Umarex CO2 BB pistols performed pretty well considering the super low cost and make great inexpensive plinkers that will get you decent power, more than adequate accuracy and lots of shots out of a single CO2.

My Vimeo Field Test Video Review for these Umarex CO2 BB Pistols:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: TDP 45, Umarex, XBG

Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 4.5mm .177 Pellet Pistol Table Top Review


Type: Pellet percussion cap parlor pistol.

Manufacturer: DavidePedersoli.

Model:Derringer Guardian #11.

Materials: Mostly steel.

Weight: .34 pounds (155 grams)

Barrel: 3 1/8 inch steel rifled.

Propulsion: #11 percussion caps.

Action: Single shot, single action only.

Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's / .177 Caliber Pellets.

Ammunition Capacity: 1 round.

FPS: Under 500.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 is pretty light and short since it is a true single action only pistol, the majority of the pull comes from the pre-cocking of the hammer, there is next to no take-up or creep and I would say around a 2-3 pound trigger pull.

Accuracy: This part of the review is yet to be determined, I don't expect anything special here since there is no rear sight, I am guessing I will need to practice a bit with the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian to figure out how to sight it in using the rear chamber area as a sight bridge. Once I can figure it out I should get decent shot placement since the barrel is rifled. At this point I have no real idea what kind of fps to expect since I have not been able to acquire any #11 percussion caps, but I am guessing it will be just under 500 fps to stay Canada legal as an unregulated or uncontolled firearm. UPDATED FIELD TEST SHOOTING RESULTS HERE.

Build Quality: The build quality in the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 is what you would expect from a true firearm, all the metal parts are actual steel, not zinc like you would find in most airguns. The only exception is the grips which are plastic. The fit and finish is very nice with gun bluing on the steel parts and very good quality control and fit throughout. The only improvement would have been actual wooden grips since the rest of the gun is so well made and finished.

Realism: The Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 is a Parlor Pistol designed for "indoor" shooting. (These guns were first developed in 1845 when French inventor, Louis Nicolas Flobert, modified a percussion cap to hold a small lead bullet) So in other words it is a real gun, not so much a replica. The #11 Pedersoli Derringer Guardian version is designed to shoot within our Canada Uncontrolled Firearms limitations so this pellet pistol can be sold within Canada to an adult without the requirement of a PAL Firearms license.

Reviewed by:Replica Airguns.


  • Almost all steel construction.

  • Rifled barrel.

  • Very light single action trigger.

  • Excellent fit and finish.

  • Low cost to shoot using standard .177 lead pellets and #11 percussion caps.

  • Legal in Canada without a PAL Firearms License.

  • Smallest pellet pistol I know of!


  • No rear sight, will take some practice to get used to.

  • Plastic grips.

  • #11 percussion caps are a bit hard to find in stock at times.


When I came across the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 I just had to have one! Heck, it's a pellet gun, and It's kind of a blank gun or cap gun all in one, it's also one of the smallest pellet guns I have ever seen. Like most of the other pellet pistols I own, it does not require a PAL or Firearms license here in Canada and can be shot in a lot more places than a "real gun" or Controlled Firearm can because of the low energy levels it produces and of course lower volume of sound it emits. I suppose it could even be shot indoors if you had the right setup in your house or garage. Definitely one of my most unique pellet pistols I own.

My Vimeo Video Review for the Pedersoli Derringer Guardian #11 .177 Caliber Pellet Pistol:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blank Gun, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Pedersoli Derringer Guardian

ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro CO2 BB Pistol Table Top Review


Type: BB air pistol.

Manufacturer: ASG.

Model:Bersa Thunder 9 Pro.

Materials: Mostly polymer with some metal internal parts.

Weight: 1.2 pounds (530 Grams)

Barrel: Metal non-rifled.

Propulsion: CO2 x 1.

Action: Semi auto non-blowback, double action only.

Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 19 round magazine.

FPS: 400.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro has a medium and double action only fairly long pull with no real sticky areas in it. The release is right at the back of the mag well and just before the release there is a slight click where I believe the BB is loaded into the open break, just before it closes on the return of the forward moving internal barrel.

Accuracy: This part of the review is yet to be determined (Click here to watch the Filed Test Review for this ASG BB Pistol), I would expect to get reasonable results in terms of accuracy, power and CO2 usage since the design of this BB pistol is very CO2 efficient. The sights do have white dots front and back which will make target acquisition good but they are non-adjustable so hopefully it shoots well centered. We will have to see how well the ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro does during the field test shooting video review...

Build Quality: So far I have not been disappointed with any of the AG airguns or Airsoft guns, even the low cost versions seem to be with durability in mind. The ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro is a pretty basic low cost mostly plastic BB pistol so you do get what you pay for. There is a fair bit of metal internally which give the Bersa Thunder 9 Pro some weight, more then you would expect from an all plastic outer shell. The BB stick magazine is also all metal adding some additional weight. Fit and finish all seems good, no complaints and the simple build design with few moving parts means there is not a lot to go wrong or get easily broken.

Realism: The ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro is very accurate replica of the real steel version in terms of looks, with full licensed Bersa trademarks and even the 9x19 caliber markings in the slide ejection port area. The only real obvious indication that it is not the real version is the fact that it is plastic and the screw holes on the right side of the gun where the two plastic halves have been married together. At least the slide does not have any crew holes in it.

Purchased From: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • Fully Bersa Thunder 9 Pro licensed

  • Rail for accessories

  • Easy to see White Dot sights front and back.

  • Decent weight for a mostly plastic gun, good use of metal inside.

  • Solid metal drop out stick magazine that is somewhat universal.

  • CO2 screw is very well hidden under the magazine but-plate.

  • Nice recessed barrel adds to realism.


  • Mostly plastic with most parts molded into the gun.

  • Non-adjustable sights.

  • Screw holes on the right side of the frame take away a bit from the realism.

  • Double action trigger is a bit long and heavy.


As you know, my preference is more towards the all metal guns with lots of working parts, full size drip out magazines and blowback action. The problem with these types of realistic airguns, is that they can be expensive and sometimes a bit temperamental with all the working parts designed more for realism and less for simplicity. Generally speaking the more realistic the gun the more of a sacrifice is made to give up things like power, CO2 efficiency and even accuracy. The ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro is made to look like the real steal version but it does not try to replicate it mechanically and so as a functional BB pistol it will work very well, yet give you the look and feel a real 9mm Bersa Thunder 9 Pro.

My Vimeo Video Review for this ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro CO2 BB Pistol:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Bersa Thunder 9 Pro

Cybergun Swiss Arms P1911 & P92 Update Video

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Yet another option for you when looking to purchase a KWC/Cybergun Colt model 1911 or Beretta/Taurus M92. We started out with the Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911 and GSG 92, then added the KWC non-licensed versions. Now we give you yet another option, the Cybergun distributed Swiss Arms P1911 and Swiss Arms P92, same BB guns but brandishing the Swiss Arms markings and licensing.

At the end of the day all of these blowback air pistols  are basically the same, all of them are made by KWC, all are made to the same quality and all are totally awesome.

It may just come down to which one we have in stock or if you want that super clean look then go for the KWC model as the slides on the non-licensed versions tend to have no markings or warning instructions on them.

And yes we have all of these guns available in either our online Canada Replica Airguns Store or US Replica Airguns Store.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, GSG 92, KWC, P1911, P92, Tanfoglio Witness 1911

ROHM RG-89 & RG-99 Blank Revolver Update Video


We have added some more ROHM 380 Caliber Front Firing Blank Revolvers to the Replica Airguns Canada Store. Here is a quick Vimeo Update Video showing the ROHM RG-89 and ROHM RG-99 side by side with my already reviewed ROHM RG-59 380 Caliber Front Firing Blank Revolver.

ROHM RG-89 & 99 Blank Revolvers.

  • Made by ROHM (Germany)

  • 380/9mm Crimped Blanks

  • 6 Round Cylinder

  • Front Firing

  • Metal with some Steel Parts

  • Come in Hard Shell Case with Cleaning Rod 

Watch my Update Video showing the ROHM RG-89 & RG-99 Front Firing 380 Blank Revolvers:

Categories: 380, 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, YouTube Video Tags: RG-89, RG-99, ROHM

Umarex XBG and TDP 45 CO2 BB Pistol Table Top Review


Type: BB air pistol.

Manufacturer: Umarex USA.

Model: XBG - TDP 45

Materials: Pastic outer shell.

Weight: XBG .9 pounds (400 grams) - TDP 45 .8 pounds (390 grams)

Barrel: Metal non-rifled (4.25 inches).

Propulsion: CO2 x 1.

Action: Semi auto non-blowback, double action only.

Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 19 round metal stick magazine.

FPS: 410.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on both the Umarex XBG and TDP 45 is medium to heavy but since it is a double action only trigger, this is to be expected. There is a fair amount of take up with the entire pull being about 8-9 pounds with the release point happening right at the very back of the pull, you get a bit of a clicking sound warning right before it releases. If you are used to shooting other lower priced double action triggers where the barrel protrudes out of the front of the gun when you pull the trigger then you will know what to expect with these two guns as they are setup pretty much exactly the same.

Accuracy: This part of the review is yet to be determined as I have not done my Field Test or Shooting tests for these guns. I will put a link in here when I have done my official Field Shooting Test. For now all I can go on is some feedback from others which generally claim that these Umarex CO2 BB Pistols get good all around shots per CO2, Accuracy and FPS performance.

Build Quality: The Umarex XBG and Umarex TDP 45 internally share many of the same components and I am assuming they both use many of the same internal parts, they do have much different plastics shells which you will find to have all mechanical parts to be moulded into with the exception of the Trigger, safety and magazine release. Again, most of the build materials are plastic with the exception of some internal parts, the magazines, the barrels and the triggers.

Realism: The Umarex XBG and TDP 45 CO2 BB Pistols are not actual replicas of any specific gun in production, both are styled after modern mid sized semi auto pistols but it is hard to pinpoint any one specific gun for either of them, I am sure you will give me your feedback on this. They do look like real guns but their function is based more around what the easiest way is to build a BB gun rather than how can we make this gun function as close to a real gun as possible. That said they are very efficient and simple in operation which should make them very reliable.

Available From: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • Very low cost, around $40 bucks.

  • Nice combination of shots per CO2 and FPS (accuracy to be determined).

  • Universal metal stick magazine works in a bunch of guns, can mix and match.

  • CO2 tabs are fairly well hidden.

  • Rails for adding accessories.

  • Construction screws are less obvious (Smaller).

  • Tried and true design that works and is reliable.

  • I like the SA177 style CO2 hatch.


  • Mostly all plastic shell.

  • Not a lot of actual working parts except for the trigger, magazine release and magazine. All else is molded in to the plastic.

  • Double action triggers are a bit long and heavy.

  • No adjustable sights so hopefully yours shoots straight?


Personally I prefer spending a few more bucks to get air pistols that have more metal and more working parts, but not everyone has 100+ dollars to spend on an airgun or do they need it to be ultra realistic. Some people just want a gun that is easy on the wallet but still offers decent performance and reliability, and to be honest, a simpler design with less moving parts to wear out or malfunction is probably going to give you better reliability at the end of the day. It just depends what you are looking for. Even if you have a few ultra realistic high end airguns, why not pick eitther the XBG or TDP 45 budged minded Umarex models for day to day plinking and put less wear and tear on your more expensive collector pieces ;)

My Vimeo Video Review for these cost effective Umarex CO2 BB Pistols:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: TDP 45, Umarex, XBG

Umarex XBG & TDP 45 - ASG Bersa Thunder 9 Pro & MK1 Preview Video


Getting back to some more gun videos! In this Vimeo Video I take a look at some lower cost 4.5mm BB and 6mm Airsoft pistols. The two ASG guns coming in at right around $60 and the Umarex BB pistols right at around $40. So very affordable guns to say the least.

When it comes to making these replica pistol reviews I tend to stick with the higher end "flashy guns" with all the metal parts and realistic operation. It takes a bit of prodding before I pick up a low cost gun and review it but that does not mean they are not good value for the money. I just personally don't mind spending a bit more money to get more features and quality, but for some people spending over $100 on an airgun is out of the question. Hey you have to start somewhere and at the end of the day a lower cost gun and higher cost gun still both put BB's down range :)

In this Vimeo Preview Video Review I look at four guns, two from ASG (Bersa Thunder 9 Pro and MK1) and two from Umarex (XBG and TDP 45), three are 4.5mm Steel BB shooters (XBG, TDP 45, and Bersa Thunder 9 Pro) one is a 6mm plastic Airsoft BB shooter (MK1). All are predominantly plastic and none of them have blowback operation. The 4.5mm Steel BB shooters all use CO2 with 19 shot stick metal magazines and the ASG Airsoft MK1 uses Green Gas with a 17 round full size drop out metal magazine. The BB pistols all shoot right around 400-410 fps and for the Airsoft pistol I am not sure so we will find out when I do the review for it in a bit...

All of these pistols look pretty decent and as I said for the money, I think you are getting good value here.

Make sure to watch my Vimeo Video Preview to see all this pistols a bit closer up:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, CO2, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Bersa Thunder 9 Pro, Ruger MK1, TDP 45, Umarex, XBG

Our Latest Giveaway Winner Posts His Blackwater 1911 R2 Unboxing Video

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Our latest Contest Giveaway winner mumforddale1 got his Blackwater 1911 R2 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB Pistol and he has already posted his unboxing video with a nice shout-out to Replica Airguns for sending him his prize!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Blackwater 1911 R2, Cybergun, KWC

Cybergun Swiss Arms 1911 Blowback BB Pistol Added to Store


We have been out of the Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness  and KWC 1911 styled Blowback BB pistols for w while now and have them on preorder (Still waiting), the good new is we just got in some Cybergun Swiss Arms branded versions which are exactly the same but with teh Swiss Arms licensing on the slide. Same gun same price so grab one while we still have them.

We have the Cybergun Swiss Arms 1911 Blowback 4.5mm BB pistols in both our Canada and US stores.

This gun has been discontinued and is no longer available, but check out these alternatives

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: Cybergun, P1911, Swiss Arms

How to Make a New Gun Look Vintage - Old and Worn

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You really need to watch my Vimeo Video to see how easy it is to take a brand new out of the box gun and give it that weathered, old, worn and used look that you would find in a classic vintage gun like a Luger P.08, Colt 45 1911 or any other classic firearm. Of course this is something you would do to a new gun that you want to make look old :)

This is a great way to take a gun that already has some wear marks on it and really give it the full worn in look, kind of an alternative to having to touch it up or refinish it.

Here is a hint... I use something magical to do it!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, How To, Pistol, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Luger P08, Umarex

15% Off on Umarex P.08 and ASG Ruger MK1 in New Canada Website

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This is kind of a double announcement, first of all we have a couple of 15% off promo items for you, the Umarex Legends Luger P.08 BB Pistol and the ASG Ruger MK1 Airsoft Pistol. The second part of this announcement is that you will need to buy them in our new (up and running in test mode) Replica Airguns Canada Store.

So even if you don't want to buy either of these guns you can still go and checkout our new Canada Online Store located at www.ReplicaAirguns.ca

*The coupon code you will need to use at checkout is P0815%oFF (good till September 1st 2013)

Here are the direct links to both guns offered at 15% off in the new Canada Online Store location. 

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: ASG, Luger P08, Ruger MK1, Umarex

Kimar Lady K Black Front Firing 9mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol Silent Auction

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I managed to get my hands on one more brand new Kimar Lady K PPK 9mm P.A.K. Front Firing James Bond inspired Blank Pistols. This unit is the Matte Black version. They normally come in plastic hard shell cases along with a manual and cleaning rod but this is the last one from my supplier and they did not have the case, manual or cleaning rod for it. This Kimar Lady K blank pistol shoots in both single and double action and field strips just like a real Walther PPK.

To get in on the bidding, simply Email Me Here with your highest bid by no later than Friday August 30th 2013 by midnight. At the conclusion of this Silent Auction I will notify the winner and they will have 24 hours to make payment via PayPal or EMT before I move onto the next highest bidder.

This Rare Blank Gun Silent Auction is open to my Canada customers since we sell Kimar blank guns in the US Replica Airguns store, Canadian Customers will pay an additional $17.99 for Shipping/Handling plus their local provincial sales Tax. Good luck to everyone!

Check out my video of this Silent Auction Black Kimar Lady K Front Firing 9mm P.A.K. Blank Pistols:

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Semi Auto, Silent Auction, YouTube Video Tags: Kimar, Lady K, PPK, Walther

Umarex Steel Force CO2 Blowback BB Rifle Full Review


Type: BB Machine Gun/Rifle.

Manufacturer: Umarex USA.

Model:Steel Force (AR Platform).

Materials: Plastic and some Metal.

Weight: 3.37 pounds (1529 grams).

Barrel: Metal non-rifled.

Propulsion: CO2 x 2.

Action: Semi and 6 round burst blowback, single action only.

Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 300/30 round hopper/magazine.

FPS: 430+.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex Steel Force CO2 BB Machine gun is single action only, so you will need to charge the rifle by pulling back the charging handle first, one this is done the trigger is reset and ready the gun is ready to shoot. The blowback operation charges the internal bolt automatically afterwards so keep this in mind, to release the bolt you will need to take out the CO2 magazine and press the  trigger. The trigger is fairly light but has some initial take up and then a bit of creep before it releases the bolt.

Accuracy: I shot the Umarex Steel Force at a target from 30 feet away in a semi rested position using both the semi auto and 6 round burst modes, the Steel Force performed very good getting around a 1.5 inch 10 shot grouping in semi auto and then spreading out a bit in 6 round burst mode which was to be expected, still a respectable grouping. Shots where well centered on the target but I did have the advantage of using a red dot scope, I found when using the none adjustable open sights that come with the Umarex Steel Force that I was shooting under the target at closer ranges. My Chrony testing did not go exactly as planned due to my temperamental Chronograph but I was able to get two shots to read and they average out at 466 fps, well over the 430 claimed fps.

Build Quality: The Umarex Steel Force CO2 BB Rifle is mostly plastic on the outside with most of it's metal parts on the inside, you will find a metal flash hider, metal trigger and metal trigger guard but other than that everything else externally is plastic. The plastic seems durable enough but it has just a bit too much shine for me which I think makes it look less like metal and more like plastic. Everything seemed to function as expected but again I would have liked to have seen a bit more metal, not necessarily the outer shell, but I feel the selector switch, sights, magazine release, charging handle and front and back sights could have been made out of metal and would have given this Umarex rifle a bit more weight and balance.

Realism: The Umarex Steel Force CO2 BB Rifle is designed on the AR platform and for the most part is about the right size shape and look of an AR pr M16 rifle. Even the selector switch, magazine release, rear adjustable stock and Charging handle function just like a real AR! Some parts are model in just for looks like the bolt release, dust cover and forward assist but at least they fully look the part. The plastic for me was the real tell here as it kind of looks like plastic where as some plastic guns are really hard to tell they are not metal, but other than that this is a pretty decent replica of an AR Rifle.

Available From: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • Higher than claimed fps.

  • Good accuracy in both semi and 6 round burst mode.

  • Got lots of shots per dual CO2 (Full Hopper).

  • Love the adjustable AR stock which was missing and needed on the Steel Storm.

  • Not a bad replica of an AR platform gun.

  • Full auto has a very high rate of fire.

  • Internal blowback does give a bit of recoil feedback feel.

  • Lots of rials for adding on accessories.

  • Price point is good for a fun dull auto BB rifle.


  • Sights are non adjustable.

  • Plastic finish could have been a bit higher grade, like what most Airsoft AR's use.

  • Just a bit more metal would have been nice and added to the overall weight a bit: Selector, Magazine Release, Sights, Charging handle.


The Umarex Steel Force CO2 BB Machine Gun is for sure an improvement over the Steel Storm, first of all it is a true replica of a real rifle in production (The AR/M16 platform), it also has a rear stock that is adjustable which makes shooting this gun on target so much more easier. Overall I feel it shoots better than the Steel Storm with improved accuracy and performance. With that said the Steel Storm is still a great BB machine gun if your looking for more of a pistol SMG design. For the low cost of the Steel Force you really can not go wrong, this BB machine gun will put a smile on your face every time you take it out to shoot it.

My Vimeo Table Top and Field Test Videos for the Umarex Steel Force BB Machine Gun:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Steel Force, Umarex