Yes! Some new guns for you, and that's always a good thing for everyone, especially me since I get to play with them! I have been waiting a while to get my hands on some of the .177 caliber pellet shooting versions of the Dan Wesson Revolvers. I was actually introduced to them nearly a year ago at the last SHOT Show back in January of 2014! That's a long wait for sure...
The Pellet version Dan Wesson's look really good, the quality of the pellet shells is top notch and even the redesigned inner rifled barrels look to be very high quality. ASG did not just do a quick part swap, they really though out how they wanted everything to fit together. I am looking forward to seeing how well they shoot and will be Field Testing them both together so we can see how the barrel lengths play an effect on power and accuracy.
Next up we have two Gletcher pistols, both are classic semi auto shooters from the past, the Gletcher TT which is a Replica of the Russian Tokarev, and the Gletcher P08 which is a Luger copy. Both pistols are blowback and shoot 4.5mm Steel BB's.
Both pistols incorporate single action only triggers, metal stick magazines and working safeties, a real steel Tokarev normally would not have a safety other than the half cock hammer, Gletcher added in a discreet switch style safety on the right side of their TT. Again, I look forward to shooting both of these blowback pistols as soon as the weather picks up!
It's that time once again for an end of the year Gun Collection video. And no I will not be showing off all of my guns, to show and explain them all (Approximately 200 or so?) would simply take a really long time to make and a really long time for you to watch ;)
The weather has been bad, cold, wet and dark, not conducive for Airgun testing at all but it has been a long time since I got outside to shoot any of my guns and so I braved the storm and setup all my lights and cameras and made a shooting video for you all :)
I was really curious about the Daisy CO2 Pellet/BB shooters I made a table top review of just recently, the Daisy Powerline 617X and Daisy Powerline Model 008. So I loaded some fresh CO2, a mag of 7 grain lead pellets and a mag of 4.5mm Steel BB's for each gun and conducted my Chronograph and Target tests accordingly.
I shot 5 round of pellets and 5 rounds of steel BB's throughout my Chronograph using the Powerline 617X first and then the Powerline 008 secondly. Both guns performed really close during the chrony section shooting the pellets at close to 400 fps and the steel BB's at just over 400 fps. The Daisy 008 seemed to be releasing more CO2 with each shot because it seemed louder and had more kick, but because of the shorter barrel I did not see an increase in fps over the Daisy 617X. I would image the Daisy 617X will get more shots per CO2 in the long run.
As per my usual target accuracy testing I stepped back 30 feet and emptied a magazine again of both lead pellets and 4.5mm steel BB's for each gun into some paper targets using a semi-rested position (sand bag up front and standing in the back). Again the Daisy Powerline 617X seemed to outperform the Daisy Powerline 008 just a bit getting a little bit tighter grouping with both the lead pellets and steel BB's, right around the 1 inch mark with 6 rounds per ammo type. I think the single action trigger may have helped a bit but I do have to say the double action only trigger on the Daisy Powerline 008 is really nice and smooth making shot placement very easy. This may have been the reason for the very respectable 1.5 inch 8 shot pellet grouping I got with the Daisy 008.
All in all two very nice and versatile pellet/BB shooters from Daisy, worth looking into for sure.
Ammunition Type: .177 caliber lead pellets & 4.5mm Steel BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 6 round rotary magazine.
FPS: 485 fps using steel BB's.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Daisy Powerline Model 617X CO2 Pellet-BB Pistol is pretty decent on both single and double action, single action of course being shorter and lighter. I even found when adding the 6 shot rotary magazine, this did not effect the trigger pull at all. I would not say the trigger pull is light, but it is not heavy either and the release or breaking point is very predictable which should make the Daisy Powerline Model 617X a pretty good shooter in theory.
Accuracy: This is yet to be determined since I have not yet done my Field Test Shooting review for this airgun. I would expect to get just over 400 fps using lead pellets and as much as verging on 500fps using steel BB's. My prediction is that the pellets will perform best in terms of accuracy since the 5 inch barrel is rifled and the trigger feels good. The sights are not adjustable, but I am hoping the Daisy Powerline Model 617X centers well on target but we will have to find out when I do my shooting review.
Build Quality: The Daisy Powerline Model 617X CO2 Pellet-BB Pistol is made in Japan which is know for producing quality products in general. I would have to say by giving the Powerline 617X a good look over that it appears to be well made with good fit and finish even though most of the gun is plastic on the outside. The metal parts are where they need to be, lots internally in structural areas and externally as in the trigger, hammer, safety, and of course the internal metal rifled barrel.
Realism: The Daisy Powerline Model 617X CO2 Pellet-BB Pistol is a replica of a Beretta Model 92 even thought there are no Beretta markings on the gun. Some of the parts are moulded in like the take down lever, slide catch release and magazine release but on the plus side the ambidextrous safety is in the correct location, working and metal. The internal metal frame give the Daisy Model 617X enough weight to feel good in the hand but is much lighter than a real solid steel Beretta 92. Size is comparable and other than the sticking out CO2 tab this gun does look like a Beretta 92 until you get up close and personal.
Fairly low cost with what looks to be decent fps and hopefully good accuracy. (Around $70-80)
Shoot both .177 caliber lead pellets & 4.5mm Steel BB’s.
Both Single and Double action trigger are smooth and not super heavy, easy to predict breaking points.
Red fiberoptic front sight makes it easy to line up targets in different light situations.
Latch holds barrel in place nice and firmly.
Pretty decent replica of a Beretta Model 92.
Made in Japan.
No adjustable sights.
Kind of ugly CO2 tab on bottom of grips.
Only has a 6 shot magazine.
Barrel is not recessed
I have heard that this Daisy pistol shoots steel 4.5mm BB's at right up around the 500 fps range so even lead pellets should have good velocity out of the Daisy Powerline Model 617X CO2 Pellet-BB Pistol. The single action trigger has a nice medium pull with a very predictable break so as long as the sights are centered on target well, I should expect a nice grouping. If you like the Beretta style of gun, don't want to spend an arm and a leg on a pellet shooting version, than the Daisy Powerline Model 617X CO2 Pellet-BB Pistol should work well for you.
My Vimeo Table Top Review of the Daisy Powerline Model 617X CO2 Pellet-BB Pistol:
Ammunition Type: .177 caliber lead pellets & 4.5mm Steel BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 8 round rotary magazine.
FPS: 480 fps using steel BB's.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Daisy Powerline Model 008 CO2 Pellet-BB Pistol is pretty decent considering it is a double action only pistol. The trigger action is relatively short and fluid for a DAO trigger setup and I found when adding the rotary magazine, this did not effect the trigger pull at all. I would not say the trigger pull is light, but it is not heavy either and the release or breaking point is very predictable which should make the Daisy Powerline Model 008 a pretty good shooter in theory.
Accuracy: This is yet to be determined since I have not yet done my Field Test Shooting review. I would expect to get right around 400 fps using lead pellets and as much as 480 fps using steel BB's. My prediction is that the pellets will perform well in terms of accuracy since the barrel is rifled and the trigger feels good. The sights are not adjustable, but I am hoping the Daisy Powerline Model 008 centers well on target but we will have to find out when I do my shooting review.
Build Quality: The Daisy Powerline Model 008 CO2 Pellet-BB Pistol is made in Japan which is know for producing good quality products in general. I would have to say by giving the Powerline 008 a good look over that it appears to be well made with good fit and finish even though most of the gun is plastic. The metal parts are where they need to be, internally in structural areas and externally as in the trigger, hammer, CO2 lever, Safety, and of course the metal rifled barrel.
Realism: The Daisy Powerline Model 008 CO2 Pellet-BB Pistol as far as I can tell is not really a replica of any gun that I am aware of? It does look a bit like the Gamo P-25 I reviewed a while back in overall basic shape but is smaller. The Daisy Powerline Model 008 does look like a gun and the recessed barrel and CO2 loading system that looks like the but plate of the magazine help to make this air pistol look realistic.
Fairly low cost with what looks to be decent fps and hopefully good accuracy. (Around $70-80).
Shoots both .177 caliber lead pellets & 4.5mm steel BB’s.
Double action only trigger is smooth and not super heavy while still being relatively short for a double action trigger, and with an easy to predict breaking point.
Fairly ergonomic gun to hold but grips are a tad bit thick.
Like the CO2 loading design, no tabs sticking out.
Nice and compact.
Made in Japan.
No adjustable sights.
No single action trigger.
Grips may be a bit thick for some people with smaller hands.
No markings on the sights for easier target acquisition.
I am looking forward to testing this gun out when I do my Field Test Shooting review. No the Daisy Powerline Model 008 is not blowback and it does not have a lot of metal parts but overall the Daisy Powerline Model 008 CO2 Pellet-BB Pistol feels really good in the hand a really nice for a double action only trigger. I am hoping the Daisy Powerline Model 008 CO2 Pellet-BB Pistol shoot pretty hard and hopefully nice and accurate for me. I like the overall size of the Daisy Powerline Model 008, nice and compact with easy to load 8 round pellet and BB magazines which should work well no matter what ammo I choose to go with.
My Vimeo Table Top Review of the Daisy Powerline Model 008 CO2 Pellet-BB Pistol:
It has been way too long since I got to go to the gun range and shoot my "big boy" guns! I say that sarcastically, sure my real steel guns are fun to shoot but it sure costs a lot of money and basically all we really do is shoot paper targets. Shooting at papper targets is fun for a while but I kind of enjoy shooting my airguns at pretty much any type of target I choose to shoot at. And of course any time I want to and for pennies per shot.
So getting back to Range Day shooting my real steel big boy guns ;) I went with a couple of buddies of mine and we shot a nice variety of guns. My Norinco NP-30 double stack 45 cal 1911, my Wyoming Arms Parker 10mm, a couple of my friends Glock 40 cals, my Norinco NP-34 P228 and Norinco Tokarev Type 54 9mm pistols, my Chiappa 1911-22 and ISSC M22 22LR pistols, a nice Sig Mosquito 22LR, my buddies S&W M&P 15-22 22LR rifle along with my ISSC MK22 SCAR 22LR rifle and my friends mighty custom Ruger Mini 14 in .223 caliber...
It was a cold day but a really fun day and it gave me a chance to really use my iPhone 6 plus camera for its slow-motion capabilities in a decent lighting situation.
Enjoy the footage of these "real guns" shooting in real time and slowed down.
I was hoping my Bruni Mod. 92 Top Venting 8mm PAK Blank Pistol would also perform just as well and as luck would have it, it did :) I did notice on the last round the shell kind of stayed in place and got re-chambered, not really sure what happened there but all 4 rounds fired which was my main goal and of course I caught it all in slow-motion HD!
I was really looking forward to not only shooting my recently acquired Front Firing ME 8 General 1911 8mm PAK Blank Pistol and making sure it worked as promised, but I also want to checkout the new 720p at 240 frames per second slow motion video feature on my new iPhone 6 plus!
Everything went pretty much as expected, all rounds chambered, fired and ejected without a hitch. No slide lock back on the last round but this blank gun is not designed to do that so I was not expecting this to happen :)
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Bruni Mod. 92 Top Venting 8mm PAK Blank Pistol is fairly decent on both single and double action with a fairly long take-up in double action and of course a much shorter lighter take-up in single action mode.
Accuracy: NA.
Build Quality: The overall build quality of the Bruni Mod. 92 Blank Pistol is good, mine does show some wear since it is an older previously owned blank gun but for the most part the wear and tear is cosmetic only, the mechanical parts all seem to be in excellent working order. Most of this blank shooter is made out of a zinc based metal with a few steel parts, mainly the screws, pins and springs. But it has an impressive weight to it! The grips seem to have been replaced with wrap around rubber grips that may actually be for a real steel Beretta M92.
Realism: The Bruni Mod. 92 8mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol is a very realistic looking Beretta 92 in terms of overall looks and true to scale size and weight. Most of the parts work as you would expect them to on the real steal version including the double and single action trigger, safety, locking slide catch release and magazine release button. The only exception really is the fact that this version is top venting so there is a small hole just in front of the breach that allows the full discharge of the blank round to escape out the top of the blank gun. The barrel is actually fully plugged but seems to have been partially drilled out to give the impression of being a front firing gun.
Purchase from: A private collector.
Well made, materials fit and finish is all very good even though very little use of hardened steel.
15 round double stack magazine is nice hi-capacity.
For a used gun it is in very good working condition, some minor wear mainly on finish.
Barrel has been partially bored out to look like a front firing gun.
Grips have been replaced with what looks to be real Beretta grips.
It's a very close Beretta Model 92 replica!
Made in Italy.
Top venting instead of front firing
No actual take down lever for easy field striping
Finish is a bit worn.
In terms of being a very accurate Beretta Model 92 replica, the Bruni Mod. 92 8mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol is very close in almost all areas. Sure I would have liked it to of been front firing but the reality is, I rarely get around to shooting my blank guns. My blank pistols are mostly for show and since actual replica only guns are prohibited, being a blank gun skirts around our Canada laws allowing for ownership. Don't forget we sell the ROHM Blank guns here in our Canada Online Store and they are very good quality guns so check them out if you are in the market for a blank shooter.
My Vimeo Full Video Table Top Review for the Bruni Mod. 92 8mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol:
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Gletcher NGT Silver CO2 BB Revolver is nice and crisp in both single and double action, there is virtually no trigger wiggle and the trigger pull is decent in double action while much longer and of course nice and light in single action as expected. You will want to pre-cock the hammer for accurate single action shooting but have the option of shooting double action for any action shooting you may want to do. Keep in mind you will have to individually reload each round.
Accuracy: I have not done any shooting so far with this Gletcher revolver due to some pretty awful weather conditions. I expect it will shoot nice since it has a fairly long sight radius and the open iron sights are conducive to precise shooting.
Build Quality: The Gletcher NGT Silver CO2 BB Revolver is really well made, you can tell by it's solid weight for a fairly small pistol, all of the mechanical parts feel smooth and responsive. Everything that would be metal on the real M1895 Revolver is metal including the solid one piece cylinder. Yes the grips are imitation wood but this is to be expected. The sliver finish looks great and I like the black contrasting parts that really highlight this gun.
Realism: I've have not had the opportunity to actually put my hands on a real steel Nagant M1895 Revolver but from the photos I have viewed online, the Gletcher NGT Silver is very accurate in terms of being a BB replica. Of course the shells fit steel BB's internally and the barrel has been downscale to shoot 4.5mm Steel BB's but other than that it is very difficult to tell it from a real Nagant M1895 Revolver. Even the barrel opening is recessed and looks true to scale for the original rounds used in this revolver and you can remove the one piece cylinder similar to the real version.
Beautiful Silver finish.
Very solid and weighty gun.
Hammer and trigger actions are very crisp, virtually no wiggle.
CO2 is well hidden.
Recessed barrel looks great.
7 round cylinder instead of 6 like the other shell loading.
Cylinder can be removed.
Shoots in both signal and double action.
Grip is nice and small so great for shooters with small.
Shooting performance pros yet to be determined…
Non adjustable sights. (Perhaps like original)
No speed loading on this one, one shell at a time, so make your shots count.
Shooting performance cons yet to be determined…
The Gletcher NGT Silver CO2 BB Revolver is yet another addition of shell loading revolvers like the Dan Wesson and KWC 357 based revolvers, with the exception that the Gletcher NGT is more of a blast from the past and even though it comes in at a much more compact size, it holds an additional round! Another note worthy point is the fact that Gletcher has somehow figured out a way to reduce the CO2 release valve giving the Gletcher NGT a more true to scale frame size, I am talking about the distance between the hammer and the cylinder. This allows for a more realistic and true to dimension replica which in this classic revolver is super important.
My Vimeo Table Top Video of the Gletcher NGT Silver CO2 BB Revolver:
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the ME 8 General 8mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol is exactly what you would expect from a single action only 1911 styled semi auto pistol, short and light. But not super light, it's far from a hair trigger, perhaps more of a medium pull weight for a 1911 SAO.
Accuracy: NA.
Build Quality: The overall build quality of the ME 8 General 8mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol is really very good, nothing fancy at all going on with this pistol and a lot less actual moving parts than you would find on a real steel 1911 so much less to go wrong but the metal quality and fit and finish are very good overall. You will not find a lot of actual steel in this gun other than the magazine, screws, pins and springs but again the metal is good quality and the ME 8 General 8mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol even sports real wood grips.
Realism: The ME 8 General 8mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol is a very realistic looking 1911in terms of overall looks and true to scale size and weight. As mentioned already, many of the parts are not operational but actually moulded into the gun. Like the Safety, side trigger mounted magazine release and back strap safety. You will find the actual magazine release on the bottom of the pistol grip and even thought the slide catch release is operational, there is no spring assist to lock it in the up and open position when the magazine is empty so if you want to lock the slide back you will need to manually do this.
Purchase from: Private collector.
Well made, materials fit and finish is all very good even though very little use of hardened steel.
10+ round single stack magazine is very hi-capacity.
For a used gun it is in very good condition, not many rounds through it and well kept.
Front firing and came with flare adaptor.
Real wood grips.
Made in Italy.
It's a 1911!
Slide catch release, must be engaged manually.
Many working parts are simply moulded into the gun.
Not easily field strip-able.
So the ME 8 General 8mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol is not the most accurate replica of a 1911 in terms of all parts being operational but it hits the major ones for me like: It's front firing, the slide will lock back, it has a true 1911 SAO trigger and for the most parts it looks and works like a 1911. Finding 1911 blank guns here in Canada is super hard and I am a big fan of 1911's so when the opportunity to pickup this gun came around I was interested even if it was not cheap. Blank guns are getting harder and harder to find here in Canada and I guess that's what is making them so appealing. Don't forget we sell the ROHM Blank guns here in our Canada Online Store and they are very good quality guns so check them out if you are in the market for a blank shooter.
My Vimeo Full Video Table Top Review for the ME 8 General 8mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol:
Here is my official Mobster Halloween Costume Video as promised and it looks like I made it just in time for Halloween!
There have only been a few entries so far so come on everyone, let's get your costume videos uploaded and entered into this years 2014 Halloween Costume Giveaway Contest for a chance to win a KWC / Cybergun Blowback Pistol.
You still have till the 10th of November but time is running out...
A while back I made a full Table Top Review and Field Test Shooting Review for my sample - pre-production KWC Mauser M712 Broomhandle CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. Well we finally got the finished product in our Canada Replica Airguns Store and not only in the 6mm Airsoft version but also the 4.5mm Steel BB versions!
I most likely will not be doing another table top review for the KWC Mauser M712 Broomhandle CO2 Blowback BB and Airsoft Pistol since I already made a fairly comprehensive Table Top Review of my sample - pre-production Airsoft unit. The only real difference I could find visually is the markings on the left side of the receiver indicating the pistol is made by KWC in Taiwan and the Caliber it shoots.
I will however be making a side by side Field Test Shooting Comparison Video to see if the production Airsoft version shoots the same as my pre-production model and also how the 4.5mm steel BB version compares in terms of fps and accuracy side by side.
We also have magazines for both of these KWC pistols in our Canada Store!
Materials: Mostly metal with some plastic construction.
Weight: 2 pounds (900 grams).
Barrel: 2.25 inches, non-rifled.
Propulsion: 12 gram CO2.
Action: Revolver, single & double actions.
Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 6 rounds.
FPS: 360+.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the KWC 357 2.5 Inch CO2 Airsoft Revolver is good in both single and double action, even better than the Dan Wesson and S&W 327 TRR8 shell loading revolvers, most likely because the spring tension that pushes the inner barrel to make contact with the cylinder is noticeably lighter on the KWC 357's. Even the hammer is smoother and has less wiggle, just a better trigger and hammer mechanism overall.
Accuracy: This is yet to be determined but I did notice on the KWC Airsoft versions of their shell loading Airsoft Revolvers, that they do have a built in preset Hop-up by way of a small rubber bar that goes along the top of the barrel just inside the rear portion. This will create some backspin which will keep the Airsoft BB's trajectory more level but should also help them stay more accurate in general as compared to a plastic Airsoft BB that is not spinning but rather just floating through the air.
Build Quality: The KWC 357 2.5 Inch CO2 Airsoft Revolver being mostly metal has a very good build quality, perhaps even better than the Dan Wesson and S&W 327 TRR8 shell loading revolvers, even the weight of the KWC 357 is noticeably more! The only real plastic or rubber I could find was in the grips and the shell tips. Fit and finish was also good with no noticeable wear or sloppy workmanship.
Realism: The KWC 357 2.5 Inch CO2 Airsoft Revolver overall is a close copy a the real steel 357 styled revolver. I did notice the rear portion of the receiver (between the rear cylinder and hammer) to be a bit longer perhaps to accommodate the CO2 valve length, but other than that this pistol is super close to the original 357 styled revolver it is based on. Again being all metal gives this CO2 Airsoft revolver very realistic weight and feel and the loadable brass shells make using this gun almost exactly like using a real shell loading revolver but for much less cost per shot and of course a lot less recoil on the hands that a real 357 magnum or even when shooting 38 special shells for that matter ;)
Pretty all the parts work as they would in a similar real steel revolver of this type.
Good overall weight, Very dense because of the shorter barrel.
Should have good overall power, accuracy and shots per CO2 (based on Colt Python testing).
Fully adjustable rear sight for windage and elevation.
Well hidden CO2 Screw.
Recessed barrel.
Not much white writing on the gun.
Nice easy Trigger pull in both single and double action.
Short 2.25 inch barrel will rob power but the Dan Wesson style long barrel Airsoft revolvers are know to be a bit hot for some Airsoft games so this may be a good thing.
Grips may be a bit large for people with small hands.
All black sights with no white dots are not great on dark backgrounds or low lighting.
The KWC 357 2.5 Inch CO2 Airsoft Revolver is yet another addition to the increasing lineup of shell loading revolvers available today in both Steel BB and Airsoft versions. The 2.5 inch reviewed here is meant to be the compact version with its snub nosed barrel but I would have to say it is not a small gun at all coming in at 2 pounds and with rather large grips and a pretty large cylinder to pack around. But then again, that may be just what you are looking for? The shorter barrel will lower the fps a bit which may bring it back in line with the requirements of some Airsoft fields and the addition of the built in preset Hop-up, this pistol should shoot pretty well out at medium and even longer ranges.
My Vimeo Table Top Review for the KWC 357 2.5 Inch CO2 Airsoft Revolver:
Action: Semi auto blowback, double and single action.
Ammunition Type: Airsoft 6mm plastic BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 25 rounds
FPS: 390
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the KWC Model 226-S5 Sig Sauer CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol is what you would expect from a blowback pistol with true single action capability. nice and light with a short take-up in single action and also decent when shooting in double action which for the most part you will not be doing since the blowback pre-cocks the hammer for single action shooting.
Build Quality: Very good, pretty much an all metal construction, good weight and craftsmanship, slide wiggle is minimal, fit and finish is good. As with many of the KWC airguns that use an electromagnetic powder coating, the finish looks great but is thin so it does wear off on the high posts and where metal on metal movement takes place.
Realism: Compared to the real steel Sig Sauer X-Five, the KWC version is pretty close, although it does have a bit different looking slide in terms of the groves or slide serration's, and of course there is no Sig Sauer licensing on the KWC version. You also do not get the ugly white warning instructions so there is a bit of a trade off here and the KWC version also comes with a fully adjustable rear sight which is nice if your aim point is off a bit. Over all the KWC Model 226-S5 Sig Sauer CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol is super realistic with its full blowback operation, full size drop out metal magazine and ability to filed strip just like the real steel Sig Sauer it replicates.
All metal construction - Extremely good weight and solid feeling gun. As real as you can get.
Heavy blowback action.
Accurate X-five replica without the Sig Licensing or white warning instructions.
Awesome training gun.
Both SA & DA with excellent trigger pull, very smooth and light.
Has the fully adjustable rear sight for windage and elevation.
Nice high capacity full size drop out metal magazine.
Fully field strippable.
Top loading magazine only.
Sacrifice some fps and shots per CO2 because of the heavy blowback but worth it.
Finish is prone to wear on the high spots and metal on metal areas
I am really looking forward to my Field Test Shooting video for this Airsoft pistol, the KWC Model 226-S5 Sig Sauer is a nice big heavy pistol with lots of blowback, right up my alley! I am hoping the hop-up will keep this gun in the same accuracy zone as the 4.5mm Cybergun X-Five version, I may just have to test them head to head to find out? If you're a Sig Sauer fan like me, and require a solid useable Airsoft pistol for gaming or just plinking, the KWC Model 226-S5 Sig Sauer CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol should do the job well and at a price point that is very reasonable.
My Vimeo Videos for the KWC Model 226-S5 Sig Sauer CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol:
Some more CO2 pistols I will be doing Table Top and Field Test video reviews for in the near future. Some of them I have already reviewed in different caliber versions, either 4.5mm Steel BB or 6mm Plastic Airsoft.
From KWC I show off two revolvers styled after the 357 and if you watched my Umarex Colt Python 357 Review then you will notice the similarities between these KWC made revolvers since they are all made by KWC. The Model 357 6 inch version is finished in Chrome and made to shoot 4.5mm Steel BB's while the KWC Model 357 2.5 inch shoots 6mm Plastic BB's and is in all black. At this time I do not have these KWC revolver listed in the Replica Airguns Canada Store but should have them listed fairly soon...
Make sure to watch my Table Top Review for this pistol for if you have not already done so. In this Field Test Shooting portion of my review for the Umarex Magnum Research Baby Desert Eagle CO2 BB Pistol, I shoot 5 rounds through my Chronograph to find out if the claimed 410-420 fps is accurate or not. I also setup a paper target at my standard 30 foot range and shoot 10 rounds using a semi rested position (Standing in the back while resting the gun on a sand bag up front). I did not add any additional sight options to the rails on the Umarex Baby Desert Eagle but rather stuck with the open sights for this field test.
In terms of performance, the Umarex Magnum Research Baby Desert Eagle CO2 BB Pistol did pretty good for a really low cost BB gun with a rather long heavy unpredictable double action trigger. I was a bit surprised when I walked up to review the target to find just over a 2 inch group since while shooting it felt like I was pulling a many of the shots. The open sights are not adjustable in any way but I did shoot down the middle pretty well, but on the high side of the target. I would need to aim low to get this gun to shoot in the bulls-eye form 30 feet away. Either that or add some sort of sight to the top mounted picatinny rail.
My fps Chrony testing for the Umarex Baby Desert Eagle backed the claimed 410-420 fps claims from Umarex, I actually shot a 5 shot average of 417 fps so right on the money here and you may be able to expect even a bit more on a warm summer days since my test was done at moderate fall temperatures.
All in all a decent shooter, good fps, efficient on CO2 and for a heavy DOA trigger I was even able to get a respectable grouping.
Ammunition Capacity: 15 rounds - Internal spring fed magazine.
FPS: 420.
Trigger Pull: The trigger on the Umarex Baby Desert Eagle is double action only, it is a very long trigger that has a medium to heavy pull weight with a very long take up and unpredictable release point. Shooting accurately and controlled will take some time in the saddle so to speak but can be achieved. This pistol is really for plinking at pop cans and such, shooting off hand for fun. My full Field Test Shooting Review to follow shortly...
Build Quality: The Magnum Research Baby Desert Eagle is pretty much all plastic with some internal metal parts. The only actual working external parts are the trigger and the cross bolt safety. The slide catch, hammer, slide mounted safety and take down lever are all moulded into the plastic of the gun and are none functional. Even the magazine is internal so no need for a magazine release here! In the case of the Baby Desert Eagle, perhaps less is more since there is very little to break off or go wrong with this simplistic BB shooter ;)
Realism: This is a very close replica in terms of looks only (not to scale) to the real actual Magnum Research Desert Eagle with licensed trademarks and all. Keep in mind this is the "Baby" version so it is significantly smaller and lighter than the Pellet shooting full size Magnum Research Desert Eagle which could actually be a benefit to those with smaller hands. But again if we are simply talking about "looking like" a Desert Eagle than the Umarex Baby Desert Eagle does look the part, well except for the strange looking slide trigger.
Will fit smaller hands much better than the full sized Desert Eagle.
Has both a top and bottom picatinny rail for all your accessory mounting needs.
Magnum Research Licensed.
Not bad in terms of power, accuracy and CO2 usage combination.
Mostly all plastic.
Very few actual working parts, only the trigger and cross bolt safety.
Trigger is very long and kind of unpredictable.
If you decide to mount the included top picatinny rail, you will not be able to use the pistols built in iron sights anymore.
Unsightly screw holes on the left side of this air pistol.
No drop out magazine of any type.
OK, so I'm rarely thrilled with the lower budget plastic super simple BB pistols but they do have their place. The tend to work well and stay reliable since there are fewer parts and less mechanical gizmos to get messed up. When the shooting begins and the steel starts to fly, they point the same and they hit your target just the same and all for a lot less out of pocket fun. On the plus side the Umarex Baby Desert Eagle is a pretty decent looking Desert Eagle copy all be it a much smaller version so if you've always wanted the big boy version with it's super huge handle and rather steep price point, well now you can get it in a size and price reduced version that just may be all you really need...
Watch my YouTube Video Review for the Umarex Magnum Research Baby Desert Eagle:
Since I have already doen dedicated reviews for both the T.A.C Converter and XBG BB Pistol, I won't drag this written reviw on too long since yuo can read my other dedicated reviews for each product.
In a nutshell, when you buy the Umarex T.A.C. Converter XBG CO2 BB Pistol Combo, you get the XBG CO2 4.5mm BB Pistol preinstalled in the T.A.C Converter, you also get the included fore-grip which is renovable by the way can coudl be used stand alone on any other gun with an under barrel Picatinny rail.
Keep in mind that this combo kit only works with the XBG Pistol since there are no included adaptors for the other Umarex pistols designed to work with the T.A.C Converter. (H&K USP, S&W M&P40, XBG, CZ Enforcer, Walther P99 DAO, SA177).
The addition of the T.A.C. Converter to the XBG really improves the shoot-ability since the rear folding stock allows for a much more stable hold position. You also have the addition of whit dot sights front and back with the rear sight being adjustable for windage only. I would recommend a compact light weight red dot sight for this gun since using the included open sights are hard to keep in focus because of how close the rear sight ends up being to your eyes when in the shouldered position.
With the top, bottom, and side picatinny rails you can add litterally all types of accessories to this package including a tac light, laser, optical sight, red dot, folding metal sights to name a few.
The XBG BB Pistol has a nice combincation of 400+ fps with tuns of shots per CO2 and respectible accuary with easy access to the Drop out metal BB magazine.
Here is my follow up Shooting Field Test to my ASG STI Duty One Non-blowback Table Top Review. During this Field Test Shooting video review I not only shoot my Non-blowback STI Duty One version but I also compare it to the Blowback ASG STI Duty One to see if fps and accuracy are effected when adding Blowback to the equation? I shoot 5 rounds through my Chronograph with both guns to get an average fps and I also step back 30 feet and setup resting my hands on a sand bag and standing in the back for a fairly secure shooting stance. I did my standard 10 shot grouping for my accuracy test from 30 feet away.
Overall both guns performed similarly and as expected the Blowback did effect the fps but not as much as I expected it to? I was expecting the Non-blowback STI Duty One to be at least 50 fps faster but it was only around 20 or so. I am fairly certain since the fps os so close between the two guns, that you will get more shots form a CO2 out of the Non-blowback ASG STI Duty One since there is no CO2 being used to make the slide recoil back and forth. In the end the Non-blowback STI shot an average fps of 373 while the Blowback version shot an average fps of 356.
When it came to accuracy, both guns performed about the same getting about a 2 inch group from 30 feet back. The Blowback STI did spread the BB's out more from side to side perhaps because of the slide recoil while the Non-blowback ASG STI Duty One seemed to shoot Horizontally tighter.
Personally since both guns shoot almost as high of fps and both STI Duty One's seem to be about the same accuracy wise. Why not just go with the blowback version since you will be shooting in single action most of the time which allows for a faster and lighter trigger pull. The only real downside to the Blowback STI Duty One is perhaps a bit more CO2 usage but you can still expect to get around 100 shots per CO2 which is very good for a CO2 blowback pistol.